Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1405: Who is the great benefactor


Sun Ziyin's answer surprised Qi Wang: "You want to bring your two younger brothers back to Yuzhou City?"

Facing Qi Wang who seemed to be a little different from the past, Sun Ziyin did not choose to hide it, she nodded obediently, and said in a muffled voice: "I actually know how bad the things I did before are, even if I have some difficulties , but for you, the suffering is real, and I don't expect my apologies to get your forgiveness."

Her words of sorry really didn't carry that much weight, she didn't have the face to think that after she just said sorry, or sincerely apologized, Qi Wang and Qi Feng would be able to forgive her.

There is nothing wrong with this, put yourself in the shoes, if she was the one who was offended today, would she be able to forgive Qi Feng or Qi Huang for the harm they did to her before because they said sorry? Sun Ziyin felt that she couldn't do it.

What's more, Sun Ziyin actually felt that Liu Xiyu's vengeance against them was a waste of time. If this matter happened to her, she might take their vengeance even more violently. She could only torture them and let them bear Only by suffering thousands of times and hundreds of times more than the pain she had endured before can she dispel the hatred in her heart.

It is precisely because she knows this that Sun Ziyin has to be more obedient. She knows that the fate of herself and her younger brothers is in the hands of the Qi family. The more obedient and cooperative she is, the sooner she can return to Yuzhou City .

"You can see clearly, much smarter than your sister."

A flattering smile appeared on Sun Ziyin's face, she nodded repeatedly, and praised Qi Wang casually.

"Thank you, Young Master Qi, for your compliment."

Qi Wang looked at Sun Ziyin standing in front of him bowing his knees, his face was a little dazed, he still remembered how domineering and domineering this twelve-year-old girl was in front of him not long ago, how long has passed, she It's like a different person, maybe because she has recognized the reality now and knows that she doesn't have the capital to be proud and wanton, so she immediately changed her attitude.

Qi Wang had no interest in torturing the little girl, he tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, thinking about what to do next.

However, every knocking sound landed on Sun Ziyin's heart, causing her body to tremble involuntarily.

The unknown is the scariest thing. Sun Ziyin knows that she doesn't have any bargaining chips. Apart from showing her docileness, she has nothing to impress Qi Huang. However, Sun Ziyin can't guess what the young man in front of him is thinking. At this time, he became mysterious and powerful, and Sun Ziyin couldn't see through him.

"Sun Ziyin, if one day your sister suddenly flies up a branch and becomes the existence you look up to, and at that time she will go back to you, will you forgive her for what she did before?"

Just when Sun Ziyin was thinking wildly, Qi Duan suddenly asked a question. After hearing this sentence, Sun Ziyin was slightly taken aback. She blinked, looked at Qi Wang who was sitting there, and opened her lips, wanting to say something.

Qi Wang interrupted her words: "Think clearly before answering. What I need to know is the truest thought in your heart. Don't find reasons to perfuse me or deceive me. I can tell if you are lying."

Sun Ziyin fell silent, and soon a strong bitterness appeared on her face, then she raised her head to look at Qi Huang, and said softly.

"Master Qi, I have a bad temper and a bad personality. In order to make myself more comfortable, I often compromise and do things that I even despise."

In front of Qi Wang, Sun Ziyin did not hide anything, and revealed her own weaknesses one by one. If there were not two lives between her and Sun Ziyun, then after Sun Ziyun developed, she might really be able to Forget the unpleasantness of the past, and post it shamelessly.

"But now I can't do it. Sun Ziyun killed my two elder sisters. At that time, I watched the eldest sister and the second sister die in front of me. They couldn't close their eyes when they died. I will never forget that scene." will forget."

In the past, she thought that Qi Feng was responsible for the deaths of her two sisters, so it was obvious that Qi Feng was working hard to make money to take care of them. When Yu found out that Sun Ziyun was trying to get Qi Feng to sell himself as a slave, Sun Ziyin was still adding fuel to the scene calmly.

She has always had a clear distinction between love and hate, just like when she thought that her two sisters were harmed by Qi Feng, she would hate Qi Feng, but when she found out that the culprit was Sun Ziyun, she transferred this hatred to Sun Ziyun body.

"The relationship between me and Sun Ziyun has been severed. Whether she is good or bad in the future, it has nothing to do with me. Even if I starve to death, even if I am tortured to death, I will not ask her for it."

Sun Ziyin spoke sonorously and forcefully. Obviously, these words came from her heart. When she said these words, she didn't pause at all, and she looked at Qi Wang with firm eyes. Qi Wang believed that Sun Ziyin was serious. .

"Actually, the jade pendant in Sun Ziyun's hand belongs to my sister, and that jade pendant was replaced by the person my sister rescued. At that time, due to some special reasons, that person could not recognize my sister. Later, he said Maybe you will use this jade pendant to find my sister."

Qi Wang suddenly opened his mouth and said such words to Sun Ziyin, Sun Ziyin couldn't help but froze there, but soon she understood what Qi Wang said.

"You mean Sun Ziyun wants to replace Qi Feng? Let the other party make mistakes?"

Qi Wang nodded: "Didn't you always wonder why Sun Ziyun didn't want to stay in Yuzhou City? It was obviously the best choice to stay in Yuzhou City at that time, but she insisted on coming to Jizhou with us City, that's because she knows that the owner of the jade pendant will come to Jizhou City to find my sister."

Sun Ziyin opened her mouth wide, many things she had no way to confirm before, but now she suddenly understood them, she opened her eyes wide and looked at Qi Huang, and said suddenly.

"Is that person's status very high?"

Qi Huang shook his head, but did not tell Sun Ziyin the identity of King Qinghe.

"I don't know this, maybe Sun Ziyun will know."

"Your sister should have told you at the beginning that the reason why the bandits destroyed the Sun family was because the bandits fell in love with my sister. Is that what she said?"

Sun Ziyin nodded, there is nothing to hide about this point, because they did not hide their malice towards Qi Feng and Qi Duo before, and they have said this countless times.

"What did she tell you at the time, and why do you believe Sun Ziyun? Is it so worthy of your belief that she said it without evidence?"

Sun Ziyin shook her head, and replied, "It's not without evidence."

Then Sun Ziyin told Qi Huang that when the blood-covered maidservant of the Sun family found Qi Feng and Sun Ziyun, Sun Ziyin also saw that scene in the dark.

"I heard what the maid said, so I decided that it was your sister who killed our Qi family."

"So you who were hiding in the dark didn't actually see the maidservant's true face, did you? And the reason why you think she is the maidservant of the Sun family is because Sun Ziyun said she was, am I right?"

Sun Ziyin was stunned for a moment, she carefully recalled what happened at that time, nodded and said.

"That's exactly what it looks like."

At that time, the maid was lying there covered in blood, and Sun Ziyin was separated by a distance, so she couldn't see the maid's appearance at all. Because of Sun Ziyun's words, she preconceived that it was the maid who escaped from the Sun family.

"Why did you happen to appear in that place and witness all of this? Did you walk there by accident? Or, in fact, Sun Ziyun asked you to meet there."

Sun Ziyin blurted out, "How do you know?"

The reason why she hid in the dark place back then was not because she happened to go there, but because Sun Ziyun asked her to play hide-and-seek with her before, and she hid behind the bushes in order to avoid Sun Ziyun.

There are many things that people can't let people think deeply about. At the beginning, Sun Ziyin trusted Sun Ziyun with all her heart and never doubted her, but when she thinks about it now, she finds that there are well-designed traps everywhere.

If all of this was the result of Sun Ziyun's careful calculations, then how deep was this man's scheming? She is simply horrible.

Sun Ziyin's face became paler, and her body trembled continuously.

"At that time, the extermination of the Sun family took place on the first night, and you played hide-and-seek around noon. How fast should that servant girl run to escape the massacre by the bandits, then rush to the temple, and accurately I found my sister only to tell my sister that the reason why the bandits slaughtered Sun's family was because they liked her, and the bandits will soon find her in the temple... "

"Sun Ziyin, you are a smart person. Use your brain to think about it. Do you think the maids of your Sun family are really so loyal to my sister? Even when she was seriously injured and dying, she had to overcome many difficulties and obstacles to find my sister. Elder sister, then warn her, so that she can escape before the Bandit arrives... Will the servant girl of the Sun Mansion do this?"

Sun Ziyin shook her head, no matter how brazen she was, she would not be able to say that the maids of the Sun Mansion could do such a thing for Qi Feng. Since then they encountered difficulties, the servants of the Sun Mansion immediately abandoned them and ran away. It can be seen that, let alone an outsider like Qi Feng, even for their masters who have been serving them since childhood, once there is danger, those servants will abandon them and run for their lives without hesitation.

The time for the Sun Mansion to make a fortune is too short, and they have not raised a few loyal servants at all, and they can't be loyal to a serious master, let alone a foreign master.

"I need to tell you the rest. All of this is the result of Sun Ziyun's careful calculations. The Sun family's affairs have nothing to do with my sister. Maybe you should ask Sun Ziyun if she wanted to marry her to be successful. A good family, that's why they tried to destroy the Sun family."

Although this guess is somewhat absurd, Qi Wang thinks it is not impossible.

If Sun Ziyun had traveled into this small world from another world, then she might not have any feelings for the Sun family members, and their life and death had nothing to do with her.

If Sun Ziyun was reborn, she would still be Sun Ziyun, and she clearly knew what would happen to the Sun family, and she just watched the Sun family perish in order to snatch the happiness that originally belonged to Qi Feng.

No matter what the possibility is, there is no doubt that Sun Ziyun is ruthless.

However, when Qi Wang finished speaking these words, Sun Ziyin didn't know what to think of, her face turned pale instantly, her body swayed, her feet went limp and she fell to the ground, seeing her like this, Qi Wang With a flash in his eyes, he suddenly asked.

"The four of you, siblings, arrived in Jizhou City two days later than us. I want to ask you, did Sun Ziyun do anything else? For example, contact the water bandits to kill me and my sister."

As soon as these words were said, Sun Ziyin's face became paler than before, and she looked at Qi Huang in panic, with a horrified expression on her face.

"How did you know?"

Qi Huan chuckled lightly, with a hint of mockery on his face.

"I didn't know before, but your answer made me confirm my guess. It seems that the water bandits are indeed related to Sun Ziyun. She is a fourteen-year-old boudoir girl, and she has endless tricks."

Speaking of this, Qi Wang paused for a moment, and then asked: "But I'm curious, how did you know? Could it be that you had doubts about Sun Ziyun before and started to be wary of her."

Sun Ziyin was silent, she moved her eyes stiffly, not daring to meet Qi Wang's eyes.

In the beginning, Sun Ziyin didn't doubt Sun Ziyun at all, but on the day Qi Duan and Qi Feng left Zhangzhou City, Sun Ziyun took them to the pier, and then they just watched Qi Duan and Qi Feng sit on the boat. up the boat.

At that time, Sun Ziyin was still full of trust in Sun Ziyun. Seeing her standing there motionless, Sun Ziyin asked her sister if they wanted to board the boat together.

"Sister Yun, are we just going to watch Qi Fan and Qi Feng return to Jizhou City like this? They have obviously hated us. If we let them go back like this, after we arrive at Qi's house, uncle and aunt believe that Apart from their sowing dissension, where is our place?"

Sun Ziyin thought about them, so they simply paid for the boat, and then returned to Jizhou City with Qi Fan and Qi Feng, and when they arrived at Qi's mansion at the same time, the two brothers and sisters would not be able to say anything to slander them.

What did Sun Ziyun say at that time

"There are unpredictable things in the sky, and there are disasters and blessings for people. Who can guarantee that the two of them will return to Jizhou City safely? After all, there are so many water bandits. Once their identities are revealed, how can the water bandits let them go?" Are these two big fat sheep?"

At that time, Sun Ziyin only felt that Sun Ziyun's words were a little strange, how could she be sure that they would definitely encounter water bandits

However, what Qi Wang said just now reminded Sun Ziyin of what Sun Ziyun said when she was on the pier. She knew that she should not make random associations, but what Sun Ziyun did made Sun Ziyin unable to respond. She generates no trust.

Thinking of this, Sun Ziyin said with difficulty: "I can't confirm this point. She just said something like that at the time, and I just doubted it in my heart."

Qi Huang smiled, and said lightly: "This is enough."

The boss of the boat once said that there have been no water bandits in that waterway for a long time. After all, the government has cleaned up that waterway many times, and the water bandits have changed to a more secret place.

"It stands to reason that they shouldn't appear here, and I don't know why this time?"

It was precisely because of what the boss of the boat said that made Qi Wang suspicious. There may be many coincidences in this world, but when there are many coincidences, it is the result of other people's careful calculations.

And there is only one Sun Ziyun who is at odds with their siblings and who is intent on scheming against them. Sun Ziyin's words only make Qi Huang confirm his guess more.

Seeing that the little girl turned pale with fright, Qi Wang knew that there would be no result if he continued to ask, and he already knew what he needed to know, so Qi Wang mercifully let it go This little girl.

"Since you don't want to stay here, after my mother's anger subsides, I will suggest that she let you go back to Yuzhou City."

The conversation with Sun Ziyin made Qi Huang have a deeper understanding of this little girl. Perhaps in the original plot, this little girl who loves and hates clearly is the knife in Sun Ziyun's hand. , the so-called stealing money may also have been ordered by Sun Ziyun.

This little girl has indeed made a mistake, but she is not the culprit, and now that she has recognized the true face of the culprit, Qi Wang is not going to embarrass her.

Originally, Sun Ziyin didn't have much hope, but after hearing Qi Wang's words, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Master Qi, is what you said true? I can really go back to Yuzhou City with my two younger brothers. Are you willing to let us go?"

Looking at the little girl with a face full of hope, Qi Wang nodded, and when her eyes were full of joy, Qi Wang suddenly said something.

"But I'm not unconditional."

Sun Ziyin hurriedly said: "No matter what conditions you have, I will promise you all, as long as you can let us go back to Yuzhou City."

When they stay in Qi's house, they will always be grinded by the people of Qi's family. It is impossible for those things in the past to disappear with the passage of time. Maybe they will remember those hatreds more clearly, and they are like people on the chopping board. Fish and meat can only be slaughtered.

"Those bandits have not been caught yet. When you return to Yuzhou City, you can report the case to the government. Don't worry about your uncles not agreeing. After all, the bandits stole all the property of the Sun family. For the sake of those properties, they will also help you."

"In addition, you can go to the so-called maid who ran to report the news. From her mouth, you may know more about the truth of the matter, and you can have a clearer understanding of your good sister."