Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1409: Who is the great benefactor


Seeing that what she said was effective, Biyu continued to speak.

"Miss, think about it. People always have dreams. People have said that they think about it day by day and have dreams at night. Doctors also said that if you are not energetic, you tend to have more dreams at night. Think about your days. How did you live, you pushed yourself too hard, otherwise why would you have so many dreams? Don’t you think so?”

Biyu deliberately slowed down her voice, and spoke softly to comfort Qi Feng's emotions. She looked at the self in the mercury mirror, and felt that she was not quite like the person in the dream.

That's right, the dreams are all fake, maybe it's because she has been studying housekeeping and accounting with her mother recently, and she spends too much time and energy every day, which makes her mentally tense.

What's more, since she left Jizhou City and went to Yuzhou City, she spent most of her time with her younger brother. The Sun family is not as rich as the Qi family, and the yards arranged for the two of them are all in the same place. Yes, it’s just that there is a screen wall in the middle, and the room where the two live is only separated by a thin wall, so what happens on one side can be heard clearly on the other side.

Also, when she left Yuzhou City to rush to Jizhou City, she basically never placed orders. Even after arriving in Zhangzhou City, she really wanted to sell herself as a slave, but was stopped by Qi Huang in the end. down.

She remembered that Qi Wang took her to the pier, and then he earned money by working hard, and then met Boss Cai, and after talking with Boss Cai, he took her to Boss Cai's boat and went from Zhangzhou City together. Came back.

Everything in the dream is different from the reality. Although the situation in the dream is very real, it is not that she has never had a real dream in the past, so, is it really just her worrying

Thinking of this, Qi Feng looked at the pale young woman in the mirror, but there was no despair or bitterness between her brows, her beating heart slowly calmed down.

However, at this moment, Chun Ying also turned back from her room, and she handed the red triangular lucky bag in her hand to Qi Feng, and said out of breath: "Miss, look, this is Niang Niang made a gift bag for the servant, during that time when you were not there, the servant had many, many nightmares... After having this blessing bag, the servant has never had a nightmare again."

Although these words are watery, they are not too much watery. During that time, Chunying had indeed been insomnia and dreamy. After using this blessing bag, she slowly returned to normal.

Although Chunying felt that she was slowly returning to normal because Biyu had been explaining her, but now when facing her own lady, Chunying naturally had to tell some white lies.

After saying these words, Qi Feng's mood gradually stabilized. She grabbed the lucky bag and put it on her chest, and when she looked at herself in the mirror, her brows and eyes slowly eased, and then she said softly .

"Biyu, please continue to comb my hair. The weather outside today is very good. I haven't walked in the yard for a long time. Maybe I really pushed myself too hard before. I went to the yard to relax. Today Give yourself a vacation, let your brain take a good rest, maybe you won't have those messy dreams tonight."

Seeing that Qi Feng was no longer obsessed with the previous matter, Chunying and Biyu heaved a long sigh of relief. One of them combed Qi Feng's hair, while the other went to choose clothes for her. The two tried their best to change their tone. It was the same as usual, each of them said witty words one by one, trying hard to make Qi Feng happy.

But Qi Feng is also very face-saving, she always has a smile on her face, and she is amused by the witty words of Chunying and Biyu, and she seems to have really escaped from the strange state before.

The two looked at each other and felt that this method was effective, so they continued to coax her hard.

The madam has told them both that she must take good care of the young lady, not to let her have any depressed emotions, and try her best to relieve her, so that Qi Feng will not fall into such a strange situation.

The two of them grew up with Qi Feng since they were young, and their relationship with Qi Feng is naturally extraordinary. They also want Qi Feng to be happy and not to be disturbed by nightmares.


On the other side, after sending away Chunying and Biyu, Liu Xiyu felt chills all over her body. Just now, in front of the two maidservants, Liu Xiyu didn't let herself go too far, but now that everyone has left, inside the house When she was the only one left, Liu Xiyu found that she couldn't calm down at all.

If the daughter really lost her innocence as the two maids said, maybe she would forget about such a thing because of being overly stimulated. It is not that such a thing happened in the city. In the first few years, the Xu family Miss Xu met a robber when she went out to offer incense, and when she was ruined by the robber, Miss Xu herself was greatly stimulated and fell into a coma for several days and nights. When she woke up again, she forgot all the previous things I even thought I was a little girl.

The Xu family didn't dare to tell Ms. Xu the truth at all, and they kept coaxing Ms. Xu with white lies, so that she could maintain her innocent character.

Although Qi Feng's condition didn't look as bad as Ms. Xu's, if she really lost her memory due to excessive stimulation, they had to find a way to cure her.

"No, I have to figure out what's going on. By the way, Ah Wan, Ah Wan's child went to Yuzhou City with Feng'er. He said that they have never been separated. Maybe Ah Wan can know something. .”

Liu Xiyu repeated these few words nervously, then pinched her arm fiercely, forcing herself to calm down.

"Lvca, Cuiguo, you two come in."

After Liu Xiyu tried to calm down, she immediately raised her voice and yelled, and soon the two maids of Lue Cuiguo came in from outside.

Seeing that Liu Xiyu's complexion was not good, Lu E asked with concern: "Madam, are you sick? Do you want the doctor to come over and take a look at you? Your complexion is not very good."

Liu Xiyu forced a smile and said, "It's okay, maybe it's because I didn't have a good rest last night, I'm a little tired, I don't need to call the doctor over, just order someone to cook some soothing soup for me."

When Lue heard this, she didn't say anything more.

Liu Xiyu ordered Lu'e to go to Songxiangyuan to invite Qi Wang over, and also asked Cuiguo to instruct the kitchen to make some cakes that Qifeng liked to eat and send them to Ningxiangyuan.

The two maids complied, and quickly backed out. Liu Xiyu was the only one left in the room. She was clearly comforting herself in her heart, saying that things were not as bad as she thought, maybe Qi Feng just acted. It was just a nightmare, but another voice in her heart told her that her daughter's personality would not have changed so much if it hadn't been for what she had experienced.

The two unused thoughts have been pulling Liu Xiyu's nerves, making her unable to calm down, and her face has become more and more ugly.

Now she can only pin her hopes on Qi Wang, hoping that her son will give her an answer that can make her feel at ease...


After Liu Xiyu left, Qi Wang continued to improve his weapon. This weapon has been perfected, and it is estimated that it will be formally formed in a short time.

Just as Qi Wang was making some adjustments on the details, Lu'e's voice came from outside.

"Servant, Madam asked me to come here. Madam has something very important to ask the Second Young Master, so please inform me."

It hasn't been long since Liu Xiyu left her place, why did she have something very important to ask him? Qi Wang felt a little strange, so he put the finished product and design drawings into the hidden compartment of the room, then opened the door and walked out.

At this time, the servant came over to knock on the door, and when he saw Qi Wang coming out, he told about Lu E's coming.

"Lue, mother told you to come here, does it mean you have something to tell me?"

Lue shook her head and replied softly: "Back to the second young master, the madam did not say what the reason is, but the maidservant looked at the madam's complexion not very well, as if there was something bothering her, the second young master can go and ask in person. ask."

What's bothering you

Qi Wang didn't ask any more questions, and soon followed Lue to the main courtyard. On the way, he quietly asked a lot of information from Lue's mouth. Chunying and Biyu called over, and the three of them stayed in the room for a long time, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Madam won't let us approach, and the servants can only watch from a distance, so I don't know what Madam and Ying Biyu said, but Madam's mood is not right, it is because of the change after seeing them two .”

Chunying and Biyu are Qi Feng's maids, if those two maids do something, as the head of the house, Liu Xiyu has a lot of ways to deal with the two maids, since she didn't do anything to the maids, it's not because of the maids. question.

It can change Liu Xiyu's mood, and she can't wait to call herself, presumably this matter should have something to do with Qi Feng.

Did something happen to Qi Feng

Various thoughts turned in Qi Wang's mind, but there was no change on his face, he followed Lue all the way into the main courtyard, and soon saw Liu Xiyu who was holding his forehead and sighing.

As Lue said, Liu Xiyu's current state is not very good, Qi Wang can see that her mood is in a state of violent ups and downs, even if she drank calming tea, it has little effect.

Qi Wang asked Lue to back out, while he walked towards Liu Xiyu slowly, and finally stood still in front of her.

"Mother, I heard you called me, do you have anything to say to your son?"

Liu Xiyu had a severe headache at this time, after hearing Qi Wang's words, she looked up at Qi Wang, and when she saw her son's concerned face, Liu Xiyu forced a smile, indicating that Qi Wang was beside her. Sit down.

Qi Huan walked over obediently and sat next to Liu Xiyu, while she rubbed the center of her brows, thinking about her words, not knowing what to say.

Seeing that Liu Xiyu didn't seem to know what to say, Qi Huang raised his hand and held Liu Xiyu's hand on the table.

Her hand was very cold, it was like a piece of ice when held in it, it was not alive at all, Qi Wang held her hand tightly, and continuously passed the heat from his palm to Liu Xiyu.

Probably Qi Wang's actions had an effect, Liu Xiyu's mood gradually stabilized, she thought about her words, and said slowly: "Ah Wang, tell your mother the truth, you and your sister traveled from Jizhou City to Yuzhou City, and then from Yuzhou City to Jizhou City, have they never been separated? Do you know what happened to your sister?"

Qi Wang's pupils constricted slightly for a moment, and then he said: "That's natural, mother, what happened? Did something happen to my sister? If something really happened, please tell me."

After hearing Qi Wang's words, Liu Xiyu's complexion became more and more ugly, she smiled wryly, how could she tell Qi Wang that Qi Feng might have been bullied

Obviously when they came back before, Liu Xiyu had already asked them, but this time Liu Xiyu asked about those things again, even more detailed than before.

"You said that when you fled, your sister went out to work for others, didn't you go with her?"

"Did your sister stay overnight? Did you see anything wrong with her?"

"Has your sister's emotions always been normal? Did something similar happen before she wanted to sell herself as a slave?"

Although Liu Xiyu didn't directly ask Qi Wang what, but from her insinuating words, Qi Wang still sensed what Liu Xiyu wanted to ask.

Qi Wang said very confidently: "Mom, I spend most of my time going out to work with my sister, and my sister has never spent the night outside..."

"Although the life of fleeing was very hard at the beginning, my sister acted together with the eldest cousin and second cousin. Later, the second cousin passed away. My sister and I took the burden of supporting the Sun family siblings together."

Qi Wang's determined tone calmed Liu Xiyu's flustered heart a little, and the cold palms gradually returned to normal temperature.

"By the way, mother, why do you keep asking me these questions? Didn't my sister and I tell you all these before?"

I said it before, but Qi Feng's state at that time was not like this.

Liu Xiyu remained silent, Qi Wang continued: "Mother, is there something wrong with my sister? I have the best relationship with my sister, why don't you ask me to ask her how she is?"

Seeing that Qi Huang just left, Liu Xiyu hurriedly stopped him: "Don't go, you are a boy, where can I ask anything? Feng'er should be too tired these two days, rest and rest will return to normal .”

Qi Wang narrowed his eyes slightly, and suggested: "Sister also often had nightmares before, I thought it was because she couldn't sleep well on the way to escape, and it would be relieved after she came back, but I didn't expect her symptoms to become more and more serious .”

Liu Xiyu froze for a moment, then said, "Feng'er also had nightmares before?"

Qi Huan nodded seriously: "Yes, my sister has nightmares, and she seems to have troubles of talking in her sleep and sleepwalking, but at that time we were nervous and didn't have the money to help my sister take a look... After I came back, I looked at her. The mental state is very good, and I thought her problem was gone, but I didn't expect it to be more serious than before."

Sleep talking, sleepwalking

That's right, I got into a dead end before, and I was misled by those two servants, this person's temperament will change drastically when he sleeps, maybe it's because of sleepwalking...

The explanation given by Qi Wang made Liu Xiyu relax, but before calling the doctor to enter the mansion, she still made a special trip to Qi Feng's place, and rolled up her sleeves pretending to be unintentional. When she was in the sand, Liu Xiyu's heart that had been hanging high was completely put back in her heart.

The innocence of women in this day and age is too high, if something bad happens to Qi Feng, Liu Xiyu has no way to help her daughter, but if the innocence is still there, if it is just sleepwalking, then there is no problem.