Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1410: Who is the great benefactor


Seeing that Liu Xiyu believed his words, Qi Huang didn't say anything more, and soon he knew that Liu Xiyu had invited many doctors to the mansion, saying that it was to treat Qi Feng's sleepwalking.

After some diagnosis and treatment, the doctor said that Qi Feng is now weak in yin and yang, and needs a good rest, not to worry, not to worry, and he can slowly return to normal after nourishing his energy.

Sleep talking and sleepwalking are basically caused by too much stress. The old doctor told Qi Feng that she has been under too much pressure recently, worrying too much, and her health is not good, so she has such problems.

"Miss, your body and bones are much weaker than ordinary people. If you push yourself too hard, you will only overdraw your spirit. It will not benefit your body in the long run. You should rest more."

Qi Feng lying on the bed was stunned for a moment, she thought of her absurd and bizarre dreams, the fear and despair that seemed to have been experienced personally... She felt suffocated just thinking about the contents of the dreams, and those dreams were only caused by her body. Does it only appear if you are weak and overdrawn your spirit

She didn't quite believe it, and still felt that it was something that happened to her in the past. If it wasn't the case, how could she feel it so clearly

But the gray-bearded old doctor in front of her told Qi Feng with certainty that she was indeed suffering from insomnia and dreaminess due to her weak body, which made her restless heart relax a little.

After the old doctor left, Liu Xiyu returned to her daughter's room. Seeing her daughter sitting on the bed with a dazed face, Liu Xiyu couldn't help feeling a pain in her heart, but she still pulled herself together and said, "Feng'er, I'm sorry. Mother is not... Mother knows that you are not in good health, but she has to teach you so many things before you take care of your body. How can it be so easy to be a housekeeper? Mother is too anxious. Don't blame mother, okay? ?”

Seeing that Liu Xiyu felt guilty because of the old doctor's words, and her face was full of remorse when she looked at herself, Qi Feng hurriedly said: "Mother, this matter is not your fault, it's all my daughter's fault, it's my daughter's fault." This body is unbelievable..."

Both the mother and daughter took the fault on themselves. In the end, the mother and daughter cried in each other's arms, full of remorse in their hearts.

Afterwards, Liu Xiyu followed the prescription prescribed by the old doctor, stared at Qi Feng and drank tranquilizers for three meals a day, but the effect of the medicine was negligible, and Qi Feng's condition was only slightly better than before.

Chunying and Biyu would come here every day to report on Qi Feng's situation. According to what they said, Qi Feng's condition did not improve much, but got worse and worse.

"Miss often wakes up in the middle of the night and cries in front of the mirror... No matter what the servants say, Miss doesn't seem to listen."

When he wakes up, Qi Feng will completely forget about this matter, and he doesn't remember such a thing at all.

Liu Xiyu frowned tightly, thinking whether to invite two more doctors to show Qi Feng.

The doctor said before that it is necessary for Qi Feng to rest well, but now Qi Feng can't sleep all night all night, the little meat he raised earlier has disappeared, and the whole person looks thinner and thinner .

Liu Xiyu was so anxious that her mouth was bubbling, but she couldn't do anything.

However, at this moment, Biyu suddenly said: "Ma'am, since it is useless to see a doctor... This servant boldly guessed that perhaps the reason for the miss's illness is not... Maybe, the miss is an evil."

"Crash evil?"

Liu Xiyu was stunned, for a high-ranking family like theirs, it is not rare to have contacts with monks and priests, if it is really evil...

Youdao went to the doctor in a hurry, now that Qi Feng's condition is getting worse and worse, Liu Xiyu is also in a hurry, so she thinks that she should find a Taoist priest to show Qi Feng.

However, when Liu Xiyu was thinking about whether to invite the Taoist priests of Baiyun Temple or the master of Baima Temple, someone from outside suddenly came to report that a Taoist priest with immortal demeanor came from outside the mansion, and he must see the master of the mansion.

Qi Shengkun was not in the mansion, so Liu Xiyu was naturally the only owner, but she just thought of inviting a Taoist priest to come over to have a look, but now a Taoist priest came outside the door, this is too much of a coincidence.

Liu Xiyu looked at Biyu sharply when she thought about the private affairs of those high-ranking and wealthy families—could it be that this maid had other thoughts, and wanted to collude with outsiders to plot against Qi's family

However, Biyu also had a dazed look on her face, as if she didn't know what happened at all, she really didn't look like she knew anything.

Liu Xiyu restrained her thoughts and asked her servants to bring the Taoist priest in.

Before seeing the Taoist priest, Liu Xiyu felt that this incident was too coincidental, and had doubts about the Taoist priest, but after seeing the person, all of Liu Xiyu's previous suspicions disappeared.

There is no other reason, it is really because the Taoist priest standing in front of him has a childlike face and a white Taoist robe, making him look like a fairy walking out of a fairy palace. There is no wind around, but the hair on the hem of his clothes seems to be blown by the breeze. Like flicking.

When he came in from outside the house, it seemed as if he was floating in from the outside, and in a daze, Liu Xiyu also heard some heavenly sounds that seemed to come from a distant place.

No wonder the concierge didn't chase him away when he said he wanted to see his master before. For such a character, even if he didn't speak, but just stood there, everyone would think that he was not a simple character.

Liu Xiyu was already worried about her daughter's situation, but when she saw this Taoist priest who looked like a fairy, she immediately became more respectful.

"This Taoist priest, I have something to ask for, my little girl..."

However, the Taoist priest waved his hand directly at Liu Xiyu and stopped her from continuing: "Pindao came here this time for this purpose. The young lady of your mansion has some connections with the poor, and the poor is here to resolve this issue Duan Yuanyuan."

Then, the Taoist said exactly what happened to Qi Feng.

Where did Liu Xiyu think that the other party had such great ability, she looked at the other party with burning eyes, and immediately believed the other party's words 100%.

"Master Daoist, what you said is all right. My little girl has been troubled by nightmares recently, so please help me."

The Taoist leader nodded and signaled Liu Xiyu to take the lead, and after getting the words from the other party, Liu Xiyu immediately took the Taoist leader to Ningxiangyuan where Qi Feng was.

The appearance of the Taoist leader was too outstanding, he looked like a fairy who came down from the sky. In fact, they had never seen what a fairy looked like before, but after seeing the Taoist leader, they immediately brought the Taoist leader into the room. Even if he came to this mansion for the first time, everyone who saw him could not help but salute to the Taoist priest.

When they lowered their heads, they heard the fairy voice coming from an extremely distant place. When the voice fell into their ears, they felt as if their souls had been baptized. I cheered up, and my tired body became much more energetic.

At this moment, they smelled an indescribable aroma again. After smelling this aroma, they felt as if their bodies were about to float up, and the expressions on their faces changed accordingly. When facing the Taoist priest, the faces of these servants became a little more eager.

Liu Xiyu was right next to the Taoist priest, and because she was very close to the Taoist priest, she felt the deepest. The Taoist priest exuded a very pleasant fragrance. When she smelled this fragrance, Liu Xiyu felt herself tense. Her nerves seemed to relax slowly, and her exhausted body was filled with strength again. She blinked her eyes, and her trust in this Taoist priest reached its peak at this moment.

This Taoist priest must have great ability. He has never appeared before, but he told all the things that happened to his daughter as soon as he opened his mouth. Apart from being a truly capable Taoist priest, Liu Xiyu can't think of any other reason can explain this.

Soon the group of people arrived at the Ningxiangyuan. At this time, Qi Feng was resting on the bed. Recently, she drank too much calming tea given by the doctor. Most of the time she was lying on the bed groggy. There was no movement, but after hearing the noise outside, Qi Feng raised his hand towards Chunying, motioning for her to help him sit up.

As soon as she got up, Qi Feng saw a man with white hair and childlike face coming in from the door. When she saw the man, Qi Feng froze there, and then she smelled a strong fragrance. At that moment, Qi Feng's exhausted spirit suddenly lifted up. The sense of burnout that had been hanging over her before disappeared.

It has been a long, long time since she has been as energetic as she is now. Qi Feng was a little strange, and his eyes fell on Liu Xiyu who came in with the boy with a boyish face. Liu Xiyu quickly came to Qi Feng, and she lifted He grabbed his daughter's hand and said eagerly.

"Feng'er, this fairy head is here to help you. Haven't you been getting better recently? This fairy head knows all about your situation, and he can help you. Look, he just came in. Didn't you feel better? Do you feel that your situation is much better? That is the credit of this fairy elder."

In the beginning, Liu Xiyu called the Taoist priest who just came over as Taoist leader, but now, Liu Xiyu's view of him has changed drastically, and her address for him has also changed from Taoist leader to Xianchang. She grabbed her daughter's hand, Even she herself didn't realize that the strength she used had become much stronger than before.

Qi Feng seemed to be hurt by Liu Xiyu's scratch, and she couldn't help frowning, she subconsciously wanted to break her hand out of Liu Xiyu's grasp.

However, at this moment, the Taoist priest had already walked to the bedside. After he approached, the fragrance emanating from his body became stronger than before. After smelling this fragrance, Qi Feng was still tense. The stretched body relaxed, Qi Feng originally wanted to pull her hand away from Liu Xiyu's, but after smelling the fragrance, her body also relaxed, and the thought of wanting to break free weakened a lot .

The Taoist stood still one meter away from the bed, then looked at Liu Xiyu, and said softly.

"Madam troubles you to clean out all the other people in the room. I don't want other people to be present when I treat Ms. Qi."

Liu Xiyu's trust in this Taoist priest has now reached its peak, and she completely respects what the other party said. After hearing his words, Liu Xiyu immediately asked everyone else in the room to leave.

However, those people didn't want to leave at first, but when the Taoist turned back to look at them, their bodies suddenly shook, and then they turned and walked out silently. The last person even thoughtfully opened the door to them. It was closed, and soon there were only three people left in the room, Liu Xiyu, Qifeng and the Taoist chief.

Qi Feng didn't know why, after everyone left, her relaxed body tensed up, she quietly moved closer to Liu Xiyu's side, and then stretched out her hands to grab Liu Xiyu's arm, trying to get from her He drew strength from his body, but the Taoist priest clearly saw all this, but he didn't seem to have seen it. He stood in front of the bed again, and at this time he was only half a meter away from Qi Feng.

"Miss Qi, I heard that you have been plagued by nightmares recently. I don't know what your nightmares look like. Can you tell Pindao?"

After hearing what the other party said, Qi Feng's originally relaxed body suddenly trembled, and the blood on her rosy cheeks receded little by little. She opened her eyes wide and looked at the other party in panic. He could clearly see his own appearance in his clear eyes.

For some reason, Qi Feng suddenly felt that the other party could see through herself, even her dreams that had never been told to outsiders.

Qi Feng became nervous, she leaned against her mother, grasping her mother's arm with both hands, trying to draw strength from her mother, but Liu Xiyu never spoke, which made Qi Feng feel that something was wrong, when When she looked up, she found that her mother's eyes had become dazed. At this time, she was just sitting there like a puppet who had lost her soul.

Such a change made Qi Feng feel very uneasy, she clenched her fists, looked up at the Taoist priest standing there, and said in a trembling voice.

"What did you do to my mother? What kind of enchantment did you perform?"

However, the Taoist shook his head and said lightly.

"Don't get me wrong. I didn't do anything to your mother. I just blocked her senses so that she couldn't hear the conversation between you and me. The dreams you have must not be like letting other people know. I wonder if you can tell me the content of those dreams, if you don't tell me, I can't help you."

Qi Feng clearly knew that he should trust the person standing in front of him, but for some reason, the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say them no matter what.

Qi Feng's hands were clenched into fists, and she shrank secretly into the bed, but thinking of her mother still sitting by the bed, she mustered up the courage to lean outside again, and then opened her arms to embrace her mother.

The Taoist priest seemed to have noticed Qi Feng's guard against him. He looked at the other party with a look of love in his eyes, and those black eyes shone like gems.

"Miss Qi, don't be on guard against me. I came here this time to help you. If you don't tell me your dream, I won't be able to help you solve your confusion. Do you want to be trapped by those people all your life?" Infested by nightmares, will you never be able to live a normal life?"

What the other party said seemed to have a strange force, which made Qi Feng's tense body slowly relax. She gritted her teeth and her eyes became firm.

"Can you really help me? If I tell you all those dreams, can you make those nightmares disappear from now on and stop disturbing my normal life?"

The Taoist priest with white hair and childlike face nodded slowly, and said softly.

"Of course you can trust me. I am the only one who can help you in this world. I know where your dreams come from, but you have to tell me the content of your dreams before I know how to help you get rid of those dreams." get rid of."

After a lot of battles in Qi Feng's heart, he finally chose to believe in the person in front of him, because he had no other choice at this time except to believe in him.

"I had a lot of absurd and bizarre dreams. The things in the dreams obviously didn't happen, but I felt that they were like things I had experienced before. Those pains and torments were so real, so real that I couldn't face them. right."