Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1411: Who is the great benefactor


In front of this Taoist priest with white beard and hair, but his face is like a boy, it is easy for people to let go of their guard. Smelling the strong fragrance emanating from him, Qi Feng's heart that was hanging high slowly relaxed. Going back, those dreams that I couldn't speak to anyone and could only be suppressed in my heart were finally able to speak out at this time.

"I dreamed that I was in the backyard of a family, and that person took me as a concubine..."

If it was just a dream, Qi Feng would not be so flustered as he is now, but because the dream was too real, so real that it seemed that such a thing had really happened.

She could even feel the nausea brought by that ugly man pressing on her. No matter how she struggled to avoid it, she couldn't escape his confinement.

And after being insulted, she had no choice but to enter that man's backyard, and in that small yard, in order to survive, she had to do a lot of things that she would never do before. Her dignity and pride It seemed that everything had disappeared. In order to survive, she crawled at the feet of that hateful man like a dog, begging for his love and affection, so that she could gain a firm foothold in the backyard.

It's just that she waited and hoped for a long time, and the person she hoped to come back to save her never came back, which made Qi Feng's heart slowly turn cold.

She didn't know why she became like this, the brother in the dream had promised her that he would send someone to take her away as soon as he got home, but for some reason, he didn't come back until he was tortured to death .

"Everything is just a dream, I should know... But when I think about me in the dream and everything I have experienced, I feel that I have no way to face myself, let alone face my brother, who obviously did nothing... But thinking of the one in my dream, I waited until I died and didn't wait for him to come back, so I couldn't help but feel resentful."

Qi Feng in the dream gave Qi Wang the money he sold himself to, and after Qi Wang took her money, he swore to tell her that he would come back as soon as possible, but he didn't see her until she died. his trail.

"It was just a dream... I can confirm that I have not experienced those things, but Daoist... I can't describe my feelings to you. It was a dream, but it seemed to really happen to me. I There's a voice in my heart that keeps telling me that's what I've been through...”

During this period of time, Qi Feng's spirit has not been very good. On the one hand, it is because of the dream, and on the other hand, the reason is that she sees Qi Fan almost every day, and when she sees Qi Fan, she will think of herself. In the dream, I thought of myself who died in despair in the cold room.

"I know it's not fair to Ah Wan, obviously he didn't do anything... Obviously he has been trying his best to bring me home... But I can't help but hate... I'm such a bad sister..."

Seeing Qi Feng who was in guilt, the Taoist raised his hand and stroked her hair lightly. His palm was very warm. When he touched Qi Feng's hair, she felt a wave of heat flow into her. in the body.

As he approached, the fragrance became more and more intense, and Qi Feng felt as if she was wandering in the ocean of petals at this time, her expression became dazed, and she looked up at the distance from her. But a Taoist priest who is far away.

The other party looked at her very gently, but for some reason, Qi Feng felt that his eyes were somewhat familiar, as if he had seen them somewhere.

However, at this moment, the opponent's hand fell from the top of her head, covering Qi Feng's eyes, and her eyes fell into darkness.

Qi Feng froze for a moment, his body tensed up involuntarily, but the warm and mellow voice made Qi Feng's body slowly relax.

"I'll let you see what happened after that."

As soon as the words fell, a radiant light and shadow flashed in front of her, and countless shining fragments danced in front of her eyes, and finally those fragments merged together, presenting scenes of pictures.

That was something that Qi Feng didn't have in her previous dream, but the picture scroll of that scene was cleverly combined with her dream.

She saw that it wasn't because Qi Wang deliberately delayed the time that he didn't come back to save her, but because her money for selling herself was quickly stolen, and the person who stole the money was the sisters of the Sun family, just because the sisters of the Sun family They thought it was because of her that the entire Sun family was wiped out, and they wanted to make her suffer more, so they stole all the money.

She saw Qi Huang desperately trying to make money, and then returned to Jizhou City with the four Sun family siblings, and then rushed to Zhangzhou City without stopping, just to rescue her as quickly as possible, but when he arrived in Zhangzhou City Only to find that she was dead.

Because of her death, the younger brother whom she hated wrongly took all the blame on himself. He allowed himself to be tortured by the disease, and his life was almost swallowed up by the disease.

If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of Sun Ziyun who was somewhat similar to him, Qi Wang would have died with her.

"This is something that happened on another timeline, you just happened to see those things, but because of your brother's choice, many things did not happen, and because you chose the right path, those things will never happen of."

The other party's voice carried a strange power, and Qi Feng's restless heart was gradually soothed by the other party's voice, and her pain, resentment, and hatred for herself slowly dissipated with the other party's words In the air, the heavy shackles that were originally on her body were released by an invisible big hand, Qi Feng felt her body became lighter, and the dreams that had entangled her for a long time were slowly separated, Her memory began to become blurred, and she couldn't even remember what she had dreamed about.

When the tense spirit relaxed, Qi Feng felt his eyes darkened one by one, and soon fell into a sweet dream. Her body seemed to be wrapped in warm water, leading her to sink continuously, painful The emotions were continuously stripped out, and she fell into a dream completely.

The Taoist put Qi Feng on the bed, pulled over the quilt beside her and covered her, looking at Qi Feng with his eyebrows stretched, the Taoist, that is, Qi Huang, let out a long sigh.

After learning about Qi Feng's situation from Liu Xizhong, Qi Wang guessed that something happened to Qi Feng, which is why this Taoist identity appeared. He saw Qi Feng and knew what happened to her from Qi Feng's mouth. something happened.

Qi Feng knew the original plot, and those memories were too painful for her to accept, and the erosion of dreams made Qi Feng unable to distinguish between reality and illusion, which is why the change was so big.

After all, Qi Feng is just a seventeen-year-old girl, those bad memories will only be a shackle for her, even if she knows that he hates the wrong person, living with that memory is not a good thing for Qi Feng.

So after letting Qi Feng see what the real plot looks like, Qi Wang finally chose to erase all of Qi Feng's unbearable memories.

The seventeen-year-old girl is just a child. In this era, the education she has received has made her unable to face that dream. Only after stripping that memory can she live better.

"Sleep, when you wake up, everything will be the same as before, you will no longer be troubled by dreams, continue to live carefree."

After saying these words, Qi Wang stared at Qi Feng's sleepy eyes for a while, then took two steps back to distance himself from Qi Feng, then he snapped his fingers, and a crisp voice sounded in the room, Liu Xiyu, who was originally in a trance, blinked and regained consciousness.

It seemed that she had fallen asleep before, and when Liu Xiyu woke up, she subconsciously looked at Qi Feng, and saw that her daughter was sleeping deeply, and her brows that had been tightly frowned before were relaxed, as if she had fallen into a deep sleep. In deep sleep.

Liu Xiyu heard from Chun Ying and Bi Yu that Qi Feng hadn't slept well for a long time, and sometimes even when he fell asleep, he couldn't sleep well, and he might wake up at any time. Looking at her now, it seems like She fell asleep, which made Liu Xiyu feel very miraculous. After staring at her daughter for a long time, she tucked her quilt again. Then Liu Xiyu got up and looked at the Taoist priest with white beard and hair.

"Immortal Head, have you treated my daughter just now? I saw that she has fallen asleep? And her condition seems to be much better than before. Will she be completely recovered from now on?"

Qi Huang stroked his snow-white beard, he nodded towards Liu Xiyu, his voice became more and more ethereal, and his whole person gave off a feeling of being in a fairyland.

"Ms. Qi, Ling Ai's illness has been cured by Pindao. She is a demon who entered her body and was bewitched by the Dream Demon. That's why there are all kinds of abnormal situations before. Now Pindao has captured the Dream Demon. Ling Ai Never be troubled by dreams again."

Qi Wang's words had a convincing power, Liu Xiyu's eyes widened when she heard the words, she looked at Qi Wang in disbelief, her lips trembled for a long time, and it took a long time before she said thank you words from her mouth.

"Thank you Immortal Elder. There is no way to repay your great kindness. If you have any request, just ask, and I will definitely meet your request. Do you want to build a golden body or build a temple? As long as you ask, I will pay all the price for it." You achieved... ”

However, before Liu Xiyu finished speaking, Qi Wang raised his hand to stop Liu Xiyu from continuing.

"Mrs. Qi, you don't have to be like this. Pindao has already told you that Pindao came here this time because he had a relationship with Ms. Qi. When the relationship is over, the relationship between the two of us will be cleared. You don't need to repay." I, Pindao, am a foreigner, and if I didn’t have this origin, I wouldn’t have stepped into the secular world.”

The other party rescued her daughter, but did not make any excessive demands, which made Liu Xiyu more convinced by Qi Wang, wishing she could kneel down and worship Qi Wang.

Seeing that Liu Xiyu's knees softened and she was about to kneel down, Qi Huan raised his hand and vigorously lifted Liu Xiyu and her softened knees up. When she realized that she couldn't kneel even if she wanted to, Liu Xiyu looked at Qi Wang's eyes seemed to be looking at some fairy.

This is impossible, Qi Wang has discovered that there is no power beyond common sense in this world, and the power he uses does not belong to this world strictly speaking, if Liu Xiyu believes that there are immortals in this world, what will he do in the future? Unpredictable at all.

So in order to prevent Liu Xiyu from being deceived by those swindling Taoist priests in the future, Qi Huayu said earnestly.

"Madame Qi, all of us cultivators are above the mundane world, and we will never interfere with the mundane affairs unless we are predestined. In today's world, all cultivators devote themselves to their practice and never have any contact with the mundane world. There are too many temptations in this world of mortals. , Those who cultivate the Tao have already explored the world and transcended it."

What the other party said made Liu Xiyu a little puzzled, she didn't understand why Qi Wang said these things to herself suddenly, she stared blankly at Qi Wang, with a perplexed look on her face.

However, there are some things that come to an end, and it is better for her to think about it carefully than to point it out directly. After Qi Wang finished speaking, he walked away slowly as if he had come here.

Seeing this, Liu Xiyu hurriedly chased after him, wanting to send Qi Wang away, but after she chased him out, she found that Qi Wang had gone a long way, obviously his pace was very slow, but after stepping out, it seemed like He seemed to be able to walk a hundred meters away, but soon disappeared without a trace, except for the strong fragrance in the air that proved that he had been here before, he did not leave any traces behind.

Liu Xiyu was stunned on the spot, but at this moment she suddenly remembered something, just now she was only focused on letting the other party save her daughter, but forgot to ask the other party's name, the other party came quietly, then drifted away, she even The dharma name is not known.

Immediately, Liu Xiyu thought of what Qi Wang said to her before leaving, and suddenly she felt blessed and understood the meaning of the other party.

The Taoist priest said that all of their cultivators are detached from the secular world, and they would never show up in front of the world unless they had a predestined relationship.

Liu Xiyu thought of the Taoist temples she had been to. The monks and priests there were obviously secular, and if the money for sesame oil was not enough, they would not solve their problems at all, and the wealthy people in the city wanted to invite them If you make a move, you have to donate countless money. According to those people, the money is to be donated to the immortals, and they will not use it at all.

But if they really cared about the world and treated everyone as equal, then why would the powerless people not ask them to take action at all

This is not based on fate, it is clearly based on money. After thinking about this point, Liu Xiyu completely understood what the Taoist said before he left-I thought the other party was reminding her that there are many liars in the world. Don't trust other people easily.

The reason why he said these words should be related to the fact that he believed him so easily, but Liu Xiyu felt that if it wasn't because of the Taoist priest's immortal appearance, he would not have entrusted him so easily .

But this probably belongs to the gentleness of an immortal. Even if she knows that she trusts because of the other party, she kindly reminds herself to prevent her from being deceived.

After figuring this out, Liu Xiyu returned to Qi Feng's room. She sat by Qi Feng's bed, looked at her daughter lying on the bed, and her expression became more and more gentle.

There was a faint fragrance lingering on the whole bed, that fragrance was clearly carried by those Taoist priests before, Liu Xiyu's restless mood before slowly calmed down, and now her mood became incomparably peaceful .

And the servants outside thought of the appearance of the Taoist priest they had seen earlier, and became more and more sure that they must have met a fairy before.

"I've also been to a Taoist temple before. Those Taoist priests have an air of secularism, which is completely different from the Taoist priest just now. I think that's what a fairy looks like..."

"But do you still remember what the Taoist priest looked like just now? I just remember that he has a very good temperament and looks like an ordinary person, but I don't remember what he looks like."

"What does it look like? Needless to say? That must be the appearance of an immortal. Presumably, an immortal has countless changes. After appearing in front of the world, the world will not let the world remember his appearance. This is the great supernatural power of the immortal... "

What these people said became more and more outrageous, and in the end the big guys had all decided that the Taoist priest who just appeared was definitely a fairy descended from the world, and he also automatically completed some information that he had forgotten before, and some people even said Conclusively speaking, the immortal who just arrived did not walk on the ground at all, he was walking in mid-air, no, he was flying, not walking at all...

Because Liu Xiyu didn't issue the order in time, it didn't take long for the news that the immortal came to Qi's mansion to spread throughout the Qi's mansion. Even Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Li who were guarding outside the dilapidated courtyard heard about it. .

Mrs. Li leaned in front of Mrs. Zhang, and said mysteriously: "Mrs. Zhang, have you heard that just now when the immortal came to our house, he rescued the eldest lady, and with just a wave of his hand, the eldest lady's illness was cured immediately. All right."

Mrs. Zhang is more stable than Mrs. Li. After hearing what the other party said, Mrs. Zhang shook her head and said.

"I think you are drunk again. You can spread rumors about such a mess. I am afraid that Madam invited a doctor with good medical skills to treat the eldest lady. Where is there any fairy? Don't talk nonsense."

However, Mrs. Li shook her head and said convincingly: "Look at what you said, if there is no real fairy coming, how can I tell you like this? I heard that the fairy has a strange fragrance, just smell it Let people prolong their life and eliminate all diseases. My nephew is in the yard of the eldest lady. He has been in poor health since he was a child. He can only do some light work. Shan, let him do the cleaning work in the yard, he smelled the strange fragrance from the immortal, and his health immediately improved a lot, he just told me that now he can kill a cow."

What Mrs. Li said became more and more exaggerated. Mrs. Zhang shook her head and ignored Mrs. Li. Mrs. Li said a few words to Mrs. Zhang, but when she saw that she was silent, she curled her lips and did not continue.