Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1414: Who is the great benefactor


Recently, Qi Feng has been ill, and he and Qi Wang have not seen each other for quite a while, today Qi Wang suddenly brought a lot of food and asked to invite Qi Feng to taste it.

Qi Feng tasted a couple of them, and felt that the cakes brought by Qi Wang were really good, but even if they tasted good, he couldn't stand Qi Wang's constant persuasion to eat them, and now Qi Feng felt that the cakes he ate were almost reaching his throat She couldn't eat anymore.

"Chun Ying Bi Yu, take these cakes down, I will eat some more at noon."

Speaking of Qi Feng, he motioned for them to take away the food box containing the pastries, and soon there were only Qi Feng and Qi Hua's siblings left in the pavilion. Qi Feng looked at Qi Hua who had lost a lot of weight, and asked He said: "What have you been up to lately, Ah Wan? Didn't you eat well? You just kept persuading me to eat. I look at you much worse than me."

Qi Huang smiled, and said, "It's nothing, it's probably because I'm tall, so you think I'm thin."

The siblings chatted about some unnutritious topics. During this period, Qi Wang kept looking at Qi Feng calmly, confirming that her mental state had returned to the original state, which made Qi Wang secretly relieved.

"Sister, there is something I haven't told you yet."

When Qi Feng heard this, he looked at Qi Wang strangely: "What?"

Qi Wang then told Qi Feng about Sun Ziyin returning to Yuzhou City with his two younger brothers and the boat.

However, after hearing this, Qi Feng fell into silence. After a while, she said: "The three of them have all gone back, where is Sun Ziyun? Why did she stay in Jizhou City?"

In fact, compared to Sun Ziyin and the others who have always spoken badly to him, what Qi Feng can't bear the most is Sun Ziyun's deception to her.

And the reason why Sun Ziyin and the others hated themselves was also because of the scam set by Sun Ziyun. When Sun Ziyun entered the mansion that day, he used the servant named Chen Liang to force them. This made Qi Feng clearly realize that Sun Ziyun was not what she appeared on the surface It looks so innocent and kind.

Qi Feng felt that it was not a good decision to keep Sun Ziyun in Qi's mansion, it would be better to let her go back to Yuzhou City with Sun Ziyun and the others.

"Sun Ziyun did such an exaggerated thing to you, wouldn't it be good to leave her here to teach her a lesson?"

Qi Feng shook his head, and said lightly, "I don't think that's interesting."

Qi Feng felt that he seemed to be much more transparent now than in the past, and his originally muddled mind became smarter compared with the past.

"Now I'm not at the same level as her. It's meaningless to care about the past. If I continue to take revenge on her, won't I be telling Sun Ziyun that I still care about the past?"

In fact, now that she calms down and thinks about it, Sun Ziyun feels that what she experienced before may not be a bad thing, at least she can clearly realize how stupid and deceitful she was in the past.

"People say that if you suffer through a pit, you will gain wisdom. After being fooled by her, I feel that I am much smarter than before. If I want to encounter these things again, I will not be fooled by someone like Sun Ziyun again." She cheated."

Qi Huan nodded and said, "You're right, but it's not that we don't allow Sun Ziyun to leave, it's that she doesn't want to leave here. Even if life in the mansion is difficult, she still wants to stay."

Having said that, Qi Wang paused for a moment, then looked up at Qi Feng, and asked with a smile: "Sister, why do you think Sun Ziyun must stay in Qi's residence?"

Qi Feng frowned and thought for a while, then said uncertainly: "I think she may have other motives for staying here, but both parents have recognized her true colors, and they didn't treat her well. You can't expect your parents to change their attitude suddenly, right?"

What was Sun Ziyun thinking? Qi Feng couldn't figure it out, but no matter what schemes she had, as long as they were on guard, her schemes would always fail.

"I'll talk to my mother about Sun Ziyun later. If she insists on staying in Jizhou City, it's better for my mother to put her in the village outside. I'm afraid that something will happen to her if I stay in the mansion."

What Qi Feng didn't say was that she suspected that the person Sun Ziyun was eyeing was Qi Wang. After all, Qi Wang was one year older than Sun Ziyun, and his younger brother was born very well, and he treated Sun Ziyun well in the beginning. Maybe Sun Ziyun fell in love with Qi Wang So try to stay in the mansion.

Once this idea arises, it can't be suppressed no matter what, Qi Feng pondered for a moment, then suddenly said something.

"Ah Wang, you are also fifteen years old this year. It seems that people of your age should be able to get engaged. The Chen family has sent an invitation for us to attend the flower viewing banquet. Why don't you go with us?"

Qi Huan: "..."

How did the topic get around to the matter of getting engaged? And looking at Qi Feng's appearance, it didn't look like he was joking, Qi Wang was a little speechless, and changed the subject with a haha.

After chatting with Qi Feng, Qi Wang confirmed that Qi Feng's mood has returned to normal now, the previous treatment did not leave any sequelae, even when he mentioned Zhangzhou City, Qi Feng didn't have much reaction , it is obvious that the memories that should not have appeared before have been completely erased.

He chatted with Qi Feng for a while, and after finding that Qi Feng was about to bring up the topic of his engagement from time to time, Qi Huang gave up chatting with Qi Feng and left Ningxiangyuan on the pretext of having something to do.

However, Qi Feng interpreted Qi Wang's excuse to leave as he was shy, and after pondering for a moment, he took Chunying and Biyu to find Liu Xiyu who was reading the ledger in the main courtyard.

"Mother, let's take Ah Wan to the Chen family's flower viewing banquet in two days. He is fifteen years old this year. When it's time to get engaged, let's go and see which lady is suitable, and help him as soon as possible." Well settled."

Liu Xiyu saw Qi Feng bringing people over in a hurry, thinking that her daughter was going to say something to her, but Qi Feng mentioned the matter of getting married to Qi Huang, looking at the beautiful face of her girl, Liu Xiyu's face was full of excitement. Showing a bit of helplessness, she pulled Qi Feng to sit down beside her, patted her head and said.

"Feng'er, it's a good thing to think about my younger brother, but have you forgotten that you are also seventeen years old this year, and your marriage has not yet been settled, so how can it be Ah Wan's turn?"

Qi Feng blushed, and said coyly: "Mother, my daughter is not in a hurry to get married, she wants to be with you and Daddy for the rest of her life."

Liu Xiyu smiled and said: "Okay, now you want to stay with us, in two years you will be old, I'm afraid you will be in a hurry to get married."

After laughing and making trouble with Qi Feng, Liu Xiyu changed the subject and asked why Qi Feng suddenly thought of marrying Qi Huang.

Qi Feng didn't hide it from Liu Xiyu, and told her mother about his previous suspicions.

"Sun Ziyun is indeed beautiful, and she is also very resourceful. If she is not afraid of ten thousand, she is afraid of the unexpected. If she really lures Ah Wan to do something, it will be bad."

Liu Xiyu didn't think about it, but after being told by Qi Feng, she also began to doubt it, not to mention that Liu Xiyu hadn't considered Sun Ziyun as her daughter-in-law, even if her parents were still alive, she hadn't. With so many embarrassing things, Liu Xiyu never thought of getting closer. She naturally had to choose a wife for her son, and Sun Ziyun was not qualified at all.

"Just do as you said. In two days, we will send Sun Ziyun to Zhuangzi. When the time comes, we will send someone to watch her. Even if we measure her, there will be no trouble."

For the sake of her dead sister, Liu Xiyu will not take revenge on Sun Ziyun so viciously, but no matter how good she is to her, that is impossible. Shut up Sun Ziyun for two years, and take a good look at her temper until Sun Ziyun is sixteen years old. , and then send her back to Yuzhou City.


"You want to go to the capital with me?"

As an imperial merchant of the Great Yan Dynasty, he would go to the capital to give New Year gifts every winter, and in order to prevent any accidents, Qi Shengkun, as the head of the family, would also go there with him. The Spring Festival is not too long. Counting the time to travel, this is the right time to go to the capital.

However, what Qi Shengkun didn't expect was that his son would propose to go to the capital with him.

"So you're planning not to take the imperial examination, but to do business with me?"

Until now, Qi Shengkun has not given up on letting Qi Huang take the imperial examination, so he asked this question.

Qi Wang nodded, then shook his head: "Father, although I don't intend to take the imperial examination, I still want to become an official in the imperial court."

Do not take the imperial examination but want to become an official in the court? What dream is he dreaming of? Even though the person standing opposite was his own son, Qi Shengkun felt that the other party was fantasizing.

Qi Wang didn't explain anything to Qi Shengkun, but handed the continuous bow and crossbow she made to Qi Shengkun's hands.

"Father, you have seen a lot. If your son contributes this weapon, will he get the position of a fifth-rank member Wailang like the senior recorded in the history books?"

Hearing this, Qi Shengkun couldn't help being stunned, probably because the expression on Qi Wang's face was too determined, but Qi Shengkun didn't say anything.

The weapon that Qi Wang handed to him was something that Qi Shengkun had never seen before. It looked a bit like a bow and arrow, but its manufacturing process was much more complicated than that of a bow and arrow. Involuntarily raised his head to look at Qi Huang.

And Qi Wang immediately understood what Qi Shengkun meant, he took the weapon in Qi Shengkun's hand, and then told Qi Shengkun in detail how to use this weapon.

"Even if you haven't used a bow before, you can still use this repeating crossbow."

As Qi Wang said, he raised the crossbow in his hand and aimed it at the bookshelf not far away, and then pressed the mechanism, only to hear a swishing sound, and the arrow flew out, piercing deeply into the bookshelf.

At this moment, Qi Shengkun didn't even realize what happened, Qi Wang had already finished displaying his weapon, he was stunned for a moment, then quickly walked to the bookshelf, raised his hand to pull out the arrow just shot, It's just that there is only a little tail of the arrow left outside, and Qi Shengkun can't even pull it out with his strength.

At first Qi Shengkun felt that what Qi Wang said was a bit exaggerated, but when he showed the power of the weapon, Qi Shengkun was completely convinced. With this weapon, it is indeed possible for Qi Wang to become a fifth-rank Yuanwailang .

"Good boy, my father underestimated you, but are you sure you developed this weapon yourself? Did you refer to other weapons? You designed this blueprint yourself?"

It's no wonder that Qi Shengkun asked these questions, after all, if the weapon was not designed by Qi Wang himself, but obtained from someone else, then the weapon must be displayed through that person.

Qi Wang nodded, and said firmly: "Father, I have been studying this weapon during the days when I came home. From the design drawings to the actual production of this weapon, I created it all by myself. It has not passed through the hands of others."

Qi Shengkun believed his son's words, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally he couldn't help laughing out loud.