Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1415: Who is the great benefactor


From Qi Shengkun's eyes, he can naturally see how powerful this crossbow is. If it is presented, Qi Wang may really be named a fifth-rank Yuanwailang.

The reason why he wants to let Qi Wang take the exam is to change his family. Now that he can become an official through this method, how can Qi Shengkun be unhappy.

"I thought you were joking with me before, but I didn't expect you to have such abilities. After all, it's because my father underestimated you."

Qi Huang smiled and didn't take it seriously: "Then father promised me to take me to Beijing together?"

Qi Shengkun nodded, naturally there was no disagreement.

"We will set off in four days at most. You ask the servants to pack up the things, and I will tell your mother about it."

Qi Wang bowed to Qi Shengkun, and quickly backed out.

And Qi Shengkun looked at the arrow that was deeply embedded in the bookshelf, and couldn't help but said: "This kid, for doing such a big thing quietly, I actually underestimated him."

He didn't ask anyone to pull out the arrow, but planned to keep it as a souvenir, because Qi Shengkun didn't want to continue working because of the surprise brought by Qi Wang just now. After thinking twice, he got up and left the study, and went back to the backyard.

Liu Xiyu was instructing the servants to prepare clothes for the young master and miss, and to take them to the Chen family's flower viewing banquet. Seeing Qi Shengkun came back, Liu Xiyu sent all the servants out of the house.

"Master, why are you here this time?"

Liu Xiyu poured tea and water for Qi Shengkun herself, and asked with a smile.

To his wife, Qi Shengkun didn't hide from her, and told what happened just now.

"I'm going to take Ah Wan to Beijing together."

Liu Xiyu was stunned, she looked at Qi Shengkun with a face full of surprise, as if she couldn't believe what she heard—Qi Juan really developed the weapon he said

"Sir, are you telling the truth?"

Qi Shengkun nodded, and said firmly: "That's true. He just showed me the power of the bow and crossbow. It is indeed much more powerful than the existing bows and arrows. If the soldiers and generals can be equipped with such weapons, our Great Yan Kingdom China's national strength will definitely rise to a higher level."

As a woman in the back house, Liu Xiyu doesn't know much about these things, but since Qi Shengkun said so, then this thing will definitely happen.

As an imperial merchant, their Qi family also has some influence in the capital. It is not a problem if they want to donate their weapons, but it has not been done yet, so there is no need to be happy first.

"Then you take him there."

Saying that, Liu Xiyu sighed, and said helplessly: "Originally, I wanted to take advantage of this time to go to the Chen family to attend the flower viewing banquet, to see if there is a suitable girl to settle down for Ah Wang, but now it seems that this matter Don't be in a hurry."

Qi Shengkun nodded and said: "Ah Wan's future may have great fortune, and the marriage is indeed not in a hurry to settle down, but Feng'er's age has reached, her marriage should also be settled, you don't have to worry about Ah Wan Regarding marriage, it is reasonable to settle Feng'er's marriage first."

It's not too late for a rich girl to get engaged at the age of seventeen. Once a marriage is made, three matchmakers and six hires will go away once. It's just right to get married next year.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the first queen, the delay in marriage age for women is also a rule set by the first queen.

You must know that in the past, many girls in the Great Yan Dynasty were married at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and the marriage was settled at the age of twelve or thirteen. It was the queen who first proposed that women who marry too early are not good for their health, and they have children too early. It is easy to give birth to weak and sick offspring. She advocates that women get married at the age of eighteen. At that time, the woman's body has grown up and bears the burden of bearing children. After reaching the right age, the probability of giving birth to weak and sick children will be greatly increased. reduce.

The first emperor loved the first empress very much, and there was only the first empress in the huge harem. After the first empress asked the woman to decline the age of marriage, the first emperor strongly supported it, and everyone in the royal family set an example. Married at the age of ten.

However, after several years of implementation of this decree, everyone has seen its benefits. Women who wait until the age of 18 to remarry have dystocia, and the probability of giving birth to weak children is much lower. Women's physical maturity is basically around 18 years old. Only a healthy mother can give birth to healthy offspring. They will be smarter and healthier than children born to those mothers earlier.

So decades later, they have become accustomed to letting women marry and have children after they are old enough.

Qi Feng is already seventeen years old this year, her birth month is young, and her seventeenth birthday will only be in the twelfth lunar month, so it is not too late to make preparations now.

Originally Liu Xiyu had such a plan, but after knowing that Qi Wang was going to present the weapon he made, Liu Xiyu hesitated.

"If Ah Wan can be favored by the Holy One and get the official position as a fifth-rank member of the family like the previous ones, then our family will become a family of officials and eunuchs. At that time, won't Feng'er have more choices in marriage?"

Although they are imperial merchants now, they are merchants after all. Most of the officials and officials will not marry them. Most of their choices are also merchants, or some poor scholars.

Liu Xiyu really loves her daughter, and naturally wants to give her the best things in front of her. If Qi Wang can be an official, wouldn't Qi Feng have more choices in marriage

But compared to Liu Xiyu, Qi Shengkun was calmer, he shook his head, interrupting Liu Xiyu's fantasy.

"Although it is said to marry a daughter from a high family and marry a wife from a low family, for most people, it is still necessary to pay attention to a good family match. Even if Ah Wang can successfully enter the court this time and become an official, his official position will be there. It’s better to choose a family who knows the basics.”

Having said that, Qi Shengkun paused for a moment, then continued.

"What's more, there are a lot of rules in a high-ranking family, and most of the children in the family have housewives or concubines. This is normal in such a family. If the daughter is really lucky enough to marry into a high-level family, how can we get married? Can you help her?"

Where is the back house of the wealthy mansion so easy to enter? Between sisters-in-law, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, as well as dealings with other families, everything needs to be taken care of. If there is one thing that cannot be done, I am afraid it will make people laugh in vain.

"You were a bit slack in teaching Feng'er in the past. In all fairness, with Feng'er's current ability, do you think she can enter the backyard of those officials and eunuchs?"

Liu Xiyu was speechless by Qi Shengkun's phone call, she sighed a long time, and said helplessly: "If I knew that Ah Wang had such a good fortune, I would have taught Feng'er well since she was born. With Feng'er's intelligence, she can definitely become a qualified headed mistress."

Hearing this, Qi Shengkun couldn't help bursting out laughing, causing Liu Xiyu to glare: "Do you think I can't teach it? Or do you think Feng'er can't do it?"

Seeing that his wife was angry, Qi Shengkun hurriedly started to coax her, and after coaxing for a while, he finally calmed down Liu Xiyu.

Liu Xiyu, who had calmed down, couldn't help laughing when she thought of what she had done just now—they had thought everything well, but the matter of whether Qi Wang could be an official was still uncertain, and they had to worry about these things in advance coming.

In order to cover up her embarrassment, Liu Xiyu talked about other things.

"I have someone send Sun Ziyin, Sun Zixun and Sun Ziyu back to Yuzhou City."

Qi Shengkun was stunned for a moment, then asked, "What about Sun Ziyun?"

Liu Xiyu shook her head: "She still doesn't want to leave, that child looked pretty good when she was young, but now she doesn't know how she became like this."

As she said that, she expressed Qi Feng's suspicion again: "Feng'er thinks that Sun Ziyun has other plans, I think what she said is very reasonable, and I will send her to Zhuangzi to live in two days."

Qi Shengkun didn't intervene in these matters in the back house, but left it to Liu Xiyu to handle it with full authority. After hearing her decision, Qi Shengkun nodded and said: "You can decide."

"By the way, is Feng'er feeling better?"

There was an immortal in the mansion, and Liu Xiyu issued a death order. Once she found someone rumored about it, she would immediately sell him far away. In addition, she said that immortals don't like her being mentioned often. Words that offend the gods will lead to disasters, loss of fortune and longevity.

The servants in the mansion were still talking about this matter, but after Liu Xiyu spread the news, they didn't dare to say anything more, so Qi Shengkun didn't know about it, and he thought that Qi Feng was overly frightened when he fled. lead to ill health.

Liu Xiyu didn't intend to tell Qi Shengkun about this, she said with a smile: "The medicine prescribed by the doctor is very effective, Feng'er's condition is much better than before, just now she came to me and said that she would participate in the Zhao family's flower viewing feast."

Qi Shengkun nodded, and said: "It's very good, but Feng'er's body is weak, you should buy more charcoal fires this year, and prepare a small kitchen in her yard, so you don't have to go to the big kitchen if you want to eat gone."

Liu Xiyu naturally responded one by one, and then said some other things in a few words, and the topic gradually changed to other things.


After his younger brothers and sisters left, Sun Ziyun was the only one left in the huge courtyard. When they were still there, Sun Ziyun didn't feel that time passed so slowly, but after everyone left, Sun Ziyun felt that time passed by. became extraordinarily long.

Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Li, who were guarding outside the door, hardly talked to Sun Ziyun. They just delivered porridge and side dishes on time every day, and didn't say a word to Sun Ziyun. , but it was just a few words, and immediately after finishing speaking, the courtyard door was closed, and she was locked in this huge courtyard alone.

Sun Ziyun originally thought that such a life was not too difficult, but after experiencing it, she realized that loneliness can really drive people crazy.

She wandered around in the yard every day, trying to find things to distract herself. She hid in the room and muttered, constantly describing a bright future, hoping to rely on this to keep her going.

Sun Ziyun thought that she would not regret it, but in the dead of night, when she woke up from the hard bed, Sun Ziyun found that she had regrets.

This kind of life is really too bad, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the days are like years. She thought that she could survive by relying on those beautiful fantasies, but she found that she was not as strong as she thought.

After a few days like this, the gate of the courtyard opened again suddenly, and Liu Xiyu, who was dressed in brocade clothes, appeared in the courtyard.

At this time, Sun Ziyun was already in a trance, when he saw Liu Xiyu, Sun Ziyun thought that Liu Xiyu was showing mercy, and finally wanted to let himself go.

However, what Sun Ziyun didn't expect was that Liu Xiyu didn't come here to let her go, but told her that someone should send her to Zhuangzi.

After hearing Liu Xiyu's words, Sun Ziyun's expression froze, she looked at Liu Xiyu in disbelief, as if she couldn't believe what she heard, it took a long time before she found her voice.

"Auntie, why did you send me to Zhuangzi?"

Although the life of staying in Qi's mansion is difficult, there is still hope in the end, if Liu Xiyu really sends her to Zhuangzi, what hope can she have

It's no wonder that Sun Ziyun thought so. You must know that in Yuzhou City, the backyard of Sun's family was not as clean as that of Qi's family. Grandfather had many concubines, but Liu Xiyue was very skilled. Although there were many concubines , but no one was able to give birth to a child smoothly, and all the children in the entire Sun Mansion were born from Liu Xiyue's womb.

Without a child, one can only rely on the man's favor, but the man's favor is like a fairy tale, it is impossible to exist for a long time.

Those women who fell out of favor would be assigned to Zhuangzi. Sun Ziyun had seen what those women who were assigned to Zhuangzi looked like.

Those people in Zhuangzi need to work in the fields with the servants over there, and many things have to be done by themselves. The beauty like a delicate flower needs to be pampered to bloom. After being sent to Zhuangzi, there is no one to take care of them. Where can I maintain my beauty

What's more frightening is that the master's family seldom goes to the Zhuangzi, which leads to the Zhuangtou and the like on the Zhuangzi becoming more like the master than the master. , Live like a ghost or a ghost.

Although she didn't eat well and slept poorly in Qi's mansion, no one dared to bully her. If she was assigned to Zhuangzi, wouldn't she have to wait to die

Only at this moment did Sun Ziyun realize that she was afraid. She covered her face and began to sob and cry, begging while crying: "Auntie, all mistakes are Yun'er's fault, please don't send Yun'er away." Go to Zhuangzi, for the sake of my dead mother, please..."

However, Liu Xiyu had made up her mind, and Sun Ziyun couldn't change her decision just by crying once or twice, and she even felt a little impatience in her heart when she saw Sun Ziyun crying endlessly.

If he had known that he would face such a situation, would Sun Ziyun have done those things back then

"It's no longer appropriate for you to stay in Qi's mansion. I'll ask someone to take care of you at Zhuangzi's side. It's no different from being in the mansion there. You can go there with peace of mind."

After saying these words, Liu Xiyu waved her hand directly, and the servants who were waiting outside rushed in, directly lifted up Sun Ziyun who was crying, and took her to the carriage outside.

Sun Ziyun was frightened, and shouted hoarsely: "Auntie, please don't let me go to Zhuangzi, please..."

But soon her shouting stopped abruptly. It turned out that Mrs. Zhang saw her shouting all the time, took out the handkerchief and stuffed it directly into Sun Ziyun's mouth.

It's just that Mrs. Zhang's way of acting reminded Sun Ziyun of the time when the concubines of the Sun family were taken away, and she became more certain of her guess.

It seemed that Liu Xiyu couldn't tolerate her anymore, and she was sent to Zhuangzi to train her.

After confirming this point, Sun Ziyun stopped begging for mercy. At this moment, she became extremely calm, allowing the servants to stuff her into the carriage.

Sun Ziyun was sitting in the small and dark carriage, holding her chest tightly with her hands, where was her jade pendant hidden, that was all her hope of turning over.

She can't panic, everything is not at an impasse, she still has a chance...


After dismissing Sun Ziyun, Liu Xiyu was refreshed, and she went to Ningxiangyuan to tell Qi Feng the good news.

"Feng'er, Sun Ziyun has already been sent away by me, just rest assured, after she arrives at Zhuangzi, she will definitely not be able to make any big waves."

When Qi Feng heard what his mother said, his heart was also relieved.

"Mother, why did Dad suddenly want to take Ah Wan to the capital this year?"

Qi Feng didn't know about this matter before, until yesterday morning when she was having dinner with Liu Xiyu, she found out that Qi Wang was not there, and after inquiring, she found out that Qi Wang had already set off for the capital with Qi Shengkun.

"Didn't father want Ah Wan to study hard and let him take the imperial examination? Why did he suddenly change his mind?"

Liu Xiyu replied with a smile: "There is no rush to take the imperial examination. At this moment, didn't they say that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles? It's good to take him out to see the world. Maybe after seeing the market, Ah Wang will be able to come back." Read carefully."

She did not tell Qi Feng about Qi Wang's invention of a new weapon. After all, Qi Shengkun said that before the dust settles, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better. After all, Qi Feng is young and his mouth is not strict. If it leaks It's not good to go out.

"I see."

Fortunately, Qi Feng didn't ask any more questions, and just believed Liu Xiyu's words.

The departure of Qi Shengkun and Qi Wang did not have much impact on the Qi family, Liu Xiyu and Qi Feng still lived their lives step by step.

Only two days later, Zhuangzi came to report suddenly, saying that the Miss Sun San who had sent it before suddenly disappeared.

Sun Ziyun ran away

After hearing the news, Liu Xiyu immediately sent someone to look for it. Just in case, Liu Xiyu deliberately kept an eye out and reported to the Yamen about Sun Ziyun's disappearance.

It's just that no one knows where Sun Ziyun is going, and no one knows whether she has relied on other people's help. Anyway, people from the Qi family and the government have searched around for a long time, but they have not found any trace of Sun Ziyun. It just disappeared out of nowhere.


After days and nights of traveling, King Qinghe finally arrived at the capital before the emperor's birthday.