Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1424: Who is the great benefactor


"What nonsense are you talking about? This is my jade pendant, which I carry with me all the time. Why do you take my jade pendant away? Hurry up and return the jade pendant to me!"

A woman in a coarse cloth dress was clutching another fat man wearing a satin dress, frantically trying to snatch her jade pendant back from his hand, but the fat man ignored the woman in a coarse cloth dress at all, and raised his hand. With a wave, the woman's body flew out like a kite with a broken string, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"You are a crazy woman! Don't even look at what you look like! This jade pendant can buy a hundred maids like you, and you don't look at your virtue? It's just nonsense."

The fat man in satin clothes spoke uprightly, and in his fat pig-like hand was holding a warm jade pendant, the jade pendant was very valuable just by its appearance.

Compared with the woman in the coarse cloth dress, it is natural that this rich-looking fat man is more like the owner of the jade pendant.

However, the young woman who was thrown out struggled to get up from the ground again. She rushed towards the fat man in satin clothes like crazy, and then opened her mouth to bite the fat man's arm.

The fat man in satin clothes didn't expect this woman to be so crazy. He was bitten so painfully that he raised his hand and beat the woman's head vigorously. However, the woman seemed to have made up her mind. He refused to let go of his mouth.

At this time, the woman wearing a coarse cloth dress, that is, Sun Ziyun, only had one thought in her mind, she absolutely must take this jade pendant back, otherwise, her good life and bright future will be cut off forever, she finally left To this day, she would never allow such a thing to happen.

No matter what, a big man keeps beating a weak woman, it will always be hard to see, people sympathize with the weak, and originally supported the fat man in satin clothes. Opened to accuse him.

"What's the matter with this man? Even if there's something wrong with that girl, he shouldn't be so cruel."

"Did you see that the fat man beat the girl's head with his hands on purpose, clearly intending to kill her, maybe the jade pendant really belonged to that girl, and it was the fat man who got greedy and wanted to snatch the girl away jade pendant."

"The sky is bright and bright, do you still want to kill people? Why don't you stop?"

There were more and more people watching, and quite a few righteous people stopped the fat man in satin clothes and asked him to let go of the young girl.

At this time, the fat man in silk and satin clothes was in distress. He couldn't stand being bitten so much that he couldn't help opening his hand, and the jade pendant he was holding fell off.

After Sun Ziyun saw the jade pendant falling, she didn't care about anything else, she let go of her mouth and rushed towards the jade pendant, then held it tightly in her hand.

This jade pendant is her lifeline, now Sun Ziyun has been betrayed by all relatives, even the Qi family has no place for her, this is her last hope, if this jade pendant is lost, I am afraid that she will never recover It's time.

The fat man lifted up his clothes, and seeing the bloody wound on his arm, he felt his eyes darkening for a while. Seeing Sun Ziyun sitting on the ground with the jade pendant in his arms, he was angry from the bottom of his heart, evil to the gut, he raised his foot and He kicked towards Sun Ziyun fiercely.

"You bastard, see if I don't beat you to death..."

Thinking that he has grown up so much, he has never suffered such a big loss. If he doesn't teach Sun Ziyun a lesson today, then he will never be able to swallow this breath.

The fat man's kick was strong and urgent, if it really landed on Sun Ziyun's body, most of her life would be lost.

At this moment, a figure jumped out from the crowd of onlookers, flew and kicked the fat man's body, the fat man's body flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

Sun Ziyun, who was rescued, realized what happened just now. She stood up from the ground in a panic, and looked at the fat man lying on the ground mourning and crying with a pale face.

She never thought that the fat man who led her on the road would be so bad.

After Liu Xiyu sent Sun Ziyun to the Qi family's Zhuangzi, Sun Ziyun decided that it was Liu Xiyu who wanted to use various cruel methods to train herself - after all, when she was in Qi's family, Liu Xiyu had to take care of other things and could not treat herself It's not the same to send her to Zhuangzi.

In particular, Sun Ziyun also heard the servants in the Zhuangzi say that this Zhuangzi was Liu Xiyu's dowry, and that the people in the Zhuangzi were all managed by Liu Xiyu's dowry, which made Sun Ziyun more confirmed his guess.

When Sun Ziyun thought about what would happen to the concubines of the Sun family after they were sent to Zhuangzi, she felt more and more frightened in her heart. In the end, she simply chose to run out of Zhuangzi while the people in Zhuangzi didn't notice her.

But in this huge city of Jizhou, Sun Ziyun didn't know anyone, and the Qi family was powerful here, so it was not something a powerless little girl like her could handle.

In desperation, Sun Ziyun thought of Chen Liang, the yamen servant who had a crush on her and thought that the Qi family had treated her harshly.

Chen Liang was simple-minded, and he had a good impression of Sun Ziyun, so it was not that difficult to gain his trust. It didn't take much for Sun Ziyun to convince Chen Liang that the Qi family was going to attack her.

"Master Chen, I won't come to you if there is any way to help me. I really have no choice this time..."

Sun Ziyun knew very well how to make a man feel pity for her, so she cried pitifully in front of him, expressing all her pain and despair.

In the end, Sun Ziyun took out his jade pendant and showed it to Chen Liang.

"Master Chen, this jade pendant was given to me by a person I rescued back then. He once told me that he would help me if I encountered something that I couldn't solve. Now I have nowhere to go. I want to find him in the capital, Mr. Chen wonders if you can help me?"

For many men, a woman's tears are a weapon they cannot resist. Sun Ziyun was very beautiful, how could a weak little girl show such a pitiful appearance in front of him, how could Chen Liang be on guard

So Chen Liang was so passionate that he came up with a way to help Sun Ziyun, and this fat man was a businessman that Chen Liang found. He paid the fat man and asked him to take Sun Ziyun to the capital.

After Sun Ziyun followed the fat man's caravan on the road, she completely let go of her worries. She thought of everything very well, and when she arrived in the capital, there would definitely be other ways to find King Qinghe.

With this jade pendant, Sun Ziyun can be sure that King Qinghe will definitely regard her as his savior.

You must know that King Qinghe is the most affectionate person. Sun Ziyun remembers that in his previous life, when he treated Qi Feng, the daughter of a merchant, he was like a jewel like a treasure. At that time, King Qinghe even ignored everyone's obstruction, insisting on Marry Qi Feng as his wife.

At that time, King Qinghe was just an idle prince, and his concubine did not necessarily have to be from a wealthy family. He firmly expressed his love for Qi Feng, and threatened that he would never marry anyone except Qi Feng in his life. Only Qi Feng is the woman he really likes.

He even uttered touching words that were later circulated throughout the Great Yan Kingdom.

"Weak water is three thousand, I just take a scoop to drink."

King Qinghe's declaration moved countless women in the boudoir, thinking that he was the world's most infatuated person, and the current emperor was also moved by King Qinghe's infatuation, and finally nodded and agreed to the marriage.

When Qi Feng got married, she was dressed in red makeup. She was wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei, and she was sitting in an eight-carried sedan chair. King Qinghe was sitting on a tall horse, and her vigorous appearance was deeply imprinted in Sun Ziyun's heart.

It was at that time that Sun Ziyun fell in love with King Qinghe deeply, and it wasn't long before Qi Feng became pregnant, but he and her were not in good health, and after being pregnant, they couldn't lift their spirits up, and they were sick every day Yes, mostly asleep in bed.

But at that time, a lot of things happened in court, King Qinghe became busy and didn't have much time to spend with his wife, so Sun Ziyun asked Ying to go to King Qinghe's mansion to take care of Qi Feng.

Qi Feng was raised by Liu Xiyu too innocently, and he didn't have much heart. It was very easy for Sun Ziyun to get his words out of her mouth. Soon Sun Ziyun knew why Qi Feng was favored by King Qinghe, why Qinghe Wang Hui married Qi Feng despite all the arguments.

It turns out that Qi Feng met King Qinghe when he was in the temple in Yuzhou City. This seemingly innocent woman secretly hid King Qinghe, took care of King Qinghe by herself, and cultivated feelings with him...

"At that time, I didn't know that the injured person was the prince, because men and women were different, and I didn't want him to know my identity, so I didn't tell him who I was... But who knew that the prince secretly took my jade pendant with his jade pendant After changing it, he also recognized me by virtue of this jade pendant."

In the last life, the relationship between Sun Ziyun and Qi Feng was pretty good. To his cousin, Qi Feng didn't hide anything. Sun Ziyun learned from her that at that time King Qinghe's eyes were injured because of falling off a cliff, and he couldn't see anything. I don't know, it was only through the jade pendant that Qi Feng was found later.

Everyone has their own fate, whether it is good or bad in life, it is already doomed when a person is born.

Sun Ziyun has been living in the palace for a long time, she saw with her own eyes how King Qinghe treated Qi Feng.

It is clear that Qi Feng is just the daughter of a merchant, but when King Qinghe treats Qi Feng, he treats her like a peerless treasure. As long as Qi Feng likes it, King Qinghe will try his best to send it to her.

Moreover, Prince Qinghe is a prince, but there are no Yingying Yanyans in his mansion, he has no side concubine, and no concubine to live in the house. In the huge backyard, Qi Feng is the only one. Sun Ziyun even heard it with his own ears The King of Crossing Qinghe said to Qi Feng.

"Feng'er, you are the only person this king loves in this life. You saved this king under the cliff, and you have been caring for him ever since. From then on, that woman who couldn't see her face clearly It has been reflected in the heart of this king."

King Qinghe said that Qi Feng is a treasure bestowed on him by the heavens, and the meaning of his life is to meet Qi Feng. He will only love Qi Feng alone, and Qi Feng is his eternal princess.

Qinghe Wanggui is the current prince, but Qi Feng is the only woman in the mansion. His father is obviously just a small merchant, but one concubine after another is carried to the mansion.

Sun Ziyun used to think that all the men in the world were like his father, they obviously had their own mothers, but there were still a large group of concubines in the mansion, but after she remembered things, she saw Liu Xiyu, and only then did she know that the world is not without infatuation Man, it's just that her mother was not so lucky, the person she met was her father.

Liu Xiyu and her own mother were clearly sisters, but she married a man who only loved her. However, Liu Xiyu's daughter was so lucky that she even became the wife of the current prince.

King Qinghe loved Qi Feng to the bottom of his heart, and treated her like a pearl like a treasure. Sun Ziyun often saw how King Qinghe treated Qi Feng, and his endless jealousy gnawed at her heart.

But Sun Ziyun didn't dare to reveal anything, because she knew that if it wasn't for Qi Feng's poor health after becoming pregnant, she would not be qualified to stay in the palace to accompany her.

With King Qinghe's love for Qi Feng, if he shows any negative emotions, King Qinghe will definitely drive her out of the palace.

I don't know, maybe because of Aiwujiwu, Qi Feng loves her as a cousin, and King Qinghe treats her like a princess. Life in the palace often makes Sun Ziyun forget her true identity, making her mistakenly think that she is this A member of the palace... is the one loved and held in the hands of King Qinghe.

Sun Ziyun had thought countless times, if she was the one who saved King Qinghe back then, wouldn't it be her who enjoys thousands of favors now

Many times, Sun Ziyun even took the fantasies as reality, and she didn't wake up from the fantasies until she saw Qi Feng.

If she was the one who saved King Qinghe back then... If it was her, then she is the one who enjoys everything now.

But maybe it's because there are some blessings that not everyone can enjoy, even the heavens can't see that a useless woman like Qi Feng occupies the position of Princess Qinghe.

Since becoming pregnant, Qi Feng's health has been getting worse day by day. King Qinghe invited many famous doctors to diagnose and treat Qi Feng, but these famous doctors couldn't tell the reason.

"The princess's body is inherently weak, and it is very hard for the mother to conceive a child. Maybe the princess is like this because she can't bear the hardship of pregnancy..."

Ever since he found out that Qi Feng became what he is now because of pregnancy, King Qinghe couldn't bear it, and even made such a ridiculous proposal not to have children.

"Feng'er is the love of my life. If the price of keeping the child is to make me lose Feng'er, then I would rather not have this child."

King Qinghe held Qi Feng's hand, and said sonorously, no matter who saw King Qinghe's current appearance, he would know that what he said was true, he only wanted his beloved princess, for his own princess, he I would rather not have my own blood.

Sun Ziyun was also there at the time. After hearing what King Qinghe said, a strong sense of jealousy appeared in Sun Ziyun's heart, and the expression on his face seemed to be unbearable. How could Qi Feng be able to get such a fiery passion from King Qinghe? Love

The prince's heirs are much more precious than Qi Feng's life, but in order to keep Qi Feng alive, King Qinghe doesn't want a child anymore

Seeing King Qinghe's appearance, Qi Feng raised her hand and grabbed his hand. She shook her head and stopped King Qinghe from asking the doctor to prescribe abortion medicine for her.

"My lord, this concubine knows what you think about this concubine, but the flesh and blood of this concubine and yours are flowing on the flesh and blood of this concubine. He is the crystallization of our two lives, and this concubine can't bear to let him not come to this world." Then he lost his life. In fact, the body of the concubine is not as weak as the doctor said, although it is hard to conceive a child, but all the women in this world come here, and the concubine wants to give birth to a child for you."

But despite this, King Qinghe still refused to let Qifeng bear the pain of having a child. He didn't want to lose Qifeng, and would rather not have a child than keep his lover.

But Qi Feng grabbed King Qinghe's hand and begged in a wailing voice, letting King Qinghe keep the child in her womb, but in the end King Qinghe still couldn't squeeze Qi Feng.

"Feng'er, for the sake of this king, you must persevere."

Qi Feng nodded, then raised his hand to touch his slightly raised abdomen, with a maternal smile on his face.

It's just that Qi Feng's body is not as good as she thought. The existence of this child in her belly almost drained her vitality. As the child grows up day by day, Qi Feng's body becomes thinner day by day. , her energy became worse and worse. She used to be awake for three or four hours a day, but then she was only awake for one hour a day.

Several times, when King Qinghe came back, he saw Qi Feng who had fallen asleep. She only woke up for an hour during the day, and it was very late when King Qinghe came back from court, and Qi Feng had already fallen asleep.

In fact, Qi Feng also wanted to hold out until King Qinghe came back, but her body was so unbearable that the two of them hadn't seen each other for half a month.

In the end, King Qinghe couldn't take it anymore, so he simply sued the emperor for leave, and wanted to stay at home with Qi Feng.

The Li family was out of love, and the first queen was the only one in the late emperor's harem. Seeing the appearance of King Qinghe, the emperor thought of his father and mother, and seeing that he insisted on asking for leave to stay at home with Qi Feng, the emperor finally agreed. .

All of this was seen by Sun Ziyun, her eyes were red with jealousy, but she had no other way, she didn't even dare to reveal her thoughts in front of anyone, only in the dead of night when people were hiding under the quilt, she Dare to show your true colors.

Why? How can Qi Feng, a person with no talent and no morals, be favored by King Qinghe? What right does she have to be favored like this

Doesn't it mean that the body is weak? Didn't it mean that they couldn't bear the hardship of bearing children? Why is she still alive and well.

Jealousy can make a person completely different. Sun Ziyun has long forgotten that the person who endured the hardship of pregnancy is Qi Feng. She cannot see the pain that Qi Feng endured. She can only see that Qi Feng is loved by King Qinghe and lives A life that women all over the world envy.

It would be great if she could replace Qi Feng... Why wasn't she the one who saved King Qinghe back then? If it was her, wouldn't all the blessings fall on her now

This kind of idea took root in Sun Ziyun's heart, and under the irrigation of strong jealousy, it soon grew into a towering tree. She was looking forward to Qi Feng's death every day, and fantasizing that if Qi Feng died, she would be with her. Qi Feng, who looks somewhat similar, may be able to replace Qi Feng and stay by King Qinghe's side.

It would be great if Qi Feng could die...

Maybe it's because her obsession is too strong, or maybe it's because Qi Feng is a person with poor fortune. She doesn't have the blessing to bear the love of King Qinghe. When she was eight months pregnant, Qi Feng suddenly fell down. The fall, that is, this fall directly caused Qi Feng to give birth prematurely.

King Qinghe invited many doctors and midwives to come over. They tried their best, but they still couldn't spare Qi Feng's life. She gave birth to a daughter prematurely, but she herself didn't even say a word because of the hemorrhage. , died in the delivery room.

Qi Feng's death shocked King Qinghe greatly. He vomited blood and passed out directly.

The patient didn't want to live anymore, so the doctors were helpless. What happened to King Qinghe alarmed the current emperor, and soon he brought Huainan King and Ruyang King to Qinghe Palace.

However, even if they came, they still couldn't wake up King Qinghe. After losing Qi Feng, King Qinghe couldn't live anymore.

In the end, the emperor found Sun Ziyun who looked somewhat similar to Qi Feng. The emperor ordered Sun Ziyun to pretend to be Qi Feng. As long as King Qinghe can wake up, he will definitely reward him a lot.

Ever since, Sun Ziyun was ordered to pretend to be Qi Feng, just to make King Qinghe regain the courage to live.