Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1441: Who is the great benefactor


Qi Wang didn't come forward in person, but gave this play to the most popular troupe through other people. After that troupe became famous for arranging this play, other troupes in the capital followed suit. Soon the play "True and False Benefactor" became popular in the whole capital.

However, this is not over yet, and then Qi Wang wrote a version of the story of sexual transformation and handed it to the bookstore for publication. There were real and false benefactors performed by the theater troupe first, and the printed version was circulated in the capital, becoming the current story. The best-selling book, and the storytellers in the major teahouses and restaurants even adapted it into storytelling, which was performed in various teahouses.

"It's said that Ms. Liu stole her cousin's jade pendant and entered Mr. Song's mansion under the guise of her cousin..."

The ups and downs of the storyteller's voice injected a new soul into the play. No matter what era it is, the lingering dog-blood love always makes people involuntarily pay attention.

Sitting on the teahouse, Qi Wang couldn't help showing a slight smile on his face as he listened to the storyteller's interpretation below.

There are operas, scripts, and interpretations by storytellers. Qi Wang believes that as long as King Qinghe is not deaf and blind, he will definitely know the story.

King Qinghe is not a fool, Qi Wang really wants to know what choice King Qinghe will make after knowing the truth of the matter.

Whether he will continue to love Sun Ziyun as before, or find out Sun Ziyun's true face, expel her from Qinghe Palace, and then continue to search for the person who really saved him.

Qi Wang thinks that the possibility of the former is not high. There is a high probability that King Qinghe will make mistakes. After all, in the original plot, King Qinghe should also make mistakes.

I just don't know how the rivalry between the two leading actors and actresses with super acting skills will continue after Qi Wang has pierced that fig leaf.


Qinghe Palace.

Ever since he came back from the palace that day, King Qinghe's attitude towards Sun Ziyun seemed to have returned to its original appearance, and the relationship between him and Sun Ziyun had returned to the previous coldness.

Earlier, because he gave Sun Ziyun jewelry and gorgeous clothes, and brought her into the palace, the attitude of the servants towards Sun Ziyun improved again, but after that, King Qinghe didn't come back for several days.

The servants are all snobbish. Sun Ziyun has no power or power. She can be respected in Qinghe Prince's Mansion because of King Qinghe's love. When King Qinghe no longer loves her, one can imagine what will happen to her.

After returning to the palace, King Qinghe never came to Sun Ziyun's place, which made her feel uneasy. She didn't know why King Qinghe was like this.

When she was in the palace that day, she had made a bit of a slip of the tongue, and she had also seen King Qinghe's feelings for His Highness the Crown Prince. Could it be because of her slip of the tongue that King Qinghe was disappointed in her, so he didn't want to talk to her anymore

Sun Ziyun didn't dare to think about this possibility, but when she thought about it, she felt a throbbing pain in her heart. What made her even more disturbed was that she felt the attitude of the servants changed, and they seemed to start to ignore her again.

The servants in Qinghe Prince's Mansion were naturally trained to behave. They would not intentionally embarrass her like those servants when Sun Ziyun was at home. The servants of Qinghe Prince's Mansion would not dare to blatantly insult their master, but what they did made Sun Ziyun speechless.

These servants are still taking good care of Sun Ziyun, they don't treat her badly in terms of diet and taking care of her, but they treat Sun Ziyun as a transparent person and don't care about Sun Ziyun's existence at all.

Sun Ziyun ordered them to do something, and they did it, but they didn't agree with Sun Ziyun's words, even if they were forced to speak, they only understood briefly, understood, and so on. Other than that, none of their extra words were in line with Sun Ziyun's words. .

Sun Ziyun couldn't describe the feeling, it was that she was their master, but they didn't have the slightest respect for her. They did take good care of her in every aspect, but she could feel their contempt for her .

Staying in this gorgeous courtyard, Sun Ziyun felt in a trance, as if she had returned to the days when she was in Qi's mansion. At that time, she was locked in the small and dilapidated courtyard like now, and the outside of the courtyard was also guarded. The servants brought her food three meals a day, but none of them would talk to her, as if she was a non-existent person.

At that time, Sun Ziyun was about to be driven mad by the servants of Qi's mansion, and tried every means to escape, but she never thought that after arriving at Qinghe Palace, she would live the same life as before.

This kind of life is not what Sun Ziyun wants, what she wants is King Qinghe's meticulous care and pampering, what she wants is the respect from the bottom of her heart, and what she wants is for them to hold her high and treat her as a Treat her like a noble and precious master, instead of treating her as a transparent person like now.

Shouldn't the servants try their best to make her happy? Don't you want to scramble to express it in front of her? Why are they so indifferent to her

"Can't you talk to me? Is it possible that the prince asked you to take care of me and let you treat me like this?"

The long time of indifference brought Sun Ziyun's emotions to the brink of collapse. Today, after the servants brought tea, Sun Ziyun stopped the servant girls from drinking.

Because he had been suppressing his anger, Sun Ziyun's words could be said to be unceremonious, even a little aggressive.

However, even so, the appearance of those people still hasn't changed much from before.

"Miss Sun can tell the prince if she is dissatisfied. The task of the servants is to take care of Miss Sun. As for the rest, that is not what the servants should do."

"If Miss Sun has nothing to do, then the servants will push it down first. The servants have other things to do."

The servants still treated Sun Ziyun respectfully, but the words they said neutralized all Sun Ziyun's dissatisfaction. After they finished speaking, they saluted Sun Ziyun and then retreated.

Seeing their leaving figures, Sun Ziyun was so angry that she kicked hard to the side, and the soft stool beside her was kicked out by her, and bumped into the wall next to it with a loud bang. There was a sound.

Sun Ziyun was so angry that her heart ached - if she could see the prince, how could she tolerate these people domineering over her

If the prince treats her better, how would these people dare to treat her like this

Ten days passed in a flash. Sun Ziyun stayed in this gorgeous small courtyard, feeling like a bird imprisoned in a cage. She couldn't even get out of the courtyard door. At that time, the servants who were originally hiding appeared from nowhere and stood in front of her and did not allow her to go out.

"Miss Sun, please also consider your servants. The prince has told you that your health is not good. If you have nothing to do, it is best not to leave the yard."

Sun Ziyun smiled back, looked at the maids blocking in front of him, and said bluntly.

"Did the prince ask you to stop me from going out? The prince was only worried about my health, but he didn't say that he would imprison me here. I think you are using the prince as a cover to deliberately torment me."

After being imprisoned for such a long time, Sun Ziyun's emotions were already on the verge of breaking out. She didn't care what the servants said, and wanted to break out regardless.

However, those servants dutifully stopped Sun Ziyun, not allowing her to take a step.

Sun Ziyun didn't eat well or sleep well these days, these slaves stopped her, making her try to get past them, but in the end Sun Ziyun was stopped by them and sent back to the room.

Sun Ziyun kept circling around the room like a trapped animal. Hearing the discussions of the maids outside, Sun Ziyun felt like his head was going to explode.

Originally, Sun Ziyun had planned everything. She thought that after she got together with King Qinghe, she would soon be held in the palm of Qinghe King like Qi Feng in her previous life, but things backfired. The development was completely different from Qi Feng's, which caused Sun Ziyun to fall into great panic.

She has paid so much for the position of Princess Qinghe. If King Qinghe doesn't treat her like she thinks, then what's the point of him staying here

The attitude of the servants towards Sun Ziyun made her vaguely guess what King Qinghe was thinking. In desperation, Sun Ziyun chose to hurt herself in exchange for a chance to meet the king.

She was trapped in this small courtyard, and she could not see King Qinghe with her own strength, and she didn't know whether it was King Qinghe who was busy, or whether these servants were lying and deliberately trying to stop her. Sun Ziyun doesn't have any confidants in this place, the only thing she can do is rely on her own strength to fight for the chance to meet King Qinghe.

Sun Ziyun chose to go on a hunger strike. She locked herself in the room and lay on the bed without eating or drinking. The maids outside shouted loudly, but Sun Ziyun did not open the door.

Although those maids were disrespectful to bringing Sun Ziyun, Sun Ziyun felt that they would never dare to break into the house. dare.

Things did not go as expected by Sun Ziyun, those maids did not dare to break in.

She lay motionless on the bed, feeling her stomach rumbling with hunger. Because of her hunger, she even felt nauseous, but she endured it.

One must know that even when she was fleeing, Sun Ziyun never endured the taste of hunger, but now she endured it for the sake of King Qinghe, her stomach was obviously uncomfortably hungry, but Sun Ziyun was still lying motionless on the bed, constantly resisting her body's instincts .

One day passed, two days passed, three days passed...

Sun Ziyun, who hadn't eaten any water, was already extremely weak. At this moment, she felt as if she had returned to the time when she was locked up in the dilapidated courtyard of Qinghe Prince's Mansion in her previous life.

At that time, it seemed to be the same as it is now, but at that time, my thoughts were completely confused, and I couldn't tell if it was illusory. Sun Ziyun didn't remember very clearly what those people did to him. At that time, he supported her. The one who survived was King Qinghe.

After being hungry for so long, Sun Ziyun even had hallucinations. At this time, she didn't know whether she was dreaming or if she really had to go back in time and come before King Qinghe instead of Qi Feng.

Maybe dying here is also a good choice... If she can't be with King Qinghe, if she can't become Princess Qinghe, death is her best destination...

Sun Ziyun was thinking in a daze, everything in front of him was slowly shrouded in darkness.


"My lord, Miss Sun has been shutting herself in her room for the past few days. She hasn't eaten for a long time."

This day, as soon as King Qinghe returned to the mansion, he heard a servant from the mansion report that Sun Ziyun hadn’t eaten or drank during this time, and he didn’t know what he was doing. After hearing these words, King Qinghe couldn’t help but frown. wrinkled.

One of King Huainan and King Ruyang went to the Ministry of War, and the other went to the Ministry of Households. The two of them got along very well in the two departments, and they already followed a lot of people around them.

On the other hand, King Qinghe is still a loner. He either goes to the palace to accompany the emperor every day, or goes outside the East Palace to guard His Royal Highness. Even if His Highness does not allow King Qinghe to go inside the East Palace, he still guards outside leave.

After going through this for a few days, King Qinghe's body was much thinner than before, and his whole body looked sluggish. After hearing the report from his subordinates, King Qinghe frowned, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. The color of impatience.

However, after hearing people say that Sun Ziyun hadn't eaten or drank for a few days, he was still afraid of something wrong with Sun Ziyun. After thinking about it for a while, he went to the small courtyard to see what happened to Sun Ziyun. .

"Yun'er, what's wrong with you, Yun'er?"

Half-dream and half-awake, Sun Ziyun seemed to hear the voice of King Qinghe, she opened her eyes with difficulty, and saw a familiar figure appearing in front of her, Sun Ziyun weakly raised her hand, trying to grab the other's arm , but because she hasn't eaten for a long time, she can't even do such a simple action as raising her hand.

King Qinghe seemed to have noticed Sun Ziyun's urgency. He raised his hand to hold Sun Ziyun's hand, and then held it in his palm. A steady stream of heat entered Sun Ziyun's body, and his chaotic brain recovered a little. Ching Ming.

"My lord, you are here."

A weak smile appeared on Sun Ziyun's face. After only saying these few words, she kept panting heavily. Seeing Sun Ziyun's appearance, King Qinghe frowned.

"Yun'er, what's the matter with you? This king will call the imperial physician here."

With that said, King Qinghe ordered his servants to invite the imperial physician over.

Sun Ziyun wanted to say something, but right now she had no strength in her body, and then Sun Ziyun closed her eyes and fell into a coma. When she woke up again, she had already changed places.

This room was obviously much more magnificent than the one she lived in before, Sun Ziyun blinked her eyes, and some guesses arose in her heart.

At this moment, King Qinghe walked in from outside the house.

"Yun'er, you're awake."