Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1442: Who is the great benefactor


It was probably when she passed out that she was fed something. Sun Ziyun felt a strong bitter taste emanating from her mouth. She frowned and tried to sit up with difficulty, but now her body was still soft. He was so powerful that he couldn't hold himself up after holding on for a long time, but he was so tired that he was out of breath.

When King Qinghe saw her like this, he walked over quickly and helped Sun Ziyun up.

Sun Ziyun's pale cheeks were stained with a blush, she looked at King Qinghe, and cried out softly.

"My lord."

King Qinghe sat next to Sun Ziyun, pinching her little hand in his palm, his face was full of worry, and there was a little affection in his eyes looking at Sun Ziyun.

"Yun'er, can you tell me why you haven't eaten during this time?"

Hearing King Qinghe asked about this matter, Sun Ziyun knew that she couldn't hide it even if she wanted to, so she gritted her teeth and finally spoke out her thoughts.

"My lord, I haven't seen you for half a month. I don't know if you are angry with me. I'm scared, so..."

After hearing what Sun Ziyun said, King Qinghe's face became more helpless. He raised his hand, stroked Sun Ziyun's hair lightly, and continued.

"Why do you have such an idea? This king is very busy these days, so I don't have time to see you. How can you hurt your body because this king doesn't go to see you?"

Sun Ziyun bit her lip, deep grievances pervaded from the bottom of her heart, her eyes were sour, and tears flowed down her cheeks.

Seeing Sun Ziyun crying, King Qinghe didn't seem to have the heart to blame her anymore. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped the tears off Sun Ziyun's face, with a hint of helplessness in his voice.

"Yun'er, this king told you that this king has asked his father for an order, and you will be this king's concubine in the future. Don't you know how this king has feelings for you?"

Hearing King Qinghe's affectionate confession, Sun Ziyun was deeply moved. She gritted her teeth and finally expressed the uneasiness in her heart.

"But the attitude of the servants towards me is very bad, they have been ignoring me... There are so many people in the yard, but I feel as if I am the only one there..."

A weak-tempered person like Qi Feng probably wouldn't speak out when being bullied, but instead endured silently and wanted to use her kindness to influence others, but Sun Ziyun couldn't do it.

I didn't confirm my relationship with King Qinghe before, so it's fine if I didn't know that I would be Princess Qinghe. Now that I know that King Qinghe likes me, she will be the firm Princess Qinghe in the future. Those who offend him, Sun Ziyun will naturally want to Tell the prince.

She has no power or power now, and the only person she can rely on is naturally King Qinghe. She must let King Qinghe stand up for herself, so that those people know how important she is to King Qinghe, and save those people from being born. Other messy thoughts, I will not take good care of myself in the future.

"So you deliberately tortured yourself because those servants treated you badly?"

Just after Sun Ziyun finished those words, King Qinghe said something abruptly. After hearing what King Qinghe said, Sun Ziyun's heart skipped a beat, and the expression on her face changed slightly, but she still gritted her teeth and said.

"My lord, I didn't refuse to eat because they treated me badly, but because I couldn't see my lord, and I don't know what he thinks of me..."

Having said that, Sun Ziyun raised her head, looked directly at King Qinghe, and said each word with a pause.

"Since I reunited with the prince on the long street that day, the prince has entered my heart. In my heart, the prince is different. The prince once told me that you have feelings for me, but I feel less than…”

After some confession, Sun Ziyun presented her feelings in front of King Qinghe. She told King Qinghe how she felt towards him. He and she believed that after hearing her confession, King Qinghe would remain indifferent.

Qi Feng once told Sun Ziyun that when talking to the prince, he must admit that the prince doesn't like that kind of roundabout talk, so the best way to talk to him is to express all his feelings clearly in front of the prince. .

"Although the prince has a high position and authority, in fact he is still as innocent as a child in his heart. When I was with the prince, he told me that what he wanted to see was a passionate and straightforward expression..."

The reason why Qi Feng was able to be liked by King Qinghe must have her reason. Now Sun Ziyun has no way to draw the affection of King Qinghe to herself by relying on her own ability, so she followed what Qi Feng said, and acted according to Qi Feng's appearance. Do.

Sure enough, after Sun Ziyun finished speaking, King Qinghe seemed to be shocked. He stared at Sun Ziyun with wide eyes, and his handsome face showed a touch of emotion. After a long time, he seemed to be unable to suppress his feelings anymore. He stretched out his hand and hugged Sun Ziyun in his arms.

"Silly girl, if you had told me that earlier, I would have treated you better."

Afterwards, King Qinghe had a long talk with Sun Ziyun, and only then did Sun Ziyun know why King Qinghe hadn't seen him for so long.

King Qinghe said that Sun Ziyun was too young and he had deep feelings for Sun Ziyun. He was afraid that if he stayed with Sun Ziyun for a long time, he would do something to hurt Sun Ziyun.

"This king really likes you, so this king is willing to wait for you to grow up. You don't have to worry about what this king thinks of you. This king will not deceive you."

King Qinghe spoke with sincerity, as if he really used his affection for Sun Ziyun. Seeing King Qinghe like this, Sun Ziyun's heart began to shake. She finally chose to believe in King Qinghe. After all, being with King Qinghe is her dream.

Now the dream has come true.

Afterwards, King Qinghe severely punished those servants who neglected Sun Ziyun earlier, he even gathered all the servants in the mansion together, told them that Sun Ziyun would be the future Princess Qinghe, and made the servants treat Sun Ziyun as if he was treating him Respect.

"Yun'er will be the future concubine of this king. Seeing Yun'er is like seeing this king. Don't ignore her or neglect her. Otherwise, you will all be expelled from the palace like those people before. At that time, don't blame this king for being merciless!"

This act of killing chickens and respecting monkeys is really effective. Originally, the attitudes of these servants towards Sun Ziyun were far and near, but King Qinghe announced the importance of Sun Ziyun in front of so many people, and warned them that they must Respecting Sun Ziyun, this also led to a 360-degree turn in the attitude of these subordinates towards Sun Ziyun.

After talking about it, King Qinghe would go to Sun Ziyun's yard to chat with her when he came back from going out, or bring some small things to give to Sun Ziyun. Some people send some ornaments, clothes and the like.

Of course, not all the things that King Qinghe sent were priceless, but even if they were some worthless gadgets, Sun Ziyun would put them away carefully.

Before, she felt that King Qinghe's feelings for her had always been inseparable, as if something was missing, but now Sun Ziyun found that King Qinghe's feelings for him were very strong, and now King Qinghe's treatment of her was infinitely close to the way he treated Qi Feng in his previous life Yes, there is no difference in other aspects except that the two of them do not live together.

The life of his dream finally came to pass, Sun Ziyun was so happy in his heart, and there was a smile on his face, he also ate a lot more these days than before, his originally emaciated body was slowly replenished, and his whole body The person also reveals a bit round and delicate.


After receiving the letter from Qi Shengkun, Liu Xiyu and Qi Feng immediately set off for the capital.

Originally, Qi Shengkun thought that the two women should not be too anxious when they are on their way, they can take it slow, even if they come later, it doesn't matter, as long as they come to the capital before the year, but Qi Feng and Liu Xiyu knew that Qi Wang was about to enter the court After becoming officials, they specifically told the guards to hurry up. It would have taken more than a month to travel, but they arrived in the capital in about 20 days.

Qi Wang has already gone to work in the Ministry of Industry, the work of the Ministry of Industry is not busy now, Qi Wang can still leave work on time every day, this day he just came back from the yamen, and he heard laughter from the courtyard.

After hearing that familiar voice, Qi Huang quickened his pace and walked towards the inside. When he entered the hall, he saw Liu Xiyu and Qi Feng sitting in the hall talking with Qi Shengkun.

Qi Huang walked in with a smile and called out mother and sister.

After hearing Qi Huan's voice, Liu Xiyu suddenly turned her head and looked over. When she saw her son in a vermilion official robe and a black official hat, Liu Xiyu blinked, feeling like she was dreaming. After a while , she came back to her senses, and then greeted Qi Wang.

Just when Qi Wang thought that Liu Xiyu would hug him, unexpectedly Liu Xiyu stretched out his hand and pinched Qi Wang's cheek.

All of a sudden, the strength was a bit too much, Qi Wang frowned, his face was deformed by the pain, but seeing Qi Wang like this, Liu Xiyu laughed, just smiled, tears ran down his cheeks slipped down.

"Well, well, that's really good. I didn't expect my Ah Wan to be so capable, but I haven't seen you for a few months, and you are now an official."

You must know that Qi Wang once told Liu Xiyu before that he was making something, and if that thing was completed, he could directly enter the court as an official. At that time, Liu Xiyu still thought that her son was joking, but now It actually made him do it.

Seeing Liu Xiyu who was crying non-stop, Qi Huang showed helplessness on his face, he raised his hand to wipe away the tears on Liu Xiyu's face, but Liu Xiyu's tears were too abundant, Qi Huang wiped and wiped away the tears Still keep falling down.

At this time Qi Feng came over, seeing Liu Xiyu like this, Qi Feng took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and gently wiped away the tears on Liu Xiyu's face.

"Mother, you'd better stop crying. If you don't know, you'll think that Ah Wang has committed something. It's a good thing to be an official. If you cry like this now, don't you cry out all your happiness?"

Either Qi Feng knew his mother well, Liu Xiyu finally stopped crying after she comforted her, she wiped away her tears, grabbed Qi Huang's shoulder and looked left and right, it was so rare no matter how you looked at it.

You have to know that my son was told by the master that he had no talent in studying before, so he didn't want to rely on the imperial examination to become an official in the court, but he didn't expect to be a fifth-rank official now. I'm dreaming.

Qi Feng was standing beside Liu Xiyu, she looked at her younger brother with admiration, and said softly.

"Ah, you are amazing."

Qi Feng had a lot of things he wanted to say to Qi Wang, but in the end, only this sentence was gathered. At this time, Qi Feng had tears in his eyes, but he didn't cry out as excitedly as Liu Xiyu.

As the head of the family, Qi Shengkun felt very proud when he saw this scene. You must know that Qi Wang has been in the Ministry of Industry for a few days, but every time he looks at Qi Wang in official uniform, Qi Shengkun feels unreal. a feeling of.

But as the head of the family, even if his heart jumped up for joy, he couldn't keep his thoughts to the public. This time his wife and daughter came over, and those things that he couldn't say to other people could also be said to his wife.

"Okay, okay, it's a good thing for Ah Wan to be an official, no one is allowed to cry, you just came here today, let's have a good meal tonight to celebrate."

Naturally, the family had no objections. In the evening, they specially invited the cook from Zuixianglou to cook a meal, and the family ate lively.

In the dead of night, Qi Shengkun and Liu Xiyu were lying on the bed, Liu Xiyu still felt that all this was unreal, she couldn't help but moved closer to Qi Shengkun, and said softly.

"Master, why don't you pinch me? Why do I feel that all this is not real? Ah Wan has become an official. He is only fifteen years old. How can he become a fifth-rank official at such a young age? So powerful? So powerful that he doesn't even look like my son."

In fact, Liu Xiyu only knows that Qi Wang is now a fifth-rank official, but he doesn't know what he has paid for this fifth-rank official. If he hadn't met the prince and rescued the prince from the bandits, Qi Wang would never have Now this kind of chance.

However, Qi Shengkun didn't say anything about what happened because he was afraid of Liu Xiyu's worry, but simply brought it along.

"Ah Wan actually knows His Highness the Crown Prince, so is he now one of His Highness the Crown Prince's?"

After hearing these words, the expression on Liu Xiyu's face suddenly changed a little, she moved closer to Qi Shengkun's side, and then whispered.

"Master, you don't know about that in the capital, do you?"

Qi Shengkun was a little surprised, seeing Liu Xiyu's mysterious appearance, he asked her what happened.

Liu Xiyu then told Qi Shengkun that they had heard many rumors on their way to Beijing, and the most talked about was that His Royal Highness accidentally broke his leg when he went out this time. Come on, the emperor has plans to abolish the prince.

After hearing Liu Xiyu's words, Qi Shengkun's complexion changed instantly, he took Liu Xiyu's hand and said.

"Where did you hear these words? Does anyone else know?"

Liu Xiyu said puzzledly: "These words have been spread outside, even we heard about them when we were in Jizhou City."

However, they are all housewives, and they don't know much about these family and country affairs. His Royal Highness has a good reputation, and he has done a lot of practical things for the common people before. It's a pity, but they can only regret it for a while, and they can't do anything else.

Liu Xiyu also said that during this period of time, King Ruyang and King Huainan had become famous, saying that they had done a lot of things, there were rumors about them everywhere, and some people even said that the two of them had good morals and talents. His reputation has not been obvious since he was suppressed by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

"In the future, don't say this to anyone, and don't participate in the discussions of those other people. These things have nothing to do with us, do you understand?"

Liu Xiyu nodded, nodding to show that she understood.

"However, if it is true as they said, if His Highness the Crown Prince is abolished, Ah Wang relied on His Highness the Crown Prince to become a fifth-rank Yuanwailang. If His Highness the Crown Prince falls, what should he do?"

In fact, it doesn't matter to Liu Xiyu who is the crown prince. She is most worried about her son. After all, Qi Wang finally became a fifth-rank official. Their Qi family has appointed him as an official for so many years. She will worry about it too. normal.

Although Qi Wang didn't say much to Qi Shengkun, Qi Shengkun still had the vigilance he should have. He could vaguely feel that the matter this time was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, so he kept pretending to be deaf. Dumb, and pretending that he didn't know about it, seeing Liu Xiyu so worried about Qi Wang's official position, Qi Shengkun said vaguely.

"Ah Wan's official position is given by the emperor, it doesn't matter who is the crown prince."

But in order to prevent Liu Xiyu from continuing to ask, Qi Shengkun changed the subject and talked about other things.

"By the way, there is one more thing you need to know first."

Qi Shengkun told Liu Xiyu that Sun Ziyun had also come to the capital, and now that she had entered Qinghe Palace, it seemed that something had happened with Qinghe King.