Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1447: Who is the great benefactor


According to the maid, today's Sun Ziyun is very different from usual, whether it is his temper or personality, he seems to be a completely different person.

One of the maidservants hesitated again and again, summoned up her courage and said: "My lord, I don't know if I should say something or not."

King Qinghe looked at the beautiful maid, and motioned her to say what she wanted to say.

"If you have something to say, just say it."

"The Miss Qi we saw today looks somewhat similar to Miss Sun, or it should be said that Miss Sun seems to be imitating the other party."

"Afterwards, the other Young Master Qi said a few words to Ms. Sun. After hearing what the other party said, Ms. Sun suddenly seemed to lose her soul. She ignored everything and asked the servants to bring her back."

After returning, Sun Ziyun didn't calm down, and instead threatened them, the maids, to tell them not to tell what happened in Longfengxiang today, each and every incident was quite weird, but if they were singled out, it really didn't seem to be the same Yes, but everything is united together, but it seems to be a harbinger of something.

"Miss Sun seems to have some big secret."

The maid boldly said something, and after she finished speaking, she didn't dare to look up at King Qinghe. She lay on the ground with her head pressed against the floor, and she didn't dare to look at King Qinghe at all.

After hearing what the maids said, King Qinghe frowned, and his fingers tapped on the wooden handrails lightly. The knocking sound echoed continuously in the hall. They were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe out. They couldn't figure out what King Qinghe was thinking, so they could only lower their heads and wait for King Qinghe's response.

"This king knows, you all go down, this matter is well known in this king's mind."

Seeing that King Qinghe didn't punish them, the maidservants knew that what they did today was not out of line. They all breathed a sigh of relief, bowed to King Qinghe, and then retreated.

After everyone left, King Qinghe closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, then raised his voice and shouted.

"Chen Jiang."

Hearing King Qinghe's voice, Chen Jiang quietly came to King Qinghe's side. He knelt at King Qinghe's feet, waiting for his order.

"Go to Longfengxiang..."

Chen Jiang was ordered to retreat.

King Qinghe opened his eyes, looked at the low-key yet luxurious room, the corners of his mouth suddenly curled into a sneer.


"Ah Wan, do you feel that Sun Ziyun looks a little strange today?"

On the way back, Qi Feng and Qi Huang sat in the same carriage, recalling what happened in Longfengxiang, after all, Qi Feng couldn't hold back, and whispered something.

Thinking of Sun Ziyun's appearance just now, the more Qi Feng thought about it, the more weird he felt: "Fang, how do you think Sun Ziyun got involved with King Qinghe?"

The clothes on Sun Ziyun's body that I saw just now did not seem to be worn by ordinary people. Although there were not many jewelry on her hair, it could be seen that those jewelry were all of great value.

Coupled with her domineering appearance when facing her, she didn't look good even to Long Fengxiang's shopkeeper. How could an orphan girl have such confidence

"Did King Qinghe treat her well?"

Qi Feng didn't mean any jealousy when he said this, he was just curious. If it wasn't for the snobbery of King Qinghe, how could a little girl like Sun Ziyun dare to be so arrogant

Seeing Qi Feng's confused face, Qi Huan said calmly, "Sister, did you feel that Sun Ziyun looked familiar just now?"

Seeing Sun Ziyun's appearance, Qi Huan almost didn't laugh. Sun Ziyun's dress is completely a copy of Qi Feng's, but her appearance is not as good as Qi Feng's. After pressing it down, there were still five points of color, but it was only two points left after being suppressed.

It's okay when you look at her alone, but when she stands with Qi Feng, the pros and cons are instantly revealed.

Qi Feng showed some confusion on his face: "What does Sun Ziyun look like?"

She thought for a while, and unexpectedly looked down at the scallion-colored skirt on her body, and suddenly understood, she said in a little astonishment.

"You mean, Sun Ziyun is dressed exactly according to my habits?"

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be the case. Qi Feng doesn't like that kind of bright colors. He dresses in gentle and cool colors, but Sun Ziyun is different. She likes that kind of bright and warm colors, among which red is the Her favorite, when she was still in Yuzhou City, Sun Ziyun's clothes were all kinds of red, and she had a completely different aesthetic from her.

It's just that the Sun Ziyun I saw in Longfengxiang just now is completely different from the one Qi Feng remembered, she is so dressed up, she doesn't look like Sun Ziyun herself, even somewhat like herself...

Thinking of this possibility, Qi Feng shivered tremblingly. She looked at Qi Huang who was sitting opposite her in surprise, and said hesitantly.

"Ah Wan, could it be that Sun Ziyun dressed up according to my habit?"

Qi Wang nodded: "Obviously an opinion."

This time Qi Feng was silent for a long time, and she was a little speechless. After a long time, she said: "Why does she dress up like me? Obviously she is not suitable for this color, and she didn't hate the one that looks like me the most before." Do you have similar faces?"

Such a person who hates himself, but now compares himself to his own appearance, no matter how he thinks, he feels awkward, Qi Feng thought of some bad things, and his body was covered with white sweat.

Looking at Qi Feng who knew nothing about Sun Ziyun's actions, Qi Huan was silent for a long time, and then he spoke slowly.

"Sister, there is one thing I have never told you... I don't know whether I should tell you, after all, this matter is not a good thing for you, sister..."

Seeing that Qi Wang hesitated and didn't get to the point, Qi Feng showed a bit of helplessness on his face, she looked at Qi Wang and said.

"If this matter makes you difficult, then you don't need to tell me. Since it's not a good thing, if I don't know, it will have no effect on me. Is this the truth?"

If Qi Wang wants to say something, Qi Feng will naturally not stop him, but if he doesn't want to tell himself about it, Qi Feng can understand, she gave Qi Wang the right to choose, everything is up to him to decide.

"Wan, my sister believes that you will not harm me, so it is up to you to decide whether to say it or not."

Seeing Qi Feng looking at him trustingly, Qi Huan sighed, and suddenly said: "Sister, do you still remember the jade pendant that Sun Ziyun has been protecting and would rather break with her younger siblings than keep?"

Qi Feng was stunned for a moment: "Remember, is there anything wrong with that jade pendant?"

Naturally, she remembered the jade pendant. Back then, the servants in the mansion suspected that the jade pendant belonged to her, and even showed her the jade pendant. At that time, Sun Ziyun seemed crazy and wanted to take the jade pendant back. Later, Qi Feng found that the jade pendant was not his own, so he returned it to Sun Ziyun.

"Speaking of which, that jade pendant is somewhat similar to the jade pendant my mother gave me before. If I hadn't looked carefully, I wouldn't have noticed the difference."

Later, the servants guarding Sun Ziyun came back and told him that it was because of the jade pendant that Sun Ziyun had an argument with her younger siblings, and that Sun Ziyin even broke up with Sun Ziyun because of this.

"Wan, why did you suddenly bring up that jade pendant? Does it have something to do with what we are talking about now?"

Qi Huan nodded: "That jade pendant belongs to King Qinghe, and Sun Ziyun entered Qinghe Palace with that jade pendant. I heard that it was because Sun Ziyun rescued the seriously injured King Qinghe in the temple in Yuzhou City... "

At the beginning, the expression on Qi Feng's face didn't change much, but as Qi Huan spoke, the expression on Qi Feng's face also changed. She slowly widened her eyes and looked at Qi Wang opened and closed his mouth, unable to make a sound for a long time, after Qi Wang finished talking about this matter, Qi Feng finally found his voice.

"Sun Ziyun saved someone in the temple in Yuzhou City. That person is King Qinghe. Why haven't I heard of this?"

Qi Feng murmured, but she stopped suddenly when she said this, and then looked up at Qi Duan, her eyes slowly opened wide.

"You mean, actually, she, she..."

Qi Feng still remembered that he saved someone in the temple in Yuzhou City. The other person was a man and was seriously injured. He didn't know why he ended up in that state. Qi Feng looked at the other person's pity and rescued him. , but Qi Feng still remembered Liu Xiyu's teachings at that time, and did not tell him her identity. Although she took care of the man, she always abided by etiquette...

Qi Feng is not a fool, she quickly connected the two things together, and thinking that Sun Ziyun had been able to imitate her appearance just now, Qi Feng's eyes widened, and after a long time, she murmured: .

"It's impossible, it's just ridiculous."

At the time when he saved the man, Qi Feng didn't say anything. No one should know about it. At that time, Qi Feng didn't think about having anything to do with him, so he didn't ask the other party's identity. She didn't know who the other party was at all, how did Sun Ziyun know

"This is unbelievable, Sun Ziyun and her... King Qinghe... how is this possible?"

Some time ago, Qi Feng just listened to the story told by Mr. Storyteller, and unexpectedly, the things in the story book happened to him. Qi Feng only felt that it was extremely absurd.

Seeing that Qi Feng seemed to be in self-doubt, Qi Wang interrupted her wild thoughts by speaking out.

"Sister, the crux of the problem now is not this, but Sun Ziyun entered the Qinghe Palace in place of your identity. She obviously knew that she was a fake, so she tried every means to get rid of you, the genuine lifesaver."

"Do you still remember what happened when we were in Zhangzhou City? Sun Ziyun had money, but she watched you sell yourself as a slave. At that time, she had already started to plot against you."

"Before, I didn't know why Sun Ziyun was so cruel to you, sister. Now I understand. I'm afraid she already knew the identity of the person you saved, and she also wanted to replace him..."

After being fed such a large amount of information in a short period of time, Qi Feng felt that her brain was not enough. She was in a daze, and she sat stiffly against the wall of the carriage, not knowing what she was thinking.

"So sister, knowing that the person you saved is Queen Qinghe, how do you feel, sister?"

Qi Wang's words brought Qi Feng back to reality, she froze for a moment, then shook her head, and said honestly.

"I don't have any idea. When I saved someone, I didn't do it because of his identity. After I saved him, I didn't think about asking him for anything in return. If he was the King of Qinghe, he would still be involved with Sun Ziyun now." , I don't want to have anything to do with him."

For King Qinghe, Sun Ziyun regarded him as a favorite, and tried every means to be with King Qinghe, but for Qi Feng, the identity of King Qinghe was a big trouble for her.

"Ah, you mean that Sun Ziyun will use King Qinghe to attack us? Then what should we do? Otherwise, let's go back to Jizhou City. King Qinghe is in the capital, and we are in Jizhou City. They are so far apart. King Qinghe should There is no way to deal with us."

Seeing that there was no emotion on Qi Feng's face when he mentioned King Qinghe, Qi Wang understood that for Qi Feng now, the other party is a big trouble, and it is impossible for her to like King Qinghe.

Seeing that Qi Feng was so anxious that his head was sweating, Qi Wang just opened his mouth to calm Qi Feng's emotions.

"Sister, don't worry, the king of Qinghe is too busy to take care of himself now, and he has no time to trouble us, and you see, the story of the true and false benefactor is spreading throughout the capital, and Sun Ziyun doesn't dare to take any action at all, he can't wait for Qinghe The king has never confronted us for the rest of his life, so how dare he use the power of King Qinghe to deal with us?"

Regarding Qi Wang's words, Qi Feng half-believed, but seeing Qi Wang's determined face, Qi Feng gradually calmed down, but after returning home, Qi Feng still told his mother about it.

After Liu Xiyu found out about this, she discussed with Qi Feng, saying that they would never go out again during their stay in the capital.

"Although Feng'er said that King Qinghe would never find time to trouble us, just in case, you should stay in the mansion and not go out. That person Sun Ziyun is not easy to get along with. King Qinghe will take her now. Staying in the mansion, maybe she already has a relationship with King Qinghe..."

After Qi Wang became a fifth-rank official, Liu Xiyu once gave birth to wanting to marry Qi Feng to a better family, but after a long talk with Qi Shengkun, she dismissed this idea.

My daughter is too simple-minded to be in a high-ranking compound, and their Qi family's foundation is too shallow, and the prince's backer does not know how much they can rely on. If Qi Feng married into one of those high-ranking families, In the future, life may not be easy.

Even if her daughter has saved King Qinghe's life, it doesn't mean anything. King Qinghe may not marry his daughter, even if the other party wants to accept Qifeng's entry, Liu Xiyu will not agree.

Firstly, the backyard of Prince Qinghe's Mansion is not a good place to go, and secondly, with such a shit-stirring stick like Sun Ziyun around, it is even more impossible for Liu Xiyu to put her daughter with her.

"Mother, whatever you say is what you say, and my daughter listens to you."

Since then, Qi Feng really did what Liu Xiyu said, he never took a step out of the house, and only walked around the mansion every day. Fortunately, when he was in Jizhou City, Qi Feng was not the kind of person who liked to play around. People, it touches can endure loneliness.


Qi Wang is a fifth-rank member of the Ministry of Industry, like him, there are many people in the Ministry of Industry, but Qi Wang is different, he was appointed as a fifth-rank official by the current emperor to enter the Ministry of Industry, and then In addition, Minister of the Ministry of Industry received orders from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and took great care of Qi Wang. Unlike the other Yuanwailang who shared a room with four or five people, Qi Wang could have a room by himself.

Qi Wang accepted such care very frankly, and because the Minister of the Ministry of Industry was in charge, although the other people were dissatisfied, they treated Qi Wang very politely.

That day, Qi Wang was working in his room as usual, at this moment the door was knocked, before Qi Wang could speak, the door was closed tightly and was pushed open from the outside, a tall figure walked in .

"Master Qi, I wonder if you have a new invention?"

After hearing this voice, Qi Huang looked up and saw King Qinghe walking towards his direction with a smile.

Qi Wang immediately stood up and bowed to King Qinghe.

"Greetings to the prince."

King Qinghe treated Qi Wang very kindly, he waved his hand towards Qi Wang, and said with a smile: "Master Qi, you don't have to be so polite to me, I heard from Master Chen that you are making new weapons, don't you?" Do you know if this king is lucky enough to take a look?"

Although King Qinghe looked very kind, Qi Wang's guard against him did not weaken in the slightest.

However, Qi Wang had already expected that King Qinghe would come to find him. After all, Sun Ziyun's performance in Longfengxiang was not very good, so it was reasonable that King Qinghe would find him.

"Reporting to the lord, the production of weapons is not that simple, and I have not successfully produced them yet."

As he said that, Qi Huang lowered his head impressively, obviously a little embarrassed, as if he felt guilty that he had not successfully designed the weapon.

Seeing Qi Wang's appearance, King Qinghe didn't care, he walked around Qi Wang slowly, looked down at the tabletop, when he saw the things he drew on the blueprint, King Qinghe's eyes flickered, He reached out his hand very naturally and picked up the blueprint.

Qi Wang seemed to want to stop it, but then he thought of something, and abruptly withdrew his outstretched hand, but stood aside with his head bowed, allowing King Qinghe to look at the blueprint.

King Qinghe looked at the drawings carefully, then looked up at Qi Wang, and said suddenly.

"Master Qi, I don't know if you can explain this king's doubts. What is this thing you drew?"

Qi Wang hesitated for a moment, and said softly: "Reporting to the lord, this is just a sketch drawn by the lower official, whether it can be made or not is still uncertain, so..."

Before Qi Wang could finish speaking, King Qinghe interrupted him: "You just need to tell me what it is."