Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1448: Who is the great benefactor


Seeing that King Qinghe seemed to be angry, Qi Wang had no choice but to answer honestly.

"Reporting to the lord, this is the red cannon designed by the lower official."

"The cannon in red? But the kind that Japanese pirates used to install on ships?"

After hearing what King Qinghe said, Qi Huang showed a surprised expression on his face. He obviously didn't expect that King Qinghe also knew the origin of the red cannon. He looked up at King Qinghe and said in surprise.

"My lord, so you also know the red cannons used by Japanese pirates?"

King Qinghe nodded, and did not delve into this question, but continued to ask.

"Where did you get this design drawing from, and how do you know how the red cannon is made?"

King Qinghe asked many questions in succession, but Qi Wang answered honestly.

"Returning to the lord, I actually don't know how the red-clothed cannons are made, but I have read many descriptions of the power of the red-clothed cannons installed on ships by the Japanese country in some rural biographies, so I thought about making the red-clothed cannons It's reproduced."

You must know that in the previous dynasty, there was a lot of trouble in the coastal areas of Japanese water bandits. The red cannons on those water bandit ships were very powerful. If you hit the official ship, you can be sunk directly.

Later, the naval army of the previous dynasty worked hard and captured two red-clothed cannons from the Japanese country. The craftsmen of the previous dynasty imitated the red-clothed cannons based on the two red-clothed cannons. Although they were not as powerful as the Japanese people, this also ended. Taking advantage of the Japanese people's advantage in the coastal area, the navy relied on these weapons to completely wipe out the Japanese water bandits.

But later, with the fall of the former dynasty and the establishment of the Great Yan Kingdom, the blueprints for making the red cannons also disappeared. That extremely powerful weapon has never been handed down, so seeing Qi Wang draw the blueprints, King Qinghe was very surprised, so he asked him how he drew these blueprints.

Hearing that Qi Wang drew it out of his own imagination, King Qinghe's eyes flickered, and he asked.

"Then according to your own idea, if this cannon is made, how powerful will it be? Is it as powerful as those red cannons from the previous dynasty?"

Qi thought for a while, and answered King Qinghe honestly.

"If it is to attack the city gate, at most three or four cannonballs should be able to blast the city gate open, but this is just the power calculated by the lower official. I don't know if it can be made. After all, the lower official just touches the gate. Stones cross the river."

King Qinghe didn't say anything more, but lowered his head and continued to look at the drawing carefully. The drawing made by Qi Wang seemed to be very detailed, almost all the steps were drawn out, and he even wrote on the side. Down □□.

Seeing that King Qinghe took the blueprints to examine carefully, Qi Wang looked at him like this, and couldn't help feeling a little restless.

"My lord, can you return the drawing to the lower official? The lower official has not drawn it completely, and this blueprint is incomplete. Can you return it to the lower official, my lord?"

However, King Qinghe had no intention of returning the blueprint to Qi Wang, he stared at the blueprint and fell into deep thought.

Seeing the appearance of King Qinghe, Qi Wang became a little anxious, and suddenly he reached out his hand to snatch the blueprint, but Qinghe King raised his hand and pressed it on the blueprint, Qi Wang was afraid that the blueprint would be broken, so he hurriedly let go. Opening his hand, seeing Qi Wang's movement, King Qinghe's expression changed slightly.

"Master Qi, can you lend me this blueprint to observe for a while? I am very interested in the process of making the red cannon. Can I study the blueprint carefully?"

Qi Wang obviously didn't expect that King Qinghe would directly ask to take away his blueprint, he couldn't help but froze there with a troubled expression on his face, but King Qinghe still didn't let Qi Wang go.

"Master Qi, this king is most interested in these things. The reason why my father asked me to come to the Ministry of Industry is because I know that I like to study these things. Can you give them to me?"

In order to get this blueprint, King Qinghe even brought out the emperor, which made Qi Wang even more unable to refuse. After hesitating again and again, Qi Wang nodded and said.

"Since the lord wants it, I will give the blueprint to the lord, but don't forget what you said, lord, you just observe it for a while, and then you have to hand over the blueprint to the lord, and the lord designed this It's not easy to make a blueprint, and I want to see if it can be done... "

Seeing Qi Wang like this, King Qinghe smiled slightly.

"Master Qi, you can rest assured, this king will not be greedy for your blueprint, this king just took it home to observe for a while, and will send you this blueprint later."

After saying these words, King Qinghe took the blueprint and left Qi Wang's room.

Not long after King Qinghe left, Lord Liu, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, came to Qi Wang's room and asked him what happened just now.

"Master Qi, what did the prince do when he came to you just now?"

The fact that King Qinghe came to him could not be hidden from other people. Facing the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, Qi Wang honestly told the other party what King Qinghe had done.

"Master Chen, King Qinghe took away the blueprint designed by Xiaguan."

After hearing what Qi Wang said, Mr. Chen's face immediately changed, and his voice also raised a bit.

"Take away your blueprint? Which blueprint? But the blueprint of the red cannon you designed before?"

Qi Huan nodded: "Yes, that's the one, Mr. Chen, that drawing has almost been completed, only a few details have not been revised, and the lower officials wanted to hurry up and revise it before handing it over to Mr. , but King Qinghe insisted on taking away the blueprint just now, and there is no other way for the lower officials... "

Looking at Qi Wang's appearance, Mr. Chen couldn't say anything to blame. After all, Qi Wang is just a sixteen-year-old boy, Qinghe Wang is a prince, what the other party wants, how can Qi Wang refuse him

It's just that the blueprint is not small, but the weapon designed on it has been carefully calculated by Mr. Chen and his subordinates. They all think that the possibility of making a red cannon is extremely high. King Qinghe took the blueprint away. What will he do

"It's not your fault, it's my mistake."

Seeing the guilt and uneasiness on Qi Wang's face, Master Chen patiently comforted Qi Wang.

After all, Qi Wang once said that he would hand over the blueprint to Mr. Chen. It was Mr. Chen who felt that the blueprint had not been fully designed, and as the designer, Qi Wang should be very clear about how to calculate the data in it, so he let him Qi Wang designed the data and handed it over to himself. Who would have thought that King Qinghe, who had never had any contact with Qi Wang before, would suddenly come here, but he also found the blueprint designed by Qi Wang...

"I still have something to do, Mr. Qi, don't feel bad because of this matter, I will take care of it naturally..."

After saying these words, Mr. Chen didn't say anything more to Qi Wang, and left in a hurry, while Qi Wang lowered his head, and he sat in his seat blankly, as if he was lost. He looked as if he felt guilty for not seeing the blueprints.


When he went to work the next day, King Qinghe came to Qi Wang again, and he returned the blueprint to Qi Wang intact.

"Thank you, I like this kind of blueprint very much. You must know that I have always been interested in weapon research, but I obviously don't have such a talent. After seeing your blueprint, Mr. Qi, I like it very much..."

Seeing that King Qinghe returned the blueprint to himself, Qi Wang showed a heartfelt happy smile on his face. He folded the blueprint carefully and put it in the cabinet. Seeing Qi Wang's appearance, King Qinghe couldn't help but smile. stand up.

"Master Qi, thank you for handing over the blueprints to me for reading. In order to express my gratitude, I hosted a banquet in Zuixiang Tower. I wonder if Lord Qi will show me your face?"

After hearing what King Qinghe said, Qi Wang showed a embarrassed look on his face, as if he didn't know whether he should go to the banquet or not. Seeing Qi Wang like this, King Qinghe patted Qi Wang on the shoulder and said with a smile .

"Master Qi, you will not reject this king, will you? It is rare for this king to invite people to a banquet, so don't refuse me."

King Qinghe has reached this point in his words, and Qi Wang seemed a little clueless if he refused to continue, he hesitated for a moment. Still nodded in agreement.

It’s time to get off work soon, and King Qinghe came to Qi Wang’s room before he got off work, waiting as if he was afraid that Qi Wang would run away. Procrastinatingly packing his things, as if he was very reluctant to be with King Qinghe.

However, King Qinghe looked very patient. Even though Qi Wang had been delaying the time, King Qinghe did not show any dissatisfaction, but waited patiently for Qi Huang.

In the end, Qi Wang really had no choice but to ask King Qinghe timidly.

"My lord, there is still something to do at the lower official's house, can I not go today?"

Seeing Qi Huang's appearance as if he was frightened by himself, King Qinghe raised the corners of his mouth, and the smile on his face became wider, he said with a smile.

"Since you don't have the time, then I can go home with you."

Qi Huan: "..."

The other party looked like he was going to invite him to dinner, which made Qi Wang feel a headache. After hesitating again and again, Qi Wang could only agree to go to Zuixianglou with King Qinghe.

However, what made Qinghe King Qi Wang more relaxed was that after he arrived at Zuixiang Tower, he realized that Qinghe King had only invited himself. However, before Qi Wang could relax completely, the door of the room opened again, and a familiar figure Walked in from the outside.

"My lord, you... why are you here?"

After Sun Ziyun knew that King Qinghe was going to take her to Zuixianglou for dinner, she felt very happy, so she dressed up specially so that she could dine outside with King Qinghe.

As a result, she went to the restaurant full of joy, but found that besides King Qinghe, there was another person in the room that she absolutely didn't want to see.

After seeing someone who could never appear here, Sun Ziyun couldn't control his emotions at all, so he blurted out.

After seeing Sun Ziyun, Qi Wang's expression also changed. He looked at King Qinghe in surprise, and then turned his head to look at Sun Ziyun, with a look of fear on his face.

As the king of Qinghe who controls everything, he always had a smile on his face, and his eyes circled around the faces of Qi Wang and Sun Ziyun a few times, taking a panoramic view of their expressions, and then he seemed to have not noticed any changes in the two of them. , beckoned to Sun Ziyun, signaling her to come over.

"Master Qi, let me introduce you. This is my future concubine. Her name is Sun Ziyun."

Although King Qinghe introduced herself as her concubine in front of Qi Huang, but for some reason, this introduction of King Qinghe made Sun Ziyun feel a deep sense of uneasiness, her body stiffened in Qinghe Wang sat down next to him.

"Yun'er, the person opposite is Wailang, a fifth-rank member of the Ministry of Industry, Mr. Qi, you can call him Mr. Qi."

Sun Ziyun's complexion turned pale, and she could not open her mouth. She sat beside King Qinghe stiffly, feeling as if her soul was about to be pulled out of her body.

And Qi Wang's complexion is not very good, even if King Qinghe made an introduction, Qi Wang did not say hello to Sun Ziyun, King Qinghe looked at this and that, as if he finally found something wrong with the two of them, he He lowered his head to look at Sun Ziyun first, and said in a soft voice.

"Yun'er, you are the most generous and decent person on weekdays, why is it that you seem to have done something wrong today and can't say a word?"

Sun Ziyun couldn't help shivering when she heard King Qinghe's voice. She wanted to raise the corners of her mouth to show a smile, but her face seemed to be frozen by ice, and she couldn't show a smile after convulsing for a long time.

King Qinghe ignored Sun Ziyun, he raised his eyes again to look at Qi Huang who was sitting across from him, the smile on his face widened, but his eyes seemed to be covered with ice, without any emotion.

"Master Qi, didn't the two of you meet at Longfengxiang before? I remember that you seemed to know each other at that time, and even whispered to each other. Why do you two seem to be strangers now?"

What did Qi Wang want to say just now? Sun Ziyun, who was so frightened that he couldn't make a sound, was afraid that Qi Huang would say something unfavorable to him, so he spoke first.

"My lord, it was Yun'er who was frightened just now, he is Yun'er's cousin."

Sun Ziyun first revealed Qi Huang's identity in front of King Qinghe, and then revealed the entanglement between them. Of course, what Sun Ziyun said was naturally aimed at herself.