Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1450: Who is the great benefactor


The twenty-ninth year of the emperor's pen, and the opening of the pen on the sixth day of the new year. It is rare to have a few days off in a year as the emperor, but even if it is a holiday, there will be banquets in the palace almost every day, and princes like King Qinghe also have to go To attend a banquet in the palace.

During the recent period, King Qinghe's life has been very difficult. Originally, he pretended to be confused in the court, trying to escape the forced formation of King Huainan and King Ruyang, but they were not so easy to fool, and repeatedly And San's pretending to be confused made King Huainan and King Ruyang full of doubts about King Qinghe. The two of them even openly asked King Qinghe to have a meal together and asked whose side he was on.

Regardless of whether it is King Huainan or King Ruyang, they are all sure that King Qinghe is on their side, but only King Qinghe knows that he is actually on both sides, and the two of them are not on the same side, but he never thought that the original water and fire The two elder brothers who couldn't bear it actually came to him at the same time and asked him to express his opinion in front of them. King Qinghe really couldn't tell who he was standing on, which made them even more suspicious.

"Fourth brother, are you kidding us, or are you actually the one pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"

The two of them pressed for a long time, but failed to come up with a result. Huainan King, who was the most irritable, said such words suddenly.

King Qinghe's expression almost changed, but relying on his strong self-control, he suppressed the thoughts in his heart and pretended to be forced by the two of them.

"Brothers, I beg you two to stop forcing me. I just want to be an idle prince in peace. What's more, you two know my ability. How can I help you?"

It seemed that no one could be offended by King Qinghe's words, but it was precisely because of his words that King Huainan and King Ruyang confirmed that King Qinghe was deceiving them. I met King Qinghe and asked him what he meant by what he said in front of the two of them.

King Qinghe used the same rhetoric to both of them, saying that he was confusing each other so that they would not be suspicious.

King Huainan and King Ruyang temporarily shook hands to make peace. They got together behind King Qinghe's backs and compared what King Qinghe had said to them, only to find that apart from changing their titles, what King Qinghe said was verbatim. — He didn't even bother to find more reasons and excuses to fool them.

"What a king of Qinghe, but this king underestimated him."

"The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind. If he wants to be that oriole, he has to see if he has the ability to be an oriole."

After it was confirmed that King Qinghe had mischievous intentions, King Huainan and King Ruyang still fought fiercely in court, but the two had the ambition to unite together against King Qinghe.

After digging layer by layer, the two found that the hidden strength of King Qinghe, who was originally the most indifferent to fame and fortune and acted as if he didn't care about everything, should not be underestimated.

Almost all of the six departments were nails planted by King Qinghe, and even some officials who originally joined the camp of the two of them belonged to King Qinghe.

Before they were confused by King Qinghe, they didn't investigate in this direction, but after they investigated in this direction, they pulled out these nails one by one.

King Qinghe thought he was pretending well, but he didn't know that his disguise had already been exposed in front of his two older brothers. When he realized it, the nail he had planted was pulled out by King Huainan and King Ruyang. Quite a few, it was at that time that King Qinghe knew that his true face had been exposed.

King Huainan and King Ruyang actually joined forces to target him...

After knowing this, King Qinghe smashed all the things that could be smashed in his bedroom. After some venting, King Qinghe calmed down.

He can't be anxious, the more calm he is at this time, even if King Huainan and King Ruyang find out the nail he planted, at least in the heart of the emperor, he is still innocent...

But soon King Qinghe realized that he was thinking too much. At the New Year's Eve banquet, King Qinghe saw His Highness the Crown Prince sitting next to the emperor. At this time, he was wearing a bright yellow robe with majestic four claws embroidered on it. The golden dragon, the four-clawed golden dragon drawn with gold thread, shone under the candlelight, exuding a kind of dignity that cannot be described in words.

Before, the imperial physicians said that His Highness the Crown Prince's legs are useless, and it is impossible to stand up again in this life. He is such a useless person, and it is reasonable to say that he should lie rotten and smelly in the East Palace. Why did he appear at the New Year's Eve banquet

Soon King Qinghe knew why.

At the beginning of the banquet, the emperor announced a good thing, saying that the leg injury of His Royal Highness was cured.

"I have been sending people to look for famous doctors recently, and the hard work pays off. This famous ghost doctor in Guigu is expected to cure my crown prince."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience. You must know that the fact that His Royal Highness became disabled is a fact that everyone has recognized. In order to have a better future, they started teams one after another and chose the one they thought would be able to become a great treasure. Prince, but now the emperor said that His Royal Highness may recover from his leg injury, so will His Royal Highness forgive what they have done

Among them, the three princes were the most shocked. King Huainan's temper was the most irritable, and the expression on his face changed the most. He looked at His Highness the Crown Prince sitting there in disbelief, and his mind began to buzz.

If His Royal Highness's leg injury can be cured, wouldn't what he has done during this period of time be like a clown? If His Highness the Crown Prince recovers, can he forgive him, who covets the throne

King Ruyang also had the same thoughts as King Huainan, but his city mansion was deeper, even though his heart was full of various thoughts, he didn't show the slightest bit on his face.

Among them, King Qinghe was the calmest person. At first he was confused by the news, until he saw the lucky bag tied around the waist of His Highness the Crown Prince, King Qinghe immediately calmed down.

Recently, although he didn't stand outside the East Palace, he has been sending people to keep an eye on the East Palace and let them pass all the news about the East Palace to him.

Everyone said that His Royal Highness may have become more irritable because of his leg injury that could not heal. When several children came to greet His Highness, His Highness would lose his temper at them for no reason. He punished his most beloved son-in-law by making him stand outside in the yard in the freezing and snowy weather.

Even the Crown Princess was often reprimanded by His Royal Highness. King Qinghe heard the news from his subordinates that the Crown Princess often washed her face with tears, and some little maids in the East Palace also said that His Royal Highness’s temperament has become worse than before. It was getting worse and worse, maybe because of his leg injury, he had a bad temper, beat and scolded the palace people frequently, and the whole East Palace was full of complaints.

Even if the legs can get better, so what, Dayan Kingdom doesn't need a hostile emperor.

At this New Year's Eve banquet, everyone had their own concerns, but King Qinghe was full of joy that His Highness the Crown Prince was getting better. In order to express his joy, he even performed on stage on New Year's Eve, dancing swords for everyone.

King Qinghe made a big splash again when he came out, the emperor was very pleased when he saw this, and besides the normal rewards, he also rewarded King Qinghe alone, and also praised him a lot.

Even His Highness the Prince's gaze at King Qinghe softened, and he even asked him to sit beside him and drink with him.

In a New Year's Eve banquet, King Qinghe stole the limelight. It was not enough to get the emperor's reward, and he even won the favor of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. This made Huainan King and Ruyang King even more anxious.

If he didn't stop them, I'm afraid that King Qinghe would directly surpass the two of them and sit on the supreme position just as he had planned.

As for King Qinghe giving up the throne... that is simply a big joke. With his scheming methods, how could he give up the easy-to-get throne? All he did was to get closer to that position.

It looks like they're going to pick up the pace.

When the holiday was over and the emperor began to go to court, King Qinghe found that King Huainan and King Ruyang were chasing and intercepting him even more fiercely. They even pushed King Qinghe who had been hiding behind him to the surface.

Few people who are officials in the court have clean hands, especially those who are not rich in fiefs like King Qinghe but are ambitious. If they want to get huge benefits, they will naturally take risks.

King Huainan and King Ruyang joined forces and used their power to uncover several corrupt officials. The evidence they collected was extremely complete, and all the evidence eventually pointed to King Qinghe.

On the day they returned to court, they suddenly launched an attack and handed over these evidences to the current emperor in court.

King Qinghe never expected that King Huainan and King Ruyang would move so fast, and they would start from this aspect.

"My son was wronged, none of this was done by my son, please learn from my father!"

King Qinghe knelt down on the main hall, his head resting on the cold ground, refusing to admit the accusations made by King Huainan and King Ruyang.

However, King Huainan and King Ruyang spent a lot of manpower and material resources for this day, so how could they let King Qinghe go? They argued hard, trying to completely pull King Qinghe off his horse.

Seeing that King Huainan and King Ruyang had been pressing each other step by step, King Qinghe finally seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. He raised his head, looked at the emperor sitting on the dragon chair, and said in a trembling voice.

"Father, do you know why the two elder brothers have been pressing my son every step of the way? My son was wronged..."

With a look of pain and despair on King Qinghe's face, he said with a trembling voice, "That's because I know that the gangsters who caused my son to almost die in Yuzhou City were the two elder brothers. Instructed to strangle the minister... and the reason why the prince's elder brother was attacked is also because of them..."

After discovering that King Huainan and King Ruyang had doubts about him and secretly pulled out his forces, how could King Qinghe not prepare to fight back

They could find evidence of corruption and bribery by their subordinates, so King Qinghe would naturally be able to find evidence that they sent someone to kill him.

King Huainan and King Ruyang obviously didn't expect that King Qinghe would have such a trick, and they naturally wouldn't admit it, but the evidence prepared by King Qinghe was too sufficient, even the bandits back then testified, and the two of them wrote their own letters as evidence. Evidence, how could King Huainan and King Ruyang be the opponents of King Qinghe

After seeing the evidence submitted by King Qinghe, the emperor was furious, and suppressed King Huainan and King Ruyang, and ordered them to be imprisoned in their respective palaces, and they were not allowed to step out of the palace until the matter was clearly investigated. step.

King Qinghe proved that King Huainan and King Ruyang murdered the prince with evil intentions, and he also had evidence that they had murdered himself before. Naturally, the evidence presented by the two of them this time cannot be counted.

Killing two birds with one stone, King Qinghe directly pulled Huainan King and Ruyang King off their horses.

However, what King Qinghe didn't expect was that the emperor also sent people to suppress him in the end, and ordered people to guard him strictly.