Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1466: A prank


Yes, Xiao Meiyu is sorry, at that time she was obviously very fond of Qi Wang, but because she was shy and afraid to face Qi Wang directly, she was embarrassed to hand over the love letter she wrote to Qi Wang, so she asked Qi Wang's roommate, Want him to pass it on.

When she said this, the nerves on Xiao Meiyu's face became blurred. She recalled what happened back then, and felt that everything was so far away from her, as if it happened in her previous life.

"Your roommate is Wang Haiyang. He was very enthusiastic and cheerful at that time, and he seemed like a very helpful man."

Wang Haiyang was indeed very helpful. He agreed to Xiao Meiyu's request and kept Xiao Meiyu's love letter.

After saying this, Xiao Meiyu fell into a long silence. She never spoke again, while Qi Huang waited quietly without urging Xiao Meiyu. After a long time, Xiao Meiyu seemed to finally find her. returned his voice.

"After about two or three days later, he asked me to meet again and said that he had given you the love letter. He had something to tell me, and he said that you wanted him to tell me."

It was the first time that Xiao Meiyu fell in love with a man, so she has been worrying about gains and losses. Although her appearance is very good and there are many people who like her, Xiao Meiyu is not sure whether she can be with Qi Wang.

Probably anyone will always worry about gains and losses when facing someone they like.

"I went to see Wang Haiyang."

Xiao Meiyu didn't expect what Wang Haiyang would do to her. She regarded Wang Haiyang as a man who could deliver love letters for her, but the appearance of the other party gave Xiao Meiyu an illusion that Wang Haiyang was a warm and reliable man. man.

But she never expected that such a man who seemed enthusiastic and reliable on the surface would pull herself into the abyss.

"We made an appointment at a cafe. It wasn't this cafe that we met, but a cafe that was still some distance away."

In fact, that cafe is much more upscale than the one they are in now, and there are even beautiful professional girls playing the piano in the lobby.

The clothes worn by the waiters coming and going in the lobby are also very beautiful, which makes people know that the place is very high-end at a glance.

In fact, Xiao Meiyu's family conditions can only be regarded as ordinary, and being suddenly invited to such a place, Xiao Meiyu is inevitably a little embarrassed.

"Student Xiao Meiyu, you don't have to be shy. I'm Qi Huang's roommate. We have a good relationship. If you become boyfriend and girlfriend with him, then you will be considered my younger sibling. You should be nice to younger siblings. "

In fact, at that time Xiao Meiyu should have noticed that Wang Haiyang's attitude was not right. If a normal man, how could he say such things to a woman who likes his brother

But Xiao Meiyu was not so vigilant at that time, she didn't hear anything wrong in Wang Haiyang's tone, and still trusted Wang Haiyang.

"Wang Haiyang told me a lot about you, and those things are what I desperately want to know..."

Xiao Meiyu likes Qi Wang, so she naturally wants to know more about Qi Wang, and what Wang Haiyang said just hit Xiao Meiyu's point.

"What happened later, why did you suddenly associate with Wang Haiyang?"

According to what Xiao Meiyu said, the person she likes is Qi Huang, not Wang Haiyang, and she also associates with Wang Haiyang for Qi Huang, so why would she be with Wang Haiyang

Qi Wang thought of the worm that Xiao Meiyu vomited out just now. He didn't know what that worm was, but he knew that Xiao Meiyu's mind should be controlled by that worm, which made her not like herself. .

"I seem to have drank a cup of coffee that Wang Haiyang handed over, and I can't remember what happened afterwards."

That day, Wang Haiyang and Xiao Meiyu chatted about many things, which made her know more about Qi Wang. Xiao Meiyu knew what the perfect goddess in Qi Wang's heart looked like. She felt that if she changed her personality a little, she should be You can be with Qi Wang now.

"Student Xiao Meiyu, I've told you so many secrets, should I have a toast with me? Let's replace the wine with coffee. I wish you to be with the person you like as soon as possible."

At that time, Xiao Meiyu didn't have any precautions, and drank the coffee directly, but after the coffee was eaten, Xiao Meiyu's meaning became blurred, and she couldn't remember what happened after that, it was just vague I vaguely remember that she was brought into the hotel by Wang Haiyang...

Speaking of this, Xiao Meiyu smiled miserably, that beautiful face was filled with deep despair and pain.

"If possible, I never want to remember that period of memory. I don't have any feelings for Wang Haiyang, but my body can't be controlled by myself..."

When she arrived at the hotel, Xiao Meiyu suddenly woke up, but at that time she was horrified to find that her body was completely out of her control, as if she had turned into a puppet. The body must follow Wang Haiyang's order and make shameful movements one after another.

At that time, Xiao Meiyu scolded everything she could, but Wang Haiyang remained unmoved. Seeing that the other party wanted to rob her of everything, Xiao Meiyu finally couldn't help but begged Wang Haiyang for mercy.

She told Wang Haiyang that she would not be held accountable for what Wang Haiyang did today, as long as the other party let her go.

But in the end Wang Haiyang still didn't let Xiao Meiyu go, he defiled Xiao Meiyu.

In fact, at the very beginning, Xiao Meiyu still had her own consciousness. She wanted to make a fuss with Wang Haiyang, but Wang Haiyang showed Xiao Meiyu the video he had recorded before, and he told Xiao Meiyu that he had put the The video of the two of them together was recorded. If Xiao Meiyu dared to make trouble with him, then he would make it public.

"Anyway, I'm a big man. It doesn't matter if my body is looked at by others. I will be the one who will take advantage of it. But you are different. A beautiful woman like you is still the perfect goddess in the eyes of many men in school. I don’t know if their belief will collapse after seeing your appearance. What do you think if I sell the video for ten yuan at a time? There must be many people who will buy it like crazy... "

Xiao Meiyu was about to be driven crazy by Wang Haiyang. Since the other party said such words brazenly, it was certain that Xiao Meiyu would never dare to publicize this matter.

Facts have proved that Wang Haiyang's bet was indeed right. Xiao Meiyu is a girl. She thought that if the other party wanted to make this video public, how would she see others in the future? together.

"Student Xiao, if you encounter this incident, you should call the police. The police will help you deal with Wang Haiyang."

It is the best choice for the police to come forward when someone is threatening. If the evidence is convincing, Wang Haiyang may have to go to the detention center for a while.

Xiao Meiyu smiled miserably.

"At that time, how could I think of calling the police? I just felt that he was pinching my video in his hand, which was tantamount to controlling my life and death... And even if I went to the police station to report the case, would the police believe what I said?"

In the things Wang Haiyang took, he seemed to be a suitor, but Wang Haiyang seemed to be rejecting himself constantly. In the end, Wang Haiyang couldn't refuse himself, so he agreed to be with her. In the hands of the police, what will the police think of her after seeing her

"useless… "

At that time, Xiao Meiyu had only such thoughts in her mind. Wang Haiyang held her video in her hands. Go to the other party and donate your body for free.

At the beginning, Wang Haiyang still used that strange force to restrict her body, but later, as time went by, Wang Haiyang didn't have to do anything at all, and Xiao Meiyu stuck to it spontaneously.

It seems that from that time on, Xiao Meiyu felt that her memory began to become blurred, and after that, many memories were separated by a layer of mist, making it difficult for people to see clearly. At this time, Xiao Meiyu felt that she was Like a bystander standing aside, watching another tragedy that has nothing to do with him.

After listening to Xiao Meiyu's narration, Qi Wang showed a thoughtful expression on his face, and seeing Qi Wang's appearance, Xiao Meiyu smiled miserably, she closed her eyes and sat on the back of the chair, with a frown His tired look became more and more intense.

Her wonderful life has been completely destroyed by Wang Haiyang, thinking that she was like a puppet before being manipulated by Wang Haiyang, and she has done so many things she didn't want to do, what is the point of living by herself.

Xiao Meiyu felt that her life was gloomy, and she had no intention of living anymore.

At this time, Qi Wang has not noticed that Xiao Meiyu's mood is wrong for the time being, he is still thinking about the things Xiao Meiyu said before.

For the power system of this world, Qi Wang at this time does not have a thorough understanding, but what Wang Haiyang did to Xiao Meiyu was a bit like a Gu, the power of the Gu was still weak at the beginning, and two people were needed Only by constant contact can the Gu worms exert their maximum effect, and in the end the Gu worms have completely worked, and Xiao Meiyu has become Wang Haiyang's echo.

But one thing is strange is that if the Gu worm has completely controlled Xiao Meiyu, then Xiao Meiyu should not have contacted herself before. From this point of view, it seems that Xiao Meiyu is not completely controlled by the Gu worm. , maybe at that time, Xiao Meiyu had her own consciousness, and the Gu worms hadn't completely replaced her

However, these things are just speculations made by Qi Wang based on the existing information. Whether it is true or not must be proved by specific examples.

Thinking of this, Qi Wang restrained his thoughts, he looked up, but found that Xiao Meiyu's expression was very gloomy, and the whole person's condition looked very bad, Qi Wang looked intently, and found that Xiao Meiyu's soul light seemed to be Much dimmer.

"Student Xiao Meiyu, what's wrong with you?"

Qi Wang suddenly yelled, Xiao Meiyu, who had been in a trough, raised her head, and she looked at Qi Wang with her big eyes.

Xiao Meiyu's expression was in a trance at this time, she looked like an old man who had lost all her vitality, her whole body was lifeless, she didn't look like a young man should be at all.

Seeing Qi Wang's face so close at hand, Xiao Meiyu felt that he was far away from her, even if she tried her best, she couldn't get close to him. After exhaling a few breaths, Xiao Meiyu pulled the corners of her mouth, and the expression on her face became a little strange , She tilted her head and looked at Qi Wang, and said suddenly.

"Now that you know all these things that happened to me, you should also know that if it wasn't because I fell in love with you and wanted to be with you, I wouldn't have encountered these things. Would you sympathize with me? ? Will you want to be with me out of sympathy?"

After asking this question, Xiao Meiyu held her breath subconsciously, she looked at Qi Wang without blinking, waiting for Qi Wang's answer.

After a long time, Qi Wang shook his head towards Xiao Meiyu, following Qi Wang's movements, the light in Xiao Meiyu's eyes dimmed inch by inch, she smiled miserably and said self-deprecatingly.

"I was thinking too much, how could you fall in love with me? Now I'm a ruin... I have been ruined by Wang Haiyang for so long, any man will not be with me after knowing this matter ... You used to like me so much, didn't you want to be with me because of this? Even a man like you who likes me so much won't be with me, who else would want to be with me... "

What happened just now had a great impact on Xiao Meiyu. At this time, her mental state was very abnormal, especially after Qi Wang rejected her, Xiao Meiyu's mental state became worse and worse.

"Maybe I don't even deserve to live. This world is too filthy, and I am too filthy. Maybe death is my relief..."

As she said that, Xiao Meiyu suddenly grabbed the porcelain cup in front of her, and then slammed it on the table. The porcelain cup was instantly torn apart. Xiao Meiyu grabbed the largest piece and stabbed at her own neck without hesitation. past.

This time, Xiao Meiyu's strength was fast and ruthless. If she was really stabbed, his life might be here.

However, at this moment, Qi Huang suddenly flashed up to Xiao Meiyu. Before he could do anything, he raised his hand to block Xiao Meiyu's neck. Qi Wang's palm, and he didn't even frown, as if what was inserted into his palm was not a fragment, but a small burr.

The scene in front of her made Xiao Meiyu stunned. With the blood coming out of Qi Fan's palm, the strong smell of blood poured into Xiao Meiyu's nasal cavity. She finally regained her senses. Looking at Qi Huang anxiously.

"Qi Wang, why did you do this? Why are you so stupid?"

She had already lost the desire to live, she just wanted to kill herself, why would Qi Wang stop her, it was too stupid to do so, Xiao Meiyu was already incoherent in anxiety, and didn't know what to do.

The dripping blood continuously gushed out from the wound, the sweet smell of blood rushed to her face, Xiao Meiyu's face was pale, she didn't care about complaining about herself, she stood up hurriedly, wanting to grab Qi Huang's hand Check it out and see how to treat his wound.

However, Qi Wang stepped aside and avoided Xiao Meiyu's hand.

Qi Wang's action made Xiao Meiyu's whole body freeze there, she raised her head and looked at Qi Wang with hurt face, tears rolled down her fair cheeks.


Why do you want to do this? If you dislike her, why did you stop her when she wanted to commit suicide just now, why did you use his hand to block the attack for yourself

If he likes her, why did Qi Wang subconsciously want to get out of the way when he was approaching, why did he do so many misunderstood things, didn't he know that what he did would break her heart along with it

However, Qi Wang didn't answer Xiao Meiyu's words, he pulled out the porcelain piece inserted into his palm and threw it on the ground beside him, then took out a roll of gauze from his pocket as if by magic, and quickly wrapped the wound up, but The wound just now was bleeding a bit, and the blood from the wound soon soaked through the gauze.

But Qi Wang touched the wound a few times, and it seemed that a faint golden light had penetrated into the gauze, and the bleeding wound seemed to have stopped and continued to bleed.

After doing all this, Qi Wang took a look at Xiao Meiyu who was standing there blankly, then took the pack of wet paper towels, and silently cleaned all the broken porcelain into the trash can, even the ones that were accidentally spilled on the The blood on the ground was also cleaned up.

After doing all this, Qi Wang even took out a bottle of men's perfume from his bag and sprayed it into the air. As the perfume sprayed out, the original bloody smell was also washed away.

"Sit down, let's have a good chat. You don't have to be so extreme. Even if I don't like you, it doesn't matter. Don't you even like yourself? Ask yourself, you really hate yourself so much that you would rather kill yourself. Did you kill yourself?"

Xiao Meiyu was stunned, she stared blankly at Qi Huang, there was water shining in those beautiful eyes, then she blinked, tears slid down her cheeks.

Xiao Meiyu raised her hand and wiped away her tears vigorously. She silently sat down on the seat opposite to Qi Huan. Thinking of how she was about to kill herself with ceramic tiles just now, Xiao Meiyu shuddered , I don’t know why I was so impulsive just now.

"Actually, with the strength you just did, if you can successfully insert the aorta, you will lose your life due to excessive blood loss. However, people have the instinct of self-defense. When you feel a huge pain in your neck, you will subconsciously If you restrain your strength, then the possibility of the ceramic chip puncturing your aorta is less likely, and you will survive, but that kind of strength may hurt your vocal cords, and your original sweet voice will be lost. It ceased to exist and became like a duck's voice... "

Xiao Meiyu: "..."

So Qi Wang told himself so much, just to popularize these things with her

Xiao Meiyu still didn't speak, just looked at Qi Wang with heavy eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether I like you or not. All the things you have encountered are nothing to me. I don't want to be with you. It's not because I dislike you, or other things in your mind. reason."

"Then why don't you want to be with me!"

Before Qi Fan finished speaking, Xiao Meiyu suddenly interrupted Qi Fan's words, she looked at Qi Fan with burning eyes, and continued to question.

"Why? Since you said that you don't dislike me, since I have told you everything, and you know that the person I liked at first was you, and it was only because I was deceived by Wang Haiyang..."

If it is really like what Qi Wang said, he doesn't care about anything, wouldn't it be best to be with him? There is no estrangement or deception between them, isn't it natural for them to be together

But Qi Wang shook his head, he looked at Xiao Meiyu and said.

"Student Xiao Meiyu, do you believe that anyone in this world will be reborn?"

Xiao Meiyu froze for a moment: "What?"

The word rebirth is no stranger to Xiao Meiyu. After all, countless examples of rebirth have been portrayed in various movies and TV shows, including novels and anime. Xiao Meiyu has seen a lot of related content, so she naturally knows what rebirth is.

But she has never seen these things in real life. Qi Wang suddenly talked about rebirth. Could it be that she is a person who has returned from rebirth

This idea was so ridiculous that Xiao Meiyu couldn't believe it at all, she subconsciously shook her head.

"I do not… "

However, before Xiao Meiyu finished talking about Qi Wang, she continued talking on her own.

"I think other people may not believe it, but you should believe it after experiencing so many strange things. What I say next may subvert all your current perceptions, but in order to explain why I can't follow You are together, or to explain why I don't like you anymore, this is the best reason."

Xiao Meiyu: "..."

Qi Wang told Xiao Meiyu a story about how a poor fellow lost his life under the double calculations of his roommate and girlfriend...

"So you're telling your stories? Are those things about to happen in the future? Or the future you've lived through?"

The story Qi Wang told was so true that people thought it had already happened. However, after Xiao Meiyu asked these words, Qi Wang shook his head, and his expression became uncertain. stand up.

"Actually, before I saw you and before I got the worm out of your body, I didn't really believe in those things, but when I saw that worm was pulled out by me and successfully eliminated, after that I didn't believe what I was going through was real until you got back to normal."

Qi Wang told Xiao Meiyu that he was not so much reborn as he saw countless futures that belonged to him in his sleep.

"When everyone makes different choices, the future changes accordingly. Among the countless future scenarios I have seen, I basically end up dead. The only one that can make a good ending is the one I am currently in. Go with this option."

Xiao Meiyu felt that she was listening to a bloody fantasy story at this time, her mouth opened and closed, and it took a long time before she made a sound.

"You mean you're now pushing everything toward that bright future that's set?"

Qi Huang nodded, with an extremely serious expression on his face.

"Student Xiao Meiyu, I really liked you very much in the past. I liked you so much that I couldn't help myself. Even if I knew that you had been entangled with my roommate, I just wanted to let you and my roommate break up. Then we stay together."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Meiyu felt her heart was on fire, her eyes were slightly red, and she looked at Qi Huang without blinking, but before Xiao Meiyu could say anything, Qi Huang He continued on.

"But after I got these memories, and after I saw countless miserable futures, when I found out that in the countless future timelines, there was only one path that I could walk and the only way I could walk, I found that my love for you Feelings seem to be no longer as pure as before."

Xiao Meiyu stared at Qi Wang in a daze, not quite understanding why Qi Wang said such a thing, but soon she knew why.

"Because in the only future that I can survive, you have helped me a lot. It can be said that without you, it is impossible for me to survive in that future. Only in this timeline, the two of us are not the same. Not a couple, you're just doing me a favor as a friend and an avenger."

"Friend? Avenger? Helping you?"

The story Qi Wang told was absurd and bizarre, all the logical lines looked messy, like a plot line that was unclear in a third-rate online novel, Xiao Meiyu felt that her brain was not enough, and she couldn't listen at all Understand what Qi Wang said.

"Qi Wang, what do you mean by these words? I don't understand why you say that..."

Qi Wang continued to explain.

"It's actually very simple. Among the futures I saw before, you and I have always been a couple, which means that if we have always been a couple, then no matter what we do, it will eventually lead me to die."

"I used to think that I loved you so much that I would not hesitate to lose my life if I loved you, but now I find that I am still very selfish. When I really see the future and find that we are together, we will definitely be together." Leading to my death, I no longer dare to like you."

"I want to live."

"Only this choice now will keep me alive."

Xiao Meiyu: "..."

Looking at the earnest expression on Qi Wang's face, Xiao Meiyu didn't know whether to cry or laugh, obviously everything in front of her was so absurd, but Xiao Meiyu knew it was true.

Qi Wang looked too serious, so serious that even if he wanted to suspect that he was lying, he couldn't do it. After a long time, Xiao Meiyu smiled miserably.

"Yeah, you're right, I like you too, but compared to my life, liking seems insignificant again."

"I'm not great enough to love another person with my own life, even if I sacrifice myself to be with him, I'm not great enough to do that at all. "

This time, Xiao Meiyu suddenly squatted on the ground with her face covered, she wept bitterly, and tears flowed down her fingers. Choose another path.

And Qi Wang just stood quietly aside, he looked at Xiao Meiyu, and he didn't intend to go forward to comfort her, it was because of this that Xiao Meiyu was more sure that the Qi Wang who liked her so much that he was about to lose himself was gone. It doesn't exist anymore, if the other party still likes her like in the past, then she will definitely come up to comfort her.

"So, what are you going to do? Is there anything I can do to help you?"

After she calmed down completely, Xiao Meiyu finally returned to normal. At this time, her eyes were still a little red and swollen, but her mood seemed much more stable than before. Xiao Meiyu wiped her face and said softly.

"For the sake of our good game... Let me help you... Didn't you say that only we can work together to achieve the ending where you can survive? Tell me, how can I help you?"

Xiao Meiyu's spirit is much stronger than she thought, since she was rejected just now, and knowing that she has experienced so many miserable things, she should be in grief and despair at this time, but Xiao Meiyu found that she didn't even suffer for long, and she calmed down at an unimaginable speed.

"Maybe we can go to another place to eat and talk."

Qi Wang said something suddenly, Xiao Meiyu was slightly taken aback, not understanding why Qi Wang said that he wanted to change places, but she quickly nodded in agreement.



Wang Haiyang lay in the dormitory all afternoon. His mental state was not very good. He looked listless and lacked energy. He didn't even have the strength to get up. Wang Haiyang didn't know why he became like this , he always felt that there seemed to be something wrong, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

He just lay upright on the bed for a long time, until at night, Chen Zhouqiang and Du Ruiming, who had gone somewhere, came back from outside.

"You two help me and take me to the infirmary."

Just as Chen Zhouqiang and Du Ruiming came back, they heard Wang Haiyang's weak voice from the other side of the bed. Wang Haiyang, who was going to attend some kind of wedding, put on an appearance that he was about to return to the west at any moment.

"Wang Haiyang, haven't you always been in good health? You even claimed that you would never get sick. Why did you suddenly become like this now?"

Du Ruiming saw that Wang Haiyang's condition was not right, so he hurriedly asked, Wang Haiyang sat up from the bed with difficulty propping up his arms, obviously it was only a small movement, but Wang Haiyang was so tired that he couldn't stop panting heavily .

Hearing his panting sound like a broken bellows, Chen Zhouqiang and Du Ruiming looked at each other, and they went up to help Wang Haiyang off the bed. Seeing his face turn blue, he looked like he was exhaling too much and not inhaling. The two didn't waste much time, and sent Wang Haiyang to the infirmary.

After examining Wang Haiyang, the school doctor in the infirmary said that Wang Haiyang was seriously malnourished and needed to be well nourished.

However, when Chen Zhouqiang and Du Ruiming heard what the doctor said, their faces showed disbelief, and Du Ruiming even asked directly.

"Doctor, did you make a mistake? Wang Haiyang eats well on weekdays. His body is as strong as a cow and he never gets sick. Such a person will be malnourished. Are you mistaken?" ?”

No matter how unreliable the doctor's diagnosis sounds, Wang Haiyang will be malnourished? Are you kidding me

However, after the doctor heard Du Ruiming's words, he was not angry, but said with a smile: "This classmate is indeed malnourished. If you don't believe me, you can take him to a big hospital for another examination. You go to check, the result of the test will be like this, I will hang some glucose water on him first, you can take him to the hospital, or take him back to the dormitory, but I don’t think there is anything serious about him, go back and replenish it Supplementary nutrition is enough."

Du Ruiming and Chen Zhouqiang looked at each other, and returned to Wang Haiyang's side. Wang Haiyang had already killed half of him from the dormitory to the school infirmary, and he was lying on the bed in a semi-conscious state. .

Du Ruiming looked at Wang Haiyang's lifeless appearance at this time, he frowned, and said uncertainly.

"Even if Wang Haiyang didn't eat, at most he didn't eat two meals. Could it be that he couldn't do without two meals?"

Not eating two meals can make a big man malnourished, no matter how exaggerated it sounds, this is like a fairy tale, revealing a very unreal feeling.

Du Ruiming shook his head, and he glanced at Chen Zhouqiang.

"Otherwise, why don't you go and buy something to eat? He might feel better if he eats something."

However, Chen Zhouqiang acted as if he didn't really want to go.

"Forget it, didn't the doctor say to hang water for him? I still don't buy anything for him. He has a very tricky mouth and picks and chooses what he eats. He said what he liked last time." Maybe he won't like it next time, and no one can control his appetite, so instead of letting him pick and choose, it's better to order takeaway when he wakes up."

That is to say, when Wang Haiyang was unconscious, Chen Zhouqiang could say something bad about Wang Haiyang, but when Wang Haiyang woke up, Chen Zhouqiang didn't dare to say it.

It's strange to say that Chen Zhouqiang is known as Chen Bold, and Wang Haiyang doesn't look like that kind of aggressive person on weekdays, but for some reason, the longer he spends with Wang Haiyang, the more Chen Zhouqiang feels that Wang Haiyang Haiyang is not quite right, he doesn't look like an ordinary person.

After the two chatted casually for a while, Wang Haiyang, who was lying there, suddenly opened his eyes and turned his head to look at the two of them. Chen Zhouqiang's heart skipped a beat, and his signature smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Wang Haiyang, you woke up. The doctor said you were malnourished. Did you not eat well recently? Otherwise, how could you be malnourished?"

However, Wang Haiyang's face was very ugly. He ignored Chen Zhouqiang and asked Du Ruiming to give him his mobile phone.

Du Ruiming quickly handed over his mobile phone to Wang Haiyang, Wang Haiyang took the mobile phone and began to dial the familiar phone number.