Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1469: A prank


Although many memories have become blurred, the instincts left in his body still exist. Chen Zhouqiang involuntarily approached Qi Wang, and even reached out to pull Qi Wang's clothes. In panic.

"That... Qi Wang... are you sure about dealing with Wang Haiyang?"

Chen Zhouqiang spoke suddenly, but it was very quiet outside now, he spoke suddenly, but his voice was surprisingly loud, even Chen Zhouqiang himself was startled by his voice, and there was a faint echo coming from afar.

Hearing those voices, Chen Zhouqiang was stunned for a moment, and moved closer to Qi Wang. The tall man, who was nearly 1.8 meters tall, had to put on the appearance of a frightened little girl, wishing he could hide his whole body in front of Qi Huan. Go behind you.

"We haven't seen Wang Haiyang yet. You are so scared. If you really see him, what else can you do? Fear can make people lose their strength. I think the most important thing you should do now is to overcome your fear first. Let's talk."

However, Chen Zhouqiang twitched the corners of his mouth, he held onto Qi Wang's clothes and did not let go, and murmured.

"It's quite easy for you to say it. How can it be a matter of one or two sentences to overcome fear? I feel quite scared. I always feel as if I have been here before..."

As he was talking, Chen Zhouqiang seemed afraid that his loud voice would attract something again, and his hand holding Qi Wang's clothes was even stronger, as if he was about to tear Qi Wang's clothes to pieces.

Sensing that Chen Zhouqiang's attitude at this time seemed to be a bit wrong, Qi Wang turned around and looked at Chen Zhouqiang.

However, at this moment, Chen Zhouqiang's face seemed to be covered with a layer of black mist, and his originally clear eyes were also soaked by the black mist. At this moment, the whites of his eyes disappeared, and his eyes were covered with Covered in pure black, it turned into another eerie and weird appearance.

After hearing Qi Fan's voice, Chen Zhouqiang turned his head and looked at Qi Fan. There was no brilliance in those pure black eyes, like a pair of inferior obsidian.

Being stared at by such a pair of eyes, it is easy to draw out the most feared thing in people's hearts. However, after seeing this scene, Qi Wang's expression did not change. He raised his hand and grabbed Chen Zhouqiang's hand. , bit his fingertips and tapped on the center of Chen Zhouqiang's eyebrows, and a drop of blood appeared on the center of Chen Zhouqiang's eyebrows.

Accompanied by the appearance of blood drops, there was a burst of sizzling sound suddenly, as if water droplets were being poured into hot oil, the black mist in Chen Zhouqiang's eyes shook violently, and then he seemed to be chased by something As if, they frantically dispersed towards the surroundings, and as the black mist cleared, Chen Zhouqiang's original eyes were also exposed.

Chen Zhouqiang blinked, and looked at Qi Huang who was standing in front of him, with a dazed expression on his face, as if he couldn't tell where he was for a while.

"What happened? Why do I feel that something is wrong with my state just now, Qi Wang, what's going on?"

However, Qi Wang frowned and looked at Chen Zhouqiang.

He thought he would be safe after taking out the black worm from Chen Zhouqiang's body, but now he found that taking out Jiang worm didn't mean the matter ended, but many things became more confusing.

Qi Wang's eyes made Chen Zhouqiang feel a strong sense of uneasiness. He looked around in panic. Everything in the distance was shrouded in darkness, only vague shadows were revealed, and the street lamps with faint lights meandered. Winding and spreading towards the distance, those winding street lights seemed to have a strange allure, tempting them to move forward into the distance.

Originally, Chen Zhouqiang wanted to take Qi Wang to the infirmary to rescue Du Ruiming, and he thought so too when he was in the dormitory just now, but at this moment, when he is in this strange situation, When he got there, Chen Zhouqiang felt that the courage in his heart suddenly disappeared at this moment.

He looked at Qi Huang with some anxiety, moved his mouth, and suddenly said something.

"Otherwise, let's go back... I always feel that something is wrong with the current situation. Let's go back first, and then we can talk about other things..."

Fear is the nature of every human being, especially someone like Chen Zhouqiang who has just learned the truth and then is drawn into the trap again. When the originally bold people are shrouded in fear, they tend to be more fearful than those who are timid. Afraid, Chen Zhouqiang's face turned pale, as if he had been completely shrouded in fear.

Qi Wang took a step forward and grabbed Chen Zhouqiang's arm. The temperature in his palm was very high, and the continuous heat penetrated into Chen Zhouqiang's body along the palm.

At this time, Chen Zhouqiang felt that his chilled body was slowly returning to normal, and his chaotic brain had also returned to clarity. Chen Zhouqiang blinked, and couldn't help but glance at Qi Huang.

"What happened to me just now? Did I say something cowardly?"

Chen Zhouqiang thought it was too incredible, obviously the relationship between him and Du Ruiming was very good, and now he knew that Du Ruiming might be in danger, so he wanted to take Qi Huang to rescue Du Ruiming, Why did he think of running away at that moment just now

Seeing that Chen Zhouqiang began to fall into self-doubt again, Qi Wang grabbed his hand even harder. Chen Zhouqiang only felt that his arm was caught by iron tongs, and the pain came from the place where Qi Wang grabbed it. When it was passed, his brows furrowed fiercely, and the expression on his face changed immediately.

"Qi Wang, what's wrong with me? Let go of me a little... This hurts..."

The strength Qi Wang used was too much, Chen Zhouqiang couldn't help grinning in pain, he hurriedly opened his mouth to let Qi Wang relax.

Qi Wang loosened his grip on Chen Zhouqiang's arm a little bit. He just breathed a sigh of relief, and Qi Wang exerted force again. This time, Chen Zhouqiang only felt that his arm was about to be crushed by Qi Wang. He groaned in pain, and subconsciously shook off Qi Wang's hand that was holding his arm.

"I've already told you, why don't you act like you didn't hear? Do you know that it's annoying to do this?"

Looking at the furious Chen Zhouqiang, Qi Wang was not angry, but instead showed a gratified smile on his face.

"You are in a very good state now, and it is good for you to maintain this momentum."

Obviously he was losing his temper with Qi Wang, but Qi Wang didn't seem to see it, and instead comforted himself, which made Chen Zhouqiang stunned, and he looked at Qi Wang suspiciously.

"Qi Wang, I lost my temper at you just now, why aren't you angry? Instead, you said that was good?"

More and more memories flooded into Chen Zhouqiang's mind. In his memory, Qi Wang was not such a good-tempered person. Both of them were a little irritable. Arguing face to face, why does Qi Wang look very Buddhist now? If it had changed from the past, he would have already pinched himself...

"Qi Wang, there seems to be something wrong with your current appearance, I remember that you are..."

It's just that before Chen Zhouqiang finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qi Huang.

"People will change, especially after so many things have happened, people will become different. This is normal. Do you think your current personality is still the same as your past personality?"

Chen Zhouqiang was taken aback for a moment, and said uncertainly.

"It should be the same. I don't think there is much difference between myself now and in the past..."

It's just that before he finished speaking, Qi Wang interrupted him again.

"You used to be known as Chen Bold. You were a person who was not afraid of anything. Now look at yourself, you are actually afraid of some inexplicable things. Those unknown things really make you so afraid? You are so afraid Knowing that your friend is in danger there, are you afraid to help?"

Qi Wang's words broke through the mist like sunlight and penetrated into Chen Zhouqiang's heart. His eyes widened instantly, and some scattered pictures flooded into Chen Zhouqiang's mind.

Yes, what is he afraid of? Because of that memory that was so inexplicable that he didn't even know what it was, and because of that strange feeling in his heart, he forgot about Du Ruiming who was still with Wang Haiyang

What is there to fear? Besides, isn't there still Qi Wang here? How could he have forgotten Du Ruiming's existence because of that inexplicable sense of fear? It didn't fit Chen Bold's personality at all.

After figuring this out, the expression on Chen Zhouqiang's face suddenly changed. He turned his head to look at Qi Wang, his eyes became firm again.

At this moment, Qi Wang found that Chen Zhouqiang's state had changed compared to before. The black mist in the air that was invisible to the naked eye seemed to want to erode Chen Zhouqiang, but it was blocked by Chen Zhouqiang's body. The breath dissipated.

It was this scene that confirmed Qi Wang's thoughts, he nodded secretly, did not explain anything, but turned around and walked towards the infirmary.

Chen Zhouqiang, who was originally hiding behind Qi Wang like a little girl, forgot all his fears this time, and he followed quickly, walking side by side with Qi Wang.

It's not that far from the dormitory building to the infirmary. The two walked across the playground towards the infirmary. When passing by the playground, Chen Zhouqiang felt something was wrong. He turned his head and found that The bustling crowd on the playground had disappeared.

"I remember that there should be a lot of people on the playground at this time. The weather is neither cold nor hot. Many people like to go out for a walk at this time. Why are all the people on the playground gone now?"

This scene made Chen Zhouqiang feel a little uneasy. As his consciousness began to shake, the black mist that ordinary people could not see gathered towards his body again, and then invaded his body bit by bit. middle.

Qi Wang looked back at Chen Zhouqiang, and found that there was a look of uneasiness on his face again, so Qi Wang interrupted Chen Zhouqiang's wavering thoughts.

"Isn't this normal? The exam is coming soon, everyone has to study, and counting the time, tomorrow is Sunday, everyone doesn't have to go to class, isn't it normal to take the opportunity to go out and have fun?"

Qi Wang's explanation is also reasonable, Chen Zhouqiang thought about it, but he didn't continue to dig into the dead end.

Soon the two of them walked across the playground to the downstairs of the infirmary. At this time, the lights in the infirmary were still on. Chen Zhouqiang subconsciously looked up and saw the floor where the infirmary was located. Patting Qi Wang on the shoulder, said in a low voice.

"Qi Wang, you said that when we go up later, we should first be polite before soldiers, or first be civilized and then martial arts, or we will run away after grabbing Du Ruiming, do you think it's okay?"

Qi Huan: "..."

This person seems to be thinking too much, he doesn't think about what he should think about, and his thoughts turn quickly when he shouldn't think about it.

"Wait until you see someone. It's useless to think too much here. The situation is changing anytime and anywhere, and people won't do things according to your settings."

What Qi Wang said was quite reasonable, Chen Zhouqiang scratched his head, but he didn't continue to dig into the horns.

The infirmary is located in a small four-story building. The first and second floors are used by the school as a warehouse, the fourth floor is where the school holds meetings, and the third floor is where the entire infirmary is located.

It was so late now, except for the third floor, the lights on other floors were dark.

Chen Zhouqiang was very courageous at first, but he was just walking. For some reason, he suddenly felt a little panic and anxiety, and Chen Zhouqiang's pace began to slow down.

"Qi Wang, I..."

Chen Zhouqiang wanted to say something, but Qi Wang seemed to have not heard him at this time, and continued to move upstairs. Chen Zhouqiang saw that Qi Wang was about to turn the corner, so he didn't care about saying anything, and hurriedly He hurriedly chased after him, and after walking side by side with Qi Wang, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon they reached the third floor. The two turned to the right and walked slowly towards the infirmary.

This floor is very quiet, except for the sound of the soles of the two people walking on the ground, there is no other sound. The corridor seems to have the effect of amplifying sound. As the two walk, there is a rattling sound. getting louder.

Originally, Chen Zhouqiang thought that some weird things would happen, but the luck of the two of them seemed to be good. Nothing weird happened when they walked all the way to the infirmary. The expression relaxed slightly.

The door of the infirmary was half open, Chen Zhouqiang suddenly took a step forward, trying to open the door first, but Qi Wang grabbed his arm and pulled him behind him, while he stepped forward to push it away door to the infirmary.

The space of the infirmary is not small, and it is full of sick beds. The beds are separated by simple hyphens, probably because there are no patients now, and the curtains have not been drawn, so when they go in, they can see the lying in bed at a glance. Wang Haiyang was on the central hospital bed, while Du Ruiming was quietly guarding Wang Haiyang's side.

Everything looks as if there is no problem.

After Chen Zhouqiang saw Du Ruiming, his eyes lit up instantly, and he immediately wanted to step forward and bring Du Ruiming over.

However, Qi Wang found that something was wrong with Du Ruiming's state at this time, so he grabbed Chen Zhouqiang's arm to calm him down.

"Don't go there first, the situation seems to be not right."

Just now Chen Zhouqiang kept calming himself down, but now at this moment, he found that he could not calm down. Seeing that Wang Haiyang was still sleeping and Du Ruiming was sitting there, Chen Zhouqiang became a little anxious and whispered .

"What are you still worried about now? Isn't Du Ruiming right there? Let's take him and leave right away, won't the matter be settled?"

Chen Zhouqiang was puzzled as to why such a simple matter seemed extremely difficult to Qi Wang, and couldn't help but say something.

However, the expression on Qi Wang's face became a little dignified.

"Are you sure the current Du Ruiming is still the one you know? Don't act rashly until the matter is clear. I don't want to save you when I'm dealing with the two of them."

Chen Zhouqiang: "..."

This is a bit too much! !

However, thinking that he really didn't seem to have much ability, Chen Zhouqiang finally stood aside obediently and did not rush forward.

Qi Wang bit his index finger again, and tapped Chen Zhouqiang's forehead, and the blood immediately turned into cinnabar moles and appeared in these places.

Chen Zhouqiang: "..."

To be honest, although Chen Zhouqiang knew that the world was not as simple as he saw after going through the previous things, but now when he saw Qi Wang casually bit his index finger and smeared the blood on his body, and he After the blood fell on him, it did not condense and turned into a cinnabar mole. This made Chen Zhouqiang's ability to bear it to a higher level again.

He finally believed in Qi Wang's ability, and had great confidence in Qi Wang's rescue of Du Ruiming.

It was obvious that the two of them had come into the infirmary, but Du Ruiming was still sitting there, as if he didn't notice everything around him. Looking at his peaceful appearance, Chen Zhouqiang felt inexplicably Body chills.

Something was wrong, something was wrong, although Du Ruiming's personality was relatively gentle, but he was not as gentle as he is now. Rather than saying that he is gentle and quiet now, it would be better to say that he is now like a puppet.

How could such a living person suddenly become a puppet

Just when Chen Zhouqiang was thinking wildly, Qi Wang had already quickened his pace and walked towards Du Ruiming's direction. Chen Zhouqiang only felt his heart reach his chest, his eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Du Ruiming without blinking. To Qi Wang and Du Ruiming.