Kamen Rider Marvel

Chapter 280



"GET! Locusts, genetic hybrid."

As the driver made a sound, Parker's feet changed into another form.

It is bent like a locust's hind legs, and has super jumping power.

Parker's knees bent slightly, and the next moment, infinite powerful force burst out.

In an instant, the whole person leaped in front of the sand man.

A powerful kick was delivered.

The sandman's head shattered instantly and scattered all over the ground. Before the sandman could react, Parker hit him again.

The extremely fast speed, coupled with the locust-like jumping ability, directly created a situation that the Sand Man could not resist.

The broken wound on the body had not yet healed, and the next moment, another huge wound appeared next to it.

The huge sandman, which was originally several meters tall, was kicked into a pile of loose sand by Parker at this moment and was completely unable to launch any attack.

"What do you think? Do you want to surrender obediently or continue to resist?"

Parker stood on the high wall nearby, looked at the pile of sand, and spoke silently.

The sand man did not react, but instead crawled towards an underground water pipe.

He knew that he was no match for Spider-Man and the best strategy was to run away.

Parker sensed the other party's reaction and tried to stop him, but he kicked the sand and it spread all over.

He missed the target and instead created a huge hole in the ground.

At this time, the Sandman had already escaped underground.

Looking at the sewer, Parker chose to chase without thinking.

Entering the sewer, Parker noticed that the sand under his feet continued to penetrate deeper into the ground through the cracks.

He remembered that further down was the New York subway.

Suddenly, Parker realized that Sandman Baker was planning to use the subway tunnel to escape.

If we really let him in, it would be very difficult to catch up with him.

Thinking of this, he pressed both sides of the driver with his hands again.


The Eye Rat's evil seal was removed. Just like the last time it transformed, it emitted a light green light.


The next moment, the bottom of the seal pressed heavily on the driver.


"With rats, genetically mixed."

Parker stretched out his right hand, and dark red tentacle-like substances began to wrap around his arm.

It disappeared with a burst of strong light.

It has the burrowing ability of the Temple Rat and is equipped with enhanced weapons on its right hand.

The whole thing resembles a drill, with hints of dark red between the green. Just by looking at it, it gives people a very dangerous feeling.

The next moment, the drill bit began to burst out with powerful drilling force and drilled directly through the ground.

At this time, the sand man was walking slowly in the subway aisle.

He believed that no matter how strong Spider-Man was, he could not infiltrate underground.

As he was walking, Baker suddenly sensed something strange. He subconsciously stopped walking and looked into the dark corner.

There seems to be something there.

However, after looking for a while, I didn't find anything.

As soon as he turned around, a figure hanging upside down on a spider silk appeared in front of him.

This person is none other than the chivalrous Parker.

Baker was obviously startled and took half a step back.

The next moment, he reacted immediately.

His fist instantly turned into sand and smashed towards the opponent fiercely.

Parker was extremely fast. With the help of the wall behind him, he jumped and landed on another wall.

Parker looked at the other person and said, "I don't want to hurt you, so just be obedient."

793 "But I want to hurt you."

Baker, without hesitation, swung his fist again.

At this moment...


The subway came quickly from a distance, and the sand man hurriedly dodged to the side.

At this time, Parker took advantage of this opportunity and shot two spider silks at the sandman without hesitation.

The Sandman dodged sideways.

The spider silk fell on the fast-moving subway.

The next moment, Parker pulled hard with both hands and used the speed of the subway to bring himself in front of Baker.

He kicked the other person hard with both feet.

As the incident happened suddenly, Baker didn't have time to turn into sand. In a moment, he was kicked dozens of meters away by Parker and fell heavily to the ground.

Parker took advantage of the victory and jumped directly in front of the Sand Man.

At this moment, the Sandman's legs and feet instantly turned into sand, and he kicked Parker hard.

Parker fell heavily onto another railroad track, and at this time the subway in the distance was coming towards him quickly.

Parker didn't think much about it. He did a backflip and moved to the side. He shot out spider silk again and shuttled through the tunnel.

Parker was moving very fast, so naturally he didn't see the moment when Parker dodged. He thought Parker had been hit to death by the train, so he looked towards the bottom of the track.

But he never expected that Parker had appeared behind him.

[180] Sexy Aunt May! Full Metal Spider Props! Iron Man is here! (Subscribe please!)

Parker kicked the Sandman and crashed him into the speeding train.

It rebounded and Baker crawled to the ground.

Parker had already walked in front of the other person, and without any hesitation, he grabbed the other person's neck and pressed him towards the fast-moving train.


In an instant, one side of the face disappeared quickly as if it had been polished.

But what appeared was not flesh and blood but sand.

Then, the train passed by and Baker fell to the ground in an instant.

He was extremely angry at this moment.

"Damn bastard, I want you to pay with blood." Baker was very angry. When his fingers touched the ground, countless grains of sand gathered instantly.

He thrust his head hard and hit Parker directly in the face.

Parker didn't dodge and was careless. He was hit and took two steps back.

At this moment, Sandman Baker took advantage of the opportunity and quickly punched Parker in the face.

Parker was not willing to be outdone, he swung his fist and hit the opponent hard.

With this punch, sand and rocks flew everywhere, and the sand man's cheek was broken in half again.

But he recovered quickly.

Parker kept punching hard, the ground cracked instantly, and then another punch hit him.

At this moment, the sand man completely turned into sand and fled in another direction.

Parker naturally wouldn't give any chance.

Follow the sand flow quickly.

When the Sand Man was talking, he passed by a puddle. His body, which had originally turned into sand, was instantly soaked by the water, and mud and sand began to flow away.

Baker looked at his feet in disbelief, but Parker was quickly chasing him from behind. Without time to think about anything else, he limped away in pain to another place.

At this time, Parker also noticed the situation of the Sandman and started laughing.

"So you are afraid of water. If that's the case, then it will be much easier."

Parker looked around quickly and soon saw a sewer pipe not far ahead.

Suddenly, Parker came up with a plan.

He pretended to continue chasing the Sand Man until the Sand Man reached his destination.

Parker jumped up and landed next to the sewer, then quickly poked the sewer pipe again.

The high-speed rotating head smashed and pierced the pipe in an instant.

At once, countless water in the pipe gushed out.

Suddenly, countless water flowed on the sand man's body in just a moment.

The sandman's body began to be washed away by the water.

At this moment, he panicked, raised his hand hastily, and shouted to Parker in the distance: "Help, help...?"

Seeing this, Parker felt a little bit sorry for the situation, but finally chose to save the other person.

At the same time, Gaia's memory was separated from Baker's body.

Parker didn't think much about it, and a spider silk collected the memory.

As for the guy in front of him, he was naturally handed over to the New York City police.

After Parker sent the man to the police station, he couldn't wait to return to his room.

After transforming from the masked form to his original appearance, Parker lay on the bed, holding the Gaia memory in his hand, constantly observing.

Seems like he wants to study it thoroughly.

“Ding ding ding??”

At this moment, Parker's cell phone suddenly rang.

The sound came so suddenly that Parker was obviously startled.

I picked it up and saw it was an unfamiliar number.

Being somewhat curious, I pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Peter Parker. Should I call you Spider-Man? Or Kamen Rider Demons?"

When Peter heard this, his brows furrowed tightly.

The brain thought of countless possibilities in an instant.

He had no idea who was on the phone.

And how did he know his identity

Tony Stark didn't hear any sound on the phone for a long time. He smiled slightly, "Really? Have you forgotten me so quickly? I'm Iron Man. We worked together during the last Amazon riot? Have you forgotten me so quickly?"

When Parker heard this, he was stunned.

I never expected that the person on the other end of the phone was Iron Man.

"Are you really Iron Man?"

"If it's not me, who else could it be?"

"Then how do you know my identity? I remember that I have never been exposed?"