Kamen Rider Marvel

Chapter 36: Section 36


A satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!


He took the memory card out of the player!

Then he handed it back to the black butler!

"Take this thing!"

"Put it in the position I just mentioned!"

"After it's done!"

"Leave no one alive who has been involved in this matter! Get rid of them all!

He ordered coldly.


The black butler was not too surprised by this!

He nodded in response.

Getting ready to go out.

However, at this moment, Jin Bing seemed to have remembered something.

“That’s right!”

"Recently, let those guys down there behave themselves!"

"Also, transfer some people to the headquarters!"

[33] Dr. Zora! Hydra in the Shadows! (Please add this to your collection!)

Empire State Building!

This is a building that was built in the last century.

After its completion, it became a landmark building in New York City.

Countless tourists come here every day.

It has also become the filming location for many movies.

Such a famous existence!

But not many people know it.

Who is the person behind him

No one knows!

In this Empire State Building, hundreds of meters deep.

There is still a huge space.


It is one of Hydra's secret bases.


At the height of the Nazis.

The Hydra supported many puppet tycoons in the United States.

And the Empire State Building was built by one of them.


With the collapse of the Nazi empire.

Hydra was also introduced into the darkness.

But these years!

It has revived again!

The secret base underneath the Empire State Building has been put into use again.

Only in this secret base.

Hundreds of Hydra engineers are busy.

Glass covers are everywhere where it matters.

All kinds of ugly monsters are cultivated inside!

There are people constantly participating in it, counting their data.

Some places are researching powerful weapons.

They moved among these testing grounds in an orderly manner.

And the very center!

A robot with a big head is directing everything in an orderly manner.

He is one of the founders of Hydra.

Dr. Zora!

At first!

After the Nazis' defeat, he joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

On the one hand, it is to save lives.

On the other hand, it is to continue the existence of Hydra.

During his time at S.H.I.E.L.D., he quietly developed his subordinates.

Hydra, with the help of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Develop silently!

However, his actions still attracted the attention of some people.

To cause unnecessary trouble.

Dr. Zola, faked his death and escaped.

Afterwards, he asked someone to upload his consciousness to the computer!

In secret, he made plans for the rise of Hydra.

The basement of the Empire State Building became his residence.

"Tear him apart for me!"


Dr. Zora was directing his men to dismantle something.

Several men were operating the sophisticated robotic arms, appearing to be very careful.

Pull in and take a look.

What they were disassembling was the home version of the Xiumajia sold by Feidian Intelligent!

After the original technology summit.

Feidian Intelligent has released one hundred Xiumagias on its official website!

Every price is extremely expensive.

However, it was sold out in the first second of its release.


The first to purchase these are the big companies.

They wanted to see if the Feidian Intelligent Xiumajia could crack it.

So you can make it yourself and get a piece of the pie.

As a scientist, Zora was very impressed by this epoch-making invention.

Naturally I am also very interested.

So I bought a few of them for research.

In fact!

They, Hydra, are also researching robotics technology.

However, the existences that have been studied are always of low level.

It is totally unable to reach the efficiency and intelligence of Xiumagia!

If you could obtain the secret of Xumajia.

Then they, Hydra, will be able to create a powerful army of robots.

Until then.

The whole world will tremble.

And with the operation of several soldiers!

That Xumagia was gradually stripped of its external structure.

And just when they were about to attack the real core.

I saw Xumajia's eyes suddenly glowing red.

[Violent disassembly detected! ! ]

[Violent disassembly detected! ! ]

[The self-destruction program has been initiated! ]

"not good!"


The Hydra soldiers surrounding Xumajia were so frightened that they immediately stepped back!

However, their speed was obviously no match for the speed of Xumajia's self-destruction!

With a bang!

Fire flew everywhere.

Those Hydra soldiers were instantly blown to pieces.

“Damn it!”

Dr. Zora yelled.


He was not sad for those soldiers.

After all, there are many guys like this.

He was angry about the remaining Humagia.

After a few days of experimentation.

The few Xiumagia cars that were snapped up at the beginning have all been scrapped.

And he didn't figure out anything at all.

How could Dr. Zora, who claimed to be a genius, bear this!

But at this moment.

A Hydra soldier next to him walked in!

"Report to Dr. Zora!"

"There's an urgent invitation in the conference room!"

He saluted and then quickly reported.
