Kamen Rider Shining

Chapter 107: Ito Sora


The playground of Johoku University Affiliated Middle School looked particularly empty after school. On the rooftop terrace of the teaching building, Ito Sora, dressed in metal clothes, stared at the sunset for a long time in silence, as if he was enjoying the tranquility of the moment. However, everyone interrupted it soon. Onoue was seen walking towards him with a smile on his face.

Note: Actually, it was because his wife was working overtime at the Metropolitan Police Department today, so she had time to break in after school.

Just now, Onoue learned from those female students that this boy named Ito Sora was a notorious bad boy in this school. He often caused trouble and continued to do his own thing despite being taught many times. He was considered a troublesome person by the school.

"Ito Sora-kun, right?"

"Who are you? A teacher here? What do you want to talk to me about?" Turning around and looking at Onoue who was in a suit in front of him, Ito Sora's tone was a little uncertain. He recognized most of the teachers in this school, but the person in front of him was obviously a new face.

Onoue smiled, pretending to be very familiar with him, and tried to pat Ito Sora on the shoulder, but the boy didn't seem to appreciate it at all, and swiftly avoided Onoue's action. The man didn't care about it, and introduced himself with a smile: "Well, I am currently the home economics teacher of several first-year classes. I officially reported today. I appreciate your guidance."

"Home Economics teacher? Are you kidding me?"

"I am serious, Ito Sora-san, you have to remember that nothing in this world can be viewed with the traditional perspective of the past. The old lady in the home economics class can teach those girls, and so can I."

Seeing that Ogami was mumbling something, Ito Sora showed a trace of impatience and said, "Enough, I don't care what class you are teaching. If the purpose of your appearance today is to lecture me like other teachers, then save your energy. I'm not interested."


Onoue showed a strange smile: "Do you think I am such a boring person? I have never had any interest in preaching to a little brat like you. I am here today to warn you. If you continue to use this power, I am afraid it will bring unimaginable disasters, including your life."

"Fuck, who are you trying to scare?"

Ito Sora cursed, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a mental wave suddenly hit Onoue. Ever since the power awakened in his body, Ito Sora's comprehension of this special superpower was very fast. In just over ten days, he had reached the point where he could use it for attack.

Imagining this guy's embarrassing expression in his mind, Ito Sora couldn't help but chuckle, but his smile soon froze.

The strange teacher standing in front of him still had a disgusting smile on his face. The mental fluctuations he used seemed to sink into the sea, without any movement or reaction.

"Using foul language is very impolite and can sometimes cause harm to others."


Extending his left palm, Ito Sora increased his mental strength to the extreme!

In an instant, this special mental power fluctuation attracted the attention of two leopard-shaped apostles not far away. Then the figures moved quickly and rushed in the direction of the Chengbei University Affiliated Middle School. Onoue, who also heard the roaring sound in his mind, cursed inwardly that this little guy was really looking for trouble.

Thinking of this, Onoue grabbed Ito Sora's wrist and unleashed a huge force, like a pair of pliers, making it impossible for people to break free. Soon Ito Sora's wrist became red and swollen, and it was obvious that Onoue also used a certain amount of strength.

"Little guy, don't think you can do whatever you want just because you have so-called power. There are many things in this world that cannot be done as you wish just because you have power. Do you understand?"

"I told you not to lecture me!!!"

Ito Sora broke free angrily, glared at Ooue for a few times, and then immediately rushed out of the balcony!

His parents had been killed in Incident 44 of the Unidentified Life Event last year. He had long been left without a father or a mother, and the last thing he wanted to hear was this kind of nagging and lectures as if from his dead parents.

“That’s why I hate this kind of brat.”

Ougami shrugged helplessly, feeling the apostle's breath getting closer and closer, he sighed and quickly caught up.

"Ah, it hurts..."

Ito Sora was running fast and collided with a passing student on his way back. Under the impact of the huge force, Ito Sora immediately took several steps back, covering his nose and crying out in pain. At the moment of the collision, the man felt like a solid wall, standing opposite him motionless.

Looking up, Ito Sora saw a young student wearing the uniform of the Johoku University Affiliated Middle School. However, when he looked at his cold eyes, he felt a chill on his back for no reason.

This person is Yuto Miyamoto, who once blocked Murakami and his group in the mirror world!

What a horrible feeling...

After glancing at the young junior, Miyamoto Yuto did not react at all and walked on his own, not taking Ito Sora's existence seriously at all. However, the moment Onoue walked out of the teaching building, Miyamoto Yuto instinctively felt a sense of threat. The moment he looked up, there was a strange look in his eyes.

What a violent person! What’s wrong with this student

Onoue, who also noticed the existence of Miyamoto Yuto, also secretly began to doubt in his heart how an ordinary high school student could have the same kind of murderous and violent aura as those Gurongi he met at the beginning.

Strong one...

Compared to the confusion over there, Miyamoto Yuto looked at Onoue as if he was facing a powerful and ferocious beast. Years of fighting in the mirror world gave Miyamoto Yuto a very keen insight.

I didn't expect that besides Kanzaki Shirou, there are other guys with similar temperament in this world. Thinking of this, Miyamoto Yuto faintly revealed a hint of excitement in his smile. Perhaps only the strong can satisfy his pleasure of killing.

At that moment, Onoue naturally noticed Miyamoto Yuto's special thoughts, and his brows couldn't help but frowned. He always felt that he had seen this guy somewhere before, but he couldn't remember where.

"I told you to leave me alone!"

Ito Sora fled quickly again, and Ooue showed a distressed look: "What's wrong with this Ito Sora? I also want to go home and leave school. I didn't follow you on purpose. Why are you reacting so strongly?"


As a student of this school, Ito Sora naturally knew Miyamoto Yuto. The man in front of him was obviously a teacher of this school. Miyamoto Yuto could vaguely guess what happened between the two of them. After cursing inwardly that it was boring, he also left the place.

"Finally got rid of that guy, hehe."

Just when Ito Sora stopped to catch his breath and rest, the special abilities in his body began to stir, as if something was calling him. He turned around suddenly, and two peculiarly leopard-like creatures appeared strangely in front of him!


Hearing the terrified screams and the two leopard-shaped apostles in front of him, Ito Sora naturally recognized them as the unknon that was causing a lot of trouble outside.

At this moment, a chuckle sounded behind Ito Sora. He turned around and saw Onoue, who had appeared out of nowhere, appearing behind him. Seeing this mysterious teacher appear, Ito Sora seemed to have grasped the last straw and immediately hid behind Onoue.

This kid...

"Ah, didn't you just angrily tell me to leave you alone?"

Ito Sora, who was hiding behind Ouga, felt the murderous intent in the eyes of the two leopard-shaped apostles and shuddered and said, "Shuo, of course I'm afraid of monsters. It's abnormal for you to be so calm!"

"Yes, yes. Anyway, please leave as soon as possible. Leave this to me."

Seeing Ito Sora running away, one of the leopard-shaped apostles flashed and tried to chase him, but how could Onoue let him succeed? His feet moved faster than it, and with the light flashing from his waist, Onoue lightly slapped and blocked the leopard-shaped apostle in a lightning speed.


A huge light surrounded Ouga's body, and soon a familiar golden armor appeared above and below his body, covering Ouga's body little by little.

Agito's earth form appears!

Ito Sora, who was running away earlier, remembered that he had just blocked those unknons for him, and couldn't help but look back. He originally thought that this annoying teacher might have... Unexpectedly...

"He's number 7?"

At this moment, Ito Sora recognized the golden armor at a glance. It was the warrior No. 7 Agito who appeared in the incident against the unidentified life form in the past!


The Leopard Apostle was stunned for a moment, and Onoue gathered all his strength in his right fist and suddenly punched out. Before the Leopard Apostle on the opposite side could react, Onoue's fist decisively pierced through his entire head from his mouth!

As the aura from another dimension flashed, Onoue took several steps back!


After the huge explosion, Onoue glanced at the other stunned leopard apostle, then quickly leaped up and used an ordinary flying kick!

After the huge impact of force, the silver leopard-shaped apostle snorted softly. Unable to withstand this huge force, the aura from another dimension appeared on his head again in an instant, and then his body exploded violently!

I haven't fought for a long time, I'm really not used to it!

Onoue breathed a sigh of relief. It felt great to be able to fight in Agito form again!

The agito light power in his body is now enough to allow him to switch to a basic weather form, but before his strength is fully restored, Onoue has been restraining unnecessary consumption in battle.

So strong...

Ito Sora, who took in this brief scene, couldn't help but be stunned.

ps: Onoue can currently transform into the earth. In addition to the two types of Dihuang being able to change their forms themselves, it can also restore a past weather form. As for what it is, you will know later.

Ito Sora and Miyamoto Yuto are both students in the same school

I won't say much else

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Original / Tomoi Yusuke

He was originally a student of Johoku University, and he was very likely to become a famous swimmer in the future. However, he retired for a while due to a car accident. When he wanted to return to the arena after recovery, he found that his body had mutated. In the end, his dream could only be shattered... He is an introverted and silent young man who rarely speaks. In contrast to Shoichi, he is a gloomy young man.

The Secret of Yuan

He was originally a swimmer, but he had a traffic accident in September 2000. After recovering, just when he wanted to return to swim, he suddenly found that his transformation ability had awakened, but this power brought him misfortunes one after another. His trusted swimming coach and his lover left him... Not long after, he found the body of his father who had been wandering since he boarded the Nikko. In order to find out the cause of his father's death, he began his journey by looking for the Nikko crew recorded in the notebook left by his father. At the beginning, his transformation power was not complete, so after the transformation, he would be eaten by his own power. He also died once, but he lived because of the real power. After resurrection, he never showed any symptoms of transformation. After the war, he adopted a puppy and began his wandering journey.

(To be continued)