Kamen Rider Shining

Chapter 20: North Hall (1)


Outside the National Library, facing No. 6 in front of him, Yusuke Godai, who transformed into Kuuga Titan form, swung the Titan Sword in his hand fiercely, once again confronting this Mantis Gurongi in a contest of strength.


Along with Wuda's roar, electric current quickly filled his whole body, and the Titan Sword in his hand underwent special changes. Golden runes and powerful force burst out instantly, and No. 6, who was holding the sickle, was instantly knocked away!


The Sublimated Titan Sword in Godai Yusuke's hand pierced No. 6's waist fiercely...

After the huge explosion, Wudai successfully eliminated No. 6 alone!

After the incident of the unconfirmed life form No. 6 ended, everything seemed to have calmed down, and no new unconfirmed life form incidents broke out...

Metropolitan Police Department, Joint Investigation Headquarters for Unidentified Lifeforms.

"These are the photos of mysterious new creatures that some witnesses took in the primeval forest of Nakano District ten days ago. Combined with Officer Ozawa's report last week, we have reason to believe that in addition to the general unconfirmed life form Gurongi, another mysterious species has now appeared. Unlike the killing game of unconfirmed life forms, this mysterious creature seems to only target No. 7."

Looking through the photos of the traces left by the battle between No. 7 and the mysterious creature in the report, Matsukura Sadao was silent for a long time and then slowly spoke: "I just saw in Officer Ozawa's report that in order to distinguish them from the names of unconfirmed life forms, they were called a new unknon name. It's really a vivid adjective."

After a pause, pointing to the agito fighting in the photo, Matsukura Sadao said seriously: "Unlike No. 4, whose identity is under our control, No. 7, who is called agito, has very little knowledge so far. We need to increase our attention and monitoring."

As the supreme commander of the Joint Investigation Headquarters, Matsukura Sadao was very uneasy. Some time ago, the move by the top leaders to set up a research group on unconfirmed life forms made him feel that something was amiss.

Through his own special channels, Matsukura Sadao discovered that this group was promoted by Minami Masahiko.

He didn't know much about Nan Yayan, but the only thing he was sure of was that he was also dealing with some unknown things. Obviously, judging by the ambiguous attitude of the upper class, the crisis facing human society right now was probably more than just a superficial crisis of unconfirmed life forms.

This unknown hidden danger seems to be approaching step by step. The appearance of unknon this time is also a sign for Matsukura Sadao.

After finishing the meeting on unknon, Sugita, who was packing up the materials, stretched his body lazily and said helplessly: "It's really shocking! The unconfirmed life form incident hasn't been resolved yet, and now the so-called unknon creatures have appeared. It really feels like troublesome problems, one after another."

Xun Ichijo glanced at his colleague and said nothing. He still squinted his eyes and stared at the photos of the battle between No. 7 and unknon in the report.

Who is number 7

Meanwhile, at a training ground less than a hundred meters away from the Metropolitan Police Department, Onoue, unaware that he had been targeted, was sweating profusely as he performed a running test...

From the time when he dealt with the two apostles until now, Onoue has been mostly spent by Ozawa in this training ground reserved by her. In her eyes, almost half of the power of the agito that Onoue transformed into was not fully utilized in the battle.

"Having such a powerful force but not being able to use it properly is like a child holding a nuclear button and not being able to use it."

After some simple transformation power tests, Ozawa summarized the data of the six color forms of Agito that currently appear.

"Just like the first white bow form, after the transformation was successful, your vision and hearing were almost enhanced to an incredible level. So I don't understand why you waited until then to shoot No. 1 when facing him."

"And then there's the green gun form... And then there's..."

Ozawa kept giving Onoue a lesson, and finally issued a mandatory order, forcing Onoue to use his transformed power reasonably by completing a lot of training every day.

In fact, what Onoue couldn't stand the most was not the physical training, but Ozawa's constant attacks with a sharp tongue.

"Learn from Godai-kun. He is proficient in so many fighting techniques. No wonder Kuuga has killed dozens of times more unconfirmed life forms than you."

Hey, what are you talking about... I'll tell you, the current fifth generation has the aura of the protagonist, of course it's awesome...

Just as Onoue was being cruelly tortured by Ozawa through various physical training and poisonous interference, the phone in his bag suddenly rang...

After finding out that the caller was from Murakami Gorge, Onoue quickly went to a secluded corner and answered the phone: "What a rare visitor, Vice President Murakami, what do you want from me?"

"Look, there's something I need you to help me with this." On the other end of the phone, Murakami Kyo said straight to the point without any hesitation.


After coughing lightly, Murakami said bluntly: "Remember the lucky four-leaf clover Beitang who injured you before? As Hanagata's trusted subordinate, he left the company this time and went to Nagano Prefecture alone to carry out a special mission. Do you understand what I mean? I will send someone to assist you when the time comes."

Isn't it just to kill this guy and throw all the blame to me? Of course I understand. While Onoue complained in his heart, he quickly agreed: "Okay, but Vice President Murakami doesn't need to send anyone. The next person can take care of it."

After hearing Onoue's confident words, Murakami on the other end of the phone immediately objected: "Don't be too careless, Onoue! That's the Lucky Clover-level Ophio. Although your weather ability is very special, it's still a bit difficult for you to deal with him alone. Don't take risks with your life, understand."

Well, I didn't expect that Murakami still had some humanity. However, Onoue didn't want him to know that he had become an agito, so he chuckled and said, "Thank you for your concern, Vice President Murakami. I will never joke about my life. Since I have promised this, I must have the confidence to deal with him."

Seeing Ogami's insistence and the confidence in his words, Murakami hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement: "In that case, let me look forward to your results. As long as Hanagata is done, I can guarantee that there will be a position for you in the Lucky Clover or smartbrain senior management in the future."

"Thank you again, then."

After the call was disconnected, Ogami showed a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth: "So this giant bear is called Beitang. I'm looking forward to our second fight."

ps: The real reason why Beitang went to Nagano will be explained later, and then the protagonist will have to deal with the Lucky Clover level, which is the so-called Orpheus cadre level.

From the 6th to the 7th, there was a one-month gap because of changes in the Gurongi level group and the competition. The Fire Angel didn't want to find the protagonist so quickly, so he just got lost in the Pacific Ocean. Just kidding~~

Faiz's three belts were completed two years later, but Kiba had an accident during the Kuuga period in this year. It was also the day when Manao's father died and the first Agito in the original work, Shelley, awakened.

=====================================Gorgeous dividing line, various data settings====================================

Character information card

Onoue Takumi

Age: 4

Height: 180cm, Weight: 70kg

Race: Ophino

Identity: Kamen Rider Agito

Special Relationship: Sumiko Ozawa

Friends: Tsubaki Hideichi, Godai Yusuke

Supervisor: Murakami Kyo, Ozawa Sumiko

Enemies: Apostle camp, Hanagata, Nan Yayan

Introduction: A living experiment material of Orphino in the former Nan Yayan Research Institute, he escaped with the help of the White God who materialized the power of light, and then obtained the power of Agito, which not only cured the rapid aging symptoms in his body, but also further awakened and strengthened his special power weather.

After a series of twists and turns, he now works part-time at a polepole coffee shop in Bunkyo Ward.

The transformed Agito can integrate weather abilities and undergo a variety of changes. (To be continued)