Kamen Rider Shining

Chapter 33: G1-X and Takuya


Adachi Ward, g1 truck.

"As expected of Director Ozawa, he was able to complete the g1-system in such a short time. Ah Qiao, I will leave it to you to deal with No. 40 this time. You can't let us down." Shidao muttered while typing on the computer keyboard. .

In the few days after Oue woke up, the Unconfirmed Life Form No. 40 incident broke out in the Adachi City area, resulting in the death of a large number of civilians. However, Oue, as No. 7, is now lying in the hospital, and Godai and Ichijo Kaoru are in Nagano. county.

So when the entire joint countermeasures team was at a loss, Ozawa, who stayed up late for several days to initially complete the g1-system, took his report and submitted it to the top management of the Metropolitan Police Department, who quickly approved the combat plan, and thus the current scene happened.

Ozawa, who had become immune to surprise after spending some time together, turned around and glanced at Qian Qiao who was preparing: "Ah Qiao, g1 - although it is much more stable than g1, the energy corrosiveness of the emperor stone still exists, and the fighting time is the best Control it within one minute, otherwise g1- will also have problems.”

"One minute? It really gives people problems..."

"I know it's very forced, but I'm leaving it to you anyway." It was rare that he didn't retort, so Ozawa rubbed his temples and said tiredly. In such a short period of time, there is no way to perfect the g1-, including the improvement of the battery pack design. Of course, Ozawa is confident that the use time will be longer after the next adjustment is completed.

A few minutes later, the G1 truck rushed to the scene. After quickly opening the back cabin, Gan Qiao, wearing purple armor, stepped out of it step by step...

"g1-, standby"

"pleted, the system is turned on!"

Through the photon energy provided by the imperial stone battery transmission package at the rear, the original dim surface of the entire g1-purple red armor gradually brightened. It was obvious that part of the energy of the imperial stone had officially activated the entire system.

A large number of police cars slowly moved away, leaving a passage, and the unidentified life form surrounding the center revealed its true appearance. It was a wild boar-type Gurungi, which was the unidentified life form this time. Body number 40!

Holding the gm-01 in his hand, Gan Qiao strode forward and quickly aimed at No. 40 and conducted a tentative shot. The sound of 'bang bang bang' sounded quickly.

However, ordinary bullets could not cause much damage to the Gurungi in front of him.

Gurungi: "Is this the level of Linduo's warriors?"

Although he didn't know what the wild boar in front of him was saying, Qian Qiao still made his signature hand-waving gesture in return.

Gurungi: "Damn it!"

Feeling that he was being humiliated, the wild boar Gurungi flew forward, transformed a piece of tooth jewelry in his hand into a giant mace, and struck it hard!

"pleted, the system is turned on!"

Facing the attack of the wild boar Gurang, Ganqiao was very calm about this. He bent down to avoid it without haste. At the same time, he took out Ozawa's newly developed gk-04-photon short blade, and the cold English voice sounded again, The energy of the Imperial Stone has begun to be instilled in this little steel blade.

"Standby, energy to instill!"

With a quick flash of his body, the short photon blade in his hand cut through the most unexpected part of the wild boar Gurungi with a 'swish' sound: his throat.


Covering the crack on his neck, the wild boar Gurungi's expression became extremely incredible... Accompanied by the huge roar caused by the explosion of his waist, unconfirmed life form No. 40 was eliminated!

"The battle ended in just 55 seconds! It's amazing! Qiao is really incredible. He usually seems so virtuous, but once he fights, he shows calmness and decisiveness, which is unlike a human being. No wonder Mr. Onoe recommends it. He serves as a g-series equipment operator."

"Xidao, please work quietly and collect data from this battle. G1- still needs to be adjusted in the next step!"

At the same time, Kanto Medical University Hospital.

"Your body recovered much faster than I thought. It's incredible." Compared with the complicated abnormalities in the fifth generation's body, Ogami, who also has the ability to transform, found no problem after several whole-body examinations. While Chun Shuichi was impressed, he was even more worried about the situation of the fifth generation.

Sensing the look in Chun Xiu's eyes that looked at a rare species, he muttered haha and said, "Maybe it's because I'm a tough person, haha..."

"Anyway, let's observe for a while."

Shortly after Chun Xiuichi left, the door of Onue's independent ward was opened again.

"Huh? Isn't this Vice President Murakami? This is...?"

Onoue was not too surprised that Murakami appeared in front of him so generously. Now in the entire smartbrain, the flower-shaped old guy has been basically ignored. If the problem of the lucky four-leaf clover hadn't been completely solved, Murakami would have completely shown off his cards. At the same time, he The mysterious man wearing black-rimmed glasses next to him caught Ogami's attention.

"Let me introduce, this is the newly appointed deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department, Mr. Takuya."

Deputy Director? Isn't that the number two figure in the entire Metropolitan Police Department after the director? Could it be that he is also? Thinking of this, I glanced at Murakami...

Murakami, who had no intention of hiding Takuya's identity, nodded: "That's right, Mr. Takuya, he is one of the former Lucky Clover members. Like you and me, he belongs to the superior beings of Aoife Enoch."


Looking at Onoe's puzzled expression, Murakami smiled and explained: "The main reason is that Takuya has a special status and is no longer suitable to work as a lucky four-leaf clover, so he officially left the lucky four-leaf clover a few days ago."

As soon as Murakami finished speaking, Takuya on the side smiled and stretched out his hand: "Nice to meet you, Ogami."

"You're too kind, Deputy Director Takuya." The moment the two shook hands, Onoue instinctively felt the powerful strength of Takuya in front of him.

However, judging from his expression just now, he was more curious about himself than malicious...

Also aware of Oue's unfathomable strength, and considering the identity of the person in front of him as No. 7, Takuya pushed up the black glasses on the bridge of his nose and slowly spoke...

ps: No. 40 is a wild boar type grunge. It is said to have appeared in a Shogakukan video. However, I have never been able to find information about this thing online. I only know that it is a wild boar type, so I assume that the wild boar grunge is original.

There is also the issue of urging for updates. Every time I open a group, someone comes to urge for updates. They dislike this and that. Well, in fact, I am coding purely for my own interest and am mainly for my own entertainment. It is really a bit annoying to keep urging for updates. It affects my mood. Of course, I also know that Ji Zeng is expressing his love for this book, but he also thought about it for me, so I won’t say much else.

The book friend character Takuya appears. This character will have a certain role in the future, so look forward to it.

------------------------------Gorgeous dividing line, various data output----------- --------------------


Height: 00cm Weight: 100kg

Speed: 100m/5.5s Jump force: 5m

Boxing strength: .5t Leg strength: 7t

Vision: Unknown Hearing: Unknown

Weapon: gm-01-Scobio (a diversified reinforced pistol, its bullets can be equipped with fragmentation bullets against Gurungi in the future)

gg-0-Saramat (the enhanced warhead equipment is equipped with gm-01 to exert maximum destructive power.)

gk-04 - photon short blade (a simplified version of the g-0-edge photon sword, which concentrates part of the energy of the emperor stone on the short blade for combat)

Special move: fiercecut (9.5t)

The improved form of generation 1. Because the original G1 system's Imperial Stone energy was too heavy for the armor, Ozawa was forced to separate the Imperial Stone energy from the armor system and create an improved G1 system that compromised by using part of the Imperial Stone energy as a storage battery pack. , referred to as g1-

Since the Imperial Stone is separated from the G1 armor, and the energy output of the battery pack is limited, the entire G1-output power is greatly weakened, but at the same time, the burden on the equipment personnel is also reduced.

(To be continued)