Kamen Rider Shining

Chapter 65: Shine(1)(Second update)


"The headquarters contacted all vehicles and found that a large vehicle broke into all entrances and exits of the Ikebukuro Underground Shopping Mall. It is the same as the three crimes so far yesterday. It is determined to be caused by Unidentified Life Form No. 45!"

While Onoe and Mikio were leisurely drinking Lapsang Xiaozhong black tea from the ancient oriental country, the information from the communicator at the Metropolitan Police Department showed that the unconfirmed life form No. 45, the buffalo Gurungi Baberu, had The hunt for humans has begun!

Toshima District, in the Ikebukuro Underground Street, the prosperous commercial street in the past is now like a hell on earth, with the remains of various corpses, severed limbs, and massacres of blood and flesh. The buffalo Gurungi Baberu, named No. 45, is currently Carrying out the most brutal method of tearing apart and killing.


After a scream, an old woman over eighty years old was torn apart from the shoulders by the buffalo Gurungi. Immediately, the internal organs were spilled out, and the scene of blood and flesh was flying, which further aroused the cruelty and wildness of the murderer in front of her.

The number of people killed in the four attacks has reached 68!

After hearing the news, Gan Qiao quickly put down the tea cup in his hand and strode to Ozawa: "No. 45 has appeared. Isn't g1-s completed yet?"

Although the work of the G1 team is troublesome every time, once the unconfirmed life form incident breaks out, the most active member of the G1 team is Qian Qiao. He is cold on the outside but hot on the inside, and hates the murderous behavior of Gurungi. The level has reached a point where it is difficult to attach.

"No, I haven't completely adjusted it yet."

Jidao, who was sorting out the information, turned around and said with a serious attitude: "Ah Qiao, you can't rush this kind of thing, you have to be patient, you know? You have to trust the countermeasures team of the Metropolitan Police Department and the fifth generation. Bar!"

In response to Jidao's antics, Qian Qiao's face turned vicious, and he quickly stepped forward and pinched both sides of his cheeks: "You guys, weren't you very excited about secretly reporting just now? Why are you so patient now? Do you know how many people are out there? Was he killed by that guy?"

"What are your ears...ah, it hurts...it hurts so much, Ah Qiao, I know I was wrong..."

"Then let me go over. The fifth generation also mentioned this to me yesterday. It is said that the cunning guy No. 45 has not been caught several times. Now it seems that this guy must be eliminated today." He quickly put on his helmet and pushed Hayate out. At the end of the garage, he quickly left the apartment in Taitung District.

Driving on a suburban highway, perhaps because of the unconfirmed life event, there were very few vehicles on the way to Toshima District, but at this moment, a strong tingling feeling came in my mind. !

Glancing over the side of the reflector, he found a red energy ball of light behind him!

"This feeling... is that of a fire angel, transformed!"

Without hesitation, Ogami transformed into Yaoqing mode. After braking to a stop, he held the twin swords of explosive flames, turned around and swung out two hot energy slashing waves with both swords!


After the violent explosion, the Fire Angel walked out of the fire with an expressionless face, probably because he was not afraid of flames due to his special constitution. The ordinary flame attack in the form of Yao Qing obviously did not cause much damage to the birdman at all.

I always feel like there's something wrong with this Fire Angel's expression...

Before Ogami could think about it, the figure of the Fire Angel in front of him turned into a ball of red light and shadow, and appeared on the right side of Ogami among the lightning and flint!

What a speed!

When Ogami was about to fight back, strange dark runes suddenly appeared under his feet. The dark energy coming from them made Ogami pause for a moment. Seeing the right moment, the Fire Angel then struck hard with a flying kick of flames. Come over here!

The body quickly retreated to neutralize the fire angel's attack. Oue felt the numb parts of his body being attacked and couldn't help but be speechless.

This guy is much stronger today than before. What's going on

'Haha, I completely gave up my emotions and turned all the dark runes into my own power at once. This noble fire angel plans to have a decisive battle with you today. It seems that your growth has made him very uneasy. '

At the moment of confusion, in the consciousness space, the boy in white's teasing reminder words quickly sounded. Ogami heard the words and looked up. For a moment, the fire angel in front of him seemed to have no emotion.

Now it is a pure fighting machine.

Stretching out one hand, the dark rune light in the palm burst out with powerful energy. After a 'swish' sound, the Fire Angel moved in front of Ogami, and his fists turned into countless afterimages!

A violent storm of attacks came towards me, and Ogami tried to avoid it, but was once again trapped by the dark runes appearing under his feet. After countless rapid bombardments with fists, Ogami was knocked away!

Relying on the Yaoqing form can give him the ability to be immune to fire, but it is not easy for Oue to be destroyed by pure power. The most important thing is the dark rune that gets in the way.

"trouble... "

As Ogami just stood up, before he could take a breath, the figure of the Fire Angel in front of him blurred strangely and disappeared on the road ahead. When Ogami reacted, he immediately remembered that it was the Fire Angel's mirage ability.

However, the Fire Angel, who had quietly appeared behind him, aimed at Ogami's left foot and swiped it mercilessly. However, unexpectedly, Ogami's figure also became blurred.


Taking a few steps back, Ogami gasped for air... Sure enough, the dark rune was only aimed at Agito's power, and the mirage of Enoch's power could be activated.

'Now that you've been bathing in the sunshine, it's time to truly grow up. Takashi Onoe, carefully recall all the realizations you've had since you first became agito. '

At this moment, in the consciousness space, a dazzling sun transformed into the hands of the boy in white. The moment he handed it to Ogami, countless scenes from the past flashed through his mind.

The past encounters between Ozawa, her, Qianqiao, and Five Generations with countless people are constantly replayed, and each picture is intertwined into a series of memories in the space of his own consciousness!


At the same time as I shouted, a miracle happened!

The red shell gradually faded away, and dazzling light illuminated the surroundings. The previously red armor changed into the current silver and red, and the fully unfolded hexagonal dragon on the forehead was exactly the shining form of Agito!

Is this my sparkle...

Thinking of this, Ogami opened his palms, and a ball of light surrounded it, which then continued to change, and finally formed a golden saber solidified by light. It is the exclusive weapon of Ogami's agito shining form: the shining saber!

The sword was swung out, radiating light, and the overwhelming impact instantly shattered the restrictions imposed by the dark runes on Agito!

In the compound eyes of the head, a mysterious hexagonal totem appeared, and then slowly bloomed with brilliant light. The Fire Angel couldn't help but feel a sense of fear!

Holding the tail of the shining saber tightly in his hand, he turned around and pointed at the Fire Angel and said: "Destroy you, within fifteen seconds is enough!"

ps: Angels can use the dark runes of the Black God to contain the Agitos. The Water Angel has done similar things in the original work. Of course, when used, it is not as scary as the Black God.

Ogami's shining form has a relatively strong ability, so this form can be regarded as the final form of this book. Of course, there will be any more evolved forms later, which will have to wait until the final boss is encountered. This form can be used for a long time.

In fact, No. 45 Ogami didn't go to the rescue. A muscle relaxer can still harmonize the buffalo grunge. The reason why Ogami went here is mainly because he forgot about the buffalo grunge. .

Not much else to say, today’s second update, the Onage version of the shining information is posted below

=========================Gorgeous dividing line, various data settings================ =========

agito shining form (onue version)


Form: shinningform Color: silver white + red

Height: 195cm Weight: 95kg

Speed: 100m/.7s Jump force: 75m

Fist strength: 15t Leg strength: 0t

Vision: 5km Hearing: 5km

Weapon: Shining Saber

Special ability: Shining compound eyes

Special Skill: Light Slashing Wave

Special moves: Shining Slash (4t) Shining Flying Kick (45t)

Introduction: After bathing in the rays of the sun, he evolved from the shining form into the agito form after peeling off his skin. His speed and strength continued to increase. His weapon was a golden saber. His fighting method became more flexible due to his special skill of shining compound eyes. His special move is For Shining Slash and Shining Kick.

Shining Compound Eyes: Agito's shining form's special amplification ability, combined with the shining saber, after opening the shining compound eyes simultaneously, its vision and hearing can have the same perception capabilities as in the snow form, and it also has the predictive interpretation of the thunder form (within a meter radius) ), acceleration, restraint of water in the form of showers, strong sunlight in the form of sunshine, etc. At the same time, its saber attack power is also greatly enhanced.

After the shining compound eyes are turned on, the time is limited to 15 seconds.

(To be continued)