Kamen Rider Shining

Chapter 86: Raging wind


"Um, is this Onoe Takashi? Please wait a moment!"

Ogami was driving Hayate on the road to Itabashi District when he suddenly heard a voice calling his name from behind him. Ogami turned around and saw Tezuka Uminomasa striding over in a brown suit.

Looking at Tezuka Umino's haggard face, Onoe was stunned for a while and then said: "You are the fortune teller last time, your name is Tezuka... Your face looks quite haggard today. Could it be that you are broken up in love?" ?”

The words "lucky love" made Tezuka Uyuki's face change slightly, which made Onoe secretly think that he couldn't really be so evil, could he guess right

Tezuka Miyuki, who didn't mind at all why Onoe Takashi knew his name, shook his head and said with a smile: "You are really good at joking... Besides, my name is Tezuka Miyuki."

In fact, just yesterday, when he woke up, he learned from Kamimoto Hokuto that after Natsuki disappeared, Tezuka Umino ignored the objections of his mother at home and resolutely went out to try to find Natsuki's whereabouts.

But during the same period, the unconfirmed life form incident broke out again. Due to Natsuki's problem, the core was the entire unconfirmed life form incident. Originally, according to Tezuka Umi's calculation, the unconfirmed life form incident would be completely resolved before the end of this year.

However, there have been certain deviations in the recent calculation results. Events that should not have occurred, such as the G1 series and the mutation in Nagano Prefecture, were all results beyond his own divination predictions. This surprised Tezuka Umino and became concerned about all the changes. The ingenuity at the origin and end, as well as the ingenuity at the end of all changes, such a 'double ingenuity' aroused strong interest.

Tezuka Miyuki's long silence made Onoue a little impatient. If it weren't for the sake of the original work, he would not have ignored him at this time. Seeing that Tezuka Miyuki had been silent, Onoue, who was eager to rush to Itabashi District, suddenly remembered something to say. arrive!

"Ah, how do you, a fortune teller, know my name? I don't believe that your fortune telling can be so accurate. And I have very urgent matters to deal with today, and I don't have time to discuss messy fortune telling and divination. If there is nothing important, I just left."

Smiling softly, Tezuka Umino didn't mind Onoe's tone and said calmly: "The so-called urgent matter refers to dealing with unidentified life forms, No. 7 Agito, Onoe Takashi."

Can this guy tell fortunes so accurately? Or is he using such powerful intelligence sources? Thinking of this, Onoe Takashi said: "Oh, you actually know my identity, Tezuka Uyuki, you have made me curious now."

Without directly answering Ogami's question, Tezuka Umino turned around and took out the three coins with a special shape and said with a stern face: "I am looking for you this time mainly to give you a little reminder."


"Sometimes, a person should bear as much responsibility as he has the strength. Blindly thinking too much will only make you end up losing the people and things you cherish. Necessary toughness and decisiveness are indispensable. ”

Ogami remained silent as Tezuka spoke. Although the meaning of this reminder was not stated clearly, it did touch Ongami's heart.

After a pause for a few seconds, Ogami suddenly laughed, stretched out his hand and said, "Thank you for reminding me, I understand. If you don't mind, just make friends!"

After shaking hands with Tezuka, Oue was anxious about the unconfirmed life form incident in Itabashi District. He was embarrassed to say: "I'm going to deal with the unconfirmed life form incident first. If there is a chance, we can have a good chat next time."

After saying that, Ogami quickly stepped on the accelerator and rode Hayate to the Itabashi area.

Looking at Ogami's retreating back, Tezuka Umino sighed softly. His reminder only went so far, and Ogami could only handle the rest by himself.

"The next step is to find Natsuki..."

In Banqiao District, the flying fox Googa moved in the sky, like a bolt of lightning, constantly crisscrossing over the entire street. In just ten minutes, it attacked hundreds of residents, swooped down, and rushed into a After biting off the neck of one of the middle-aged men in an apartment building, the number of victims in Banqiao District this time has reached more than 340 people.

While the police were evacuating the masses and sealing off the Itabashi area, Oue drove Hayate and finally arrived at the scene. Staring at the unconfirmed life form No. 49 Hufu Gurungi Googa in the sky, the agito power in Oue's body was brewing little by little. And out.


The light on the waist flashed a cyan light, and Oue instantly transformed into agito's natural form!

The moment he held the two guns, countless storms blew from all directions. As his agito strength continued to increase, the power of his natural form also continued to increase, and he had even reached the ability to create some storms.

'Bang bang bang! '

The wilderness awakening gun turned into countless wind bullets and quickly aimed at the flying fox bat Gurungi. However, the flying fox bat Gurungi, with its extremely powerful perception ability, easily avoided the attack on its tail, and then when it saw the attack clearly After the human appearance, excited shouts soon rang out!

Gurungi: "It's Agito, you killed that trash Gooma, haha, very good, very good, for me, you are the best prey!"

"Although I don't understand what you are talking about, but with your race of muscles growing to the brain, I guess just a few words, such as 'agito, kuuga, I must kill you,' etc., are meaningless. The new lines are annoying!”

At the same time as he spoke, Ogami stepped forward with one foot, inserted his two guns into his waist, and stepped hard on the ground. A huge storm roared into the air, and his whole body immediately rose into the air. He quickly came to the front of the fox bat Gurungi, with fists in Ogami's hands clenched. Holding it tightly, countless wind blades slowly gathered together.

New move in natural form: Storm Fist!

After punching out, a huge storm was seen, like a giant dragon's airflow, and a huge tornado roared up, tearing through the entire Banqiao area!

Faced with such a powerful attack, a trace of fear flashed in Foxbat Gurungi's expression, and he quickly moved to dodge. However, this time Onoue had no scruples in the battle due to his previous conversation with Tezuka Umino, so why? Will he be able to avoid it easily

With a flick of one hand, the tornado storm just turned around quickly and pounced on the flying fox Gurungi again!

The wings on his back flapped rapidly, but the attacks on his tail became more and more fierce. Then he attacked quickly, and countless tornadoes erupted. After missing each other again and again, the flying fox Gurungi gradually felt exhausted.

In less than a moment, a lot of blood spilled out from many parts of the body of Foxbat Gurangji.

Roaring angrily, the flying fox Gurungi gritted his teeth, and his body turned into countless afterimages. It gave up its defense and launched the most intense counterattack!

Facing the overwhelming flying fox bat Gurungi rushing toward him, the tail itself rotated rapidly, forming a huge energy vortex that directly knocked the charging fox bat Gurungi away several meters away!

The attack on the tail aroused the monster in front of him to become more ferocious and wild. A green light flashed in his eyes. Under the influence of the energy from his waist, the body of the flying fox Gurungi was strengthened.

"Is that all it takes after all..."

Ogami stared at the flying fox bat Gurungi opposite him, and punched out with both fists at the same time...

The huge storm airflow turned into a monstrous storm energy. The fox bat Gurungi was unable to reach and guard against it. The strengthened giant wings on its back were viciously torn apart by the sharp wind blade on its tail, and its body fell from the sky involuntarily. fall.

Gurungi: "Damn it..."

Sensing a slight change in the waist of the fallen fox bat Gurungi, Oue's eyes flashed with cold light. Relying on the effect of the wind blade he created, his whole body flew down and used a flying kick, aiming directly at the fox below. Bat Gurungi!

"go to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Countless wind blades gathered at Ogami's feet, 'Whoosh! ' After a sound, it forcibly pierced the entire body of Foxbat Gurungi, and with a shocking cry, unconfirmed life form No. 49, Foxbat Gurungi, was destroyed!

Seeing that the dead fox bat Gurungi was about to have a violent explosion impact, a strong whirlwind blew in Ogami's hand, sending its body thousands of miles into the sky. A few seconds later, a huge and shocking explosion sounded.

ps: Today’s chapter is the true complete state of natural form.

In fact, the strength of the foxbat grungi is not as strong as that of the strong demon No. 3 after absorbing the golden fragments, so it is very easy to fight. In essence, these three grungy are not as strong as Natsuki's piranha grungy.

Before Tezuka Umiyuki found his own girl, he did not forget to remind the protagonist with his magic stick attitude, haha

Not much else to say~~~~~~~~~~

Below are the current real data of the natural form, as well as the new special attack Storm Flying Kick.

==============================Gorgeous dividing lines, various data settings========== ====================

agito natural form

natural form

Form: naturalform Color: green

Height: 195cm Weight: 95kg

Speed: 100m/5s Jump force: 44m

Boxing strength: 8t Leg strength: 14t

Vision: 5km Hearing: 5km

Weapon: Wilderness Awakening Gun

Special ability: whirlwind speed increase

Special skills: high-speed wind blade, storm fist

Special moves: Explosive Shot, Storm Kick (0t)

With the help of Enoch's tornado ability in his body, and after merging with the power of Agito, he formed a gun knight form. Although his vision and hearing are not as good as the Ningxue form, his two guns can be fired continuously, and the bullets are the wind of nature.

The special move is to combine the two guns to form a powerful special move: Explosive Shot!

In the later natural form, as Agito's strength increases, its ability to deal with the wind also strengthens. Finally, it can control some of the power of the wind, such as the whirlwind speed increase that increases the speed of its limbs. This part of its special skills has the wind blade ability and the ability to create a punch. The terrifying wind blade's storm fist and its new special move, storm flying kick

(To be continued)