Keep a Low Profile, Sect Leader

Chapter 71: [Let’s meet up]


Three days passed by in a flash, and Lu Chaoge would hold the wooden sign and go to the pure white space to see the screen every day.

After the four of them felt that [the guide] had withdrawn from the group chat, they lost their previous restraint.

After all, today's four world protagonists are not very old. Even the eldest one is considered a young newcomer in the world of spiritual practice where half-hundred-year-olds are as numerous as dogs and centenarians are everywhere.

Lu Chaoge looked at their group chat and found it very interesting.

The four of them insisted on remaining mysterious and not revealing their true identities, but they tested each other.

To be honest, compared to Lu Chaoge's obscurity, these four proud men are already somewhat famous in the entire Tianxuan world.

Why is it said that it is only slightly famous? That is because in the eyes of senior practitioners, there is nothing unusual about young talents. The important thing is not to die midway and whether it can really grow up.

In the world of spiritual practice, there are many examples of people who are amazing at the beginning, but become more mediocre later on.

Of course, there are still many people who are silently looking forward to the once-in-a-millennium talents like the four of them.

Among practitioners of the same generation, these four people are very famous. In this circle, their names are well known.

Therefore, as long as they reveal their names, they should know each other.

In this regard, Lu Chaoge could only shake his head and sigh.

For example, in the first group chat, he told them openly: "Here, Momen Road Chaoge!"

Except for Yu Yue who was so excited that she jumped three feet high and her whole body trembled with excitement, the other three people were definitely full of questions:

"Who is this person?"

According to the mechanism of [Reputation Points], it does not mean that your reputation points will increase just because others know your name.

Therefore, this cannot bring any benefits to Lu Chaoge.

Even if Yu Yue revealed that she was Yu Yue of the Sword Sect in order to build momentum for Lu Chaoge, this Lu Chaoge is the senior brother I admire most...

So, here comes the question, Yu Yue needs to prove first that I am really Yu Yue.

Doing things like this is a lot of trouble and the results are poor.

Moreover, in the eyes of a certain chosen one, he is indeed the role of [Guide].

Do you four know that a group of sand sculpture players calling themselves the "Fourth Natural Disaster" will come to this world next

You don't know.

Do you four know what major events will happen next and how much turmoil the Tianxuan world will usher in

You don't know.

Do you four know how much responsibility you have on your shoulders and what you should do next

You still don't know.

"Since you don't know anything, just follow my footsteps."

"As I said before, just follow me. From now on, if I have a bowl of rice to eat, you will have a bowl to wash."

After Lu Chaoge exited the pure white space, he put the wooden sign into his arms.

During these three days, perhaps these four people were in awe and a little wary of the [Guide], but no one asked him.

Lu Chaoge is also happy to dive quietly and peek at the screen, observing in secret.jpg.

It's just that after these three days, he still hasn't figured out the code names of the four world protagonists.

He didn't even know which one was Yu Yue!

"That's weird. Could it be that Yu Yue has two faces in reality and on the Internet?" Lu Chaoge felt a little confused.

Lu Chaoge only excluded [Tian], thinking that Yu Yue's codename could not be [Tian], that's all.

He thought he knew Yu Yue well enough. Although this person was not raised by him, he tilted his head all the way and grew up with full care.

But why doesn't anyone among these four look like Yu Yue

"Let's talk, let's talk, you just keep talking with two faces like this!"

"The moment you face each other, it will be your large-scale social death scene!"

On the other side, Jian Zong.

After Yu Yue chatted for a few more words in the group, she withdrew.

"[Tian] is a really good code name." Yu Yue smiled slightly. Among the four code names, this one was his favorite.

The moon hangs in the sky!

After three days of group chat, Yu Yue's respect for Lu Chaoge deepened.

Because he has been deeply influenced by Lu Chaoge since he was a child, and was instilled with many messy ideas by him. He found in the group chat that many of the teachings of senior brother Chaoge are of great practical value.

He was very confident. Even if he was standing in front of the other three people at this moment, these three people would never imagine that he was the one in the group chat who spoke recklessly, with his mouth running ahead and his brain chasing after him!

—This wave is stable!

At the same time, he felt that it was really fun to chat with another face. He could be more wanton and indulgent.

At this moment, Yu Yue didn't know yet that the other three people had the same emotion.

Only Lu Chaoge was already looking forward to the day when she would be gay offline.

… .

… .

Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and moon fly like a shuttle.

The days without pretense always go by in a flash.

Counting the days, it's time to offer sacrifices to the demon clan again.

On the top of the willow tree in the moonlight, people meet at dusk. As night fell, Lu Chaoge walked out of his bamboo house and walked towards the lonely grave.

As soon as he arrived at the solitary grave, he saw the green smoke already floating and dancing in the air. Qingyan twists and turns, with the excitement of waiting for food.

"I just don't understand. Is my essence and blood so delicious? Or is it of great use to you?" Lu Chaoge said as he took out the [Blood Needle] from the [Ink Ring].

Qingyan floated forward, stopped very close to Lu Chaoge, and then stared at his fingers.

It looks like a little kitten eagerly waiting for its owner to feed it.

Lu Chaoge always felt that this worshiper not only had memory problems, but also his mind was not right. He might have injured his brain before.

This is really... awesome!

The [blood needle] pierced the fingertip, and the next moment, a violent feeling of weakness swept through the whole body. Lu Chaoge's mind went blank, and he immediately entered the saint mode of having no desires and desires, and even wanted to have a cigarette.

The essence and blood dripped, and the green smoke immediately wrapped it up, and then rolled it into the inside of the tomb, sucking it cleanly without leaking any traces.

The green smoke floated again, like seaweed rippling in the sea, and he looked satisfied.

Feeling that his body was being hollowed out, Lu Chaoge smiled crookedly, like an old cow that had clearly collapsed, but looked at the perfect paddy field it had plowed, feeling honored and proud.

—It’s great.

His voice was slightly hoarse than before, and he said, "Hey, I'm in the second level now. According to the agreement, you should hand over the third volume of [Qi Drinking Technique] to me early."

Qing Yan hooked downwards, as if nodding.

She didn't seem to be surprised at all that Lu Chaoge had broken through to the second level so quickly.

It took a while for a jade slip to appear suddenly, floating in front of Lu Chaoge.

Lu Chaoge was already used to this.

Perhaps the memory of this demon priest is so bad that he can't tell where the jade slips are. He has to look for them for a while every time, and he doesn't immediately take out the next volume of the [Qi Drinking Technique].

Lu Chaoge was exhausted and too lazy to move at all. But fortunately, the spiritual power in his body was still there, and with a thought, he controlled the jade slip to fly into his palm.

He looked down at the jade slip and threw a [Detection].

According to the feedback given by [Detection], the third volume of [Qi Drinking Technique] is still purple-level mid-grade.

Lu Chaoge was slightly disappointed with this.

But he soon smiled and said, "I am too greedy."

Purple-level middle-grade people are already hard to come by, and his starting point is already extremely high. You can't expect [Qi Drinking Technique] to be really better with each roll, right

If you upgrade it further, it will be the terrifying purple level top grade!

Perhaps sensing Lu Chaoge's thoughts, the green smoke rising from the grave looked forward, and then formed a word - "four".

Lu Chaoge looked at this word and was slightly stunned: "What do you mean? Are you talking about the fourth volume?"

Qing Yan nodded.

"Are you saying that the level of the fourth volume can still be improved?"

Qing Yan nodded again.

Lu Chaoge lowered his head and glanced at the jade slip in his hand again. This time, he felt that this small jade slip was a bit heavy.

(ps: Please vote for recommendations on Monday. Today is the winter solstice. Happy birthday to Xiaolizi~)

(End of chapter)