Keep a Low Profile, Sect Leader

Chapter 73: [Third Senior Brother of Momen]


In the cave, the tall demon cultivator with a cold temperament slowly stood up.

He reached out and touched the broken horn of the dragon beast, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Don't worry, if there are suitable treasures of heaven and earth at the party, I will help you pay attention to them."

For a dragon beast, its horns are the essence. One of its horns was cut off, and its strength also dropped sharply. It fell directly from the fourth realm to the third realm.

"You are my only strange beast now." The demon cultivator looked at the dragon beast with hatred on his face.

He was highly regarded by the senior officials of the Purple Moon Society and was considered to be the person with the best chance of being promoted to the fifth realm among members of the same realm in the organization in recent years.

For practitioners, there is a huge difference between the fourth realm and the fifth realm, and the same is true for demon cultivators.

It's a pity that he was seriously injured in that battle a few years ago and his cultivation level has also declined. He has made no progress in these years and has been looking for a way to recover.

Since the Purple Moon Society is an organization of demon cultivators, what they pursue is the law of the jungle.

The senior management no longer favored him, and the resources that should have been allocated to him were given priority to others.

That was something he had been coveting for a long time. With this thing, that person successfully reached the fifth level!

"That should have been mine!" At this thought, he looked ferocious and roared.

—Incompetent rage.

The terrifying coercion spread out from his body, and he sometimes sobbed and sometimes laughed wildly, as if he was suffering from a mental breakdown.


"When the triennial Purple Moon Society gathering is over, I will let you know what purgatory on earth is!!!"

Qinglongchuan, outside Baixiang Valley.

A young man with a wooden sword on his waist was squatting in front of a peasant woman.

"She's crazy." The young man whispered.

The young man made a secret with his hand, and a white light flashed on his fingertips, and then he tapped the peasant woman's eyebrows lightly.

"Pure Heart Curse!" He pointed his fingertips, and the peasant woman calmed down a little, and then fell into a deep sleep.

The young man stood up. He was very short, less than 1.6 meters tall.

At his age, he can no longer grow taller.

He has been much shorter than his peers since he was a child, and there is an obvious birthmark next to his left eye, which makes his ordinary face look a bit ugly.

Before practicing, the children in the town called him Dwarf Melon, or Clown.

Fortunately, there is no "Water Margin" in this world, otherwise someone would definitely call him affectionately - Dalang.

The young man wore a cyan robe, which was well made, with an ink-colored long sword embroidered on the sleeve.

They say a person is judged by his clothes, but in fact, it is still judged by his face and figure.

Good-looking people look good in sacks, while bad-looking people look the same no matter what they wear. Even if he is dressed very fashionably, it is just a change from a simple setback to a flashy setback.

This short boy is an example.

He himself often lamented that wearing the same clothes on the head uncle and master would be like being banished to earth.

And I am like a thief who stole clothes.

"Fortunately, senior brother and I are evenly matched." The young man felt a little more comforted.

He couldn't help but remember that the head master's uncle once said with a crooked smile: "There are only one stone in the world for handsome men. I alone have twelve fights, and everyone in the world owes me two fights."

The young man had only heard the word handsome from the mouth of the head master, but he probably understood the meaning of the word. He yearned for it in his heart and wanted to be a handsome person.

It's a pity that conditions don't allow it.

At this moment, the young man carried the peasant woman on his back and took her to a nearby village. He estimated that the peasant woman was from the village.

From the crazy words of the peasant woman just now, he probably understood the situation.

The peasant woman's daughter was lost, her only daughter was lost.

A huge strange snake took her daughter away in one bite.

The young man didn't know whether the peasant woman was frightened, or whether she was so sad that she went crazy.

But he could make some rough guesses.

The peasant woman looks quite young. At this age, in the village, she is considered an old woman.

It is likely that in the early years, the peasant woman was ridiculed by her neighbors, saying that she was a chicken that could not lay eggs.

The boy's mother also went through the same experience, but fortunately, his mother gave birth to a son, while the peasant woman gave birth to a daughter.

In the village, the phenomenon of favoring boys over girls is still very common.

This is indeed the case.

In fact, many tongue-tied women in the village laughed at her: "I have been holding back for so many years and I can't give birth to a baby!"

"My butt is so big, I thought it would be fertile."

"Haha, it's not for fertility. It's not for men. Your man hasn't taken a look at her big millstone? I don't believe it!"

The young man carried the unconscious peasant woman on his back and ran quickly towards the village. Because he is too short, this peasant woman is tall and has round and slender legs. Even if she is carried on her back, her toes are not far from touching the ground.

After bringing the peasant woman back to the village, she immediately attracted onlookers.

Everyone looked at the young man with strange eyes, because this practitioner seemed to be quite different from the practitioners they usually imagined.

Are there such short and ugly practitioners in the world

The young man has long been accustomed to this, and he will not be unhappy about it.

What he didn't like was that the peasant woman was heartbroken over the loss of her beloved daughter, but her man didn't seem to think so.

This man's expression and attitude made him feel very uncomfortable.

In the sect where the boy lives, there is no preference for boys over girls. On the contrary, there is still a bit of yin and yang...

Just like his most respected master master once said that if there were a group of Taoist companions in the future, he would even want to have a daughter.

The young man's focus is, then I will have a junior sister again!

The young master's focus is a group of Taoist monks.

The creature sister-in-law is scary enough, but my brother actually wants to get a bunch of sisters-in-law!

I can't live this day!

At this moment, after handing the peasant woman to her man, the young man holding the wooden sword turned to look at Passion Valley.

"That big snake-shaped beast should be hiding inside!"

Judging from the time, it seems that the baby girl cannot be saved.

But the strange beast is probably still dormant in Baixiang Valley, which is a huge hidden danger!

Based on the peasant woman's gibberish with words that were reversed, the young man probably knew that this was a dragon beast.

Especially after learning that one of the dragon beast's horns was broken, the young man's eyes suddenly froze!

He remembered a past incident of the sect.

But at this moment, a huge red figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the village.

"Dragon beast!" The young man's body trembled suddenly.

This was the first time he saw such a powerful beast, and the terrifying pressure gave him a sense of suffocation.

The demon cultivator was hungry again. He needed new virgins to feed, so he sent the dragon beast out to look for food.

After finishing eating, he will leave Passion Valley.

His current temperament is more cautious than before. He almost broke down in Momen a few years ago, which still makes him feel scared.

The villagers screamed one after another and started running around.

The young man looked back and saw that the sleeping peasant woman had been left behind by his man and was lying behind him.

He has not even broken through the first level, and in front of the powerful dragon beast, he is not much stronger than these villagers.

The short boy stood in front of the peasant woman and took off the wooden sword from his waist.

He couldn't help but think of what the master uncle said before everyone went down the mountain to travel:

"With the sword in place, you can go down the mountain to the rivers and lakes."

The world under the mountain is indeed as dangerous as Master described.

But he didn't learn much about his master's stability.

He only has one thought now: "If I make the noise louder, maybe I can alert the surrounding sects!"

"By then, this dragon beast will be finished!"

He is just a mediocre practitioner with extremely poor talent and unsatisfactory performance in all aspects.

Among all his classmates, he was the least promising.

"If the dragon beast in front of me is really the one mentioned by Master and the head uncle..." A trace of determination flashed in the eyes of the short young man holding a wooden sword.

The young man's name is Mo Dongfang, and he is the third oldest among the contemporary disciples of Mo Sect.

He blocked the peasant woman and the villagers behind him, shouted loudly, and the spiritual power in his body surged crazily.

He is also afraid, he is also afraid.

only… .

"I don't know if I am as handsome as the head master calls me at this moment." The ugly and short boy thought.

(End of chapter)