Keep a Low Profile, Sect Leader

Chapter 83: [Good night]


Lu Chaoge and Jiang Xinyan went down the mountain together, riding Jiang Xinyan's Dark Crow.

This dark crow has been coveting Lu Chaoge for a long time.

—It looks delicious.

In his previous life, Lu Chaoge also rode this dark crow, and even rode it alone.

Several times he went down the mountain to do tasks, and Jiang Xiyan lent him the Dark Crow directly. A dark crow can travel thousands of miles in a day, faster than Lu Chaoge's flight.

Every time he rode the Dark Crow down the mountain, the players around him would cast envious glances.

In the minds of players: mounts are the way to stand out!

Just like how everyone competes with cars in real life, the mount is the car in the game.

Sitting on the familiar Dark Crow again, Lu Chaoge's memories of his previous life began to surge.

He shook his head and told himself not to think too much, then told Jiang Xiyan the location of the trial site, and she drove the Dark Crow there.

There is only one trial place in the entire Qinglongchuan area. It is located in the center of Qinglongchuan area, some distance from Momen.

Since the trial site is not open at night, from a time perspective, Lu Chaoge and Jiang Xiyan still need to spend the night outside, and then go to the trial site early the next morning to buy tickets to enter.

Along the way, Jiang Xinyan was as taciturn as ever, and Lu Chaoge didn't say much.

In his previous life, he stayed with his master, and the two of them were used to sitting together in a daze.

Along the way, I passed by many practitioners who were also flying in the air. However, the airspace in Tianxuan Realm was vast, so high-altitude traffic jams were unlikely to occur.

And because everyone has a long lifespan, they often fly for hours or even days when they are on the road. Therefore, after meeting in the air, many practitioners will keep up with each other and chat with each other.

It's just that Jiang Xinyan has a cold face that tells strangers not to approach him, and he also carries the faint pressure of a great practitioner, so others don't dare to approach him.

However, every passerby felt that from their appearance, the two people in the Dark Crow were truly worthy of the words "made in heaven and earth", what a pair of gods and immortals!

But judging from their auras, the two people's cultivation levels were very different.

Maybe it's just a master-disciple relationship.

By the time the Dark Crow flew near the trial site, it was already dark.

Lu Chaoge said: "Fellow Taoist, why don't you just find a place to stay?"

Jiang Xinyan nodded, drove the dark crow to fly downward, and then found a relatively clean cave.

This cave was obviously dug by practitioners using manpower, which is why in the world of spiritual practice, caves can always be found to stay. The predecessors opened the cave, and the descendants entered the path.

Anyway, practitioners love to go into holes.

If you don't agree, just open a hole. Anyway, the difficulty level is not high.

After entering the cave, Lu Chaoge took out the spiritual candle from the Mo Ring, and then started to make soup.

Jiang Xinyan waited silently, and when the scent came out, she was already moving her index finger.

She has lived in Momen for a long time and eats the food cooked by Lu Chaoge every day, but she never gets tired of it.

His skills always hit her right.

This always gives her a feeling that she will never be tasteless after eating it for the rest of her life.

"It's ready to drink." After the soup was cooked, Lu Chaoge said with a smile.

"Yes." Jiang Xinyan nodded slightly, then poured out the rich soup.

After taking a sip, her eyes revealed a look of satisfaction.

Because the soup was very hot and had white mist, Lu Chaoge looked at Jiang Xinyan's pretty face through the mist and felt that it added an extra touch of hazy beauty and fireworks.

"Fellow Taoist, how does my soup taste?" he asked knowingly.

"Very good." Jiang Xinyan admitted generously.

"Then drink more."


… .

… .

After the meal, Lu Chaoge and Jiang Xinyan had a few drinks, and then planned to enter samadhi and adjust their condition to the best for tomorrow's trial.

Jiang Xinyan had no intention of practicing, but continued to drink alone.

She is currently in a bottleneck period. She cannot make any progress in her meditation practice, but relies on enlightenment.

With nothing to do, her eyes began to observe Lu Chaoge who was in meditation.

Even in the cultivation world where handsome men and beautiful women are everywhere, Jiang Xinyan had to admit that Lu Chaoge was the most handsome man she had ever seen.

"He is indeed very good-looking." Jiang Xinyan commented in his heart.

Everyone has a love for beauty, and everyone has seven emotions and six desires. Even the practitioners of Chunqiu Mountain are just a little colder than ordinary people in other aspects.

Lu Chaoge, as [Charm 10], can completely ignore these indifferences.

He felt that although he had awakened the [Power of Water] and had the ability to control water, he could produce water wherever he wanted, as long as that place could produce water.

But he always believed that he had the power of igniting fire. As a heart arsonist, he could always ignite a fire in a woman's heart unintentionally.

Jiang Xinyan looked at it and became distracted at some point.

"What's wrong, fellow Taoist, is there something on my face?" Lu Chaoge opened his eyes and said with a smile.

Only then did Jiang Xinyan react. He turned his head slightly, his face still cold, but his white ears were slightly red.

The look in her eyes was no longer calm, but chaotic.

It was the first time in her life that she was so embarrassed.

This feeling is weird, but... it's actually not annoying.

Lu Chaoge stopped teasing her and randomly picked a topic: "fellow Taoist, do you think I can pass the level tomorrow?"

Jiang Xinyan nodded and said, "Of course it's okay."

To be honest, she has never seen Lu Chaoge take action.

But judging from the respect he received from everyone in the Mo Sect, this leader of the Mo Sect, whose cultivation level was only at the second level for the time being, was definitely extraordinary.

"Then what rank do fellow Taoists expect me to be on the list?" Lu Chaoge continued.

"The higher the better," Jiang Xiyan was stunned for a moment before replying.

"Okay, then the higher the better." Lu Chaoge's tone was casual, but he revealed endless confidence.

He looked at Jiang Xinyan and finally said: "It's late at night, good night, fellow Taoist."

Jiang Xinyan nodded slightly in response as usual and said nothing.

Lu Chaoge was already used to this.

The same thing has happened countless times.

In his previous life, he also retained the little habit of saying good night, but his cold-faced master never responded and only nodded slightly.

For someone with an indifferent temperament like her, a nod was quite good.

But Lu Chaoge just has that kind of energy.

He just said it every time, every time.

It wasn't until later, when the favorability level was about to reach full, that Jiang Xiyan somewhat understood what he meant.

One night, before master and apprentice returned to their rooms respectively, Jiang Xiyan took the initiative to stop him.

Although she was stumbling when speaking, it was the first time she took the initiative to say: "Chaoge, good night."

For some people, this is a kind of etiquette, a small habit in life, just a casual remark.

But it is completely different for some people, especially people who are not good at expressing themselves.

This woman likes to be alone and has long been accustomed to being alone.

Her social circle was very small, and she spent most of her time alone before Lu Chaoge became her disciple.

She never had anyone with whom she could exchange greetings.

Due to her skills, she was supposed to be a somewhat indifferent person, not caring much about everything around her.

She has little interest in the whole world.

Not to mention that this is a proactive greeting.

This is a signal.

So her good night is particularly different.

The night belongs to everyone, but this greeting does not.

—Night is night to the whole world, and good night is good night only for you.

"Good night."

(End of chapter)