Keeping A Loyal Dog Is Not As Good As A Loyal Dragon

Chapter 1


The torrential rain here in Kyoto has been falling continuously for nearly a week, and the sound of raindrops hitting the road can be heard clearly through the windows. Obviously it was only past three o'clock in the afternoon, but the sky outside was already as dark as six or seven o'clock.

The residential buildings on this side of the university town are quite old. Only a few buildings on the periphery have been repainted in the past two years. The lower floors facing the street have been rented out and renovated into shops. All the shops are trying their best to attract students. , except that second-hand bookstore tucked away in a deep alley at the end of the street.

The path where the bookstore is located is not very flat, and there are too many puddles. Li Zhongyi hunched his shoulders under the umbrella, and moved in with big splashes.

At this moment, the lights in the store are not turned on, and the light is dim, except for the gray and white brightness of the window, there is only a screen of dim light from the mobile phone.

The person holding the mobile phone huddled his whole body in the soft chair behind the table. His face was only the size of a palm from a distance, and it was white and delicate under the light of the screen. The hair on the left was pulled behind the ear, and the hair on the right was long. Hanging on the side of the face, he was lowering his head to eat half-eaten potato chips, as if he was playing some mobile game.

This look is so focused and cute, she should be a cute "little girl", she seems to be deaf to what is going on outside the window, but Li Zhongyi just stepped in from outside the store, and the other party paused nimbly with her fingers, lifted her Chin looked over.

Those eyes were so horrifyingly pleasing to the eye, his gaze casually swept out from the end of them, Li Zhongyi immediately felt his knees go limp, and the little heart in his chest was beating vigorously.

He put the remaining leg in the door, cleared his throat and opened his mouth, before he could utter the first syllable, a cold steel blade suddenly split from the clouds, and the room was instantly bright, and all the dark things were in the air In an instant it was shattered.

Soon the lightning faded, and the violent thunder whip made people's eardrums hurt, and their scalp felt numb.

Li Zhongyi couldn't help taking a breath.

Looking at it from his perspective, the heavy rain splashed on the window and created an overwhelming dense net, which together with the roaring thunder and lightning outside wrapped the figure behind the table.

At that moment, Li Zhongyi had an indescribably strong premonition.

He always felt that this thunderbolt was like a savage monster with saw claws and fangs, piercing the sky and piercing the clouds, approaching menacingly, screaming and wanting to dismantle the man in the soft chair and swallow him alive.

Compared with his cowardly appearance, the reaction of the "little girl" was much calmer, and she probably didn't take this thunderstorm to heart at all.

"She" put down her phone and stood up, not to mention how tall and straight she was.

Li Zhongyi let out a "huh" in his heart, secretly saying that this "little girl" is really not short.

This thought flashed for less than two seconds, and the "little girl" he thought of went to the wall and pressed the switch. As soon as the light came down, Li Zhongyi's face twitched visibly.

What the hell is this little girl! He was clearly a beautiful young man with long hair! Nima is a man!

The other party was wearing light-colored casual clothes, and the long black hair that men rarely wear hung down behind his shoulders, matching the skin on his cheeks and neck, making the latter appear astonishingly fair and transparent.

His facial features are handsome and rare, and the light was not enough just now, and with that long hair, no wonder he was mistaken for a woman.

Li Zhongyi vaguely heard a "crash" in his chest. Obviously the other party hadn't done anything, but he still felt as if he had been severely deceived.

It feels like falling out of love.

The young man quickly moved his cheeks over there, chewed and swallowed the potato chips, walked around the store with his long legs, and finally picked up the tissue box on the table and walked over: "Sorry, only this is left. "

His voice is clear and recognizable. After Li Zhongyi envied the face that his ancestors saved the world one after another, he couldn't help but start to envy this rare good voice. It took him a long time to realize that the other party wanted him to wipe it off. With the rain on his face, he hurriedly took out a few tissues and pressed them on his face indiscriminately, and asked him stutteringly, "That, that... is the shop owner here?"

"Looking for Tang Shunshi?" The young man tilted his head to look at him, raised his eyebrows suddenly, "Are you Song Junlin?"

Li Zhongyi asked "Ah?" in a daze, and quickly waved his hands: "No, I'm looking for Boss Tang, but his name is not Song Junlin."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," the young man touched his head, his eyes sparkling with a smile, "I was waiting for someone who said he would come in black. I mistook you for him." He paused, then continued, " Unfortunately, Tang Shunshi went to the imperial capital due to work problems, and I'm afraid he won't be able to return until next week."

Li Zhongyi looked down at his black short sleeves, and asked again: "Then can you tell me his mobile phone number? I'm a student at a nearby university. I heard that there is a house for rent here, but I didn't ask Boss Tang about it." Contact information, I'll come and see for myself."

"The number can be given to you, but..." the young man spread his hands and smiled, "Someone has already booked that bedroom before you, and the other party said that they want to move in this afternoon, but I don't know if the rain will change now. It's him I'm waiting for."

Li Zhongyi sighed in disappointment upon hearing this.

The young man patted him on the shoulder reassuringly, took out a few pieces of lemon candy from his pocket and stuffed them to him, blinked his eyes: "Don't worry, there should be a lot of rented houses nearby, we can wait until the rain stops, and be careful not to catch a cold. "

Li Zhongyi thanked him, and after holding up the umbrella, he couldn't help but glanced into the store, and found that the young man was still standing there, saw him turn around, and waved to him with a smile.

Li Zhongyi was so excited by his laughter, he said loudly through the rain: "My name is Li Zhongyi, are you also a student at a nearby university? I haven't seen you before, what's your name?"

After asking, he thought that the total number of students here must be tens of thousands, and it is normal that they have never met before, so he couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

Fortunately, the young man didn't think too much, and still smiled: "My name is Li Zhiqing, and I have only been to the capital for the past two days, and I think it's normal to have a face."

"Do you live with Boss Tang?"

"Yes." Li Zhiqing nodded.

Li Zhongyi looked at the pair of eyes that were extraordinarily clear under the lamp, gritted his teeth and said, "Then...if that person regrets not renting, can you contact me?"

"Of course." Li Zhiqing smiled frankly.

Li Zhongyi hurriedly went back and reported the number, making sure that Li Zhiqing had written it all down before moving forward. When he was approaching the alley, he couldn't help but look back at the signboard of the bookstore, and pressed his chest hard: "...a big man, why does he look like a monster. "

After he left, the male evildoer nestled back into the soft chair, squeezed a biscuit and bit it with his mouth, picked up the phone and continued to play the suspended game.

In this kind of parkour game, feel is the most important thing. Since he was interrupted for a few minutes, he was a little unsuited to the high segment cutting speed. best record.

Li Zhiqing let out an annoyed "ah", his interest was crushed by his teeth like that biscuit, and he simply put away the phone and stretched himself.

Before he straightened his long legs, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a person standing silently outside the counter. He didn't know when he came in, and there was no sound of footsteps.

He instinctively raised his eyes and looked directly at the man.

Standing opposite was a tall man in black, his face was carefully cut with sharp edges and corners, originally he looked like an ancient well without waves, but as soon as his eyes met Li Zhiqing's, his eyes seemed to change suddenly.

I don't know if his face is too white or his pupils are too dark, but those eyes are abyss like they can absorb all other people's eyes.

Li Zhiqing was stunned by him for a moment, and it took him a while to react, and tentatively said: " are?"

The man didn't speak, just looked straight at it.

This posture, if it weren't for the lack of murderous look in his eyes, Li Zhiqing would have suspected that he came to rob him.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" he asked.

The other party still did not speak.

Li Zhiqing raised his head and stared at each other with big eyes, until his neck was a little sore, he still didn't hear the man say a word.

Li Zhiqing frowned slightly, not because he was upset with the man's silent attitude, but simply because he was sitting and standing with the other side, making him look too short in comparison.

Thinking of this, he stood up from the soft chair and looked him up and down by the way.

The man's hands are empty, obviously not to buy old books, but rather to...

"You came to find someone?"

Wait, find someone.

Li Zhiqing's eyes moved down, landed on the black clothes, raised his eyes suddenly, and quickly added: "Are you Song Junlin?"

The man nodded first, then froze again.

"It turned out to be you." Li Zhiqing laughed, walked around the counter and walked to the man. He wanted to shake hands with this future roommate, but the other party's eyes lit up when he saw him, and he followed his movement of extending his hand, and opened his arms directly. Hold him whole in your arms.

Li Zhiqing was stunned for a moment, but he didn't think such an affectionate way of greeting was outrageous, he hesitated and hugged him back, and patted the man on the back by the way.

Just as he was about to say something, a young man who was five-year-old and three-year-old suddenly broke through the rain and rushed into the store. He was startled when he saw the two people hugging each other. Song Junlin, I want to see the reserved room."

Li Zhiqing heard his words slowly, his eyes widened.

Standing over there is Song Junlin, who is this person he is holding now? !

The author has something to say: Highlight: Su Shuangwen, in the first few chapters, in order to cooperate with the identity attack, there is no ghost behind, the career line is a little slow in the early stage, the whole process is cruel, and ginseng is rejected, the above.

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