Keeping A Loyal Dog Is Not As Good As A Loyal Dragon

Chapter 23


The filming of "Emperor Records" officially started two months later. After the crew confirmed the crew, they organized a few large and small dinners during this period. Although Li Zhiqing is not the leading actor, he still got in the circle by relying on his highly recognizable external advantages. Familiar face, especially with a male number two in the group.

The other party is almost 30 years old, and he is the only male star who has successfully transformed into a traffic niche in the past two years. Although the influence of fans is not as good as before, fortunately, he is quite liked by old directors like Wang Yunlu. Stepped into the field of strength faction.

Li Zhiqing got along well with him mainly because they were both playing the same mobile game, and they were still in the same regional server. Whenever they had time, they would form a team together to compete in the ranks, which was a revolutionary friendship.

The crew's first filming location was not too far away, and those who stayed in Kyoto made an appointment to drive there together, chatting on the road was not boring, and it could save the travel expenses for the crew.

Li Zhiqing thought about it before leaving, and decided to take You Chuan to buy a few sets of clothes for a change of clothes. Even if the gods don't need to metabolize, he can't be allowed to wear black clothes all the time in the crew.

The shopping mall they were going to was located in a bustling part of the city, with a lot of traffic. Li Zhiqing originally thought that he only had some Weibo hot searches two months ago, and everyone's impression of him should have faded a lot, but he didn't expect it. After getting off the car with You Chuan, some passers-by stopped and looked over, mostly young women.

As soon as Li Zhiqing looked up and looked over, the people over there saw his face and immediately excitedly took out their mobile phones and pointed the camera at this place.

Li Zhiqing waved to them with a smile, took You Chuan's arm and dragged him into the shopping mall, loosely twisted his hair back with the other hand, and lowered his head again, the hood of his coat was firmly covered overhead.

He thought that if he covered his hair, at least the target would be much smaller. As a result, as soon as he entered a men's clothing store, a clerk greeted him with a smile. , welcome to our store, what do you need?"

Li Zhiqing thought that the hood was very effective: "... Please recommend a few sets of men's clothing in the current season for the person next to me."

It's too exaggerated, do the "social role models of Li citizens" have such a deep influence in Kyoto

"Sir, do you have any requirements for the color and style?" The clerk asked You Chuan.

You Chuan looked at Li Zhiqing.

Li Zhiqing also looked at You Chuan, and looked back at the clerk for two seconds: "It's better to be simple, the color system..."

He hesitated for a while, then glanced at You Chuan, who looked at him with an unchanged expression, Li Zhiqing let out a long sigh of relief: "Just don't be too fancy."

The clerk pursed his lips and smiled secretly, and introduced a few sets to You Chuan according to his words, mainly in dark colors, which matched You Chuan's aura very well. There were two styles that Li Zhiqing didn't like, but when You Chuan tried As soon as he came out of the clothes room, he was a little speechless.

"This gentleman is really a natural clothes hanger." The clerk eagerly spoke out Li Zhiqing's heart.

You Chuan has a strong and tall figure, without showing any expression, he has an introverted edge that is ready to go. This feeling is magnified several times in front of the fitting mirror with cleverly designed lighting angles. The pure white shirt made those eyes look like two ink dots on white paper, Li Zhiqing even felt a little hard to breathe from being stared at.

He cleared his throat, and said a little uncomfortably: "...that's pretty good, let's wrap up this set too."

Probably because Li Zhiqing's reaction to this suit was unusual. You Chuan wore this suit on the day he left Kyoto, so that when Li Zhiqing saw him, he remembered the time when he looked at You Chuan in a daze in the store. Just a moment of embarrassment, and it was not relieved until I got into the car.

After the sky darkened, the crew's car just drove to the edge of the town, and the road was lined with lush poplar trees. Someone in the car had to turn off all the lights in the car on a whim and started a spiritual discussion.

These old stories they tell are only tickling to Li Zhiqing, and even more childish to You Chuan.

Li Zhiqing was lying on the back of his chair facing the back, not attracted by the content of the story, but was interested to see their expressions of excitement and fear.

This time You Chuan came here pretending to be Li Zhiqing's accompanying assistant, so he could only sit at the end of the car with other assistants, so full of aura that the two people next to him actively squeezed out, for fear of sticking to his clothes.

Li Zhiqing couldn't help laughing when he saw the past. It was obviously the simplest row of seats, but it could make You Chuan feel like a dragon chair in the palace. After all, it was the race embroidered on the imperial robe.

Seeing him smile, You Chuan raised the corners of his mouth, and looked at him from a distance across a group of people who were listening intently to the story.

Li Zhiqing blinked at him, a little tired from kneeling for too long, and wanted to turn back and sit down for a rest.

Just at this time, the storyteller mentioned: "It turned out that the young man was born with a pair of dark eyes, and when he saw a ghost around him, he unconsciously turned the white eyeballs out."

Li Zhiqing sat down after listening to this sentence, and with a glance at the moonlight, he saw that the second male next to him was tilting his neck and staring at his eyes. Popped out and nearly hit my head on the roof of the car.

The others were startled by him, and then trembled a few times. Fortunately, the driver's seat was separated from here, otherwise the driver would have been frightened and drove the car into the ditch.

"Oh my God," Li Zhiqing squinted his eyes and looked carefully, and could tell that the other party was convinced after sleeping, "Why did Feng Liangqiu sleep with his eyes open, I was almost scared out of my soul by him."

Everyone has been trying their best not to show timidity in telling the story, and when Li Zhiqing yelled first, they all started laughing at him.

"Aren't I afraid? I listened to Teacher Zhang's words, and then I saw Feng Liangqiu rolled his eyes." Li Zhiqing argued, "Who can stand the synchronization of sound and picture?"

Everyone managed to catch the one who yelled loudly, how could they let him go so easily, they were still making fun of Li Zhiqing.

Li Zhiqing touched the tip of his nose, silently nodded his fingers at Liang Shiqiu, who was sleeping lightly, with a face of accusation, walked to the last row and said to Feng Liangqiu's assistant: "Brother Chao, you should sit next to him, I will Seeing him open his eyes, I want to reach out and close them."

The assistant nodded with a suppressed smile, he only lifted his butt halfway, and the others quickly shifted over, and tacitly gave Li Zhiqing the seat closest to You Chuan.

Li Zhiqing smiled meaningfully, and while sitting down, he tilted his head and said to them: "Look at how much resources you are wasting, you are obviously afraid that these ghosts and gods don't know how to seize the opportunity." He patted You Chuan on the shoulder, and then Said, "This man is invulnerable to evil by nature, the closer you get to him, the safer you are, you don't understand."

"You still have the nerve to talk about others, but no one was crying out just now except you." Teacher Zhang, who told the story before, teased him.

Li Zhiqing saw that there was no way to get over this, so he simply smiled and said, "Teachers, in fact, the ones you tell are, at most, black fairy tales." He raised his eyebrows and waved his right hand, his eyes were full of cunning, "Come on, I I'll tell you two."

You Chuan turned his head, twitched the corner of his lips, and smiled softly.

This is to tell a story of death.

The human body is like a bottle, and the three souls and seven souls are like the reserved water in the bottle. Once the bottle is broken, the soul cannot hold it. If the soul is unstable, there will always be water outside that wants to occupy the bottle. .

When Li Zhiqing was a child, he had a light and weak body, and the real experience he has lived up to now is shocking. In addition, Tang Shunshi occasionally instilled a few half-truths and anecdotes into him. kinds of stories.

The people in the carriage have lived most of their lives, and they are six or seven hundred years old in total. Li Zhiqing can tell that they are covered in white sweat, and they are afraid and curious. This feeling is more exciting than visiting a haunted house.

"Li Zai, Li Zai!" Feng Liangqiu's assistant turned back to him with a bitter face and called him, "Let's switch seats back, I'm frightened by Brother Feng's stare, I always feel that he is going to raise his arms to hurt me."

Li Zhiqing waved to him with a smile, stood up and deliberately asked the people around him: "Is there any brave man to sit with Feng Liangqiu, I dare not face his white eyes."

"Can you stop interrupting, what happened to the elevator later?" An old artist who was jokingly called the emperor's professional household urged him.

Li Zhiqing stood in the aisle propping the back of the chairs of the people in the front row with a helpless expression on his face, looked left and right, and finally was gently pulled by You Chuan's finger, he turned his head, exchanged a look with You Chuan in the dark, and said frankly Sitting on You Chuan's lap, he continued to tell them.

Li Zhiqing just washed his hair before going out, and it was silky and soft. From time to time, as Li Zhiqing turned his head, he brushed it past You Chuan's nose, exuding a pleasant and light aroma of shampoo.

You Chuan suddenly felt that being too sensitive was not a good thing. He could feel Li Zhiqing's body temperature passing through the fabric to his legs. It was a heat that he didn't have. It was so hot that it even dried the blood flowing through it. Gotta warm up.

The young man's body was soft to the touch, buttocks and leg roots were squeezed by You Chuan's legs and knees, and the combination of sight and feeling carried an embarrassing taste of shame.

In front of You Chuan was Li Zhiqing's back. He was not short, and he might touch the roof of the car when he sat upright, so his body bowed slightly, and he occasionally waved his arms when he spoke, causing his shirt to stretch into a tight line. The spine shape looks especially beautiful in dark colors.

You Chuan stared at the beautiful line that sometimes hides and sometimes stands out, only feeling an uncomfortable strange impulse in his body, he really wanted to wrap his arms around the narrow waist in front of him, but he knew It is absolutely inappropriate to do this kind of thing in this situation.

You Chuan endured and endured, and finally couldn't help but reached out and poked it when the shape became prominent again, and lightly pressed his fingertips on the lower back of Li Zhiqing's waist.

The waist and buttocks area is a sensitive area for many people, and Li Zhiqing is no exception. When he was touched suddenly, he instinctively straightened his waist, so a shallow depression was formed in that area, which was more tactile to the touch.

He turned his head, there was a little doubt in his eyes, but it was more excited when he talked about it.

Before the story was finished, Li Zhiqing quickly looked away, but You Chuan saw through all the light in those eyes.

He gently twirled a handful of Li Zhiqing's hair, rubbed it with his fingertips, pinched it again, and he was sure that those were the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.

The author has something to say: You Chuan: Your eyes are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.

Li Zhiqing: Thank you, your eyes are also very beautiful.

You Chuan: You are the prettiest.

Li Zhiqing: You are still the prettiest.

You Chuan: It's you.

Li Zhiqing: No, no, you are the prettiest.

Fanzi: ... can you two go out and blow each other in the industry, is it annoying