Keeping A Loyal Dog Is Not As Good As A Loyal Dragon

Chapter 25


You Chuan is actually very good-looking, but he usually has no expression on his face. Occasionally, when he smiles, it is just a rare emotion in his eyes, or the corners of his lips are slightly bent. Unskilled stiffness.

Now that he suddenly smiled at such a close distance, Li Zhiqing couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and didn't bother to stop in front of You Chuan, his whole body hit You Chuan's chest as fast and firmly as a cannonball.

Before he stopped his inertia, You Chuan murmured "love" in his ear again, and Li Zhiqing's mind immediately became a little confused.

The people gathered nearby fled to other places in order to avoid Li Zhiqing's hug. Looking at it from a distance, the scene where Li Zhiqing was actively hugged by You Chuan was more like the latter's unresponsive dodge. As if being cruelly defiled by "Holding the Crazy Demon", they all began to laugh and boo with half-sympathy and half-joy.

You Chuan is very tall and has a very strong figure. Standing with ordinary men can completely cover the sky and block out the sun. Li Zhiqing's height is above average, and You Chuan can only bow slightly if he wants to hug him. back, and head bowed down.

Due to racial factors, You Chuan's body temperature has always been low, and even his breathing is a bit cool, and the breath he exhaled scratches Li Zhiqing's ear pinna, and this itchiness has been extending along the surrounding capillaries to his neck and spine Where it connects, the left shoulder is obviously covered with several layers of clothes, but I still feel... I want to tremble, I want to tremble, and I want to escape.

This time You Chuan loosened his arms and let go of Li Zhiqing before he could speak. Nothing could be seen on the dark clothes, but there were a few small spots of scarlet stains on his exposed forearms and wrists. It is estimated that the clothes were also damaged. It's just that the color is too dark to be seen with the naked eye.

Li Zhiqing wanted to wipe it off for him, but he still had half-dried plasma on his hand, which looked even dirtier. He raised his hand and gestured in mid-air for a long time but didn't dare to stick it on You Chuan's arm, and finally pointed at You Chuan: "... you Wipe it off."

You Chuan didn't look at his arm, but first raised his hand to pinch a strand of hair stuck to the bridge of Li Zhiqing's nose.

In order to highlight the embarrassment of fleeing, Li Zhiqing's hairstyle was deliberately made extra messy. Gotta be a little stiff.

You Chuan's first reaction when he pinched his hair was to help him clean up the hard lumps on his hair, but then he thought that this might be for Li Zhiqing's next filming, he hesitated for a moment, stopped pinching his hair, and went to see Li Zhiqing's video inquiringly Eye.

Li Zhiqing met his eyes, and the little heart that had just calmed down became restless again.

It's not that he didn't look in the mirror in the dressing room, he is fully aware of how scary his outfit is, Feng Liangqiu joked that he was ugly, and he was light, no matter how good-looking he really looks, how did the crew look at Li Zhiqing's current appearance Anyone who wants to get in close contact with him, not to mention the undried plasma on his clothes, is almost afraid to avoid it.

Only You Chuan dared to hug him so carelessly.

Li Zhiqing sees his own reflection in those eyes, that is what Zhong Kuang should look like in the play, it is really not good-looking at all, but the owner of the eyes seems to be able to see into his heart through this shell, After laughing, his expression was still as indifferent as ever, and his eyes were as serious and gentle as ever.

Li Zhiqing almost thought that he had put on fake makeup, the group of people in the production team were all teasing him just now, he should be his original appearance now.

"Hair." You Chuan said.

"Ah?" Li Zhiqing was stunned, looked at You Chuan's fingertips, and realized, "Ah... the hair is made like this on purpose, don't worry about it."

You Chuan nodded, pushed the lock of hair to the side of Li Zhiqing's face, and then looked down at the stain on the inside of his forearm.

"Do you want to wash it with water?" Li Zhiqing asked him in a low voice.

You Chuan shook his head when he heard this, and then the pieces of plasma slowly faded from the edge like a piece of paper that had been ignited, without leaving even a trace.

Li Zhiqing said, so the gods are really so miraculous

After his arm was completely white, You Chuan raised his head and looked at him again.

Li Zhiqing praised with dignity: "'s amazing."

You Chuan slightly bent his lips when he heard the words, and Li Zhiqing also smiled at him guiltily.

In the past, he thought that You Chuan's eyes were the hottest, but now that his mentality changed, he always felt that the heat seemed to burn his face a little hot.

"It's my assistant after all, I won't throw you out even if you're dirty like a puppy." Feng Liangqiu walked over, looked at Li Zhiqing's wounded makeup two steps away, and blinked his eyelids forcefully on purpose, unable to bear to look directly at him, exaggerating , "Hot eyes, hot eyes! The left side of your face is so hot!"

Yes, it is spicy.

Li Zhiqing felt that Feng Liangqiu used the word well, and You Chuan's eyes were as if they had been sprayed with chili powder, it was so hot that his face was scalded.

"Have you memorized the lines? Do you want to consolidate it? The preparations are almost done over there." Feng Liangqiu said.

"No, there are no lines in tonight's play." Li Zhiqing couldn't help but look back at You Chuan before going to the shooting scene, and asked him in a low voice: "Did you just..."

You Chuan looked at him, Li Zhiqing paused for two seconds, and changed the subject: "Will you stay here or follow me when I'm filming?"

He was so surprised when he was hugged by You Chuan that he was a little unsure if You Chuan had spoken in his ear. He wanted to ask if You Chuan had said the word "love" to him, but the word At the beginning, I couldn't continue.

As soon as this new question was blurted out, Li Zhiqing felt that it was superfluous, not to mention that You Chuan came here as an assistant, even if he was usually in the store, Li Zhiqing would often see You Chuan following him every step of the way when he turned his head.

Thinking of this, Li Zhiqing's legs felt a little weak.

The kind of "fancy" that the old dragon god fell in love with him, couldn't it be the kind of "fancy" that the gold master faced with his little lover! So did You Chuan say "love" when he hugged him

Li Zhiqing really wanted to rub his face vigorously to calm down, but if he really got used to it, maybe a few people from the make-up team would scream at him at the groundhog.

"Go and familiarize yourself with the mountain road, run a few laps to warm up, even if the lights are on, it's still a little dark, be careful not to fall when you run." Wang Yunlu wanted to pat him on the shoulder when he told him, but he couldn't do it in the end .

In such a comparison, You Chuan's gentleness is brought out again.

Li Zhiqing took a deep breath, walked quickly on the designated route, squeezed out all the messy thoughts, quickly dug out the written script from his mind, and slowly found the feeling of Zhong Kuang running away all the way through his memories .

This scene only used aerial photography and telephoto lenses, and did not focus on the details of the character's expression changes. This requires a burst of physical expression, and the mood of escape cannot be manifested as long as the actor runs out of speed.

Li Zhiqing tried not to pay attention to the gaze You Chuan cast on him from the outside, and ran back and forth on both sides of the route repeatedly, sweating all over before the filming officially started.

"Are you ready?" Wang Yunlu stood in front of the monitor, holding up the loudspeaker and using the infrared laser light to compare the route again, "Don't just think about how to run fast when you are running! You must be in a good mood. Be in place!"

Li Zhiqing took a mouthful of blood plasma in his mouth, and made a ok gesture to the other side.

Wang Yunlu nodded to the reporter and sat down on the chair: "Prepare in all aspects!"

The countdown sounds were called out one by one, and finally the ending sound of "Action" and the sound of hitting the board fell at the same time. Li Zhiqing rushed out like a cheetah that had been imprisoned in a cage for many years and suddenly saw the light of day.

The cool air at night scraped past his face and lifted his hair in the air. The moonlight piercing through the gaps in the forest leaves pierced Li Zhiqing's body, adding more to the ferocious face and piled up flesh and blood. A whitish wound.

Li Zhiqing imagined that his left ear and left eye were totally useless, and that when the wind blade rubbed against the cut surface of the base of the ear and the hollow eye socket, the numb muscles on one side of his body twitched. The place burst out.

Pain, and even the internal organs are also in pain. Obviously, the pain should be numb to the extreme, but the level of pain has been increasing step by step with the pace of his running.

Such mortal pain made him run with extreme madness and fierceness. This kind of ferocity was not aimed at the pursuers who followed closely behind him, nor the bumpy mountain road under his feet, nor the darkness in front of him. mountain forest.

Zhong Kuang was extremely cruel to his own body, he forced out the little vitality left in his flesh and blood, and pushed his trembling legs to rush forward with all his strength.

His posture didn't look like he was breaking free from the prison behind him, but rather like he was about to rush into the endless darkness ahead.

He is not a fugitive aimlessly, the mountain road under his feet is more like a return journey for him, there must be a place of return in the darkness waiting for him paranoidly.

That was the place Zhong Kuang had to see. Perhaps his escape was not to distance himself from death, but to die closer, even if it could only be shortened by one step.

Wang Yunlu looked at the young man sprinting almost madly in the monitor, the laser light in his palm was soaked in cold sweat.

"This kid is really..." Someone hissed from behind, "I feel pain in my body just looking at it."

Compared with expressions, body movements are definitely more contagious, but the performance is also more difficult.

Wang Yunlu did not expect Li Zhiqing to be able to act to such an extent. This scene was not easy to act or film. He never planned to pass it at once. Bursting out one after another alternately.

That is obviously a fatal state of mind that is difficult to comprehend just by reading the text, not to mention that the target is a young man at the right age.

The track car moved forward according to Li Zhiqing's running speed, and the camera was blocked by messy branches and leaves in the forest, and from time to time, tree trunks blocked Li Zhiqing's running figure.

He seems to be about to escape from the captured image of the camera. He is completely separated from the mountain forest into two completely different parts, and he seems to be completely swallowed by the mountain forest and merged into one. He will be deeply trapped in it for the rest of his life.

The whole picture is blurred and depressing, and at the same time full of gripping tension.

According to the script, the end of this scene is that Zhong Kuang was intercepted and ambushed by the front when the route was about to end. According to the cut, the plan is to hang up the coercion for supplementary shooting, and later combine the backstab and the character together.

Just as Wang Yunlu was about to stop, he found that Li Zhiqing had no intention of slowing down at all. He couldn't help being stunned, and when he realized what the other party wanted to do, he broke out in a cold sweat.

He was too old to react fast enough, just as the word "ka" was brewing in his throat, Li Zhiqing had already rushed towards a tree trunk in front with the help of running.

He stomped hard on the soles of his feet, and then jumped up with his strength. His body spun a delicate arc in mid-air. Then he grabbed the branch of another tree with both hands. Go up in the air, and turn half a circle at a tricky angle.

When he was almost hanging upside down on the top of the branch, Li Zhiqing suddenly bent his left arm, and his body trembled halfway, as if trying to dodge a hidden arrow with difficulty, he bent down and landed on the ground, hooked his left hand on the tree trunk and slid sideways, Hidden directly in the darkness.

The whole set of movements is done in one go, without delay, not inferior to those experienced professional martial arts teachers on the set.

Not to mention the other members of the crew, even Wang Yunlu, who was probably somewhat prepared, was stunned.

The filming of this scene should have ended here. Li Zhiqing hid behind a tree trunk and waited and waited, but he still couldn't hear Wang Yunlu's voice calling for cards.

He turned around and grabbed the tree trunk, stuck his head out against the bewildered eyes of the entire crew, and said uncertainly: "... Isn't it time to get stuck?"

It's time to get stuck, but after Li Zhiqing played this trick, almost all the staff present were stunned. Many people still had the same dumbfounded faces, and they all stared at Li Zhiqing from a distance like watching a hero, dumbstruck Two seconds at the same time excited.

Wang Yunlu was overwhelmed and hurriedly let the recorder hit the board, got up and took the crutches leaning on the back of the chair, and ran towards Li Zhiqing aggressively, before he reached him, he waved the crutches as if to slap him: "What are you doing?" Ability! You are the only one who is amazing!"

He originally wanted to knock on the muddy ground beside Li Zhiqing's feet to discipline him, but before he could fully raise the crutch, someone grabbed it from behind.

Wang Yunlu turned his head, failed to see who was coming, and was pulled back a few steps by the director's assistant holding his shoulders: "Director Wang, please take it easy..."

"Don't do it, don't do it, it will definitely hurt..." Li Zhiqing also took a step forward at about the same time, between Wang Yunlu and You Chuan, broke You Chuan's fingers and returned the crutch to Wang Yunlu's hand.

God, he didn't even notice when You Chuan came from the outside. In the blink of an eye, he was standing behind Wang Yunlu ready to go. His posture looked like he was here to smash the scene, which scared Li Zhiqing out of his head. sweat.

"What do you do? Did I do it with you or with him?" Wang Yunlu was supported by his assistant with a puzzled face, and tapped Li Zhiqing's feet with his crutches, and then tapped You Chuan's feet, "I That is to scare you, you don't take your own safety seriously, let your uncle know that it will really beat you!"

Li Zhiqing stood in front of You Chuan and looked at Wang Yunlu who was trying to teach him a lesson, opened his mouth, and felt aggrieved in his heart: "... I know you didn't mean to beat me up."

The problem is that the person behind him thinks that Wang Yunlu is going to hit someone with a cane, and Li Zhiqing is afraid that You Chuan will make something big happen with a wave of his hand if you get serious.

"I know what you are still grabbing my crutches for?" Wang Yunlu pointed to the two trees where Li Zhiqing flexed his fists, "If you want to play a monkey, you can't wait until you are under pressure. You think this is a special effect for you in the later stage!"

Some people saw that they were blocking crutches and people and thought it was going to be a fight. They hurried over to listen to the conversation before they breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Director Wang, you really don't have to be so angry. Brother Special Effects', he must be sure to act in one go."

"That's right, before the news reported that he tore fugitives with his bare hands on the street. That video has been trending on Weibo for a few days. Many of Li Zai's fans were attracted by him because of his bravery."

"What tearing up fugitives with bare hands?" A man of Wang Yunlu's age really didn't bother to check Weibo, and happened to not watch the news broadcast that day.

Others explained to him in a hurry, after Wang Yunlu figured out the reason, he did not praise Li Zhiqing like they did, but sighed: "You can save me a little, if you break my body in front of my eyes If I lose my leg, that old man of yours will come to trouble me in my dream."

"No." Li Zhiqing smiled, "I haven't fallen on the hills and forests on the side of Gasta, how difficult are these two trees?"

"Jasda? You went to Gasian, right?" Some people laughed when he said that, "Jasda is in the joint military region. If you have the ability to go there, do you have to work hard to film? Go home and lie down. It will be a blessing to be the second generation ancestor."

The people next to him laughed when they heard the words, only Wang Yunlu stared at them.

"That may be because I misremembered the place name, foreign names are too similar." Li Zhiqing did not refute, but also laughed.

Wang Yunlu looked at Li Zhiqing hesitantly, and finally heaved a long sigh, and shook his head helplessly when he turned back.

Li Zhiqing's scene was originally divided into two scenes, and after he made such a toss, he went through all of them. Although Wang Yunlu was angry with him for taking risks, the staff who had been busy all day had a higher affection for Li Zhiqing. levels.

Not to mention that the director likes actors who have been through it once, everyone in the crew will like it. Who wouldn't like to have their working hours greatly shortened.

Li Zhiqing's final shooting was at four o'clock in the morning, and such a beautiful thing as taking off his makeup and going to sleep was completely unacceptable. He simply didn't even change his clothes, and just put himself on the bed. Before the shooting, he ran that mountain road. No matter how many times, I am really tired.

This tent is not too big. In order to save space, the two folding beds can only be placed together at a 90-degree angle. When You Chuan lays down again, their heads will be almost touching each other.

Li Zhiqing thought that his body was covered with six or seven layers of coloring syrup alone, and there were many unknown subtle substances piled up on his face. He probably smelled so bad that others could smell it.

Li Zhiqing could feel You Chuan's breath not far from his scalp. In order to prevent him from being smoked, he quietly shrank back to the end of the bed. In terms of clothing and props, many living equipment are as simple as possible.

For example, the folding bed under him costs 65 yuan on Taobao. It is probably a lot cheaper to buy so many in one go.

Li Zhiqing just moved his feet down a little before hanging out, he had no choice but to shrink his body back slowly, and couldn't help muttering: "'s too short for me to go to this bed."

At most 1.8 meters can't grow any longer!

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard You Chuan getting up from the bed.

Before Li Zhiqing's neck was lifted, You Chuan stretched out one hand to the back of his neck, removed the pillow with the other hand and stuffed it under his back, and with a little force, he lightly lifted him to the head of his bed.

You Chuan put him down, put his hand next to Li Zhiqing's head, leaned over and asked him, "How about this?"

Suddenly there was a large space under Li Zhiqing's feet, You Chuan's pillow was placed under his head, and You Chuan's eyes were still in front of him, so he was a little dazed.

Seeing that he didn't answer, You Chuan thought that the size of the bed was not spacious enough, so he said, "I'll take you out."

"Where are you going?" Li Zhiqing was confused again and again.

You Chuan pondered for a moment, then tentatively replied: "Heaven?"

He can let Li Zhiqing sleep on him.

Li Zhiqing: "..."

This is the so-called, I will send you to the sky to play

"Why do you want to go to the sky..." For the first time, Li Zhiqing felt that You Chuan's thoughts were spinning a little too fast, and he couldn't keep up.

"You can't sleep." You Chuan looked up and down the bed.

Li Zhiqing retorted: "... No, I can sleep well."

You Chuan looked at him puzzled: "Didn't you say it was short?"

Li Zhiqing looked at him with complicated emotions. The tent was so quiet that one could hear the insects in the grass outside. After a long time, Li Zhiqing tilted his head and laughed: "The bed itself is not short, I just... hey, it's not short anyway."

As he spoke, he was about to sit up, wanting to return the bed to You Chuan, but You Chuan pushed his shoulders back from the bed just as his shoulders were separated from the bed.

"You sleep."

"One bed is enough for me." Li Zhiqing got up again, and was pressed down by You Chuan for the second time. He felt like a groundhog trying to get out of the hole. Pushing back into the hole, "I took up so much space on your bed, what do you do?"

This bed is not long enough for Li Zhiqing, and it is not enough for You Chuan to lie flat. If Li Zhiqing takes another bedside from him, You Chuan can probably fold his knees and put his feet on the ground.

"I don't need to sleep." You Chuan replied in a low voice.

Seeing that he didn't intend to straighten his body, Li Zhiqing swallowed: "Then you plan to sit like this all the time?"

You Chuan nodded.

"... have been staring at me like this?"

You Chuan didn't answer right away. After a moment of silence, he retracted his hands on the bed, and at the same time straightened his upper body, but his eyes still didn't move away. The light in the tent was dim, but his eyes could still reflect a soft light.

Li Zhiqing lost his temper when he saw him: "Why do you keep staring at me?"

The two points of light in the darkness suddenly faded, and You Chuan raised his eyes again after a while.

There are many reasons for staring at Li Zhiqing, but it can also be summed up in a simple sentence. You Chuan said it twice because Li Zhiqing first asked him a very straightforward question, and now he suddenly asked him to take the initiative to answer the question. Tell the whole story... I'm so embarrassed.

You Chuan was sitting on the bed against the canvas of the tent. Originally, he just casually put his arms on his bent knees, but now he involuntarily clasped his fingers together, and slowly rubbed the thumbs of both hands together.

The progress bar for preparing the answer has not been loaded halfway, Li Zhiqing asked again: "Is it because I look more pleasing?"

You Chuan was stunned for a moment, and without twisting his fingers, he quickly nodded.

In his eyes, there is nothing bad about Li Zhiqing, and of course he likes his appearance.

Li Zhiqing's eyes widened suddenly. He asked this question just as a joke to lighten the atmosphere. Unexpectedly, You Chuan actually nodded and admitted: "So superficial?"

It turns out that gods are also visual animals.

You Chuan couldn't understand what the word "superficial" meant, but at this moment he was still nervous because of the last question, and he didn't ask when he didn't understand like before, and he still kept silent.

Li Zhiqing took his reaction as an acquiescence, and changed his words: "'s not superficial, it's normal to control the appearance, everyone controls."

You Chuan looked down at him, not understanding the meaning of "face control" for a long time.

"You used to stare at me because I was good-looking, and you were looking for visual enjoyment, so now you always look at me for what?" Li Zhiqing said with a smile, "I'm too ugly to show now, you see Don't you feel uncomfortable seeing my face?"

You Chuan shook his head: "You are not ugly."

"Is this giving me psychological comfort?" Li Zhiqing still smiled. When he just looked in the mirror after putting on his makeup, he was shocked a lot, "Gods have to touch their conscience when they speak."

"Really," You Chuan looked at his only good right eye, "It looks good no matter what."

When people's visual ability is affected, other senses will be more sensitive reflexively.

You Chuan's voice was deep and serious, and there was an indescribable sex appeal in the dark environment. In addition, what he said could be regarded as half a love story. Not only did Li Zhiqing's ears feel crisp, but his heart beat Also inexplicably sped up the tempo a few times.

"Don't press me." After Li Zhiqing said this, he took a deep breath and sat up on the bed, and faced You Chuan with another piece of canvas. His eyesight was not as good as You Chuan's. Looking at him, "You Chuan, I want to ask a question that feels too good to me."

"En." You Chuan responded.

Li Zhiqing quickly asked: "Do you like me?"

do you like me

This question was tightly tied to the end of You Chuan's words, and he threw it out like a thunderbolt, leaving You Chuan no time for mental preparation at all.

Unprepared quick question and quick answer is definitely an effective means to ensure the authenticity of the answer.

You Chuan instinctively gave a "hmm" when he heard the question clearly, and then he came to his senses, his whole body froze, he held his breath and stared at Li Zhiqing, and after two seconds of relaxation, he felt that such an answer was nothing to begin with No, seriously add: "I like it."

"Which one do you like?" Li Zhiqing hugged his knee a little nervously, but then realized that this posture seemed a bit girly, so he put down his left leg and hugged his right knee alone.

You Chuan corrected him: "There is only one kind."

Li Zhiqing couldn't help laughing: "I'm not asking how many kinds you like, but which one you like, and besides, there's not only one kind of like."

You Chuan frowned, as far as he knew, there was only one type of "like".

"Likes can be divided into ordinary likes and..." Li Zhiqing became nervous as soon as his vocabulary was tense, and he couldn't find a suitable adjective after thinking for a long time. "You have lived for so many years, you should understand that kind of likes, right?"

You Chuan pondered his words back and forth, but was still puzzled: "I don't understand."

Li Zhiqing struggled in his heart, broke the can and said, "It's the kind of love I want to fall in love with."

You Chuan remained silent this time, just when Li Zhiqing thought he finally understood, You Chuan asked him: "What does 'up' mean?"

Li Zhiqing: "..."

He had a feeling that he wanted to give the old dragon god a sex and knowledge science class.

"It's when you see a person or an animal, and you have an impulse," Li Zhiqing was so thin-skinned that he didn't have the nerve to say words like "Join. He" directly, so he could only explain with his hands, "Think Do this to him, do this again, and slap! You must understand."

Dragons are obscene by nature, and they have nothing to do with each other. You Chuan should be no stranger to such things.

Li Zhiqing said these words at a faster speed, and the movements of his hands also accelerated. Although the gestures were in place, the force was too strong. It didn't look like a physical activity, but rather like killing some enemy in revenge.

"It's not liking." You Chuan shook his head.

Li Zhiqing retorted: "This is also a kind of liking."

You Chuan can follow him in other matters, except for liking: "It's not."

Treat the person you like with care and care, and it is impossible to want to kill the other person.

"Then what do you mean by liking?" Li Zhiqing was choked by his determination and couldn't continue to argue.

You Chuan thought for a while: "Live together."

live together

Li Zhiqing was stunned for a moment, isn't this the second meaning of "together" he explained to You Chuan last month? Could it be that he was thinking too much and overacting? This is very embarrassing.

Li Zhiqing wanted to touch the tip of his nose to ease the embarrassment, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he touched a piece of artificial flesh on his nose, so he had to retract it again, which was even more embarrassing: "... This is also true."

The gods in the TV series don't talk about emotions and desires. Even if You Chuan often turns up and down like this, it may just be out of nature, and he may not need an emotional foundation like a human being. If you think about it carefully, there is indeed nothing wrong with it.

Li Zhiqing's thinking is clear, but You Chuan's side is really "accompanying his wife for no reason, the pot comes from the sky".

In fact, the nature of dragons is obscene because the later dragons could not bear the excessive divine power in their blood. Connecting with all things is just a way to relieve the restlessness of divine power, not simply driven by lust.

As an old dragon god who is older than Tiandao, You Chuan has never experienced what it is like not to control his divine power, not to mention that he is cold in nature and never takes everything seriously. It seems to him that there is only one kind, and naturally there will only be one "person he likes".

It can be said that he was completely misunderstood by Li Zhiqing this time.

After the discussion just now, Li Zhiqing didn't feel sleepy when he lay down again, so he asked You Chuan to lie on the bed and close his eyes to rest his mind. He took out his phone and sent Tang Shunshi a message: [Incredibly shameful! I was so ashamed today that I almost didn't get it back! ]

It's bedtime now, Li Zhiqing didn't expect Tang Shunshi to have a long talk with him late at night, he just wanted to find someone to vent out, who knew Tang Shunshi would be able to come back in seconds: [Xi Da Pu Ben, I have to go out and buy a 20,000 ringer Overlord Whip celebrates. ]

This is still thinking about Li Zhiqing asking You Chuan to make "threat phone calls" to him during the day.

[I actually felt that You Chuan liked me today, and what was even more frightening was that I even asked him directly. ] Li Zhiqing ignored his words and continued typing.

Tang Shunshi was silent for a while, and replied: [Then why do you still have the opportunity to send me a message now? ]

This all showed his heart, even if You Chuan didn't deal with people on the spot, then hugging, kissing and pulling little hands is always the right thing to do, right

[No way, the old god has a big heart and doesn't bother to care about ordinary people like me. ] Li Zhiqing thought that Tang Shunshi was referring to You Chuan who would get angry and kill him if he was asked such a question.

[Wait a minute,] Tang Shunshi was a little dazed, [How can you still care about it? What did you all say? ]

[I asked him if he liked me and he said yes. I asked him if it was a normal crush or a crush, and he said it was the one that wanted to live together. ] Li Zhiqing feels like dying after a little recollection, [I explained to him last month that "together" has two meanings: dating and living together, isn't he just a normal liking? ]

Tang Shunshi: […]

Could it be that he is the only one who thinks that after living together, he will be able to date and "go up" every day

Li Zhiqing continued typing: [He simply likes me, but I mistakenly think that he wants to fall in love with me, which is the complete opposite of the sentence "I just treat you as a friend but you want to fall in love with me"! Don't you think it's embarrassing? ]

After posting this sentence, he also made up an emoji pack with his head in his arms and collapsed.

Tang Shunshi: […]

He didn't know whether he was embarrassed or not, anyway, he sympathized with the old dragon god.

[I have nothing else to tell you,] Tang Shunshi replied, [Take care of yourself, remember to take good care of your body. ]

Li Zhiqing didn't understand why Tang Shunshi suddenly said such a sentence, and then said: [I'd better go to your crew to see you some time, otherwise I don't know what the next meeting will be like. ]

Li Zhiqing read the two messages together several times: [Did something happen to you? ]

[No, I'm just getting old and like to sigh indiscriminately. ] As long as nothing happens to Li Zhiqing, there will probably never be any accidents on his side. After all, "one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven".

It was almost one o'clock now, and he would have to get up again after three hours of sleep at most. Li Zhiqing and Tang Shunshi decided on the time to visit the class, stuffed the phone under the pillow and closed his eyes to force himself to fall asleep.

There are many variables in outdoor shooting, and the daily task arrangement can be described as a race against time. When the shooting started in the early morning, everyone's faces were not as good as yesterday.

Li Zhiqing drank half a cup of high-strength lemon juice, not to mention his head was completely refreshed, he was afraid that his facial features would be twisted too much, and the thick makeup on his face would be squeezed out of cracks.

This time we are going to film the scene before Zhong Kuang's death. The pursuers surrounded him and hunted him down. Zhong Kuang couldn't fly, so he had no choice but to hide in the hunter's house in the mountains, forcing the hunter to cut off his head.

Zhong Kuang's biggest emotional outburst in the whole play is here. In addition to the panoramic shooting, there will be several follow-up shots of facial close-ups. The state of the actors must be maintained at the same level at all times, and there should be no gaps in each shot.

During the preparation period, Li Zhiqing had been grasping the script to conceive the scene. He marked out five performance forms here, hesitating which one would make Zhong Kuang’s inner struggle more intense, and he took a deep breath before the shooting started. , Turning around and putting down the script, he met You Chuan's eyes behind him, and his heart suddenly calmed down.

"If you want to meet someone, but you can't return to her after trying your best, how would you feel?" Li Zhiqing asked him casually, "What would be the strongest?"

Before Zhong Kuang’s death, there were unwillingness to achieve his goal, remorse for leaving home, guilt for his wife, yearning and reluctance that penetrated into his bones, but one of them must be his emotional center of gravity, which determines Zhong Kuang’s emotional outburst. breakthrough point.

You Chuan hardly thought, and blurted out: "Anger."

"Angry?" Li Zhiqing was puzzled, "Why?"

You Chuan replied: "I can't see him because I am incompetent."

Li Zhiqing was stunned for a moment, copied back the script and quickly flipped through a few pages, suddenly laughed twice, grabbed You Chuan's shoulder and shook vigorously: "As expected of an old god, I have seen a lot after all, thank you."

You Chuan watched him trot to the shooting site, bent down to pick up the script that had slipped on the floor, and carefully smoothed the corners.

As soon as the slate was set down, Zhong Kuang, played by Li Zhiqing, stumbled in from the window of the wooden house. The sleeping Orion Fang was about to wake up when he was dragged off the bed and hit the corner of the wall. He opened his eyelids and saw a bloody The terrifying face scared him almost to death, before he could howl, Zhong Kuang covered his mouth forcefully.

"My name is Zhong Kuang. I used to be an aide in the former prince's mansion. Now I'm being rounded up by the villains in the court. I'm afraid I will die." Zhong Kuang's legs were already drenched in blood, and several poisonous arrows were nailed into his left knee bone. Black pus, there is no good meat to be found. "Although the lower body is disabled, the head is worth a thousand gold. If you are interested, you can use this head for some wine money."

Just looking at that face, the Orion's body became weak, how could he dare to take his head, and just shook his head desperately to break free.

Zhong Kuang grabbed his neck with his other hand and lifted him up, coughing up a few mouthfuls of black blood: "But one thing, after today, you must go to Qingyue Village, Yingzhou to find a girl surnamed Pang, and hold me in her arms." If the personal letter is handed over to her, half of the bounty received will be shared with her to subsidize the family. Zhong Mou has lived so far in this life, and must report it in the next life!"

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, Orion still refused, and Zhong Kuang's long-suppressed emotions gradually burst out, half begging and half threatening to force him to do it, every sentence blocking Orion's path.

Just when Orion was about to raise his knife, Zhong Kuang finally bent his back, and his legs, which had been running all night, slowly knelt down. The broken shoulders also began to tremble slightly, first there was a short muffled grunt, and then it evolved into a series of suppressed bitter cries.

It was precisely because he couldn't cry loudly and happily that Zhong Kuang's expression at this moment was scary enough.

Flesh turned outwards, blood and tears criss-crossing, fists slapped in the mud, hating himself for not being able to break through the pattern of the court, and also angry at himself for not being able to escape the net of heaven and earth, the man's hoarse and growling cries were as if wrapped in A mass of fire turned this simple wooden house into a purgatory, which not only caused deep pain in people's hearts, but also made them extremely afraid of this monster lying on the ground like a trapped animal self-mutilating.

The lighting and camera closest to the scene felt chills, not to mention facing Shang Li Zhiqing's Orion ensemble performance, goosebumps almost fell all over the ground, and at the end of the filming, he threw the props and rubbed his arms.

Wang Yunlu didn't give Li Zhiqing a chance to calm down, and immediately took another close-up shot of Zhong Kuang threatening Orion's face. When the "click" sound fell, the cameraman held up the equipment and bounced it up. The hair on the back of his neck almost stood on end with fear from that look.

This acting is disgusting.

Feng Liangqiu gritted his teeth and looked at the monitor, his heart skipped a beat when he was stabbed by Li Zhiqing's last perverted eyes, this f*cking thing is simply eating people.

Including the reshoots, Li Zhiqing cried for a total of five scenes, and he still cried with the fragile little girl in the group. After the scene, his eyelids were a little red and swollen. He took the bottle of water Feng Liangqiu handed him, and complained Said: "I am seriously lacking in love now, do you know that? Give me a bottle of water without love and just want me to relieve my emotions, are there something wrong with you!"

"Then quickly remove your makeup, and I'll give you a loving hug right away." Feng Liangqiu pointed to the dressing room.

"No, this is the time to witness our friendship." Li Zhiqing opened his arms to him as he spoke, "Do you know how sad I am when Zhong Kuang died? Someone must come and hug me."

Feng Liangqiu really couldn't look directly at his face after crying, so he turned his body around and pushed him towards the dressing room: "...Really, go and look in the mirror, no one would dare to look at you now. I have to go."

Li Zhiqing wondered, is there any reason? After filming such a desperate scene, I have to be despised as ugly again!

He was about to turn around angrily and stare at Feng Liangqiu when someone pulled his arm from behind suddenly, and then he fell into a cool embrace.

"It's not sad," You Chuan patted him on the back and said softly, "I'll hug you."

The author has something to say: Regarding Li Zhiqing's wounded makeup, everyone has their own opinions.

Feng Liangqiu: If you don't see it, you can't do it.

Wang Yunlu: It's really ugly, I can't do it.

Teacher Zhang: Makeup is a pot, I can't get rid of it.

You Chuan: They're all pretty, let's give them a hug.

Everyone: ... (Don't be blind.)