Keeping A Loyal Dog Is Not As Good As A Loyal Dragon

Chapter 31


Tang Shunshi really wanted to kneel down facing Li Zhiqing, leaning on the ground and shouting "You are my ancestor".

It was the first time he heard of someone trying to put the gods to sleep at such an advanced age, and they were still on top.

Tang Shunshi looked at the last words Li Zhiqing typed on the phone, and felt like he was ten years older. Regardless of whether this kid can achieve his ultimate goal, he has this ambition.

[People all over the country call you "Brother Niubi", it's not a loss. ] Tang Shunshi was typing on his mobile phone, and felt powerless after a few clicks of his fingers, [You are not an ordinary cow batch, you are a combat batch among the cow batches. ]

When Li Zhiqing saw this, he knew that the possibility was unlikely, and his eyebrows furrowed.

Tang Shunshi continued typing: [It's not that you don't know what level that person outside is, even from the time when Pangu created the world, you can't fucking tell me clearly, you little arms and legs actually told me that you wanted to sleep he? If you think about it with the strands of your hair, you should know how strong he must be, right? ]

Speaking of strength, Li Zhiqing thought of You Chuan's "steel hand" holding him like a feather, and his typing movements were even more confident: [You said he was ruined, so how could I lie flat and let him sleep with me? Even if you are going to die, you have to choose a more elegant way to die. ]

Although he is not afraid of death, but his ideological consciousness is not lofty enough to accept that he is being killed alive.

Tang Shunshi thought about it too, he looked at Li Zhiqing with sympathy, he pulled Li Zhiqing to the bedside and sat down: [The meal has to be eaten in one bite, the road has to be walked step by step, you probably have reached the point where you have a little affection now, what are you talking about? Can't sleep. ]

[Are you old and out of your mind?] Li Zhiqing glanced at him, [Who mentioned sleep first? ]

[My fault, my fault,] Tang Shunshi boldly took the blame, [I'm sorry for your ignorant and innocent little affection. ]

It was him who made a bad start, making Li Zhiqing hang over his head the "death date" that could never be reversed, which seemed too careless.

Tang Shunshi's eyes were loving and distressed, Li Zhiqing was so looked at that goosebumps appeared on the back of his neck, he bent his elbow and bumped him, bowed his head and typed: [After getting along for this period of time, I found that his attitude towards me may be really different from other People are different. ]


Tang Shun immediately put away all his concern, and cursed hard in his heart.

It's not that different, it's so fucking different!

[At least he is more interested in me now, there are still some common likings. ] Li Zhiqing pondered for a while, [I'm just not sure if he will have feelings other than ordinary liking, what if he is as stubborn as Tang Seng? ]

Tang Shunshi almost laughed out loud as oil and salt were not taken in.

How can I use oil and salt? Li Zhiqing can enter faster than anything else.

He thought to himself that at the age of the old dragon god, who has been away from the world for so many years, it is not easy to fall in love with someone, and it is even more difficult to chase a wife in a modern society that he is completely unfamiliar with. Not bad.

Tang Shunshi raised his hand and patted Li Zhiqing's shoulder, wanting to tell him that the kind of liking that You Chuan knew was not only an unusual liking, but also a liking only for Li Zhiqing.

He just opened his mouth halfway, when Li Zhiqing added another sentence after the last sentence: [Give me some reaction, Fatty Tang. ]

Fat Tang

Don! fat!

Tang Shunshi was furious, and immediately became unhappy, and patted him on the shoulder twice as hard: "Fart, I'm so fat! I'm 8 catties thinner than last winter!"

[Fatty Tang is not named by me. ] Li Zhiqing took a look at Tang Shunshi's belly, which was thin from ten months of pregnancy to nine months of pregnancy, and smiled gloatingly, [This is the nickname given to you by the dragon god ancestor you admire, you can decide whether you accept it or not. ]

The cursing words rolled down his throat and he swallowed them hard. Tang Shunshi was so suppressed that the flesh on his chin trembled a few times. Finally, he took a deep breath and kept smiling.

He's so silly, really.

He was just a fat Taoist priest, and he had never touched a girl's little hand, so he had the idea of helping this young couple who could fight each other, it was beyond his control.

But he is transparent. Regarding the matter of chasing his wife, he just wants to say, this couple can do whatever they want! Anyway, with You Chuan's ability, he will not be vain in his next life. He has no place to worry about it. Who made him a fat man with a big belly

right? right? !

"Qingqing." Tang Shunshi looked away for a second with a pleasant expression.

Li Zhiqing waved his hand away with a "snap": "Speak up if you have something to say, don't do this disgusting trick."

"No, I'm happy for you now." As soon as he reacted, Tang Shun choked his throat even more, with a greasy coquettishness.

Li Zhiqing's hairs stood on end when he heard this, goosebumps came out one after another, and he was about to smear Tang Shunshi's mouth with his hand.

Tang Shunshi had long expected that he would cover his mouth, so he bowed and rolled to the other side of the bed: "I've seen you grow to such a big size with my own eyes, and I've seen you begin to mature in thought, so I'm really, really gratified .”

"Did your shit flow back into your head!" Li Zhiqing slapped him on the thigh, making a "snap", crisp and loud.

"Didn't I encourage you?" Tang Shunshi got up, clutching his legs, touched Li Zhiqing's cell phone and stuffed it back into his hand after typing: [You also said that dragons are the most lecherous, Huan Miao Ai Ye or something may be true Didn't break clean. Besides, isn't he interested in you? You have an inherent advantage. ]

Li Zhiqing raised his head after reading it: "You mean...reliable?"

Tang Shun thought it was reliable, lay down on the bed, spread his legs apart, and hit home plate with a hook with his little hand.

"Try it." Tang Shunshi smiled.

He thought about it carefully, it's better for him not to interfere in the affairs of the young couple. Gradually deepening the relationship and realizing it is the most anticipated process in a relationship. It's not appropriate for him to push it.

"By the way, I brought you a present." Tang Shunshi got up from the bed, squatted down on the ground, put down the box and opened the zipper.

Li Zhiqing deleted the words on the notepad word by word: "Things that are less polite and more affectionate will be avoided."

"It's not light or light, it can be used to exercise your body." Tang Shun said while throwing a red square thing into Li Zhiqing's hand.

Li Zhiqing was unprepared, his hand hurt a bit from being hit, he lowered his head and looked carefully, "Modern Chinese Dictionary", holding it in his hand was like a solid brick, extremely thick and heavy.

"You fucking..." Li Zhiqing wanted to slap the dictionary on the back of his head, "Is there something wrong with you?!"

"I think this thing is suitable for you." Tang Shunshi was still pawing in the box, "If you learn Mandarin well, you won't be afraid of whoring all over the world."

Thinking of the content of the chat with You Chuan that Li Zhiqing shared with him before, Tang Shunshi felt that it was really important to speak well.

"You Chuan doesn't even know pinyin and you ask him to look through the dictionary?" Li Zhiqing casually flipped through a page, "I don't know any characters here!"

"Isn't there another one here? Use it together." Tang Shunshi threw another one over.

This time it was a cardboard box, and Li Zhiqing raised his hand to pick it up. The good boy Chinese learning machine has opened a new model of one-on-one tutoring.

Li Zhiqing read the small print on the bottom row: "Applicable people, lack of learning confidence, lack of enthusiasm for learning, lack of targeted counseling, have biased facts or tendencies, and students who have always been low in learning efficiency."

"Confidence and enthusiasm, but lack of targeted counseling." Tang Shunshi patted the back of his right hand against the palm of his left hand while counting, just like a salesman on the street, "Barely there is a phenomenon of partiality."

Li Zhiqing said "Fuck", curled up on the bed and laughed out of breath.

"Use together, sooner or later there will be no barriers to communication." Tang Shunshi laughed along with him.

However, he was so funny that he couldn't laugh anymore within two seconds, he could only watch You Chuan push the bedroom door open with the corner of his mouth stiff, and drilled the awl into himself with a glance.

This glance made Tang Shunshi's legs go limp.

Li Zhiqing was holding the dictionary and the learning machine on the bed, laughing until tears burst out, and it took a lot of effort to hold back the laughter.

You Chuan looked at him, with a helpless smile in his eyes, he handed his mobile phone to Li Zhiqing: "There is news about you."

"News?" Li Zhiqing has been running around with the crew recently, and nothing major happened at all. He left his things on the bed, and walked up to You Chuan, rubbing his eyes.

The news You Chuan said is automatically pushed by the mobile browser from time to time every day, and the quality is uneven. Sometimes it is about national political affairs, and sometimes it also involves the entertainment industry. The news You Chuan asked him to read belongs to the latter. The picture is a screenshot of the game live broadcast between him and Feng Liangqiu some time ago. The title is: Everyone said that he is very popular, but after the fans met him, they threatened to let him go

The content is very concise. It is about the encounter with the fan girl team during the game that day. It has nothing to do with the title.

It took so long for the gossip to come out, even a fool would know it was abnormal.

It is estimated that this is just the beginning, the real guy is still holding back his energy.

"It's okay, these are all written by the website, don't worry about it." Li Zhiqing smiled indifferently, "I'll take a shower first, and then go out to eat later, what do you want for dinner?"

You Chuan put away the phone: "Anything is fine."

Tang Shunshi originally wanted to say that he saw a barbecue restaurant on the next street when he came here, but when he heard You Chuan say that, he could only follow along: "...whatever."

Li Zhiqing went back to his room, took out his changed clothes and walked into the bathroom. He grabbed the hem of the clothes and lifted them up before he felt a stabbing pain in his waist and shoulders. He threw the clothes into the clothes basket, looked around in the mirror and found that they had been tied up. There was a small scratch on the protective belt. I was too tired when the crew was changing clothes before, so I didn't pay attention, but now it hurts even more when I stretch it suddenly.

He took off his pants again, and as expected, the inner thighs also turned red, leaving a neat arc.

There is no way to take a bath now, Li Zhiqing turned off the faucet sadly, stretched his arms into the bathtub and stirred it to enjoy himself, took the shower from the shelf and cleaned it carefully, and did not wear the one he brought in when he went out Instead of wearing clothes, she put on a bathrobe and went out.

"Tang Shunshi," Li Zhiqing's left shoulder was more severely scratched, and the scabs after several crushed blood bubbles were accidentally rubbed off when he took a bath, and now bloodshots began to ooze out again, "You can use that ointment from before. any left?"

I don't know what Tang Shunshi said to You Chuan, but You Chuan was able to sit on the sofa outside and listen to Tang Shunshu holding the learning machine and talking about it.

Li Zhiqing called Tang Shunshi obviously, but it was You Chuan who looked back at him first.

The bathrobe in the hotel is not long, the hem only reaches Li Zhiqing's knees, the upper body is opened a bit deeper, exposing the white skin on the chest.

His hair hadn't dried yet, and it was wet and casually draped behind his shoulders. As he spoke, water droplets fell from the ends of the hair, rolled along the neckline, passed between the collarbones, and finally disappeared into the skirt of the bathrobe.

What's even more frightening is that his eyelashes are also damp, making his eyes moist, and his whole body is as plump and juicy as a freshly washed peach.

After Tang Shunshi raised his head, he hissed, and after sneaking a glance at You Chuan on the opposite side, he said, "Can't you come out after getting dressed?"

What should I do if I get sunburned? He couldn't stop it either.

"Change it later." Li Zhiqing frowned at him, "Did you bring the ointment? On me..."

Before he finished speaking, You Chuan had already walked over, raised his hand and opened his left skirt, revealing the tender wound on his shoulder.

When Li Zhiqing suddenly stood so close to You Chuan face to face, he couldn't help being startled,

As soon as the other party's shadow was cast by the light, it was dark in front of his eyes, and he always felt that he was in a weak position for a moment, and the absolute sense of conquest emanating from You Chuan almost made him take his next breath.

"I brought it!" Tang Shunshi jumped up from the sofa looking for the ointment, afraid that You Chuan would really do something.

Li Zhiqing was brought back to his senses by howling, pushed You Chuan's hand away and took two steps back, slowly took a deep breath and said: "It was a small injury when hanging Wia."

You Chuan didn't speak, his eyes looked even darker against the light, and he still lowered his eyelids to look at Li Zhiqing's shoulder, unable to discern any emotion inside.

"It's really not serious, just rubbed off a little bit of skin." Li Zhiqing pulled up his clothes and smiled, "How did you deal with your injuries before? Is there any magic that can make the wound heal? Tang Shunshi's medicine, although It works, but it hurts."

He said this just to break the silence, but You Chuan actually gave a "huh" unexpectedly.

Before Li Zhiqing could react, You Chuan pulled off his clothes again, buried his head in his neck, opened his mouth to the wound and swallowed it.

The author has something to say: This chapter has also been changed. In fact, those yesterday were because Da Qing explained to You Chuan that "together" has two meanings. That's why you understand You Chuan's "liking is living together" as ordinary liking between friends. Because many people have forgotten the previous content and cannot understand the thinking of the two, so I just change it.

Tang Shunshi: After reforming, I will also say 10,000 MMP sentences.