Keeping A Loyal Dog Is Not As Good As A Loyal Dragon

Chapter 54


The day the crew set off happened to be the light snow solar term, the temperature plummeted, and the wind was blowing heavily along the coast of Kyoto.

When Feng Liangqiu knew that Li Zhiqing was going to the airport, he specially sent him a mask and sunglasses that he thought were useful, Qian reminded him not to show his face directly because Li Zhiqing felt that wearing sunglasses in autumn and winter was more attractive Pay attention, and he is in a good state of mind, so he doesn't have to worry about makeup, he just put on a coat with a hood and went out generously.

Clothes with a hood are the most slender. Although Li Zhiqing's shoulders are not as wide as You Chuan's, he has a well-proportioned frame and no lack of muscles. Looking from behind, he is as tall and powerful as a young white poplar.

Even if you don't want to cover your face, it's okay to wear a mask to block the wind.

Before getting out of the car, Li Zhiqing taught You Chuan to put on the mask, looked around and couldn't help laughing: "You cover the lower half of your face, it's much gentler than usual."

He always thought that You Chuan just had no expression on his face. In fact, his eyes were very warm. It can be said that this is the most cute part of You Chuan. Now that the mask covers the bridge of the nose and mouth, the exposed feeling of the whole person is obviously softened.

The driver heard Li Zhiqing's words "much gentler" and got out of the car, walked around to the back and opened the car door for the two of them. After Li Zhiqing got off, he unintentionally glanced at You Chuan, and his heart trembled.

... Is this called a lot gentler? Dressed in black with a pair of black masks, his eyes clearly told others "don't mess with me", those who didn't know thought he was following Li Zhiqing to smash the scene.

Jiang Ping may think that the possibility of this movie not being able to pay back is high, and he refused to let Lou's family pay for it. He and his old friends pooled together, and Li Zhiqing made up for the shortage. The funds are not too much, and most of the crew The members all sat in economy class, and only business class was prepared for Li Zhiqing and You Chuan.

The flight was booked by Jiang Ping, and at first he even wanted to prepare for the first-class cabin. First, he knew his background, so he was afraid that he would be wronged. Second, there were many people in the ordinary terminal, and Li Zhiqing had a high nationality. What battle, the business class is still the result of a compromise between Li Zhiqing and him.

The news of Li Zhiqing's flight was not disclosed, and there were no fans at the airport.

Although his face and hair are covered, his figure alone is enough to stand out. Standing with You Chuan is a pair of walking hormones in the crowd, and his figure alone attracts many people's attention.

Li Zhiqing lowered his eyes all the time, and was worried that he would be recognized by others. Fortunately, a star appeared from behind accompanied by the exclamation of fans. Four bodyguards and assistants formed a small circle together, and the fans were outside. Feeling that the support signs and mobile phones formed a big circle, they walked over in a hurry and bustling all the way.

Li Zhiqing stepped aside a few steps, watching the excitement.

Seeing the fans on the outside pushing each other, You Chuan grabbed Li Zhiqing's arm and took him behind him: "Come here."

Li Zhiqing tilted his head to the right, cast his gaze over his shoulder: "It's far away, you can't touch me."

Before he could finish his sentence, a support card was slapped directly at the place where he was standing just now, and someone hurriedly picked it up and continued to hold it up.

You Chuan looked back at him, and Li Zhiqing also looked at him: "Then I can also avoid it."

You Chuan chuckled, raised his hand to straighten the brim of his hat.

"...Damn, it's really unlucky, I'm so annoying." A girl next to her was holding a glass of drink, but was accidentally bumped into by a fan who only had eyes for idols, her palms and backs were all wet.

Li Zhiqing saw that she was digging for a bag with one hand and found nothing, so he reached out to feel in You Chuan's coat pocket.

"Looking for candy?" As soon as he put his hand in, You Chuan felt a warmth on his waist.

"...No," Ever since filming a variety show, You Chuan seemed to have turned on the function of the treasure bag. He seemed to have everything on him, especially all kinds of candy. It will definitely come out when you touch it, "Don't you have a tissue?"

After he finished speaking, he pursed his lips, feeling a little embarrassed, he would have prepared these small items with him, but once You Chuan prepared them during this time, he would save trouble and not take them with him.

"Yes." You Chuan took it out from the other pocket and put it in his hand.

Li Zhiqing unpacked the package, pulled out the first two tissue papers thoughtfully, so that he could take them out with one hand, then patted the girl's shoulder lightly, and handed it to him.

The other party was frowning with a grumpy face. He was stunned when he saw the tissue, and raised his eyes to thank him.

Before Li Zhiqing had time to lower his eyes, he directly met her eyes.

The girl stared and let out a short "ah".

Li Zhiqing's heart skipped a beat, he put his index finger on the outside of the mask and made a "shh" gesture, and smiled at her with his eyes bent.

"My God...!" The other party exclaimed in her throat, covered her mouth and looked around, "Is it true? Did I win the lottery today?" You Chuan became even more excited, "Is this the assistant brother!"

The action of this cub guard is simple!

Li Zhiqing pointed to her wet hand, signaling her to wipe off the drink quickly.

The girl then took out a tissue, wiped her hands hastily and said in a low voice, "...can I have your autograph? You can also take a picture!"

Just as Li Zhiqing was about to speak, the other party hurriedly said: "I secretly took pictures, and I will never let others see... No, it's okay."

"Yes." Li Zhiqing smiled, waited patiently for her to find out the pen, and signed in the wallet at her insistence. During this period, he was asked a few small questions about work, and finally put You Chuan on his shoulders and let her I took a picture and waved my hand before leaving: "Thank you for your support, I wish you a smooth interview, goodbye little princess."

Li Zhiqing had a warm and pleasant golden voice, and as soon as the word "little princess" came out, the girl's face blushed immediately, and they didn't look away until they went to the special counter to check in.

She didn't know how Li Zhiqing knew she was going to attend the interview, and she didn't know why he called himself "little princess", and she didn't realize it until she looked down at her signature. Before she went out, her family stuffed a note with the words "Come on for the interview, our little princess".

"...Damn it." At this moment, she really felt like screaming.

When she got to the waiting room and sat down, she still couldn't calm down. She couldn't help but put the tissue, signature and note together and took a photo. Together with the group photo of Li Zhiqing and You Chuan, she edited a new Weibo: [Mom, I May be an angel fan! /Crying with excitement, I ran into Li Li at the Kyoto airport. He saw that my hands were dirty with a drink and offered me a tissue. He saw the note my mother gave me and said "The interview went well" and called me "Little Princess"! ! ! Damn it, I suddenly felt like I was coughing up medicine, so why would I be afraid of an interview! ! ! Finally, please allow me to officially join the CP army. Today, a certain fan made a fuss at the airport, and the assistant brother kept Li Li behind him the whole time, too! sue! up! @李之清官方fan fan support club @技李夫夫]

As soon as this Weibo was posted, not to mention the fans, even the presidents of the support club went viral.

[Fucking blogger, you managed to make me jealous, even if you have an autograph, you are called a little princess! ]

[Damn so angry! Other fans are going to send idols! My idol is hiding from fans like a guerrilla war! I also want to go to the airport! ]

[Blogger, blogger, do you know where Li Li is going? Do you know the flight information? If you miss the drop-off, there might be a chance to pick you up! ]

The last comment was quickly pushed to the top, and then the blogger commented: [It should be the flight at noon, where I was so excited that I forgot to ask... But Li Li is going to make a movie this time, and there will be corresponding publicity later , the news is absolutely reliable! ]

[Others promote it in advance, but now we are in the later stage, I can't help showing a tired smile. ]

After a wave of "tired smiles" lined up at the bottom, several analysis emperors were pushed up. Based on the shirt inside Li Zhiqing's coat and the existing flight information, he believed that the possibility of going to the southern provinces and cities was very high.

Just when the local fans were getting excited, the management team in charge of the province's support issued a call on Weibo with high efficiency, and at the same time quoted Li Zhiqing's original words, hoping that the work party and the student party would focus on work and schoolwork, and mainly organized They are all freelance working groups, and the number of people has been appropriately controlled, so as not to cause any burden to the airport.

Li Zhiqing turned off his mobile phone after boarding the plane, not knowing what kind of impact his contact with his little fans had on the Internet.

The masks and coats had already been taken off. Some passengers recognized him at a glance, but they all greeted him politely. Some of them came over after the plane stabilized and asked him softly if they could take pictures. Li Zhiqing responded with a smile.

When everything was over, Li Zhiqing waved to You Chuan, signaling him to come over.

You Chuan approached him, feeling the other person's breath on his ears: "How does it feel to fly into the sky while sitting on a mortal thing?"

"It's okay." You Chuan replied.

He's an oldie. It is really new to fly an airplane into the sky. When he first came up, he also studied the structure of this thing for a while, and felt that the invention of human beings was very interesting.

Li Zhiqing smiled: "I actually don't like flying."

You Chuan looked at him, quietly waiting for him to speak.

Li Zhiqing was silent for a moment, then sighed softly: "I just don't like it."

When the plane encounters air currents during the flight, it is inevitable that the ups and downs will inevitably occur. Even if the feeling of turbulence is weak, it will remind him of bad things.

After Li Zhiqing finished speaking, he asked You Chuan if he wanted to watch some movies or something to pass the time, You Chuan saw that his expression was unnatural, shook his head and said, "Just rest."

Li Zhiqing hesitated for a moment, then replied: "Then just call me if you need anything."

Seeing You Chuan nodding, he lowered the seat, put on the blindfold and began to rest.

Li Zhiqing originally wanted to close his eyes to cover up something, but his consciousness gradually became blurred, becoming a half-dream and half-awake state. Various scenes flashed past in a mess before his eyes, and he instinctively wanted to keep something, but there was always such a small distance.

Just when he thought he couldn't grasp anything, his hand was held tightly by the long-awaited strength, with a touch of coolness. The other party rubbed the back of his hand and murmured "It's okay" softly, which somehow made him really feel at ease.

Li Zhiqing fell asleep and arrived at his destination. After being awakened by You Chuan, his eyes were blurred. Only after hearing other people's conversations did he know that there were two bumps on the way due to the weather, but he didn't feel anything.

"Let's go." You Chuan waited for him to recover and smiled at him.

Li Zhiqing just wiped his face and stood up, his hair was crooked when he was sleeping, You Chuan walked behind him and raised his hand to straighten it.

The temperature in the southern city is high, and everyone is still wearing short sleeves, so you don’t need to put your coat on when you come here.

Li Zhiqing's image is too outstanding. As long as his hair is exposed, it doesn't matter whether he wears a mask or not. He can be recognized at the place where the luggage is picked up. However, he came out late, there were not many people around, and he was sleepy. Seeing that he was not very energetic, not many people came forward, most of them pointed at him and said a few words with a smile.

When the crew arrived, Jiang Ping arranged for someone to pick him up at the exit, not afraid of being confused.

Not long after Li Zhiqing woke up, he couldn't help yawning when he went out. Before he closed his mouth, he was stunned when he saw the two rows of people outside.

There were about fifty people, men and women, all dressed in clean clothes and with clean smiles. When they saw him come out and hold up the welcome banner, a few people found the right angle and held up the SLR. The bustling and noisy fans of the airport drop-off did not affect other passengers and airport personnel.

Li Zhiqing's sleepiness completely disappeared, it would be a lie to say that he was impassive, he walked over with a smile, and those people became obviously excited as the distance shortened.

"You are welcome to come here as a guest, Mr. Li Zhiqing." The leader was a male, who spoke first.

Compared with several men, the other little girls were not so calm, but they were still trying to suppress their emotions. They blushed and handed over the gifts they had prepared. Several gifts were prepared by people from the support club, and it was emphasized several times that everyone only gave a little money, and there was no waste.

This way of picking up the plane is like old friends who haven’t seen each other for a long time finally reunited. There is no screaming or cheering, and there are not many support signs that slap together. Non-privacy questions on the website will also be generously answered.

As long as you don't stay in one place for a long time, there will be no commotion in the airport. Unlike the fans who are chasing you, it is enough for other passengers to take pictures from a distance.

The chaos is not caused by the stars at the airport, but simply by the overly excited fans.

"Thank you everyone today." Li Zhiqing thanked again before leaving, and finally thought of something, reached out and distributed all the candies he brought, not even leaving on You Chuan's body.

The little girls saw Li Zhiqing flicking his hands into You Chuan's pockets, the smiles on his face gradually changed, and they whispered that this was the official candy, the wedding candy.

Li Zhiqing couldn't hear their whispers, but You Chuan could hear them clearly.

He looked down at the way Li Zhiqing was smiling and posting candy, thinking of those things he secretly searched on Weibo some time ago, he couldn't help clenching his fingers into his palms.

Apart from Zheng Anlin who arrived on the same day as Li Zhiqing, there was also a screenwriting teacher who came to replace Jiang Xile. The real location of the crew was the small town below. There are many mountains and forests here, and they have to go through a long mountain road to get there.

Zheng Anlin was a lady, and sat in the co-pilot's seat, while Li Zhiqing and You Chuan sat in the back row with the screenwriter.

This screenwriter is a heavyweight in the group of fat people, and he can take up one and a half seats when he goes down. He may not have a rest on the plane, and fell asleep with his head tilted after a while on the road.

In order to move the space for him, Li Zhiqing kept pressing the area between the two seats with his left leg and hip, and he felt numb before halfway through the journey.

You Chuan noticed the small movements on his face, tapped his arm, and patted his leg, with obvious meaning.

Li Zhiqing's face became hot: "...farewell."

You Chuan didn't speak, just looked at him persistently.

Li Zhiqing's heart pounded when he saw him. He sat on You Chuan's lap once, but the situation was not as serious as this time. His mentality changed, and everything he did felt wrong.

You Chuan waited for a while, seeing that he was enduring numbness and refusing to move, he reached out and grabbed his waist from behind, and hugged him directly with a little force.

Li Zhiqing only felt that he suddenly vacated, and before he was surprised, he had already sat on You Chuan's lap.

"Are you a monkey? Why are you still climbing up?" This movement is so large that even if there is enough space in the car, you can still feel it from the front. Zheng Anlin couldn't help but be happy when she looked back at this scene.

Li Zhiqing guessed that the bases of his ears were probably already red, and he said embarrassedly: "... I was pressing on the middle of the seat, and my legs were numb."

Zheng Anlin looked at the screenwriter's body again, and burst out laughing.

"It's fine to sit like this, but you still have to drive a section of mountain road ahead, and it's enough to bump your legs twice." The crew member who was driving said.

Li Zhiqing thought about it too, folded his hands on the back of the chair in front, trying to ignore the touch from below.

As soon as his efforts paid off, the car drove into the mountains in the outer suburbs. Although the roads were paved with concrete, the places that should be uneven were still uneven.

Li Zhiqing had been resting his elbows on the back of the chair, but he didn't hold onto it. He suddenly passed a big slope in front of him. Out of inertia, he slammed back into You Chuan's arms. up.

With this fall, Li Zhiqing was stunned.

When the body slid back, the buttocks also moved back, which caused him to stick directly between You Chuan's legs without any hindrance from sitting on You Chuan's legs.

He could even feel the size and shape of the thing, much more clearly than he had touched it with his knee last time.

Li Zhiqing was flustered, and was about to reach out to pick the back of the seat in front of him, but the car bumped again. Not only did he fail to get back on the seat, but his body swayed, and he clung tightly to You Chuan's legs... the force was neither light nor heavy Pressed a circle.

Li Zhiqing's head was about to fly out, he clearly felt that the thing was rubbed by him, and there was a vague tendency to raise his head.

But the road conditions seemed to be deliberately teasing him, with endless bumps.

Li Zhiqing's face was really red now, and he said "I'm sorry" in a low voice, and then raised his hand to reach forward again.

When his body fell back just now, Li Zhiqing subconsciously put his hand on the edge of the seat, just as he raised his hand, his wrist suddenly tightened, and You Chuan grabbed it forcefully.

Li Zhiqing's heart stopped beating for a moment, and a string in his brain seemed to be tensed, and then it broke with a "snap".