Keeping A Loyal Dog Is Not As Good As A Loyal Dragon

Chapter 64


Seeing those photos hidden in a pile of sneak shots, Li Zhiqing's first reaction was not shame.

He only felt pain, just looking at it hurt.

The person in the photo was lying flat on the bed, the sheets under his body were wrinkled, and there were even obvious creases that had been torn and scratched by his hands.

His head was turned to one side, the neck line was completely exposed, and the shoulders and collarbone were gradually lowered until they merged with the edge of the chest muscles.

The red tide after the physical excitement has not faded. Although only the lower part of the shoulder was photographed, it can already be seen how shocking the marks on the body are.

Li Zhiqing didn't need to zoom in on the details of the photo to see a clear tooth mark embedded in the left shoulder and neck, mixed with the messy hair, revealing the messy meaning of being ravaged.

That was absolutely horrible.

Li Zhiqing only glanced at one page and then didn't have the courage to continue to turn the page. It was the first time he had such a strong urge to throw the phone out.

"... Why are you taking all these photos?" Li Zhiqing asked him dumbfounded, returning the thumbnail list.

Affected by the photos, he couldn't help but think of the ordeal the night before, and he could feel the soaring heat at the base of his ears without even raising his hands to touch them.

You Chuan was originally worried that Li Zhiqing would be angry, and at the same time he was a little bit reluctant to part with the collection in his mobile phone, but now he is completely guilty.

His temperament is like this, only when facing Li Zhiqing will he have humane emotions similar to "entanglement" and "uneasy", but he never struggles for too long, and often ends in regress.

You Chuan's idea is straightforward and very simple.

If Li Zhiqing got angry, he would admit his mistake and coax him. Anyway, the other party has already seen what he was hiding, so it is useless to be guilty. It is better to admit it generously and make amends in time.

"I'm sorry." You Chuan lowered his eyes and apologized. After finishing speaking, he released the fingers that surrounded Li Zhiqing, and directly handed over the power of life and death of the mobile phone. His attitude was more serious and correct than the elementary school students who had just left the kindergarten.

How could Li Zhiqing get angry because of such a trivial matter, he returned to the top of the album and began to select and delete photos, cleared his throat and teased him: "I didn't expect you to have such a bad taste."

You Chuan had never seen words like "bad taste" on Weibo, and he didn't understand what it meant, but he didn't ask or refute, and just watched him move his fingertips on the phone screen quietly Poke point.

Li Zhiqing didn't hear him speak after deleting a dozen or so sheets, so he couldn't help raising his eyes to look over.

You Chuan seemed to have sensed it instantly, and looked up in the next second.

Li Zhiqing laughed immediately: "Why don't you speak?"

You Chuan's eyes flickered, and he stretched out his hand to grab the fingertips of his other hand, still silent.

"I'm not angry," Li Zhiqing bent his eyes, rubbed his thumb twice on his tiger's mouth, and lowered his head again, "Although the time we have been together is not long, it is not short. You stay with me all day long. Don't know my temper?"

You Chuan looked at him, and after a long while, he replied in a low voice: "I know."

Compared with ordinary people, Li Zhiqing's temper is much gentler. His family background and personal conditions are invaluable even outside of China. What's even more rare is that he was not raised like some ancestors. If you are partial, the quality of family education just wants to be integrated into your blood.

Coupled with the many changes he encountered when he was a child, he knows how difficult it is for people to live, which leads to Li Zhiqing's mentality sometimes like an old man who has gone through thousands of sails. The tolerance level of things will not be higher.

It only took him more than ten years to realize the character that others spend most of their lives on.

When You Chuan worked with Li Zhiqing more than once, he saw that kind and indifferent expression on his face, and every time he couldn't help but feel pain in his heart.

He would rather Li Zhiqing didn't hide his claws so deeply.

"You know you're so honest." Li Zhiqing shook his head helplessly.

Some people do regard special recordings as fun, but this matter depends too much on their character and reliability, and if they are not careful, they will miss the ground, and it will gradually become a thunder point.

However, according to Li Zhiqing's understanding of You Chuan, the original intention of the other party to take pictures is probably no different from the usual candid photos of his daily state, and if you ask him carefully, he will definitely give him an old answer that doesn't change a bit.

—I think it looks good.

The key to Li Zhiqing not leaving a feminine impression on others is that his expression is heroic and calm, and he will not be affected by his appearance to appear weak.

Once such a person exposes the soft flesh inside the hard shell, the attraction to the outside world can be said to be fatal.

At that time, You Chuan was captivated by the appearance of him lying on the bed and unable to resist. When he cleaned up the traces on his body, his heart was hot. In the end, he couldn't hold it back and used other methods to freeze the appearance.

Li Zhiqing deleted those photos, paused with his fingertips hesitantly, felt You Chuan's body temperature on the back of his hand, took a deep breath, and left one for him.

You Chuan felt distressed at the moment when Li Zhiqing had formed such a personality. Seeing that he didn't say a word, Li Zhiqing thought that he was still stuck in "I'm sorry" and didn't come out, so he shook his hand hard.

When You Chuan looked up, Li Zhiqing smiled and said, "If you really feel sorry, just let me take it back."

"it is good."

"That's what you said, don't set me up again then."

"it is good."

Li Zhiqing was amused by his straightforward answers, and was about to discuss the conditions with him further when the iron was hot, when he heard the sound of nails being nailed in a hurry at the end of the aisle.

He followed the sound and looked over. The person who came was the staff member who was traveling with Wu Zhengyan. He insisted on wearing high heels out of the power of running shoes, and walked straight towards him with something in his hand.

"Mr. Li!" The other party started calling him before he reached the place, "Can I take a few minutes of your time?"

She ran so fast, Li Zhiqing was afraid for her when he saw the pair of stiletto high heels from a distance, he quickly put down his phone and stood up, afraid that the other party's feet would slip later: "Don't worry, don't worry... come slowly."

He didn't understand the ability of women in the workplace to control high heels, and when the man made a sudden stop at the entrance of the cubicle, Li Zhiqing secretly said "My God", and even wanted to applaud him.

"Excuse me, excuse me." The man bowed slightly to him, and handed out a few things in his hand, "Can I trouble you to sign a few names here?"

Li Zhiqing withdrew her attention from her heels: "...of course."

The things brought by the other party include a small notepad, a wallet and a card holder, obviously not belonging to one person.

Li Zhiqing glanced at the other side of the glass partition while signing, and sure enough, he saw the other people looking here eagerly, and saw him turn around and raise his hand to wave to him.

Li Zhiqing smiled at them, and then realized that Wu Zhengyan was missing from the filming team. He asked casually, "Your tasks are over?"

"How can it be? I just finished taking pictures of the dining area, and I need to change places to take a few more shots later." The other party pointed the phone camera at Li Zhiqing, and when shooting the small video, his eyes were still aiming at the corners of the lounge. .

"What's the matter?" Li Zhiqing noticed the other person's eyes when he handed the things back to her, and followed her gaze to look back after asking.

"...we only have a five-minute break, I'm afraid we'll miss work time." The man took the autograph and thanked with a smile, "Come on for the premiere, if time permits, I will definitely watch tomorrow's live broadcast."

Li Zhiqing could tell that she wasn't telling the truth, but he just smiled and thanked her.

The other party had just returned to the team in the studio, and before he had time to distribute the autographs he had obtained to everyone, Wu Zhengyan walked out from the direction of the bathroom.

Before Li Zhiqing sat down, he happened to meet his eyes directly.

Wu Zhengyan slightly nodded at him with a smile on his face, and looked away with the same expression.

Li Zhiqing suddenly chuckled, it seems that this person is endless.

Normal people have similar psychological behavior patterns. If someone speaks ill of someone behind his back, or does something against someone, the other party will inevitably catch his presence subconsciously first when he is present.

Just like Wu Zhengyan just now.

After cleaning up more than 10,000 photos in You Chuan's mobile phone, Li Zhiqing called the service staff and asked, "Do you have any reading materials for the series of fairy tales and fables in your bookstore?"

The books, newspapers and periodicals in the reading area of the lounge are only for flipping, but the airport has set up an additional bookstore, which stores most of the books and periodicals on the bookshelves in the reading area. If passengers really like any book, they can give it away for free.

"Yes, it's just that children's books are not comprehensive. Do you need a detailed list of books, Mr. Li?"

"No," Li Zhiqing said with a smile, "Please help me to see if there is a book "The Legacy of the Rich Merchant Anthony"."

The man responded, and within five minutes of leaving, he brought the book and handed it to Li Zhiqing together with the paper bag.

Li Zhiqing opened the plastic package, and smiled at You Chuan: "The last time I read this book was when I was five years old, and I couldn't even recognize the characters. I just read it for the first time, and I even made up a new story based on the illustrations. .”

Today's storybooks hold a lot of weight in the hand, and the binding is much more refined than the previous versions.

You Chuan took the torn plastic film from him, and threw it into the small wastebasket on the low table: "What story?"

"The background of the story is a fictitious western country. The rich man Anthony had two life-and-death friends before he became rich. When the friends were dying, they hoped that he would take good care of their son in the future. Later, Anthony got seriously ill and died soon. The sons of the two friends called to the bed, expressing their intention to let one of them inherit all their inheritance, but the key to obtaining the inheritance needs to be found by themselves, and the time limit is within half a year." Li Zhiqing spoke quickly .

You Chuan stared at him all the time, and he didn't know whether he was listening to the story told by Li Zhiqing seriously, or just focused on the person who was telling the story.

"The two sons are named Adrian and Aldrich. Aldrich had become a young businessman in another city three years ago, and even married the daughter of a famous judge. I don’t have any demand for Anthony’s legacy, and the reason why I returned to my hometown is to accompany Anthony through his final days and repay him for his many years of nurturing.”

"And Adrian, after his father's death, was self-slacking, profligate, heavily in debt, and urgently needed this inheritance. He regarded Aldrich as his number one enemy, and even used the rogue methods of the bottom society hooligans to frame him time and time again. At first, Aldrich thought about the childhood friendship between the two and tolerated it repeatedly, but his bottom line was repeatedly offended, so of course he couldn't take it anymore, and the ending of the story can be imagined." Speaking of this, Li Zhiqing hastily said Flipping through the storybook to the end, he closed the page and looked up at You Chuan, "I still remember that there was an elf drawn on the last page of that version, waving a magic wand and pointing out a sentence, telling the children not to Let money and power blind you."

You Chuan was stunned for a moment when he heard this, his usually calm eyes rarely showed any confusion.

"Didn't you understand?" Li Zhiqing was also stunned.

You Chuan's ability to understand modern languages is much better now than before. When Li Zhiqing just told the story, he didn't slow down his speech on purpose. He didn't expect that the other party could still be confused.

"Do you think names are strange?" Li Zhiqing guessed, "Anthony, Adrian and so on are all names from Western countries, just like Zhang San and Li Si here, without any special meaning."

You Chuan shook his head when he heard the words, and then laughed: "I thought you were going to tell me your new story."

"It's been such a long time, I have almost forgotten the specific content." Li Zhiqing couldn't help laughing: "And I was only five years old at the time, and any complete story I could make up was intermittent and coherent. Neither sex nor logic, certainly not as good as the one in the storybook."

You Chuan doesn't care whether it's the version printed in the book or the version made up by a five-year-old kid himself. His curiosity is only for things related to Li Zhiqing, and has nothing to do with the story itself.

The boarding announcement in the lounge rang for the last time, and the service staff came to the compartment again, waiting for them to pack their luggage and prepare to lead them to the corresponding boarding gate.

When leaving the rest area, Li Zhiqing signaled the other party to wait for a while, and went to Wu Zhengyan and the others with the book to say hello.

Wu Zhengyan changed into another formal suit, and just finished a series of poses in front of the camera, when he saw Li Zhiqing approaching, he quickly smiled: "Is it time to board the plane?"

Li Zhiqing smiled and nodded.

Before he could get a foothold in the place, he heard Wu Zhengyan say, "You are too enviable. We can only rely on work benefits to sit in this lounge. You are a real passenger."

He said the words in a joking tone, with a kind smile on his face that did not diminish at all, as if he was simply teasing Li Zhiqing casually.

The person who adjusted Wu Zhengyan's collar stopped for a moment and held back his hand so as not to put his hand on Wu Zhengyan's neck.

No matter what the reason for Li Zhiqing's presence here, they couldn't just mention it casually.

After working for so many years, I have cooperated with all kinds of celebrities. They have already stepped into the puddle of the entertainment circle. I have seen cynicism and innuendo between celebrities. There are always people who talk to each other on the Internet. Maybe the reality doesn't even give each other a straight look, and the gossip they hide in their stomachs may be more exciting than some paparazzi,

It's just that some work contracts have a confidentiality agreement added to them, even if they hear something that shouldn't be heard, they can't say it out.

In the past, when encountering such a thing, it would be considered deaf and blind.

But now that she brought a little more girl buff, she really wanted to strangle Wu Zhengyan's tie to the base of her neck.

Li Zhiqing smiled and said without changing his expression: "There is nothing to be jealous about spending money. You can fly all over the country on this flight for free. Such work benefits are enviable."

When the rest of the people heard this, they couldn't help but glance at Wu Zhengyan.

Wu Zhengyan's team signed a contract with their studio when they planned to take this job, for fear that they would be busy with other affairs and not have time to make arrangements.

They couldn't understand how long Wu Zhengyan had fought for to win the airline's promotional cooperation.

And for the post-writing draft, only Wu Zhengyan can enjoy the high-quality service of the first-class treatment during work, and even the boss of their studio can only shrink his long legs in the economy class.

If you want to say who has the most ulterior secrets between Li Zhiqing and Wu Zhengyan, it must be the latter.

Wu Zhengyan probably didn't expect that Li Zhiqing could suddenly throw him such a burden, and flew towards him by surprise, causing his teeth to stiffen after catching him.

"Then Angkor, I will excuse you first." Li Zhiqing smiled and handed out the storybook, "This is a book I have always liked, and I give it to you to pass the time. The work is hard enough, let's look at the book on the phone My eyes are more tired, and it’s good to flip through books during rest.”

Wu Zhengyan hadn't read this book before, so he looked at the title: "The Legacy of the Rich Merchant Anthony?"

Li Zhiqing looked at him with a smile.

"Xiao Li, how old are you this year?" Wu Zhengyan really wanted to laugh this time, he was helpless on the surface, but he laughed in his heart, "When you come out to work, you still take your children to read fairy tales?"

"Hey, I seem to have read this book when I was a child." The makeup artist next to him saw the title of the book and said, "Is it because two people are fighting for inheritance?"

Li Zhiqing bent his eyes and looked at her: "Yes."

"I've read it!" The makeup artist immediately fell into the surprise of reading the same book with the male god, and joked, "This may be the first 'face-slapping novel' I've read."

The term "slap in the face" is a bit exaggerated, but after thinking about it again, it does have a little bit of meaning.

As long as the partner is an idol, even awkward chats are willing.

The makeup artist still wanted to say something to Li Zhiqing, but the service staff in the lounge had already stepped forward to remind him of the time problem, so he had to give up.

When Li Zhiqing left, some people were curious about the word "slap in the face". While packing up the things in their hands, they asked what the story was about, and slowly laughed.

They sat at the end of the long table, their voices were not loud. Wu Zhengyan sat on the chair alone after finishing his makeup. He didn't pay attention to what they said, only heard the "slap in the face" clearly.

He watched Li Zhiqing's figure disappear from the exit of the lounge, quickly closed his eyelids, took out his mobile phone and clicked a few times, and read the exact reply on the other side several times, then tried his best to restrain his strength, and directly read the book Throw it in the glove box under the table.