Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 1: fresh count


I must be crazy.

Even in her wildest dreams, Wu Qingchen never imagined that one day she would wear a crumpled shirt and equally crumpled trousers, with a layer of body armor and a life jacket on top, and two more erected in front of her. A piece of bulletproof glass, sitting upright on the rostrum of the Great Hall of the People, in front of which are filled with row after row, no matter whether the skin color is yellow, white or black, their faces are full of anxiety, panic, surprise, expectation, etc. Wait, wait, almost all human emotion crowd.

I must be crazy.

Wu Qingchen lowered his head and pressed his aching head hard, trying to get out of this dream as soon as possible.

This kind of absurd dream was as absurd as the dream I had in an old house thousands of kilometers away five hours ago, even more absurd.


I don’t know if it’s a rumor, but it’s said that when managers in the home improvement market sell wooden doors to customers, apart from bragging about its beauty, environmental protection, and health, the most important reason for recommendation is the soft and pleasant voice when knocking on the door.

However, whether it is an iron door, a wooden door, or a plastic door that is refused to be provided by the higher-end market, when it has been knocked for more than five full minutes without any response, there is a phenomenon called "come to temper." "The environmental damage factors of the door will make the knocking sound change from the pleasant "tuk tuk..." to the less pleasant "bang bang..."

Then, it became the current "kuang! kuang! kuang! kuang! kuang! kuang! kuang!"

The effect is remarkable.

Half a minute later, the door slowly opened, revealing a young man who was still yawning.

No one would be happy to be woken up in the middle of sleep. Even if the young man who just opened the door was yawning, his face still accurately expressed the expression of irritability and impatience.

However, in absolutely less than a second, just seeing the visitor outside the door, the yawn, irritability, and impatience on the young man's face immediately disappeared, and the sleepy eyes instantly opened wide.

This is normal, not everyone who just woke up from a nap can see two serious-faced policemen and two more serious-faced soldiers standing outside the door.

"Wu Qingchen?"

There was no complaint of "Why did it take me so long to open the door", and there was no politeness of "I'm sorry to bother you". The door opened, and at the same time as I glanced at the young man, the policeman standing at the front seemed to move forward casually. The right foot has naturally got stuck between the door frame and the door.

"'s me..." The young man stepped back involuntarily, and the left hand that opened the door hung down in a daze, pulling up the wrinkled pants on his body.

"Moved here on May 3, 2011?"

"Yes..." The young man whose name was identified as Wu Qingchen, who moved here on May 3, 2011, swallowed his saliva.

"Graduated from Chengxi Primary School in Jiangxian County? In the fourth grade of primary school, I got into a fight with my classmates because of a quarrel. The root of my left eyebrow was injured? Is there a 7mm scar?"

"What... is... yes..."

A small fight more than ten years ago, only now to investigate? Or is it a dark wound that has been going on for more than ten years, and now it finally broke out? This question made Wu Qingchen quite astonished. Unknowingly, his hands left the crumpled trousers and began to unknowingly, and of course, in vain, sorting out the same crumpled shirt.

As if they didn't see Wu Qingchen's panic and nervousness at all, the policeman on the opposite side stared at Wu Qingchen's left sister for a long time, then lowered his head, compared the several pages of documents in his hand that had obviously been crumpled to the ground, and continued A series of questions were asked.

Some of these questions are very simple, nothing more than Wu Qingchen's past or current situation, graduation, job, resignation, etc. These questions are easy to answer, and the content left for Wu Qingchen to fill in the blanks is only poor "yes", "yes", "It seems to be."

Some problems are much troublesome, and many of them are all kinds of small marks left by Wu Qingchen due to various reasons such as fighting, outdoor work, housework, and even natural body production.

For example: Is there a 5mm semi-curved scar on the first knuckle of the ring finger of the left hand? Are there two black spots on the back of the right forearm at 13 cm, with a radius of 03 mm and 02 mm? …

Of course, it was impossible for Wu Qingchen to remember such a question clearly.

It is impossible for any normal person to fully remember.

Fortunately, regarding this kind of question, the middle-aged policeman and another soldier who didn't know when came over didn't pay much attention to Wu Qingchen's answer. They just carefully compared Wu Qingchen's body according to the description of the few pages of documents in their hands.

How is this going? Does the police still need to go through such careful verification of identity when arresting people? No, to arrest someone? Why are you arresting me? No, no, why should I be arrested

Suddenly realizing this, Wu Qingchen was a little annoyed. What was even more irritating was that the middle-aged policeman in front of him was still playing tricks on him like a monkey, asking him to lift his trouser legs time and time again, and asking him to do nothing. head.

Finally, when the middle-aged policeman asked Wu Qingchen to "raise his left hand a little higher" for the seventh or eighth time, Wu Qingchen completely exploded!

This young man who hasn't figured out what's going on since he opened the door...

This young man who has never had a chance to say a word since he opened the door...

This young man, who has been disregarded for his dignity, his right to know, and his ownership of the house since he opened the door, heard the middle-aged policeman with a hideous face and a bad tone "raise his left hand a little bit higher" for the seventh or eighth time. When the time comes, suddenly move the left hand----

Just a little bit higher... not any higher...

In this way, the police and soldiers got the desired cooperation, and Wu Qingchen also expressed his dissatisfaction and anger.

And such a subtle way will not waste any time. Although the inspection by the police and another soldier is quite careful, the progress is still quite fast.

Three to five minutes at the most, Wu Qingchen's hands, forearms, and calves, which are not embarrassing parts, have been carefully inspected by the two of them several times. The middle-aged policeman also turned to the last page of the document. He made a request for Wu Qingchen to cooperate more: "Mr. Wu, please pull up the shirt, there is one last place."

Wu Qingchen, who continued to want to be angry, continued to be reserved, and continued to obey the request.

When pulling up the shirt, Wu Qingchen's movements were relatively light.

It's purely an instinct of the body.

It was probably because the sleeping posture at noon was not proud enough, and Wu Qingchen felt a little pain in his abdomen when he caught the zipper of the quilt or the buttons of his shirt, so he naturally avoided the slightly painful place when pulling the clothes.

Because of lowering his head and feeling really not sharp, Wu Qingchen, who was concentrating on pulling his clothes, didn't notice that the two policemen and two soldiers who had been extremely serious since opening the door and had hardly changed their expressions, when Wu Qingchen The moment he pulled up his shirt, he showed a shocked look almost at the same time.

Following the gazes of the four people, Wu Qingchen who had just raised his head lowered his head again:

The place stared at by five pairs of eyes has no black spots, no scars, no swelling marks, no similar marks from previous inspections, only a small circular pit with a radius of 5 mm and a depth of 10 mm----

The scientific name is the navel.

Except that the skin is a little darker than when he was eighteen, this is purely the abdomen of a very ordinary young man.


strangeness? Wu Qingchen looked at his stomach carefully, it was strange, probably because of the slight pain here, why is there not a single red mark

So, Wu Qingchen raised his right hand and pressed it lightly.

Then there was a uniform inhalation sound.

"What to do!" "Put it down!" "Stop!" "Get your hands off!"

Wu Qingchen did even better: he raised his hands.

From this standard surrender posture, we can see how severe these four shouts are.

There was no laughter, as if Wu Qingchen's raised hands could shoot deadly bullets, or there was an invisible killer hidden in the bright corridor, the four of them stared at Wu Qingchen for a while, and looked around with searching eyes for a while. After patrolling, they looked each other up and down for a while, and after a long while, they finally breathed a sigh of relief after finding nothing unusual.

"From now on, don't move around..." Compared with tens of seconds ago, the middle-aged policeman's face was a little pale, and sweat could be seen on his forehead, probably because he felt that this request was too broad, he paused, the middle-aged policeman The policeman added: "It's about the same in peacetime, and the movement range should be as small as possible."

"Yes Yes… "

Do I look so dangerous? Can I hide a gun in a shirt with no pockets, or can I find a knife in my belly button

The moment Wu Qingchen was yelled at by four people at the same time, Wu Qingchen thought he was going to be shot dead on the spot in the next moment, his head went blank, and his legs almost couldn't stand still. At this time, even though the voice of the middle-aged policeman was quite soft, Wu Qingchen still felt stiff all over, and even his tongue was a little knotted.

"Okay, put your hands down. What's wrong with your stomach? Uncomfortable? How do you feel?" Another soldier standing next to Wu Qingchen found that Wu Qingchen's movement of putting down his hands was quite stiff, so he couldn't help but raise his right hand. He seemed to want to pat Wu Qingchen on the shoulder to make him relax a bit, but as if he remembered something, he took it back abruptly.

Wu Qingchen still didn't notice this change, but replied honestly: "Well, it's a little bit, maybe it's a cough, it feels like... like..."

"It's like being stumbled by a tree branch and falling on a stone. Fortunately, the stone is very round. It's just a bit of a cough. Can't you say it hurts?"

"Huh..." Doesn't make sense? Wu Qingchen was extremely surprised.

This description is a little too accurate.

Because, this is exactly the content of the last scene of Wu Qingchen's dream at noon.

At noon, Wu Qingchen had a very absurd dream.

In the dream, Wu Qingchen suddenly came to a village that often appeared in ancient western movies, blue sky, white clouds, rolling hills that could not be seen at a glance; green grass, gurgling streams, rustling breeze blowing Pass a few tall trees.

The absurd thing is that in such a beautiful picture scroll, Wu Qingchen is not riding a horse, and there is no ignorant blond girl beside him. Instead, he is holding some kind of tool that he does not know at all, standing in a small area that he has never seen before. In the plant, there are two strangers who don't know each other at all...

At the same time, I was sweating, my face was stained, and my whole body was sore... It seemed that I was doing some kind of farm work that I had never heard of.

What's even more absurd is that in the world of the dream, Wu Qingchen couldn't understand a word when his companions talked to each other or Wu Qingchen, and he didn't know what to do when he was standing in the bushes.

After messing around in a daze for a while, as a matter of course, Wu Qingchen walked out of the bushes, put down his tools, and found a piece of grass to lie down and rest.

Then I don't know how long after that, one of the strangers suddenly walked out of the plant, stood beside the grass and started talking to Wu Qingchen. He didn't say a few words, maybe it was because Wu Qingchen didn't understand, and naturally he didn't answer. , The stranger suddenly and inexplicably started to wave the tool in his hand vigorously, and seemed to lose his temper.

Wu Qingchen was a little scared. She stood up and wanted to walk away quickly, but accidentally stumbled over a branch and fell on a stone. The stone was very round, and she just coughed, but it was not painful.

At this moment in the dream, Wu Qingchen happened to be woken up by an unimportant phone call. After hanging up the phone, he turned it to silent, and planned to go back to sleep, but he kept feeling a little dizzy in his head, and he was in a daze on the bed. He didn't know how long he had been lying there. , and was finally aroused by the sound of "clang, clang, clang" from the door.

This is Wu Qingchen's strange dream at noon, and the last scene is exactly the same as the soldier's description.

Wu Qingchen couldn't hide the surprise on his face, and in the end, he got a cough from the second policeman who was standing in the corridor all the time, near the wall. Another soldier said: "You don't need to ask any more? It's... very inappropriate here."

"No need. In the city, you are indeed experts, but... you also know that I am not alone in this situation. It is not wrong to be careful." The second soldier shook his head, raised his head With his back behind his back, he quickly dialed the phone with his right hand: "Yes... It's confirmed... Yes... Yes... Yes... Yes... Yes!"

Putting down the phone, the soldier nodded to the policeman who already had some gray hair and showed an inquiring expression, "It's still within your range, come on."

The white-haired policeman nodded, approached the door, and took out his police officer ID from his pocket, "Mr. Wu Qingchen, it is the duty and responsibility of every citizen to assist the police in investigations. Now there is a major case that requires your cooperation." .Please pack your belongings and get in the car with us."

Hearing about the "major case", Wu Qingchen didn't want to "get in the car with us" at all.

Perhaps because of being too nervous, Wu Qingchen's lips trembled slightly. If she was not careful, what she wanted to say, "What did I do wrong?" actually blurted out, became: "Did I do something wrong?"

No one was amused by this sentence, another voice suddenly came from the direction of the stairs: "Yeah, your crime is serious, and it's quite big... suspected of kidnapping all human beings... how about it? This crime is big enough, it's quite new, isn't it?"

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