Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 108: The picture is poor and the dagger is seen


What Vito said is actually correct. If it is only the forest within the field of vision, almost most of the police officers are familiar with the edge of the forest. After all, this is the forest closest to the center of the village. The families of the police officers , most of the firewood must come from this.

Following the path made by humans and animals, a group of people got into the forest. Several police officers led the way in front, and there were special personnel in charge of the flanks and rear. Wu Qingchen walked quite easily, just needing to stop from time to time, pull out a few Root grass, or pick off a few leaves, and explain to the police officers and cowherd helpers who hurriedly gathered around, the types of herbs that need to be found and the details.

"Look at this, this is a useful herb, look here, the petals on it are relatively flat..."

"Such a stalk, look, you can squeeze out the juice in one stroke, that's what you want!"

"You're wrong... no!... I know their stems look alike, but you have to look closely at their roots too..."

"Don't pick that one, it's useless! No matter how thick the leaves are, and this is not this kind of tree! The leaves that are really useful, the tree is much taller!"

In the special position of "preparing for consultation", Derrick stayed by Wu Qingchen's side obediently, with most of his energy learning to identify herbs, and a small part of his energy, looking ahead from time to time.

There were not too many types of medicinal herbs to be found. Following Wu Qingchen's explanation, the cowherd helpers and police officers improved their ability to identify medicinal herbs rapidly.

Because Wu Qingchen had already carried out a round of picking here a few days ago, the speed of the increase of herbs in the two baskets carried by the policeman Wu Qingchen was very slow. Correspondingly, because there was not much time to stay, everyone The footsteps are getting deeper and deeper into the forest.

When the herbs in the basket were gradually filled to a quarter, the edge of the forest that the police officers were generally familiar with had come to an end.

There is no solid trail stepped by wood-gatherers, shepherds, and livestock ahead, only the winding, ups and downs, and rugged forest animal paths.

The speed of the team's advance slowed down immediately, and the police officers who opened the way in front, supported in the middle, or broke up in the rear looked much more serious.

But so what

Derrick laughed secretly in his heart, if just being careful and slowing down would make everything go smoothly, why would he appoint a special firewood partner when there is not enough firewood in the village and he needs to search for more litter in the depths of the forest?

Learning from the previous lesson of being entrusted by the pastor and then immediately targeted by the neighbors, this time, Derrick kept silent and continued to move forward along the route discussed by Vito and the other two police officers.

After another period of time, the baskets in the hands of the police officers gained a little more weight, and a ramp appeared in front of everyone.

A smile unconsciously floated around Derrick's mouth.

Derrick has been waiting for this position for a long time.

All the way here, everyone has passed many similar ramps, and the ramp in front of them doesn't seem surprising, even a little gentler.

But Derrick knew quite well that there were no branches, no vines on both sides of this slope, and even no weeds growing on the ground, it was bare everywhere, and it was very troublesome to climb up without any strength.

Sure enough, Vito, the leader, first casually walked to the side of the ramp, then casually began to climb the slope, and then strolled and climbed two steps with all his heart, then casually... slipped down.

Looking back in embarrassment, Vito spit on the palm of his hand, walked to the side of the ramp again, and was about to climb again, but he felt awkward no matter how he posed, and finally had to bend down and use the way of half lying on the dirt to move up , using both hands and feet, covered in mud, it took a lot of effort to finally climb up.

The other two police officers next to them, adopting a similar posture, also climbed... also shrugged.

When it was almost Wu Qingchen's turn, the police officers who accompanied Wu Qingchen came over, "Loss, it's difficult to get up here, let's carry you."

no need!

This ramp should never be climbed! Bypassing the small bushes in front of you, you can see a flat path directly.

Thinking so, Derrick opened his mouth, ready to show Wu Qingchen his deep understanding of the forest.

"no need!"

It was also at this time that Derrick saw that Wu Qingchen shook his head slowly, and walked towards the bushes in front of the left, "I forgot just now... I remember, when I passed by here a few days ago looking for herbs, it seemed Saw a trail over there...'


Derrick choked on his breath.

How did you discover this trail

Are you looking for the herb or the way

According to the identification method taught by Wu Qingchen, Derrick could clearly see that there was a large clump of green herbs growing just a little further up the slope that Vito and the others had just climbed.

no problem, no problem…

Following Wu Qingchen, bypassing the bushes, and walking on a flat trail, Derrick told himself that the forest was getting denser and the roads were getting more and more difficult to walk, and there were still many opportunities for firewood partners to show their abilities.

Yes, the forest is getting denser.

Not long after, they turned a few more small turns, and the path ahead suddenly became narrow. Vito and the other two police officers, who were leading the way, had to raise their arms to protect their faces from being knocked away by the people in front. , and then bounce back off the branches and leaves.

Of course, this kind of action didn't last long, and the guards had already exchanged arms several times before they had gone far.

are you tired

Derrick turned sideways, and was about to tell Wu Qingchen how to take it easy, but he was surprised to find that at some point, Wu Qingchen had already assumed the pose he had in mind, and by the way, picked up a tree branch from the ground and put it upright. Get in front of you.


This day, this was the fifth time Derrick was choked.

Staring blankly at Wu Qingchen, he looked up and down carefully at Wu Qingchen. At this moment, Derrick suddenly realized that until now, Wu Qingchen's body was still clean and neat. .

This is more than that, this person who thinks he is the most familiar with this forest in the entire Akeli village, finally realized that when the other police officers covered in mud and leaves were panting, he could only keep breathing evenly Wu Qingchen, who also climbed up and down all the way, stopped from time to time to instruct the police officers and cowherd helpers to identify herbs, but until now, there is not a single drop of sweat on his forehead.

Is that silly woman right

This damn firewood companion is really useless at all

The stunned Derrick began to doubt himself deeply.

This poor man couldn't have imagined that in another world, although there is no firewood companion, there is a set of high-end textbooks that are dozens of versions higher than the firewood companion: "Fuel Collection, Livestock Grazing, and Fertilizer Recycling" Coordinated method for comprehensive utilization of forest resources".


At noon, Wu Qingchen returned to the church after the task of searching for medicinal herbs in the forest north of the village was over.

In front of Pastor Praia, there were two baskets. The left basket contained four kinds of medicinal herbs, about halfway up the basket, and the right basket contained only two kinds of medicinal herbs, both of which were only covered with a shallow layer.

"Well..." Pointing at the basket, Praia frowned: "Is that all?"

"Where there are roads, places that are easier to find, that's all." Wu Qingchen replied.

"How long will it last?"

"These words..." Wu Qingchen pointed to the basket on the left, "It can be used for about two or three days..."

Half a basket of herbs is only enough for two or three days, the other two...

The pastor frowned even tighter.

Sure enough, Wu Qingchen pointed to the basket on the right and said, "No matter how economical you are, it will only take half a day..."

"It's not enough..." the pastor murmured.

"Yeah, it's definitely not enough..." Wu Qingchen agreed.

Of course this is not enough!

Wu Qingchen added in her mind:

These are two kinds of medicinal herbs specially found by the Earth Staff Group. They also have many important characteristics that are conducive to the next step, such as cross-pollination, closeness to water sources, and extremely low yield.

In addition, in order to further ensure the "insufficiency" of the last two kinds of medicinal herbs, Wu Qingchen worked hard and drilled through the forest for several days before finally pulling out these two kinds of medicinal herbs at all places where he could find a way. buried in the soil.

"Then... the police officers and helpers, do you know all the herbs by now?"


"How much more can they find in the forest in other directions?"

"The more of these types may be able to make up half a month's worth. It's hard to say these two types here... Even if there are, they must go to a very, very deep place in the forest..." Wu Qingchen shook his head, "I have already found After that, these two kinds of herbs will only grow near the water. In addition, in order to find these two kinds of herbs... "

"Just now when everyone and I were in the forest, we followed the direction of the water source and searched carefully back and forth twice. Even so, all the herbs that can be picked back are already here..." Wu Qingchen pointed to Qianqian's basket.

"This… "

Sending constables to go very, very deep in the forest

That's too dangerous!

For a little herb, take the life safety of the main labor force of several families

Even if Praia did not intend to be a merciful lord, she would not choose to be a stupid lord.

But what if there are no herbs

Whether it is a cow herd helper now, or a cow herd helper in the future, if the progress of learning to treat cattle is slow, based on the faces of those familiar relatives, Praia does not think at all that they will be considerate of any herbs that cannot grow. reason.

When the pastor was in a dilemma, Wu Qingchen spoke again, "Master, well, if you must have herbs... there is actually another place to pick them... that is, that is..."

"What is it?" The pastor made a gesture of "just say" to Wu Qingchen.

"It's just... just..."

After "hesitating" for a while, Wu Qingchen finally spit out the next words:

"It's just... There are beehives next to these hard-to-pick herbs."


Honeycomb, this is the six steps of the "Mill Strategy", which is closely related to the first step "Preliminary preparation" and the second step "Start-up capital", and is a crucial core goal.

Aiming at this core goal, Wu Qingchen implemented the third set of plans starting from medicinal herbs. —A set of programs with a fairly high success rate.

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