Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 11: Sacrifice (below)


I can't count how many farmer uncles I have met, and I can't count how many experts and professors I have seen. In two full hours, Wu Qingchen hastily learned a few things in this muddy field and the open space beside the muddy field Ten kinds of farm work.

In other words, hastily learned the movements of these dozens of farm work, especially when doing these farm work, if you can effectively protect yourself.

Or to put it more simply: how to be lazy while doing farm work!

Probably the training process has been carefully arranged. Although one learning content after another came one after another, Wu Qingchen did not feel much tired after a full two hours of imitation, explanation, and rest interspersed reasonably.

This is not the end. After completing another "root-digging" training, Professor Wang looked at the densely packed forms in his hand, and his eyes only stayed in the middle of the forms.

At this time, Jiang Fengming, who frequently looked at his watch, stopped again: "Professor Wang, the study of labor methods can only come here first. There is no training program yet. You can arrange for everyone to practice a few more times. If there is still time at the end, we can do it again." Specific adjustments."

After speaking, Jiang Fengming waved, and Wu Qingchen immediately followed behind knowingly.

This time, the new training place was very close, and after only a dozen steps, Jiang Fengming and Wu Qingchen stopped: in front of them were two rows of more than a dozen long tables, with several people standing beside each long table, and the long tablecloths It looks like a workbench, with many different tools piled up in different categories.

"This is Dean Yu." Jiang Fengming shook hands with a chubby middle-aged soldier, who nodded to Wu Qingchen, "Mr. Wu, you have learned a lot about labor methods just now, and you should have a lot of ideas. , what is the most important feeling in it?"

"This..." Wu Qingchen recalled a little bit: "It's very complicated."

"Why does it feel complicated?"

"There is too much content, and many tools have never been heard of."

"Not bad..." From the expression on his face, it can be seen that Dean Yu is quite satisfied with the answer: "The main reason for the complexity of labor content is that the tools are outdated, and this is not the only consequence, for example..."

Dean Yu picked up a hand rake from the workbench in front of him, "This is a hand rake, the first labor tool you learned to use tonight, and now you use it to do 30 continuous rake movements, what are you trying to do?" Feel."

Wu Qingchen grabbed the hand rake, and on the tabletop of the workbench, made 30 standard rake movements in a regular manner.

"Hands are a little sore."

"Look at this again..." Dean Yu handed over another tool, which was obviously also a hand rake, but compared with the one in Wu Qingchen's hand, the hand rake that Dean Yu handed over was slightly larger in size, with more holes on the top of the front end. A small piece of wood with a slight bend where it holds the hand.

"Try it."

Wu Qingchen took over the new hand rake, and made another 30 standard rake movements on the tabletop of the workbench.

"What does it feel like?"

Wu Qingchen's feeling is very obvious, but also a little strange: "It seems to save a lot of effort, why is this hand rake heavier, but it is easier to use?"

"It's about center of gravity and body mechanics."

These related theories probably do not belong to the scope of training. Dean Yu simply said, "Mr. Wu, you can see that tool improvement can make labor easier. This is what we are going to learn next."

"Tool improvement?" Wu Qingchen felt even more strange, "If you want to improve, why did you learn those tools just now?"

"No, you misunderstood." Dean Yu shook his head: "The tools that need to be improved are not the ones you have learned to use before."

"In fact, the only tool that has appeared in the Middle Ages is a hand rake. Just now you have seen its backwardness and its improved effect. As for other agricultural tools in the Middle Ages, we have not seen them yet. It can be determined that some of them must be relatively backward, and even dangerous, which may easily lead to labor accidents and injuries."

"There is such a precedent on the earth. The plow that first appeared in Central Asia, due to the improper design of the plow shaft, could easily strangle the blood vessels of cattle or horses, resulting in a shortened lifespan of livestock injuries, and such tools are often pulled by manpower; The first sickle that appeared in ancient China had a long arc and no hand guard, which could easily injure the workers."

"The tool improvement we are going to learn next is how to improve the backward and dangerous tools in the medieval world into the tools you just learned."

Wu Qingchen immediately realized a problem: "Isn't there no other agricultural tools in the medieval world, and it can be improved?"

Dean Yu shook his head slightly: "Farm tools are attached to agriculture, and it has its own laws, and from many details of astronomical events, the development of some farm tools can also be deduced, not to mention..."

Speaking of this, Dean Yu's tone became more confident: "The agricultural tools you learned just now are definitely the most advanced and safest labor tools in the medieval world, and they have abandoned the industrial foundation, so they can be created from scratch. Purely handmade."

I see…

Wu Qingchen suddenly realized that it is no wonder that most of the tools that he learned just now are made of wood, with very little metal not only appearing in the most critical parts, but also in the form of components, which can be removed and replaced with other materials at any time.

For the next two hours, Wu Qingchen walked back and forth among a dozen long tables, taught by dozens of professors, experts, carpenters, blacksmiths, and stonemasons, learning the principles and methods of making various tools.

Of course, in such a short period of time, learning to make dozens of farm tools is purely a dream, and even learning one or two is quite reluctant.

During these two hours, these teachers only arranged for Wu Qingchen to be familiar with the working methods of carpenters, blacksmiths, and masons as much as possible, as well as the improvement principles and simple improvement methods of some key agricultural tools.

At this time, it was close to 0 o'clock in the morning, and Jiang Fengming's expression on his face became more and more anxious, and the frequency of looking at the watch became more frequent. After finishing the improvement study of labor tools, Jiang Fengming took Wu Qingchen to several areas to learn to distinguish food, Arrange food, personal hygiene, field activities, accident handling, etc.

I don't know if it's because of the time, or because of the arrangement itself, the time to learn these contents is quite short, only ten minutes for each item, and the teachers speak very fast one by one, explaining the simplest and most urgent contents.

Next, Wu Qingchen heard about the most ridiculous training program.

"Language learning?" Wu Qingchen couldn't believe his ears.

Is the world in my dream on earth? What language do you want to learn? What kind of training are you doing? Wouldn't it be enough to just send troops over and continue to surround me

"No, it's not exactly language." On the opposite side, a half-bald man wiped the sweat from his forehead again.

Before talking with Wu Qingchen, the man had just entered the gate, and he didn't know how many miles he had passed. When he entered, the gentleman was soaked in sweat, and his face was full of exhaustion, and the man was surrounded by other people. Most of the dozens of gentlemen and ladies who arrived one after another had this travel-worn appearance.

After some explanations, Wu Qingchen realized that the "language learning" mentioned by the semi-bald man was essentially to analyze the muscle activities of the lips and throat when the two men talked in the astronomical event, restore the voice and tone, and combine the two The movements, expressions, and actions of the two men during the conversation, through cryptography, linguistics, sociology, and other messy academic knowledge, finally get the general meaning of the conversation between the two men, and then use them as a basis to further understand the language of the medieval world make inferences.

Of course, the half-bald man also emphasized that such a flimsy foundation, such a hastily introduced language system is definitely quite rough, and it is absolutely full of mistakes and omissions.

"However, even if you don't understand, at least you have a basis for guessing."

This is the conclusion of the semi-bald man, and it is also the most optimistic result that Wu Qingchen can achieve by studying the language for half an hour.

The clock has already pointed to one o'clock in the morning, and the next moment is even more tense. Wu Qingchen has no time to move around. Countless farmers, professors, and doctors lined up in a long line to Wu Qingchen one by one. Or urgently add new important items.

This kind of bombing lasted for half an hour, and the team that could barely see the end had not passed halfway. The fatigue on Wu Qingchen's face was already very obvious. Jiang Fengming, who was paying close attention, made several phone calls and discussed with several bureaucrats around him. , finally ended it all.

The soldiers led Wu Qingchen out of the cafeteria and into a small two-story building nearby. The room they arranged for Wu Qingchen was very simple, without any decorations, but it was clean and comfortable everywhere.

After the last inspection, the soldiers walked out of the room, leaving only Li Ziping and Jiang Fengming in front of Wu Qingchen.

"Mr. Wu..." Jiang Fengming said first: "Everything is difficult at the beginning. Frankly speaking, when you first entered the medieval world, it must be your most dangerous moment."

"It won't be long before you will encounter all kinds of situations, all kinds of accidents, all kinds of hidden or direct threats. But..."

Jiang Fengming's speech slowed down a lot, and his tone showed strong confidence: "Even if the time is tight, our temporary training is quite hasty, but the hundreds of teachers who trained you just now are all the top in various fields in the country. Experts, countless people have worked hard for a lifetime, but they can't comprehend the hundreds of experiences and skills they just taught you."

"And this is just the most basic and hasty temporary training. Mr. Wu, you can imagine that with the backing of these teachers and even the whole earth, as long as you have time, not to mention the medieval world, even the modern earth, you can do it without any problems." There is no doubt that he will become a world-class top talent who learns from others."

"With such help, Mr. Wu, when you come to the Middle Ages, please be cautious when you encounter any situation, think twice before acting, and you must not rush, let alone be impulsive. You must remember that your growth path is very long. And it is an infinitely wide and straight road, whether it is you or us, the only thing that is lacking now is time."

"We can say without exaggeration..." Speaking of this, Jiang Fengming's tone was firm: "No matter what obstacles, as long as you are safe, you will eventually be pushed away; no matter what difficulties, as long as you are safe, you will eventually be overcome by you!"

"The ultimate premise of all this, and the basic core of all our work, is to ensure your safety. Mr. Wu, your body is directly related to the six billion human beings in the world. In the face of any danger, any predicament, your retreat and avoidance, Definitely not cowardly and incompetent, but a great sacrifice for the motherland and the earth!"

With such a special and great sacrifice, Wu Qingchen entered a state of petrification.

"Mr. Wu, so far, we still haven't found out the reason for the formation of the medieval world, nor can we find any way to enter it with you."

Li Ziping was the one who spoke next. When talking about these two points, Li Ziping didn't have much regret, because this is not the level that the earth can reach at present: "However, this does not mean that we are helpless for your safety in the medieval world. .”

"When you are resting, thousands of staff officers will pay close attention to your actions. Once there is a danger that you cannot handle, they will immediately wake you up and take measures. In addition, if you forget how to deal with certain situations, Or if you feel like you're in danger and really can't handle it, you can use these three moves...”

The first movement: Li Ziping looked to both sides without focus.

The second movement: Li Ziping puts his right thumb between the middle finger and the ring finger.

The third movement: Li Ziping tilted his head and raised his left foot.

"As long as you maintain any of these three actions for ten seconds, we will wake you up immediately. However, unless it is absolutely necessary, please try not to use this method, because forcibly interrupting sleep is also harmful to the body. damage, we must be responsible for your health and that of the global human race."

Wu Qingchen nodded, but it's a pity that there is no place for "nodding" in the three movements provided by Li Ziping, otherwise, after hundreds of practice today, Wu Qingchen has already reached the full level of the "nodding" skill.

"Finally, excluding unavoidable circumstances, after 8 hours, if you don't wake up naturally, Mr. Wu, we will still wake you up. It will be about the tenth day of the medieval world. Mr. Wu, you have to prepare in advance."

Does 8 hours equal 10 days

Although he has realized that there is a big difference between the real time and the time in the medieval world, Wu Qingchen was a little surprised by the almost thirty times difference.

At this time, the clock on the bedside was slowly approaching two o'clock in the morning. A soldier walked in and whispered something to Li Ziping and Jiang Fengming who were standing beside the bed. They nodded and signaled the soldier to go away first.

"Mr. Wu, that's all we need to say, we can't disturb your rest anymore."

After finishing speaking, Li Ziping and Jiang Fengming slowly retreated towards the door. Wu Qingchen could clearly see that their brows were getting deeper and deeper, and their chests would rise and fall slightly from time to time, as if there were countless important points that they hadn't had time to explain.

After dawdling for a long time, he finally came to the door. Li Ziping opened the door, walked out half of his body, turned his head again, his lips muttered for a long time, and the words in the preface finally turned into a soft sigh.

"Take care of everything."

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