Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 2: strange convoy


It was a very young voice, Wu Qingchen turned his head, and there was a young police officer standing in the direction of the stairs.

Nodding at Wu Qingchen, the young policeman took out a certificate and a page of documents from his pocket, and handed them to the four who had been staring at Wu Qingchen vigilantly before, and now are staring at him vigilantly, "Don't look at me like that... Like you, I came here in a daze when I received the order. Here..."

The four of them were still vigilant. The older soldier took the document with a frown and read it carefully for almost half a minute before handing it over to another policeman with gray hair.

The police and military officers checked the gaps in the documents. The young police officer who had just arrived took off his hat, sweating profusely, and the action of fanning his hat showed some fatigue: "Mr. Wu, you must have a lot of questions, but let me go first..."

"Let's start with the simplest... Let me introduce, my name is Ji Mingming. First of all, when we meet for the first time, we should shake hands or something..." Ji Mingming waved his hand, signaling Wu Qingchen to take back the right hand he just handed out: "But from now on At first, any unnecessary contact with your body is sensitive. You see, on the bright side...we've saved ourselves a lot of trouble..."

The word "sensitive" was quite harsh, and Wu Qingchen felt a little heavy: "Am I arrested?"

"Arrested? Hey... how did you come up with that? They got you a warrant?"

Before Wu Qingchen could answer, Ji Mingming waved his hand again, turned around and took back the ID and documents from the grey-haired police officer, "How is it? If there is no problem, I can start the mission now?"

"Without my permission, you didn't perform the mission just now?" The gray-haired police officer did not hide his dissatisfaction: "Officer Ji, I have heard of you, many people have heard of you, I don't know why I sent you here. But since you're here, I'll give you a piece of advice: be careful! It's not about you hiding outside the house and yelling, something went wrong, and it's not about killing one or two hostages you don't know."

"Hey, Director Zhang, from what you said, it seems that you are not being cautious if you don't keep a straight face." Ji Mingming didn't even look at the older police officer whose face was even uglier after being stabbed, and stuffed his credentials and documents casually Putting it back in his pocket, he continued to talk to Wu Qingchen: "Okay, we'll talk later, time is tight... hurry up first."

Hurry up

Seeing Ji Mingming reaching out to signal the stairs, Wu Qingchen hesitated: "My key is still by the bedside." Thinking of the wallet, phone, and unfinished dried sauce, Wu Qingchen felt a little sour.

"Key?" Ji Mingming laughed loudly, pointing to the serious four, "Don't even think about the key, let alone you, now even they don't even think about entering this door."

As if to explain what Ji Mingming said, the gray-haired policeman, Director Zhang, gave Ji Mingming another look, walked to the window of the corridor, and waved to the outside. After a burst of hurried footsteps, there were many people in the narrow corridor. There were four policemen and four soldiers.

"You stay here." Director Zhang raised his hand and drew a virtual line along the door of Wu Qingchen's room: "Right here, no one, including you, is allowed to step here unless you have the double permission of your director and me. Take a step into the door. For those who don't listen to the advice..."

Speaking of this, Director Zhang looked at the elderly soldier, who nodded slowly and added: "All necessary coercive measures can be taken!"

"Yes!" "Guaranteed to complete the task!"

"Guarantee? What do you use to guarantee the completion of the mission?" The old soldier's voice was stern, "Who are you waiting on the stairs? Before the reinforcements arrive, even if you use your corpses, you must pile up this door!"

The next moment, she was pulled by someone who didn't know. Wu Qingchen came back to his senses, and his body was already outside the door, and his room was tightly blocked in two layers by four policemen and four soldiers. Can't even take a look.

"Did you see it?" Ji Mingming spread his hands, "Don't worry about anything, your things will never get away."

"Don't worry," Wu Qingchen looked even more ugly, and followed Ji Mingming and Director Zhang down the corridor. The two of them sandwiched Wu Qingchen into the back seat of the police car, and the car door slammed shut. Wu Qingchen walked into a movable cell just like that. .

"Yo, it's been upgraded, and there are a lot of good things." Just after sitting down, Ji Mingming turned his head back and touched it somewhere. There was an extra cardboard box in his hand. Wu Qingchen glanced at it, and there were some Ji Mingming rummaged through the delicate electronic products, and skillfully found two earphones, and gave one to Director Zhang who was sitting on the other side.

"Let's continue talking..." Ji Mingming put on the earphones, adjusted some kind of tool in his hand that probably controls the earphones, and then stuck a throat intercom that looked like adhesive tape to his throat, and quickly nodded in satisfaction : "Where did we talk?"

"I was arrested?" Wu Qingchen originally wanted to say "arrest warrant", but after thinking about it, he changed the term.

"Let me ask for you..." Ji Mingming leaned forward, turned his head and raised his chin towards Director Zhang: "You arrested him directly? Are you brutally enforcing the law again?"

Director Zhang snorted and shook his gray hair.

"Look, you haven't been arrested..." Ji Mingming took out his cigarette case, looked at Wu Qingchen, then at the closed car window, and put the case back into his pocket, "But it's okay if you think you've been arrested... "

Hearing Director Zhang hum again, Ji Mingming smiled disapprovingly: "What's the matter? Isn't it? Forced deprivation of personal freedom, isn't that what happens now."

"Why? What have I done?"

Forced deprivation of personal liberty, this kind of treatment was confirmed, Wu Qingchen's tone was urgent.

"Didn't I tell you just now that I'm suspected of being kidnapped, and of course all human beings are targeted. This is my guess... Tsk, what expression do you have? Do you think I'm teasing you?" Ji Mingming sneered, "You think I'm the only one Think so? Everyone guesses so! If you don’t believe me, ask them.”

Hearing such an affirmative tone and such absurd content, Wu Qingchen looked pitifully at the other people in the police car, with an expression on his face that even a half-starved tiger in the forest would feel pity.

No one answered directly.

The senior officer sitting in the front co-pilot nodded heavily, and Director Zhang on the other side of Wu Qingchen sighed deeply with a livid face.

"me… "

Who did I offend

Wu Qingchen didn't believe the absurd charges ----- no normal person would believe it.

However, Wu Qingchen finally affirmed that the people in the police car were not joking with him, and that what he committed was definitely not a trivial matter. This was not just because of the acquiescence of the older officer and Director Zhang to Ji Mingming's ridiculous words.

It literally comes from every aspect of this police car!

Although I have never been in a police car since I was a child, I never wanted to have this honor. However, Wu Qingchen can be sure that whether it is other police cars or any other vehicles that Wu Qingchen has seen, he must and must have never seen a model driver like the young officer in front of him.

From the rearview mirror in the police car, Wu Qingchen could see that the officer driver kept his full attention. Except for shifting gears, his hands never left the steering wheel. No squinting, gnashing of teeth, or tongue licking expressions of relaxation.

Regardless of whether it is a straight road or a curve, even if the surrounding area of his vehicle is empty and there are no other vehicles, the officer driver will still keep the police car stuck in the driving lane, not to mention crossing the line, even the distance between the dotted lines on the left and right sides. Keep a safe distance of at least 20 meters from the vehicle in front at all times.

And this driver is absolutely impossible to be a novice driver, because on the six-lane urban main road, although the officer driver always maintains a speed of 20 to 40 yards and almost never overtakes, he can never need to Waiting for the red light, every intersection happens to pass on the green light.

With this spirit, this attitude, and this truly safety-first approach, Wu Qingchen really wants to say:

There's something wrong with that.

If the driver's behavior only made Wu Qingchen feel a little puzzled, the behavior of the co-pilot's senior soldier and the two policemen around him made Wu Qingchen a little creepy.

Obviously, once any vehicle overtakes another vehicle, or if the police car itself has to drive side by side with other vehicles or in the opposite direction, the two police officers beside Wu Qingchen will immediately hold Wu Qingchen's arms, and The senior soldier who was the co-pilot in the front row stared at the other vehicles, and immediately raised his arm, which had never left his right waist.

The actions of these three were so obvious, especially the standard action of the older soldiers in the front row preparing to shoot, that Wu Qingchen dared not move at all, and the pressure he was under could be imagined.

This is simply the treatment that the arrested cross-border drug lords, or the important tainted witnesses in the cases of extremely large and dynamic social groups, may be robbed or assassinated at any time.

Wu Qingchen really didn't know when he committed such an outrageous event.

In other words, despite thinking very hard, Wu Qingchen really couldn't figure out why he had two policemen and two soldiers come to look for him at the same time, or in other words, to arrest him at the same time--and the ability.

A love action movie on a computer hard drive? P2P downloading and uploading at the same time, leading to the widespread spread of viruses in love action movies, causing huge economic losses

Fiery rhetoric posted online in recent months? Being quoted and interpreted by people with ulterior motives, leading to large-scale riots and turmoil

Made some not-so-clean accounts for the company? Profit growth, the blind expansion of the company, the use of cheaper materials for lower costs, and the formation of huge public safety hazards

Wu Qingchen filtered the things he had committed one by one from his mind, and then exaggerated them one by one to the greatest extent, adding the most serious consequences he could imagine, but he still couldn't explain his current situation.

As the police car drove non-stop, the panic in Wu Qingchen's heart became more and more serious.

Under the most intimate care of the police on both sides, Wu Qingchen could not move freely, and his vision was also obstructed, and he could only see houses and streets. However, as a native of Jiang County, he can recognize every street from the signs, street lights, and bus stops.

Arriving at Nanping Square, where the police station is located, Wu Qingchen was short of breath, but the police car continued to drive past.

After running forward for a few minutes, Wu Qingchen's heartbeat began to speed up again: the police car passed the procuratorate, which is the place where the suspects who have been prosecuted will undoubtedly patronize, and the police car still showed no sign of slowing down.

Not long after, the police turned a few turns, and Wu Qingchen saw the familiar flagpole on the roof of the electric power building. Although his feet were trembling, Wu Qingchen felt at ease: the court is next door, and if he thought about it, he would have committed a serious crime. It's probably not my turn to live in the free room here.

As for the Maozuipo Detention Center and the Daoziling shooting area that passed by later, Wu Qingchen was no longer worried at all.

Because, as the police car drove all the way, Wu Qingchen discovered an even weirder thing even though his sight was obstructed.

When passing the police station, there were a few extra tails on the back of the police car. When passing the procuratorate and the court, there were a few extra motorcycles in front. When passing the fire brigade, two big guys with fatter bodies were added to the team.

In the following journey, the team became more and more bloated, and the members became more and more weird.

That being the case, no matter which part of his body he used to think about, Wu Qingchen would not think that this kind of team composed of motorcycles, police cars, fire engines, city inspection vehicles, anti-pornography and anti-crime propaganda vehicles, etc., had the ultimate goal of sending himself to be shot. The place where the prisoner was shot was shot.

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