Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 20: Life training


America, Cuba, Guantanamo Bay.

As one of the world's largest and best-shielded bays, the temperature at Guantanamo is anything but pleasant.

The temperature is as high as 35 degrees Celsius and the humidity exceeds 90%. At least the residents of the Delta Camp will definitely not feel comfortable.

Of course, for Abdul, such an environment can no longer be regarded as too much trouble, it is normal, for a person who has lived in this area for three full years, adapting to the environment has been a long time ago matter.

There was a strong whirring sound coming from the small window, and Abdul knew it was the sound of an armed helicopter taking off.

The first time I heard this sound was three years ago.

Strangely, it has been so long, as long as he thinks of this, Abdul immediately smells the long-lost smell of the yellow sand being rolled up by the breeze in his hometown, and it seems that Uncle Tahir's silly two-headed words sound in his ears. The bells of the mules.

"Ding... Ding... Ding..."

It's always this silly rhythm, and my position is always behind the two mules, while struggling to climb the seemingly endless hillside, while boredly looking at the sacks on the backs of the two stupid animals.

Sometimes there are no pockets.

They are always changing.

At the very beginning, it was the first time I saw mules in my memory. Abdul remembered that he was only half the height of their legs. He looked up and saw that the mules often carried flour on their backs. Uncle Tahir was still very young and hung them all day long. A smiling face, only when Uncle Tahir elongated his face again when he disappeared halfway without a trace and reappeared with a pheasant or a rabbit in his hand.

The worst of them all, they lined up with the buttocks of the mules. When I had to stay away from them, the mules often carried buckets with three strange symbols on their backs. Uncle Tahir turned black a lot. Turning around to greet myself, when I inadvertently see a few symbols on the bucket that are the same as the iron bird in the sky, my face will often become darker and more obvious. Two fat fish.

Finally, on the same day as Uncle Tahir was as tall as Uncle Tahir, a sound of "Tat Tah Tah" passed, and Uncle Tahir and I rushed out of the cave quickly. The wide road paved by the tall iron oxen quickly became smaller, and the noise and chaos filled the whole village. Until the sun went down and the village finally calmed down, two silly mules had more tires on their backs that could never be caught by themselves again. Uncle Saman and Aunt Khorasan who will never be able to touch their heads again.

When the sun rose again, Uncle Tahir, who had been invisible all night, brought in two unknown uncles. In the following days, the mule’s back was replaced with dark and cold weapons and yellow and orange of bullets.

There are endless ridges and dense forests all day long, but Uncle Tahir will never stop him from running all over the mountains and plains, because everyone is following him, waiting for him to climb from the big trees and the forests. Find a natural path through the gaps in the stones, or dig out the narrow gaps drilled by wild animals from among the thorn walls surrounded by shrubs and thorns.

The moon slowly turned into a curved hook, and then slowly became round again. After three times, I put on a white robe, and a beard grew on my face unknowingly. On another breezy morning, I got out of a dense forest, passed a wide road, and walked back behind the mule by myself. Just as I climbed a hillside, a strong whirring sound suddenly came from behind, and Uncle Tahir, who turned his head, was suddenly full of excitement. With an anxious face, he rushed over and pushed himself down forcefully, and a sharp air current flew past his sides with the sound of Ta Ta Ta at the same time.

The yellow sand in the sky dissipated slightly, and Abdul saw two silly mules for the last time.

Also saw Uncle Tahir for the last time.

They fell together with him, and the bright red liquid on the ground had already joined together.

Next, Abdul took to the sky for the first time, wearing a full set of hood, eye patch, goggles, earmuffs, and his hands tightly handcuffed.

Two days later, carrying this set of free gifts, across half the world, Abdul came to Guantanamo, a fringe area where there is no trial, no prosecution, no sentence, and no strange creatures like lawyers.

At the very beginning, Abdul lived in an open-air iron cage whose top was made of steel pipes. Even going to the toilet was exposed to broad daylight.

This torment lasted for two months, and after a series of inspections and humiliation including shaving, Abdul finally got a roof and saw running water and iron bars all made of metal for the first time. bed.

Since then, Abdul has lived in a one-person dormitory, which has a space of about ten square meters. There is an iron bed on the left side, a small toilet on the right side, and a door behind which even the head cannot get through. In a room made up of small windows and barbed wire, a Quran is placed in the most conspicuous position, and an arrow pointing to Mecca is marked on the ground.

Finally, four armed guards stood outside the door.

For the next three years, eating, sleeping, being in a daze, being released, interrogated, and beaten all constituted the entire content of Abdul's life.

Until today, this trajectory has suddenly changed.

This morning, two guards approached Abdul, handcuffed and shackled the tenant, and led him out of his room.

At first, Abdul thought it was an early release, but found that he quickly left the release area.

Therefore, Abdul thought it was another new interrogation, and prepared himself for beatings and torture to extract a confession, but found that he also walked through the creepy interrogation room very quickly.

Then, Abdul began to pray to the great Allah, thinking that he would soon disappear without a trace like some unlucky ghosts in the cell, and the guards had already taken Abdul out of the prison , into a spacious and bright room.

Three old men dressed in uniforms that were completely different from the uniforms of the guards had been waiting in the room for a long time. After carefully studying Abdul's whole body for more than ten minutes with the eyes of picking food, the old man standing in the middle finally He spoke the first sentence in the most authentic Dari language.

"Mr. Abdul/Ibn/Abdul/Aziz/Ibn/Abdul/Rahman, here is a copy of the amnesty that the CIA just issued..."

"Shut up your delusions! The descendants of the Caliph will never betray their partners!"

The old man's expression was a bit awkward, but he quickly adjusted: "Mr. Abdul, this is not an interrogation, and we are not cia agents who are about to be fired. This amnesty does have conditions, but this time the conditions are the same as yours. your accomplices... no, nothing to do with your children and grandchildren of the Caliph."

Abdul responded with a sneer.

The old man continued to explain on his own: "Mr. Abdul, the condition of the CIA's amnesty is very simple. You only need to join a team and train a student..."

"Training you how to slaughter my people?"

"No." The old man shook his head solemnly. "The training does not involve any military or political content. It is only related to the ability to survive in the wild and some necessary life skills. In addition, the duration of this training will not exceed a week at most. , after you finish, you can spend the rest of your time under the limited supervision of the CIA, designated by the CIA, or choose a suitable location yourself."

"A suitable place..." Abdul seemed to smell the wind and sand again, "... only my hometown."

The three old men looked at each other for a few seconds, and the old men on both sides nodded subtly.

"Let the cia's complaints and the fucking monitoring go to hell together." The old man in the middle suddenly took a few steps forward, and the lamb of God held the right hand of the prophet's lamb: "Deal! Mr. Abdul."


Now, after a 14-hour long journey, I have transferred to two helicopters, a civil airliner, a jet fighter, and an armored vehicle, surrounded by dozens of soldiers with live ammunition and four personal guards. , Abdul finally stood ten meters away from Wu Qingchen.

Chapter Seventeen Life Training (Part 2)

"It's called a life coach?"

Looking up and down carefully at the strange team that stopped ten meters away, Wu Qingchen was a little nervous. Such a person is considered a coach. I really don't know what amazing content will be in the "life" of the next training.

The content is very simple.

Jiang Fengming explained that the team responsible for paying attention to Wu Qingchen's health noticed that in the past ten days in the Medieval World, the biggest threat to Wu Qingchen's health was the diet and nutrition of the Medieval World, and it had reached a "level that must be resolved immediately."

The sky doesn’t fall by itself. Judging from the current situation, it is unrealistic to rely on Wu Qingchen’s family in the medieval world to solve the problems of nutrition and diet.

The only way out is self-reliance and hard work.

The guiding ideology is also very simple: rely on mountains to eat mountains, rely on water to eat water.

Those that fly in the sky, those that run on the ground, those that swim in the water, those that grow on trees, those that are buried in the ground, all of them are put into Wu Qingchen's future menu by the staff.

Wu Qingchen can't eat grass, and can't digest soil. If he wants to strengthen the food and nutrition of the medieval world, the only places he can find a way are wild animals and fruit trees.

However, there is still a small technical problem that needs to be solved.

According to the available information and materials, combined with Wu Qingchen's description, the staff group has now determined that, excluding the land owned by the family and a few pitiful livestock, the streams, fish schools, fruit trees, forests, birds, and wild animals in the Middle Ages... or To put it bluntly, almost all things that can be seen with the naked eye are state-owned resources... and belong to the lord.

It is obvious that Wu Qingchen's way of strengthening the nutritional level of the medieval world solidly embodies a famous saying of the great leader: it is infinitely enjoyable to fight with the sky, it is infinitely enjoyable to fight with the earth, and at the same time, it is endlessly enjoyable to fight with people.

However, no matter what age or world, breaking the law will not have any wonderful results, not to mention Wu Qingchen's current status in the medieval world, and his understanding of the medieval world, it is even more unsuitable to confront the territorial laws of the medieval world straightforwardly and openly.

On the one hand, there are "stomach problems that must be solved", and on the other hand, there are harsh and thin territorial laws.

Logically, the group of "life coaches" that the staff team had selected for Wu Qingchen were all experts in reconciling the contradictions between the two.

A more intuitive description is a first-class person who has mastered various superb skills in "stealing, abduction, crime".

In the following time, under the guidance of these top people in the criminal industry, guarded by dozens of soldiers who are fully armed and ready to face the enemy, Wu Qingchen wears bulletproof vests, anti-riot helmets on his head, and tactical shoes on his feet. "Learning.

The first to go was a hero in ancient costume with a longbow, a resident of the primeval forest, and an expert poacher in Changbai Mountain who spent millions of dollars in handling cases in more than a dozen urban areas of two provinces.

From this natural enemy of the first, second and third level national protected animals, Wu Qingchen learned the advanced technology of finding the haunted areas of wild animals from details such as soil, branches, and feces, and then using branches, vines, and even stones and soil to set up traps .

The next thing to dispatch is the red-faced foreign mercenaries who moved to the war-torn areas of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

From this little cockroach with super vitality, Wu Qingchen learned how to make camouflage, identify poisonous mushrooms, repel mosquitoes and ants with leaves, quickly climb trees for refuge and other wild survival skills.

The prisoners with iron chains in their hands and iron balls tied to their feet were dispatched again, which directly led to the accomplices of dozens of fresh American widows who had just been led by the Afghan resistance organization "accidentally escaped" by the CIA.

From this determined terrorist, Wu Qingchen learned all kinds of incredible guerrilla tactics such as climbing cliffs, finding ways in dense forests, distinguishing directions according to the position of the sun, observing the shape of branches to find water sources, and so on.

These trainings took a considerable amount of time, eight hours passed from ten o'clock in the morning to six o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, Wu Qingchen also fully understood why today's training was changed to the wilderness.

Only a small part of the skills of the "life coaches" can only be discussed in theory, and most of the other training content must be practiced and practiced repeatedly.

So, drilling into the woods, climbing hills, turning over rocks, digging mud, stabbing fish with sticks, catching rabbits with bare hands, setting traps, and expelling mosquitoes and ants, all the bones in his body were about to fall apart. Only then did Wu Qingchen basically understand the various aspects of the training of the coaches. technology.

As for the real proficiency, if you think about it, you have to wait until you enter the medieval world, and then double the practice.

As the sky slowly begins to darken, there are two final, equally crucial aspects of training.

The first item was just in line with the weather at this time. The training had just started, and Wu Qingchen immediately vaguely understood the direct reason why the coach turned into a welfare worker.

This gentleman’s last job is quite different. If the place of work is a house, the content of the job is to move the goods. The characteristics of the goods are high value, light weight, and never return; if the place of work is a vehicle, the content of the work is safety inspection. , checked pockets tend to become extremely safe, that is, completely empty.

So, about a certain unsuccessful job, this gentleman met the owner who didn't like being moved for free or the passenger who didn't cooperate with the security check, and then paid the price of ten fingers.

In the next two hours, under the guidance of this enthusiastic person, Wu Qingchen learned to get up quietly, open the door on tiptoe, walk in a sneaky manner, and also learned to bury unauthorized footprints and choose the right one. Items to wipe off the oil stains of stealing meat, the fastest and most urgent way to completely destroy the evidence of poaching and poaching, and so on.

In short, after these two hours of training, Wu Qingchen firmly believes that rookie police officers and indigenous villagers who have never seen anything in the medieval world will never be able to see through these trials and tribulations. They have been improved successively by generations of elite thieves, and they have gone through countless cameras and security tests. , the superb skills that are finally formed.

Another great man said well that science and technology are the primary productive forces. Although it is not science, it is considered technology anyway. The thief technology that is several times ahead is destined to defeat the anti-theft system in the medieval world.

After completing another anti-social and anti-law subject, Wu Qingchen ushered in the last life training content.

Until this time, Wu Qingchen continued the life training for half a day, and finally welcomed a coach who belonged to the category of goodness.

Li Dezheng, fifty-three years old, from Henan, a national super chef, has served as the chef of many star hotels in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, etc., and is good at Sichuan cuisine, Hunan cuisine, Western food, pastry

and a picnic.

The subject of this astronomical event is currently the most urgent skill to master.

Another two hours have passed, and Wu Qingchen's preliminary skills include extracting salt from stones, leaves, and grass roots; using water plants, wheat husks, and wild tubers for seasoning; The fruit scoop heats the water, quickly processes the prey, selects the most delicious and nutrient-rich parts, and so on.

At this point, at ten o'clock in the evening, Wu Qingchen's life skills training was basically over.

At this time, Wu Qingchen's muscles were extremely sore, and his clothes were soaked with sweat, which was basically the same as when the training ended the day before.

The mood is completely different.

Completely different from the anxiety of going to a strange world alone at that time, now that Wu Qingchen's life in the medieval world has initially stabilized, and he has tutored countless targeted skills in time, Wu Qingchen is in a much better mood.

This better mood also benefited from other aspects.

Having just been taken to Beijing by the country, Wu Qingchen was quite flustered and extremely pessimistic when he knew nothing about the future and was ignorant.

Now, after ten days of buffering in the medieval world, and returning to the earth world, Wu Qingchen did not encounter the house arrest or other malicious treatment that he worried about when he was thinking wildly. Wu Qingchen even vaguely felt that, compared with the day before, Now the people who are in direct contact with me, whether they are officials, soldiers, or trainers, are much friendlier, and some even show a little respect.

For Wu Qingchen, who is easily satisfied, these are enough reasons to put himself in a better mood.

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