Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 23: sync


The sun slowly set and rose slowly again.

The next day, at morning prayer time, it was still Praia who left the room and walked into the church. Just as he took out the scriptures, the door of the church was slightly dark, and a small figure flashed in silently, and soon stood at the door. On the right side of the pillar beside him, with his right hand touching his shoulder, he quietly looked at the altar and assumed a standard prayer posture.

Yes, it's Little Ross.

Praia turned back to confirm, and nodded slightly, probably because of some changes in her mind. When she turned her head again, Praia glanced at the sundial near the side door of the church inadvertently.

Morning glory three calendars.

Not bad, very on time.

Just as this thought came to mind, Praia's right hand, which was about to spread out the tome, suddenly froze in the air, frowning slightly, realizing that he seemed to have overlooked a certain detail these days:

It couldn't have been a coincidence every day that Ross Jr. walked into church just as he was getting ready for morning service.

Don't know yourself, don't know falsely, because you can explore and chase the real eyes.

Meditating on the divine words of the ruler, Praia opened the tome and looked at his students: "Andre."

Thirteen or fourteen-year-old Andre is still very small, and he is on his toes trying to put the small altar filled with water on the pulpit. The vicar spoke, but Andre did not answer immediately, but put the altar upright. , then put your feet together, bowed your head slightly, and followed Praia's teachings, using a humble tone that fits the status of serving the Lord's servant—that is, replying slowly and lowly: "Teacher?"


Noticing that Andre's posture and tone of voice had improved again, Praia showed a satisfied expression, "Andre, when did little Rose arrive at the church these days?"

"Little Rose?" Andre's expression was a little dazed.

Praia nodded towards the small figure at the door of the church with his right hand hanging below the pulpit.

"Oh..." Andre understood the past, shook his head and replied, "Teacher, when I go out to water every morning, Ross is already standing outside the church."

Earlier than Andre

Praia was slightly surprised. In Akeli Village, there was only a sundial at the side door of the church, but most of the villagers did not have the ability to understand it, nor did they have the ability to accurately grasp the time. Most of the time, the villagers could only A rough estimate of time based on the position of the sun in the sky.

In Mr. Vicar's heart, it is impossible for little Rose, who is only thirteen or fourteen years old, to have the ability to accurately grasp the time. Under such circumstances, he can still step into the church on time every day at morning prayer. Standing outside the church door, he didn't expect that little Ross would arrive this early, even earlier than Andre when he went out to water.

Could this be the germ of piety

For three full years, did the Master finally fix his eyes on this damn--no, this ignorance--no, this poor little village

Praia involuntarily shook his hands vigorously.


Almost at the same instant.

Earth, Asia, the Fifth Conference Room of the PLA Military Academy.

In the conference room with an area of nearly 1,000 square meters, the usually densely packed long strip stepped seats disappeared without a trace. Only a few iron sheets and screws left on the ground can be seen where they once appeared. The long metal tables and the sides are densely packed with various precision instruments of different sizes.

Such a long metal table is surrounded by at least a hundred military officers or experts. These officers and experts look serious and dedicated, staring at the display screens on the long table without exception. They were all shot directly at the sky with a high-definition camera, starred by Little Ross, or Wu Qingchen, shot in the medieval world, and released simultaneously worldwide.

However, apart from Superman, the Flash's reflexes are far superior to ordinary humans, and he has a pair of helium gold dog eyes. People on earth do not have the ability to directly watch this blockbuster.

Because of the projection of this large film on the earth and sky, it has been fast-forwarded by thirty times.

At this time, on a long metal table near the door of the fifth conference room, a projection screen was hung in the uppermost part of the middle. Jumping outside the church door and disappearing in the doorway, flashing back and forth so quickly.

What this projection shows is a synchronized playback of a sky image, or more precisely, a repeated back and forth of a portion of what has already happened.

There are other display screens beside the long table, and the content inside is exactly the same as the content projected in the center. The same little Ross walked into the church, then disappeared at the door, and then jumped out of the church door in an instant, and disappeared at the door again.

However, compared with the way in which Little Ross literally teleports in and out of the uppermost projection in the center, the walking speed of Little Ross in these monitors has become quite normal, because they are all slowed down by thirty times and adjusted to The speed at which human eyes and minds can normally keep up.

There are a total of more than a dozen such display screens. The first and fifth screens are surrounded by more than a dozen technical soldiers in military uniforms. The sixth screen is surrounded by linguists. Doctors live there, architects surround the eighth block, behaviorists surround the ninth block, and the tenth block...

In this way, at the long metal table, hundreds of staff officers, technical soldiers, and experts in various fields worked together to carefully study the short process of Ross Jr./Wu Qingchen entering the church from outside the church door.

The process of Jr. Ross/Wu walking into the church in the early morning lasted about a minute. According to the scale, the projection image of the earth and sky is only a short two seconds.

And next door to this long metal table, three meters away, another metal long table, the projection at the center of the uppermost part also shows a flashing and repeating content.

It is the process of Xiaoluosi/Wu Qingchen turning a corner and reaching the door of the church. The time is also just two seconds. There are also more than a dozen other display screens on the long table, which have been adjusted. People on Earth can normally keep up with the projected content slowed down by 30 times. Around them are also densely packed with hundreds of technical soldiers, staff officers, linguists, doctors, etc...

On the long table next door and next door, the top projection in the center shows Wu Qingchen walking from a dilapidated house to a corner, and the time is just two seconds. The other dozen screens The same professionals stood beside them.

In the fifth meeting room of the Liberation-Liberation-Military Academy with an area of nearly a thousand square meters, there are twenty long metal tables and twenty large projection screens. On top of them, Wu Qingchen can be seen crossing a stream, walking Passed two hills, passed a dozen dilapidated small houses, turned a few turns, and walked to the door of the church.

In the medieval world, it took Little Los/Wu Qingchen 20 minutes to complete the distance, and in the earth world, the sky projection took 40 seconds to display the distance.

This is also a journey that Wu Qingchen has just completed.

As for the content before this journey...

On the left side of the fifth meeting room, there are two pieces that were excavated in a hurry, and you can also see the broken stubble of the steel bar and the gaps in the concrete section. Next to these two large holes of nearly two square meters, ten thick steel cables are erected respectively. Two high-speed elevators, which are also obviously temporarily installed and directly exposed in mid-air, connect the fifth meeting room with the fourth, third, second and first meeting rooms downstairs through five large holes that go straight to the bottom.

Like the fifth meeting room, in the four former meeting rooms at the bottom, there are also twenty long metal tables with densely packed display screens, surrounded by densely packed circles of professionals, who are respectively in charge of one after another. A sky projection only takes two seconds, and the content of the medieval world is only one minute.

At the same time, in China at this moment, apart from the People’s Liberation Army Academy, the National University of Defense Technology, the Chinese Infantry Command Academy, the Military Transportation Academy, the Logistics Engineering Academy, the Second Artillery Command Academy, the Equipment Technology Academy, etc., etc., ten Several military research academies, more than a dozen military command centers, more than a dozen quick response centers, almost all technical officers and scholars and experts from nearby universities and research institutions gathered together in a similar way to tense the projection of the sky. orderly research.

The same situation also happened in the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Sweden, and many other countries on the earth.

In this way, through such long metal tables, slow-motion screens, research groups, temporary elevators, through this allocation of two seconds per group, through the concentrated efforts of millions of soldiers and experts, the earth's attention to medieval time, Simple, direct, and brutally achieved the same minute and second at the same time.

This method, this arrangement, has great waste and countless redundancy. However, so far, it has been less than three days since the occurrence of the astronomical event, even if it is the same country, the same The two institutions in the city involve manpower and material resources in units of 10,000 people, and there is no time to make the most effective arrangements with each other. It is even more impossible to achieve unified coordination between countries.

What's more, the situation is serious and the situation is urgent. Such research and attention are currently dominated by military agencies, and the most core intelligence resources are directly used. No matter how you look at it, no country is currently able to solve it within three days. China made up its mind to share these core intelligence resources with other countries.

Of course, at the same time, due to the seriousness of the situation and the urgency of the situation, among the big countries on the earth, the occasional important conclusions drawn from the analysis results of the medieval world are still notified to each other at the first time, and they exchange their latest ones at all times. At the same time, most of them also affirm It is a redundant conclusion, which further increases the analysis burden of each country from another aspect.

Chapter 20 Synchronization (Part 2)

Praia involuntarily shook his hands vigorously.


Beijing, National Defense University, information center fourth floor.

The layout here is basically similar to that of other colleges and command centers. However, each long table analysis point here has three times the staff of other centers, because the content here is the most cutting-edge twenty-second content in the medieval world, and the sky. The projection times are fully synchronized.

Praia on the screen has just clenched his hands. Beside the eighth monitor in a total of thirty-five groups, among the five hundred and thirty-seven behavioral experts who are responsible for analyzing the movements, expressions, and postures of characters in the medieval world, five hundred Eleven experts pressed the light red button in front of them almost at the same time.

The communicator opens immediately.

"The priest is emotional, repeat, the priest is emotional."

"The b3 subject's mood fluctuated greatly, repeat, the b3 subject's mood fluctuated greatly."

"Give target attention, repeat, get target attention."

In an instant, above three meters, in the feedback center on the fifth floor of the information center, 511 intelligence analysis officers also received most of these similar feedbacks at almost the same time, without any delay. It was transmitted to the comprehensive processing center at a higher level.

"Plan No. 223, the strategy is effective."

"Plan 223 works."

"Subject b3, Plan 223 responded."


"Very good!", "Great!", "Ha!"

Five hundred meters away, another building received feedback from multiple departments including the information center, analysis center, integration center, screening center, and comprehensive processing center. The conclusions were sent one after another within two to three seconds. The cheers were like thunder.

This is normal, although there are metal long tables, projection screens, and professionals. However, this building does not specifically analyze the experience of Xiaoluosi/Wu Qingchen in the medieval world, although the soldiers here are all elites dispatched by various military departments. , the professionals here are all top experts from universities and research centers.

Because this is the strategy room, Wu Qingchen's most direct support, the planning center, program center, and guidance center for various actions in the medieval world of Little Ross.

For the aborigines in the medieval world, it may indeed be a headache to distinguish the black and thin shadows on the sundial's curved symbols and rough surface, so as to grasp the time. However, for Wu In the early morning, for people on earth who are used to seeing alarm clocks, pendulum clocks, pocket watches and electronic watches, there is really no difficulty worth mentioning about such an ancient thing as a sundial.

What's more, with the support of countless experts on Earth, on the second day after entering the medieval world, Wu Qingchen picked two wooden sticks, placed a few stones, and leveled the ground to draw a large circle as regular as possible. The details observed by the projection, only half a minute passed, not to mention the simplest data such as time, even the radius of the planet, the distance from the stars, and the law of rotation and revolution have been obtained. It is still very rough for the earth. the result of.

Of course, for the medieval world, these results have been able to solve the problems that have plagued the top scholars of the medieval world for thousands of years, and will probably continue to plague them at once.

However, although they can pick up two sticks at any time and can accurately grasp the time in half a minute, Little Los/Wu Qingchen still rushed to stand outside the church nearly half an hour earlier every day. In addition to the 20 minutes of the pastor's lecture to Andre, a full hour was squeezed out of the four hours of heavy farm work that was originally comparable to prison labor reform. It is conceivable that Wu Qingchen spent more What kind of pain did you suffer.

All of this, of course, is not for Praia to shake his hands hard and move his fingers, but for the emotional fluctuations of the pastor behind this action.

This is plan 223, one of hundreds of plans formulated by the earth, with only one expected purpose: to perfect the details as much as possible, to get close to the pastor, and to show positive faith.

The cheers in the strategy room lasted for a few seconds, and another three minutes passed in the medieval world.

After feeling a little excited, thinking of the experience of being deceived by a few cunning villagers when he first arrived in Aikeli village, Praia tidied up his emotions, set up a small altar filled with stream water, and started the daily morning prayer.

Ten minutes passed, and the morning prayer was over. Praia signaled little Andre to sit down. At the same time, he opened another parchment and gave the same daily routine.

Compared with usual times, it took Praia a little longer to complete the routine work this time, because no matter whether it was morning prayer or class, Praia devoted part of her mind to the little girl who had been standing by the doorpost all the time. Los body.

Yes, little Ross has not moved, and the prayer posture has always been accurate.

Yes, little Rose did pray, knew that morning prayers were over, and knew when the sacrament was due.

Huh? Little Ross seems to be able to understand what I'm saying? This also happens to be what Andre has never figured out.

While doing his own thing, while observing the little Rose by the church door, Praia secretly memorized from time to time, and a small image gradually condensed:

Very young, very clean, very attentive in prayer, very smart, able to understand God's scriptures...

Gradually, a smile appeared on Praia's face, and after just a few glances, he knew a lot about Little Los, and Praia was a little bit complacent.


Almost at the same time.

In just a minute or so, the working atmosphere of almost every medieval world information analysis center and analysis team in the world suddenly changed dramatically.

If one minute ago, the intensive work of these analysis teams was like a pot of boiling hot water, then the current situation is like a boiling ocean.

The reason for the change is simple and clear: subject b3, that is, the secret observation of Mr. Ross/Wu Qingchen by Pastor Praia.

"Subject b3's right ring finger tapped the table for the fourth time in the second quarter, suspected to be a difficult thinking action in writing."

"When the observation angle is directly facing the light source, the pupil of the right eye of subject b3 is constricted, and the skin on the forehead is tense. It is preliminarily determined that the vision has been damaged to a certain extent."

"When multiple actions such as observing the subject and temporarily cleaning the desktop were performed at the same time, the voice of subject b3 was stable, the speech speed was smooth, the thinking was clear, and the logical thinking was at a high level."

"Subject b3, Medieval World, experienced facial expression changes such as frowning, smiling, and reprimanding many times that day. The speed of change was relatively fast, and his mood fluctuated greatly."

"Subject b3..."

Countless pieces of information and analysis results were gathered quickly like a snowflake. In the information processing center of the medieval world, which is also busy with nearly a thousand people, Praia's personal model quickly became full:

John / Playa / Akford

Number: b3 Medieval world object.

Sex: Male

Age: 27 years old

Status: vicar of Akeli Village.

Physical condition: Height 184cm, weight 53kg (approximately), slightly hunched back, certain defects in vision, indigestion, malnutrition, right arm arthritis...

Personality: Curiosity, devout believers, observance of religious etiquette, observance of aristocratic etiquette, earnestness, caution, ambition...

Personal Habits:…

Personal Orientation:…

Stress Response Model:…

Current availability options:…

Quickly slide the mouse, and glance at the three-page entry summary of the resume model of No. b3. The gray-haired old soldier, the head of the strategy office of the French Saint-Cyr Military Academy, and Mr. Major General have an undisguised dissatisfaction on his face. : "How long will it take for the comprehensive processing center to give up pretending not to see that the end of the world is just around the corner? Why is there still nine temporary strategies for this damn thing? Why is there only three for the stress response model? And! It's almost three minutes! How come the damn hazard prediction and environmental impact estimate haven't come out yet!"

At the same time, the person in charge of the comprehensive processing center was furious at the phone: "There is no reason, there is no reason! This is not a wizard academy! We are just intelligence analysts!"

"What's the cause of the pastor's arthritis? How the hell do I know what? Ask your own doctor! Maybe he can tell what you had arthritis ten years ago just by looking at it!"

"Yeah, I know the damn model is crude, but we only have so much damn time..."

"Woo... woo... woo..." The harsh warning bell and the dark red warning lighted up at the same time.

"Wait! What do I see?... Priest approaching subject... Priest approaching subject! Direct contact! Direct contact!... Bang! Bang bang!"

The microphone flew out heavily, and fell to the ground with the phone, breaking into several pieces.

No one turned their eyes away because of this, and everyone's spirits were instantly concentrated in front of their respective display screens.

Hanging in the middle of the comprehensive processing center, the six-sided celestial phenomena in all directions are synchronously projected: Praia moves quickly and at a speed that can be called flickering in front of Xiaoluosi/Wu Qingchen. The small movements fluctuated slightly, and the lips of the two opened and closed quickly. This situation lasted for about half a minute. Little Rose left the church, and Praia flickered to the front of the altar, stood still for a few seconds, and left the church.

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