Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 30: Shocking and frightening


This sudden idea was very strong. At this time, Huang Zhong was searching for recording resources. There was no sound on the phone for a moment. Wu Qingchen turned his head and looked at Ji Mingming who was sitting next to him, "Officer Ji, the three God, what do you say about me outside?"

"Finally want to know this?" Ji Mingming glanced at Wu Qingchen, raised his eyebrows, but quickly shook his head: "However, you asked the wrong person this question. I have been following you up and down for the past three days Next. I don’t know what the outside world thinks, as far as I can see, you are very unlucky, and I am also very unlucky, to have such a thing happen.”

"This… "

The unlucky Wu Qingchen was once again speechless.

"No need for this emoji, since you've already asked this, we're just moving on to the next part..."

While speaking, Ji Mingming raised his hand, dialed the headset and the controller of the throat intercom, and at the same time moved his throat slightly, and said something to his superiors. After finishing these, Ji Mingming pressed the controller again, Continue to talk to Wu Qingchen: "...Okay, someone will come soon, you can ask carefully then."

"Is someone coming soon?"

"Well, and it's your acquaintance... Chen Wenming, you must be familiar with this name."

The name is indeed familiar.

Chen Wenming and Wu Qingchen's six-year classmate in junior high school and high school have known each other for more than ten years, and they have been each other's introducer for several jobs and colleagues in several companies.

In most cases, such a relationship can already be called close friends. However, Wu Qingchen is born with a personality that cannot be enthusiastic at all.

Living alone since childhood, Wu Qingchen has very few friends, and Chen Wenming is one of them.

Hearing this name, Wu Qingchen's eyes widened immediately: "Chen Wenming? He came to Beijing

"Yes." Ji Mingming nodded to confirm: "It is estimated that the third card has been reached, and we will be here soon."

Finally, a familiar friend was about to appear, and Wu Qingchen suddenly became excited. On the other side of the phone, Huang Zhong was still yelling at the other people in the Internet cafe. When Wu Qingchen picked up the phone and was still thinking about how to end the conversation temporarily, "Tuk tuk..." The door rang three times, and the two The officer opened the door and walked in.

"I'm sorry, Brother Huang, I suddenly have something to do here, let's talk about it next time."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Qingchen turned his head. Behind the two officers was a tall and thin young man with a T-shirt that didn't fit very well, a pair of slacks without a belt or buttons, and a pair of glasses. Also walked into the door.

"Ha, Chen Wenming!"

Wu Qingchen stood up suddenly.

When he just walked into the room, Chen Wenming's face was obviously restrained and hesitant, which is easy to understand, not everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the feeling of "has reached the third card".

Seeing the familiar furnishings in the room, Chen Wenming just felt surprised, and Wu Qingchen also called out his name at the same time.

"Ha, Wu Qingchen! You are really here! This is really... here is really..."

Just like when Wu Qingchen saw this room for the first time, he called out to Wu Qingchen in surprise, Chen Wenming couldn't help looking around, his lips parted for a long time, but in the end he still couldn't accurately express the feeling in his heart.

"Sit, sit down."

In less than three days, the two friends met again. They were already in the capital thousands of miles away, but they were in a room that was almost exactly the same as in Jiang County.

It is conceivable that Wu Qingchen and Chen Wenming both had countless questions and greetings to each other in their hearts due to their respective experiences in the past three days.

However, after a few words of caring for each other in a hurry, Wu Qingchen and Chen Wenming gradually calmed down, losing the interest to continue chatting.

This is partly because both of them are males, so they are not good at performing Xiaobie Sheng's newly married scene, and partly because...

At this moment, apart from Wu Qingchen, Chen Wenming, and Ji Mingming who was already sitting on the sofa, there were four more officers in the room.

And after these four officers and Chen Wenming came in at the same time, they have been standing around Chen Wenming, most of the time with serious faces and motionless, and they managed to make exceptions three times, but they prevented Chen Wenming from holding Wu Qingchen. Outstretched hands; prevented Chen Wenming from sitting beside Wu Qingchen; asked Chen Wenming to immediately put down the dangerous sharp weapon in his hand as if he was facing an enemy——At that time, Chen Wenming had already sat on the sofa at the request of the four people A small bench on the opposite side, at least three meters away from Wu Qingchen, accidentally touched the surface of the small glass coffee table, a bunch of keys that Wu Qingchen had just casually thrown away.

It is conceivable that after the four officers were so dedicated, dedicated, and ready to destroy the atmosphere, the conversation between Chen Wenming and Wu Qingchen quickly became like a mountain waterfall, and the river plummeted.

There was no other way, so Wu Qingchen had no choice but to give up the plan of exchanging warm greetings, and directly asked what was going on outside; what kind of experience Chen Wenming had had in the past three days.

"These three days..." Chen Wenming put his hands flat, covered his knees, and sat upright, "At the very beginning..."

At the very beginning, that is, at 1:27:13 pm on May 8, 2012, Chen Wenming, like Wu Qingchen, was taking a nap at home.

Since the rented house was facing the street, when he was sleeping soundly, suddenly, a loud noise from the street woke Chen Wenming up.

Chen Wenming, who was half asleep and half awake, got up, walked to the window and looked outside, and found that pedestrians stopped on the street, vehicles turned off, and countless heads were looking at the sky.

A second later, Chen Wenming also immediately raised his head and looked up. Without exception, he also saw the real-time projection of astronomical events for the first time, and without exception, he immediately let out an exclamation.

My God, which company is so awesome, the advertisements are all in the sky.

Hey, there seems to be something wrong with this thing? Not tuned? How to fast forward so many times

This was Chen Wenming's reaction when he saw the celestial event for the first time.

Quite a conformist response.

According to Chen Wenming's later understanding, the vast majority of people in the world at that time saw very close first impressions of sky projections, such as videos, movies, advertisements, mirages, and other things that the earth could understand at any rate. At that time, my doubts were mostly focused on why the projection was so fast that it was basically impossible to see clearly.

At that time, because the video was too fast to see clearly, the projection ended in the last ten seconds, and the sky returned to blue sky and white clouds. Although Chen Wenming felt that the bedroom scene that appeared in the projection at the last moment was quite familiar, he did not go into it carefully. Thinking about it, I just looked at it and it was almost time to go to work in the afternoon, so I washed my face and rushed to the company.

After work, Chen Wenming chatted with his colleagues, and the sky projection only accounted for a very small proportion. The vast majority of human beings have no psychology at all about this huge change that can only be counted on the earth in 4.5 billion years. Prepare, and even have no interest in studying immediately at the first time.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, the number of people other than "the vast majority of the earth" is still an extremely large number.

Then, within a few hours, everything started to change.

After get off work, Chen Wenming returned home. After dinner, he habitually sat in front of the computer and connected to the Internet.

Immediately, Tencent, Xunlei, Baofengyingyin, qvod and other software started up, including the habitually opened homepage, and special news about astronomical events popped up at the same time.

The direct cause of these news outbreaks is that after some internet users described the sky anomalies they saw at their location, many users soon said that the same situation occurred at their location. When such a situation covered the entire five Continents, and everyone sees exactly the same content, anyone with a little common sense in optics will find it astonishing.

At the same time as this unusual news broke out, another news broke out on the Internet.

However, the news is no longer surprising.

But panic.

The trajectories of the two news outbreaks are very similar. It is also a network user in a certain place who described an obvious red mark on his lower abdomen for no reason. situation, when such a situation covers almost all the people who are using the Internet...

It is conceivable that the overwhelming news gathered quickly.

At this time, as long as the head is still full of brains, the first reaction is to immediately connect the two messages.

Twenty-seven Surprised and Frightened (Part 2)

When Chen Wenming returned home, the special topics of each website had indeed put the two pieces of news together and placed them in the most prominent position on the website, and at the same time listed the latest news with various sensational headlines.

Among them, hundreds of animal protection organizations announced that the latest research results show that the sky anomaly originated from the wanton hunting of human beings: the mass extinction of wild animals, the imbalance of the earth's environment, and the final judgment of human beings!

Hundreds of them announced the latest research results showing that the sky anomaly originated from large-scale industrialized environmental protection organizations: the Three Gorges Dam interfered with nature, and a large-scale anomaly appeared in the sky above the world.

Among them are hundreds of religious organizations announcing that prophets or miracles have appeared: Prophet appeared, 7 billion stigmata.

Hundreds of them have concluded that China, France, Britain, the United States, Russia, Japan, Germany, Sweden, Iran, Cuba, Pakistan and other countries have carried out experiments with new weapons, calling on the United Nations to intervene immediately.

Among them are hundreds of terrorist groups that have claimed responsibility for the sky anomaly: *Third Mujahideen claimed responsibility for the sky anomaly, Colombian Freedom Youth claimed responsibility for the sky anomaly, Sri Lanka Revolutionary Armed Forces claimed responsibility for the sky anomaly…

Etc., etc…

Below these signs, each topic of the website has attached a complete video of Wu Qingchen's first experience of the medieval world for nearly an hour.

There are tens of thousands of sources of video resources, such as mobile phones, monitors, tablets, psps, notebook cameras, and so on.

Among these resources, each topic is recommended, and it is also the first time Chen Wenming saw it. It was a film company in Finland shooting the location. During the test machine, it was aimed at the side sky, and the video content happened to be shot.

The equipment used by the film company is of course professional shooting equipment. However, the sky anomaly covers the whole world, and there must be more than one professional camera involved in the shooting. However, compared with the videos that have appeared so far, the videos shot by the Finnish film company have all-round advantages:

Finland is located in a high-latitude area, with strong environmental protection and good air quality. At the time, there was no cloud in the sky. At the same time, it is quite crucial that, compared with the content shot by other professional equipment, this video coincided with the test machine, and the angle Accurate, from the appearance of the sky phenomenon to its complete end, complete, without any omission, and always smooth and steady, without any shaking.

It took less than an hour for this video to be uploaded on the Internet. Regardless of online media, traditional media or print media, countless sensitive media around the world immediately contacted the film company and paid a lot of money to reprint the video or use its images. s right.

As a result, before the filming of the Finnish film company had time to start shooting, it had achieved the highest film and television revenue in the history of the earth, and other film companies had to look up to the desperate number of movie viewers - 7 billion.

Since the most complete video has been found, and it was shot with the most professional equipment, when Chen Wenming saw the video, each topic had adjusted it to 30 times slow motion.

The video selected by Chen Wenming, a topic published by a certain portal website, and further processing of the video, there are several key points in these processing, among them: 1:27:28 pm on May 8, 2012--- - That is, when Luo Si/Wu Qingchen fell, the special topic of the website used three layers of red frames to encircle the shooting time of the equipment in the lower right corner in the video, and used the most conspicuous text in the most conspicuous position to mark it intimately : At the same time, 7 billion people on the earth have red marks on their abdomens at the same time.

----Then, in the last part of the video, the sky vision finally appeared in a bedroom, and at the same time a young, sleeping young man appeared, the video was frozen for five minutes, and the young man The place where the saliva flowed out marked a line of black words meaningfully: All this really has nothing to do with me, absolutely nothing to do with it! Do you believe

Do you believe

Do you believe!

What the hell!

Before he had time to think about whether he believed it or not, the moment Chen Wenming saw the sky anomaly in the video and finally fixed the picture, he recognized at first sight that this was a bedroom he was familiar with, and the guy drooling on the bed was a friend of his...

I'm stupid! Isn't this Wu Qingchen!

Without any hesitation, Chen Wenming rushed out of the room shirtless, and rushed all the way to the direction where Wu Qingchen rented.

At least two kilometers away from the destination, Chen Wenming was blocked.

Those who stopped Chen Wenming were three rows of policemen resisting the shields. Near these lines of human walls, there were already thousands of people who also hurriedly arrived and were also stopped by the policemen.

Among these people, the least part is an acquaintance who, like Chen Wenming, has entered the bedroom many times and confirmed Wu Qingchen's identity; The direction, the locals who came to watch the excitement; in the end, of course, there will be thieves who take advantage of the current, peddlers who take advantage of the opportunity to sell goods, reporters who rush in urgently, intelligence personnel who are anxious, professional killers with ulterior motives, and so on...

Regardless of good intentions, malicious intent or unintentional, at this time, two kilometers away from Wu Qingchen's room, at a certain intersection where there is usually a lot of traffic, these crowds all stopped.

Obediently stopped.

No way, behind the three rows of shielded policemen with almost no gaps, five barbed wire fences at least two meters high and three meters wide were pulled up. The sky above the ten armored vehicles, as long as there are more than three floors nearby, are full of heavily armed soldiers, and there are at least a dozen helicopters circling in the sky.

This kind of big scene that can only be seen in war movies on weekdays, Chen Wenming failed to recover from the stunned state for a full ten minutes.

Afterwards, after noticing that a few spectators who were yelling or sneaking around were taken away by dozens of powerful and nimble men, Chen Wenming quickly left the intersection and returned to his room quickly.

At this time, the time was already 7:30 pm on May 8, 2012.

The assassination in the Great Hall is over, Wu Qingchen has accepted the experiment, confirmed the identity of the subject of the Tianxiang event, and has entered the dream world for the second time unintentionally.

The situation is too urgent, the scope of coverage is too wide, the number of people involved is too large, and the news spreads quickly.

Back home, the lower right corner of Chen Wenming's computer screen, which had not been turned off, was crowded with pop-up windows of various software.

Due to the changes in the Great Hall, after only an hour of going out, when he re-logged on the Internet, the content Chen Wenming saw had undergone earth-shaking changes.

It is very difficult to find a new reason for a new situation within an hour. Most environmental protection organizations, animal organizations and other niche sects have disappeared;

The sky vision is not an independent individual event. Wu Qingchen has confirmed that once he is hurt, he will share it with all human beings around the world, and this situation has to continue into a strange medieval dream. Various religious organizations began to speak vaguely, and Wu Qingchen's status also Downgraded from a prophet to an auspicious auspicious fortune;

As high as 99% of the UN resolutions were passed, peace organizations began to question the sudden alliance of the five big gangsters on the earth, there must be a conspiracy;

There was a sudden change in the Great Hall, and the direct murder of 7 billion human beings on the earth took place. Among the dozen or so terrorist organizations that originally claimed to be responsible for the sky vision:

*The Third Jihad Corps, the Colombian Freedom Youth Army, and the Sri Lankan Revolutionary Armed Forces suddenly and urgently announced that there were typos in the previous speech, and everything was a misunderstanding;

In the Federation of Progressive People of Syria, the leader who was originally ranked second suddenly announced that the original leader of the organization had not gone through the election process, and the leadership was not legal. In addition, the first thing the second leader came to power was to immediately announce that the previous astronomical incidents were all in charge of the original leader, and had absolutely absolutely nothing to do with himself and the Syrian Progressive People's Federation;

As for other terrorist organizations, no new "terrorist official" information has been released for the time being. However, Internet users in several areas where terrorist organizations are active have expressed that just half an hour/quarter of an hour/minutes/seconds ago, their own Suddenly, a large number of helicopters/armored vehicles/fighters/heavily armed soldiers appeared in the area, and the sound of large-scale exchange of fire/bombing/aircraft whistling/vehicle marching/screaming was heard.

Browsing through these various, contradictory, and at the same time all important and conclusive news, recalling the scene two kilometers away from Wu Qingchen's house, Chen Wenming already understood that it was just At this very moment, right next to me, a certain historic event is going on.

Quickly opening and closing one page after another, the time slowly reached 0 o'clock in the morning, and suddenly, Chen Wenming's mobile phone placed in front of the computer desk sent out reminders of new text messages one after another.

Turning on the phone, Chen Wenming received text messages from China Mobile, China Meteorological Administration, China Earthquake Administration, Hunan Provincial General Office, Jiangxian County Government and other departments, all of which were similar in content:

Due to cosmic radiation/climate anomalies/sunspot outbreaks/coastal typhoon landing/continental plate movement, etc., please try not to go out during the time period from 12:00 this evening to 9:00 tomorrow morning, and stay at home in advance Rest, if you must go out, please pay close attention to personal safety, especially drivers of various vehicles, absolutely pay attention to the distance between vehicles, and slow down as much as possible;

In addition, for industries such as high-altitude operations, surgeons, outdoor adventures, skilled workers, etc., if it is not a last resort, you must try to arrange the work during this period during the day as much as possible. For work that cannot be postponed, please be mentally prepared. Some panicked due to cosmic radiation/climate anomalies/sunspot eruption/coastal typhoon landing/slight sting/slight injury caused by continental plate movement, and avoid unnecessary accidents.

Undoubtedly, receiving such an urgent notice shows that in various media reports, the content that Wu Qingchen's health is directly connected with the health of 7 billion human beings and that he will soon re-enter the medieval world is indeed correct.

The moment he received these messages, Chen Wenming cursed like the nearly five billion people around the world who were suddenly notified by means of TV news, mobile phone text messages, radio reminders, patrol cars honking their horns, and so on.

----As for the remaining two billion, if they are not asleep at this time, they must be running freely in the African prairie, or fighting in the fierce fighting in the Middle East, small injuries or stings, for these people As far as jolly fellows are concerned, it's nothing short of trivial.

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