Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 32: New jobs (below)


"New job? What new job?"

Hearing Ji Mingming's words, Wu Qingchen paused slightly.

new job? I can still work? Are you responsible for receiving more and more professional training

"No, you're wrong." Compared with Wu Qingchen, Mr. Ji Mingming's observation skills are much sharper, and he can see Wu Qingchen's doubts at a glance, "It's a very routine job, and it must be very suitable for it. you… "

"...Okay, let's hurry up..." Speaking of this, Ji Mingming pressed his earplugs, and quickened his pace: "The upper part is ready."

Wu Qingchen finally returned to the ground after passing through three checkpoints composed of dozens of soldiers with live ammunition, passing through two two-way sealed electronically controlled scanning corridors, and then transferring to several elevators.

A long line of convoys that had already been ignited was already waiting at the gate, and the bus that Wu Qingchen took once yesterday stopped at the closest location.

Several people walked into the bus, and the two officers standing at the door pointed out their seats one by one. Wu Qingchen sat in the front in the middle, in a row alone. Next to him were Ji Mingming and Jiang Fengming, whose eyes were almost blood red. A well-proportioned, sharp-eyed security guard, Chen Wenming sat at the end with four authentic military officers beside him, and the rest of the seats were occupied by dozens of experts from various industries that Wu Qingchen had known on the bus the day before.

"Officer Ji..." The car door closed, and the convoy immediately started smoothly. Jiang Fengming rubbed his eyes vigorously, and touched Ji Mingming next to him, "In the original plan, now it should be a comparative review. Look, can you use the time reasonably?" ?”

Ji Mingming didn't answer immediately, but pointed slightly with his left hand, motioning Jiang Fengming to look at the seat next to him.

In the seat next door, Wu Qingchen closed his eyes, raised his head slightly, and rested his head on the cushion of the seat. Both of them are people who are very good at observing words and expressions. It is easy to see that Wu Qingchen seems to be resting , but his hands were unconsciously clenched into fists, his muscles were tense, and his brows were tightly squeezed together, obviously contemplating.

"To be honest, I don't really understand many parts of the No. 17 backup plan, and I don't understand what is interpersonal communication, communication and emergency training, and I don't understand why the higher-ups asked me to be in charge of this..."

Speaking of this, Ji Mingming slowly shook his head, "However, if the case is usually received, if the target has just touched personal belongings, met the communication requirements, and then learned part of the external situation, let me say, at this time, It is better to let the target be quiet."

"You are an expert, you decide." Jiang Fengming sighed slightly, opened the document at hand, and soon frowned deeply, "... I will arrange it later. I really can't squeeze the time, so I can only Give up on that."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Fengming put down the document and looked at his watch habitually. Ji Mingming also glanced at it by the way: "It's okay, think about it again. Anyway, this plan still has one hour and fifteen minutes."

Five minutes passed, and the convoy began to slow down slowly.

Wu Qingchen slowly opened his eyes. Outside the bus, where the convoy passed by, there was a blue sky, white clouds, rolling hills, green grass, gurgling streams, and towering mountains.

Isn't this the place where we trained yesterday

Thinking about the security level of yesterday's resting place and the convenience of being away from this training place, Wu Qingchen quickly understood that pulling himself here from the center of Beijing must have gone through careful consideration and detailed planning.

Soon, Wu Qingchen realized the huge difference between her "careful consideration and detailed planning" and the country's "careful consideration and detailed planning".


Climbing up a hill, the convoy came to a slow stop. Before the doors could be opened, Wu Qingchen, who had a completely open view, immediately let out a cry of surprise.

At the bottom of the hillside, in the endless wilderness, countless forklifts, forklifts, excavators, bulldozers, cranes, road rollers and other large equipment are operating. Between these large equipment, there are endless trucks along the temporary roads. Driving fast, and among the deserted mountains, densely packed soldiers carrying various tools on their backs are doing various civil engineering operations.

Just below Wu Qingchen, less than 50 meters away, a bulldozer was leveling the ground. Dozens of soldiers in uniform were carrying thorns, shovels, or Holding a hoe and using such and other tools, he quickly opened up a piece of farmland and erected a fence. At the same time, dozens of other soldiers followed behind him, carrying out a bunch of bundles from the trailers of several pickup trucks next to him. The light green crops were put into the pits dug by the soldiers in front.

A little farther away, it was originally a flat land. Two excavators and a long line of trucks cooperated to dig a long trench out of the muddy land that was originally integrated, and flowing water was drawn from somewhere. At the same time, dozens of soldiers reinforced the embankment, compacted the soil, and forcibly created a stream. The upstream of this fresh stream has already completed similar treatment. The densely packed soldiers are either covered with pebbles, or Covered with aquatic plants, or covered with stone slabs, several soldiers even worked together to carry small baskets, and poured out one small fish after another. A new stream has already looked decent.

Looking around, in Wu Qingchen's field of vision, there are countless places like this. Overnight, what used to be an outing place with green mountains and green waters turned into a busy construction site in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, the efficiency of this construction site is extremely high, and the results are extremely astonishing. Standing on the hillside, looking at several sites that have been half-constructed, Wu Qingchen understood the purpose of this major renovation in only half a minute.

Fifty meters away, the soldiers quickly planted a field of light green crops, isn't it the green wheat field of Freeman's family in the medieval world

Seventy meters away, excavators and forklifts are working together to dig a curved trench, isn't it exactly the same as the stream to the east of the village

A hundred meters away, the two logs that a dozen soldiers were struggling to erect were the wooden bridges that I often crossed when I went home

From near to far, from high to low, from top to bottom, from stream to farmland, from crops to trails, from a cobblestone to a bush, in front of this huge construction site that can't be seen as far as the eye can see, it is being planted one by one Wood, one house, one water, one field and one road copy all the layout of Aikeli Village in the Middle Ages.

A day ago, Wu Qingchen had just arrived here, and before he started receiving training, he felt that the environment here was very close to the medieval world; now, Wu Qingchen realized that it might not be long before he stood here, It will be exactly the same as standing in the medieval world.

"It's really... really..."

It took a long time, and Wu Qingchen couldn't find a suitable description.

"... Spectacular. Isn't it?" Ji Mingming finished speaking, stepped on the muddy ground under his feet, and pointed to a place about 300 meters away. There were no soldiers or vehicles around, and it was incompatible with the surrounding hot environment. "Come on, brother in the morning, let's go over and experience a new job."

In the direction Ji Mingming pointed, there were two tall trees and a few scattered bushes, and there was an inconspicuous wooden house.

Regardless of the distribution of plants or the low and simple wooden houses, they are exactly the same as Wu Qingchen's "home" in the medieval world.

Walking down the hillside and entering the construction site, Wu Qingchen quickly noticed another very unusual place.

"Officer Ji, why is it so quiet here?"

This statement is actually very inaccurate. Walking into this construction site, Wu Qingchen did hear the sound of many machines being operated, trucks running, and stones colliding with each other.

However, compared with the usual construction site that Wu Qingchen entered, the sounds Wu Qingchen heard at this time were quite slight and scattered. In this huge construction site, everywhere was in full swing, countless places started working at the same time, and densely packed machines were operating together. The situation is extremely mismatched.

"Have you added noise reduction equipment? I don't know much about this..." Walking in front, Ji Mingming waved his hands, "However, you will have to train here later, and the volume will probably be lowered by then."

will be smaller...

A long time ago, Wu Qingchen once read a novel, the title of which he can't remember, but there is a line about power in this novel, Wu Qingchen has always remembered it quite clearly:

Powerful power can move mountains and seas with a wave of hands, and naturally moisturizes things silently when it is quiet.

There is no reason, Wu Qingchen feels that at this moment, this sentence is the most accurate description of this construction site, or the power of the country.

Walking to the door of the "home" in the medieval world, there were already more than a dozen people in different clothes standing in the room. They had probably been notified long ago. No one was surprised to see Wu Qingchen and his party. A middle-aged man in a shirt immediately greeted them. up.

"Mr. Wu, I'm Mu Tianlan, the person in charge of Lot No. 35. Here are a few things I need to consult with you."

While talking, Mu Tianlan waved, and a young man wearing glasses came over and motioned for Wu Qingchen to go to the wooden wall where the crops were placed in the depths of the wooden house.

"Mr. Wu, this area is usually stacked with crops. This environment must have a certain impact on the wood of the wooden wall. At the same time, due to the stacking of crops, the sky video cannot clearly see the specific situation of this area. However, in the medieval world, doing When I was helping you, you once pushed aside this pile of crops. Due to the angle, the video did not show this piece. Mr. Wu, please take a look, when you pushed aside the crops... "

Speaking of which, the young man wearing glasses opened the folder in his hand and displayed five pictures of wood with different colors, different tides, and different decay conditions. "...What kind of state is the wooden wall seen?"

"En..." After pondering for a while, Wu Qingchen pointed to the second picture.

"Okay... thank you very much." The young man immediately drew a big circle on the second picture, closed the folder and walked back to the crowd. At the same time, another middle-aged man came over.

"Mr. Wu..." The middle-aged man led Wu Qingchen to the side of the bed, "It's because of the angle, we have not been able to grasp the situation under the bed, now please take a look..."

The middle-aged man also opened a folder, which contained nine pictures of different situations such as netting, ash, mold, etc., "...what kind of situation is this here?"

"This..." Wu Qingchen clicked on the fifth picture after recalling for ten seconds.

"Okay... thank you very much." There was a big circle on the fifth picture.

In the next ten minutes, Wu Qingchen walked around the wooden house a few times, and everyone's folders were added a few times. After doing this, Ji Mingming pointed to the door, and a group of people walked out of the room.

"Officer Ji, is this my new job?" Wu Qingchen immediately asked after walking out the door.

"This is part of your new job." Ji Mingming nodded, then shook his head again.

"I know that only I can see these places, but what's the use of doing so carefully?" Wu Qingchen was a little suspicious.

"This..." Ji Mingming didn't answer directly, but turned around and waved to Mu Tianlan, "Director Mu, this is your major, you can tell him."

"Mr. Wu." Mu Tianlan walked over, "The several positions I asked you about just now are not for the sake of nitpicking, but because they are really important. For example, stacking crops in the corner will definitely cause damp and decay, but according to the age Different from the situation, the impact on these crops is also different. If these crops are food, will they deteriorate seriously? Will they breed a lot of bacteria? If they are pastures, will they reproduce parasites? Will they damage nutrition? Harm livestock healthy?"

"Also... According to observations, families in the medieval world basically did not have the awareness of cleaning, and the bed is an extremely important place for the human body to rest. The environmental hygiene around it has a key impact on personal health. The specific situation has crucial reference significance for the aspect of life and health, and for the room of the living environment, what kind of measures should be taken in the next step."

"in addition… "

"Okay, let's do this first. The specific situation will be discussed in the conference room."

Ji Mingming interrupted with a wave of his hand, and led Wu Qingchen away. After getting some distance from the crowd, he noticed that Wu Qingchen still had some disapproval on his face. Is there anyone you want to find? At present, there are so many people who come to give you staff analysis, room details and other things, you can definitely find out the answer. Now I will arrange a job like this for you, just because you just lost your job, the state will give you You offer a consolation prize?"

Wu Qingchen lowered his head slightly and did not speak.

"If you think so, you're dead wrong."

Ji Mingming shook his head vigorously, "Brother, you have to know, first of all, only you can see many details of your own dreams, and the current state of the earth, as you have heard from your friends, is not ordinary. If you can add a bit of information now, you will be more confident in dealing with it in the future. The details you have mastered cannot be overemphasized."

"Also..." Speaking of this, Ji Mingming glanced back, "As I said just now, this is just part of your job."

"Anything else?"

"Do you know the position of your new job?...Come on, let me read it to you..." Ji Mingming took out a crumpled page of documents from the pocket of his police uniform, dipped in some saliva and flipped through them, and soon found the one he missed. Content: "The restoration project team of the medieval world, deputy chief designer, responsible for the environment layout of the medieval world, and the restoration of the characters of the medieval world."

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