Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 33: actors


"The layout of the environment is what I did just now, right?" Wu Qingchen took a cursory look at the document Ji Mingming handed over, and quickly found the location where Ji Mingming's saliva was smeared: "What do you want to restore the characters for?"

"It's hard to explain at once. Simply put, the work at this stage should be more similar to picking a role."

"Choose a role?"

"Does the director know?" Ji Mingming stretched out his hand and waved, gesturing to outline the appearance of the house, "In a room, the actors come in a row, and the director looks at them one by one, and raises his hand when he is almost done: Ka, just this."

This is a camera, right

Wu Qingchen secretly slandered, pointing to the surroundings, "...will people live in this village in the future? Everyone in the medieval world chooses a corresponding one to play?"

"Right, otherwise, how can we call it the restoration project team?"

"Is this for...for rehearsal?" Wu Qingchen quickly remembered that when she received training the day before, she had a rehearsal of conversations and facial expressions for certain people in the medieval world, especially priests. There will be more exercises like this in the future, "But, does this need me?"

"What?" Ji Mingming turned around, as if he didn't understand what Wu Qingchen meant.

Wu Qingchen can understand that he is responsible for the environment layout. Just like what Mu Tianlan said, due to the angle, there are many details in the medieval world, which cannot be reflected by the sky projection. In these places, the entire earth can only be seen clearly by himself.

However, through some way that the earth can't understand now, the sky projection always directly penetrates the roof, trees, water surface and other inanimate objects that block the image of Wu Qingchen or other characters in the medieval world, that is to say, no matter the room, the woods Neither the environment nor the crop clumps will prevent the earth from observing the characters of the medieval world from the celestial images.

Under such circumstances, there are so many staff groups, analysis groups, expert groups, etc., adding up to millions of experts in various industries...

Can one's own eyes compare to so many people's? Do you need to be responsible for the restoration of the characters yourself, and choose actors to play the roles of the medieval world

"Yes, very much."

After hearing Wu Qingchen's doubts, Ji Mingming shook his head, but gave an affirmative answer, then quickened his pace and walked to the front.

Climbing up the hillside again, and following behind Ji Mingming, Wu Qingchen and his party walked tens of meters away to a simple house that also rose from the ground overnight.

The area of the house is quite large, about four to five hundred square meters. There is no partition in the middle. The whole room is arranged like a large conference hall, with many rows of seats at the front and several long metal tables on the inside.

Most of these seats are already occupied. On both sides of the long metal table on the inside are soldiers or experts that Wu Qingchen has seen the most these days, and in the long row of seats at the front...

Wu Qingchen forcefully opened his eyes.

The characters in more than a dozen rows of long seats at the front, and the part near the metal long table, are all wearing robes, wooden shoes on their feet, and hoods on their heads. The part of the table was even more miserable, most of the clothes were full of holes, the feet were bare, and the thing on top of the head was not so much a hat as a tattered rag.

Seeing this, Wu Qingchen immediately realized that this must be another part of Ji Mingming's new job brought him here to experience: restoring characters and choosing roles.

Let me go, how much do you want to choose

While walking towards the long metal table on the inside, Wu Qingchen looked around and quickly saw that the actors in the long seats on both sides were about every four to five actors corresponding to a character from the medieval world, arranged according to family blood and relationship into one piece, and then sorted by residence location...


Thinking of this, Wu Qingchen sniffled involuntarily, and looked again from the bench at the entrance to the seat beside her.

Then read it again.

No wonder I saw the seating arrangement right away!

After watching it twice from the beginning, Wu Qingchen suddenly realized why it looked so familiar to him just now.

The medieval world was a dirty and backward world, without the concept of hygiene and cleanliness at all. In this world, the aboriginals with better family conditions were also a mobile garbage dump, and the aborigines with poorer families were simply a creepy open room. virus database.

But at this moment, sitting on both sides of Wu Qingchen, the actors in the long seats, their dirty robes, grease on their faces, tangled hair, and blackened teeth, Wu Qingchen didn't notice the make-up and props at all. These things are exactly the same as all kinds of garbage that Wu Qingchen saw in his dreams, they were copied directly from the medieval world, and even had a smell of sweat that Wu Qingchen was quite familiar with.

Wu Qingchen can be sure that if any of the actors in front of him is selected to go out to film, there is absolutely no need for "excellent acting skills" or "good appearance".

While clicking his tongue secretly, Wu Qingchen had already walked into the conference hall, or the inner side of the audition room. Ji Mingming signaled Wu Qingchen to sit down at the reserved seat in front of the long metal table, and a middle-aged man in a beige shirt stood up. stand up.

"Mr. Wu, I'm Hou Buyi. I'm currently in charge of the initial review of character restoration. According to the arrangement, there are three training subjects that need to be rehearsed in the afternoon, involving seven subjects from the medieval world. Now please decide on the final character."

After finishing speaking, Hou Buyi nodded in the direction of the actors' seats, and the four actors immediately stood up and walked towards Wu Qingchen's seat.

After only two glances, Wu Qingchen immediately opened his mouth slightly.

The four actors who walked up had a big hole in the same position on the chest of the four cloth robes, their eight black legs were covered with mud, and all four faces had a sad expression that they were not full. Wu Qingchen could tell at a glance that they were playing Isaacson, a bachelor who lived in a hut by the stream.

Now, when the four actors walked over, their left feet were slightly bent, their backs were slightly hunched, and their heads were raised and lowered, exactly as Isaacson walked in the medieval world.

no? Do I still need to choose? Can I choose this

Wu Qingchen couldn't help turning his head, and looked at the police officer Ji Mingming who was watching with great interest.

Noticing Wu Qingchen's gaze, Ji Mingming turned his head slightly, signaling Wu Qingchen to continue watching.

Sure enough, the four of them walked to a distance of about three meters from Wu Qingchen and stopped together. At the same time, Hou Buyi waved again, and another beggar stood up in the actor's seat... no, an actor.

The new actor plays Shaban, the second son of Richard's family, in the medieval world, about two kilometers away from Wu Qingchen's "home" wooden house.

However, the role played by the new actor does not seem to be important at this time, because "Saban" stepped out of his seat, stood about ten meters away from the four "Isaacsons", and then stopped without other actions.

Hou Buyi nodded again. Immediately, the four "Isaacsons" turned their left feet slightly, their backs slightly hunched, their heads moved up and down, and they walked towards "Shaban" at the same time, and turned back after walking ten meters away.

Seeing this scene, Wu Qingchen frowned slightly, and had a vague understanding in his mind.

This is not the end. Looking at Wu Qingchen, Hou Buyi waved again, and the third son of Richard's family "Fred" also walked out of the seat and stood next to his elder brother "Shaban". Then, the four " "Isaacson" raised his foot again, and walked past "Fred" and "Saban" one by one, leaving a gap between them.

"I see!" Wu Qingchen immediately stood up, pointing to the second actor on the left who played "Isaacson", "He is the closest to Isaacson."

Immediately, the second "Isaacson" from the left stood up and walked to another long metal table. An officer immediately gave up his seat, and several experts immediately began to communicate with the confirmed actor. At the same time, The remaining three "Isaacsons" walked down the platform calmly, and sat back to their original positions upright.

"Understood?" Ji Mingming looked up at Wu Qingchen.


Wu Qingchen nodded. Although the four "Isaacsons" were very similar in terms of clothing, demeanor, and walking posture, when this gentleman met other people while walking, especially when there were more than one person, this gentleman often couldn't get enough to eat. The single man in his life will always habitually touch his bosom for the next day's hard work, a little bit of poor food.

In this way, for the next half hour or so, Wu Qingchen decided on seven subjects involving the medieval world for the three projects that needed to be rehearsed in the afternoon.

After completing these, Ji Mingming looked at his watch, and led Wu Qingchen out of the large conference hall where auditions were temporarily arranged.

At this time, Jiang Fengming, with red eyes, led a large group of officers and staff officers, and came to the door at some time, standing about ten meters away from the two of them.

"Okay, Brother Qingchen..." Walking out of the room, Ji Mingming first raised his head in Jiang Fengming's direction, raised his wrist and pointed to his watch, then turned around and smiled at Wu Qingchen, "We only have three minutes left. How are you, are you feeling okay this morning?"

"Thank you, Officer Ji."

This thank you, Wu Qingchen is absolutely sincere, from the heart.

Although I don't know the purpose, but for Wu Qingchen, it wasn't until today, when he woke up just now and was accompanied by Ji Mingming, that Wu Qingchen finally saw his things again, resumed phone contact, and even saw his friends;

Moreover, until today, after the extremely arduous labor reforms in the medieval world, there is almost no rest when returning to the earth. Immediately, there is intense training, intense training, intense training, and then Wu Qingchen, who is still intensely training, finally has nearly two years. Hours of relatively easy time.

"It's okay." Hearing Wu Qingchen's gratitude, Ji Mingming waved his hands and smiled, "Looking at you, it seems that you still have some opinions on the new job?"

"Well, it doesn't feel right."

Just now, Wu Qingchen indeed selected the character closest to the archetype of the medieval world from among the four or five actors whose expressions and movements are extremely similar. Most of Wu Qingchen's basis for completing this difficult task is the subtle differences in how the actors play the role of the natives of the medieval world when they communicate with each other.

However, Wu Qingchen still feels that there are millions of professionals who keep an eye on the medieval world all day long, and there must be tens of thousands of experts who are responsible for the details of indigenous exchanges in the medieval world. The combined power of so many people is even better.

"you are wrong."

After hearing Wu Qingchen's thoughts, Ji Mingming shook his head, with a rare serious expression on his face: "Brother Qingchen, your thinking has gone into a misunderstanding. Every object in the Middle Ages has thousands of experts who specialize in it." There is nothing wrong with being responsible for the analysis. In this way, it is indeed guaranteed to obtain a fairly accurate and thorough analysis result for every object in the medieval world."

"However, if you think about it from another angle, from the perspective of individuals, no matter how many people have thousands of hands, they still have to be completed by one person in the end. Some study behaviors, some study expressions, some study movements, and some study communicate, and finally put them all together to form a result. However, human beings are not computers, and their heads cannot be directly connected. No matter how two heads communicate, no matter what tacit understanding there is, it is only two heads in the end, and it is impossible to combine all ideas. Squeeze together."

"The analysis results are the same. The more individual and smaller the individual, the more accurate and thorough the results. But once it involves multiple people and involves communication, such a model will show limitations and errors will increase. The bigger it is. Just now when you were asked to choose a role, it only involved communication between two or three people, and only one or two of the four actors out of the preliminary review were qualified."

"But… "

"I know what you want to say..." Ji Mingming interrupted directly, "That's right, the situation just now, the communication between two or three people, the additional manpower assigned to the staff center, the key breakthroughs, and the few small details you just pointed out can definitely be discovered But, what if twenty or thirty people are involved? Two or three hundred people? , what is it?"

"There are not even two thousand people in Akeli Village."

"Mr. Wu..." Ji Mingming shook his head slowly, "Your future is extremely broad, it is impossible to stay in Aikeli Village forever, and two to three thousand is just a small number. Moreover, the ultimate goal of this new job Definitely not for selecting characters. At a certain point, in the medieval world, once your decision involves hundreds or thousands of people, the plan that the staff team rushes out will definitely be riddled with holes, and the entire earth will be able to find mistakes and adjust them in time Only you."

"Because, in the past eight hours, you have spent a full ten days in the medieval world alone. This kind of experience, this kind of experience, especially the understanding of people and the medieval world, you are far ahead of the whole world. The front of the earth's 7 billion human beings."

Speaking of this, Ji Mingming gently stroked the watch on his left hand, "It is said that the most precious thing in the world is time, Mr. Wu, it takes ten days to close your eyes, maybe it is a burden to you now, and it may not be impossible to change in the future." a valuable opportunity.”

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