Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 35: Chapter First crisis


Training is not pleasant.

Before Ji Mingming's figure disappeared, Jiang Fengming, who was leading a large group of people, approached quickly, and before he stopped, his voice came over: "Good morning, Mr. Wu, time is precious, so I won't say more. Today's first subject is... "

With these words, Wu Qingchen's activity rhythm instantly returned to the usual frequency of the past few days in the earth world.

Training is not complicated either.

Most of the training in the morning is the content that has already been touched, such as the correct way to hold a wooden shovel, the arrangement of traps, the moving posture to prevent grass from being cut, the correct placement of fallen leaves and dead branches to prevent smoke, etc., etc. According to Wu Qingchen's problems encountered in the past ten days of life and work in the medieval world, further consolidate the previously learned content and correct some incorrect details;

The training in the afternoon was a little fresher. During the emergency training at night on the first day, the expert group taught Wu Qingchen to make some simple tools or to make some improvements to the original agricultural tools in the medieval world. For the first time, Wu Qingchen had slightly processed the hand palladium at that time, and in the next twenty days, Wu Qingchen had almost no practice at all.

The reason is also very helpless.

When Wu Qingchen was trained at night for the first time, the astronomical event had just happened, and the emergency training arrangements were extremely hasty. Regardless of materials, manpower, environment, or the state and psychology of the participants, all aspects of preparation were extremely lacking.

When carrying out the training subjects on improving tools, although the experts at that time had repeatedly reminded themselves that the medieval world was a world with extremely backward civilization and extremely scarce materials, they tried to use the simplest tools and search for the most common materials during the training. , try to choose the fastest way...

However, the lack of information, the lack of preparations in all aspects, the thinking of experts and these "as far as possible", are still inevitably affected by past experience and knowledge of the earth.

If everything went smoothly, this hastily drawn plan, the tools for prediction, the materials selected, and the real situation of the medieval world all have more or less differences.

Life on earth is rich and fast-paced, and the medieval world is under heavy pressure, but day after day, the mind is closed, and the problems encountered by the parents may not be solved in time when the next generation of sons come out;

The earth has a variety of high-precision and cutting-edge instruments. In the Middle Ages, wood was the most important material, and stone was the most common tool;

The earth's transportation industry is well developed, and special products from different regions of the world can reach any corner of the earth within a week. The environment of the medieval world is closed, and communication is rare. Most of the indigenous people will never see the scenery outside the village;

The earth has advanced productivity and abundant materials. A lump of five kilograms of iron in the medieval world is the property accumulated by a family of five for a lifetime;

Entering such a world, although Wu Qingchen is full of improvement plans for labor tools and ways to improve labor efficiency, but there is no bamboo for weaving baskets, no wheels for carts, no knives for wheels, and no iron materials for knives. I have to look and sigh, in vain.

It was not until the afternoon of this day that the training team restarted the subject content of item manufacturing once again, combining all the data collected by the earth from the medieval world.

Compared with the first day of night training, the training group taught Wu Qingchen that the objects to make were much simpler. Of course, at the same time, they closely followed Wu Qingchen's needs and the conditions that the medieval world actually had.

The content of this aspect lasted about three hours.

At the end of the manual course, considering Wu Qingchen's most important goal of "status improvement" in the near future, the training team arranged for Wu Qingchen to further study a lot of common sense about religion, the reasons for beliefs, the skills of interacting with priests, the memory skills of religious classics, etc. theological content.

At the end of the cultural course, the sun had already set, and they returned to the underground security area. After dinner, they closed their eyes and took a rest while listening to religious classics played in high-quality sound. After half an hour of brief adjustments.

Wu Qingchen began to receive the second combat training.

Of course, this statement is not entirely accurate. According to the opinions of the expert group, through the analysis of the current situation, Wu Qingchen will not encounter direct physical threats for a long time. Moreover, in the medieval world, most of Wu Qingchen's actions were planned by the staff team after many careful deduction, which must have basically eliminated the possibility of encountering wild beasts and running into thieves.

Regardless of the current situation or the long-term perspective, what Wu Qingchen needs most is not horse riding, swordsmanship, and spear fighting abilities, but cooking, scientific labor, and sleeping skills, which can make life more comfortable.

However, all precautions are taken before they happen, and no one can completely predict the future. In order to allow Wu Qingchen to avoid sudden emergencies, fighting training is still included in Wu Qingchen's training subjects.

On the other hand, Wu Qingchen's body in the earth world is also related to the health of all human beings. Combat training is definitely impossible to choose the high-intensity and brutal training of the army or the killer industry.

It was also impossible for Wu Qingchen to learn special skills such as one-hit kills, iron head skills, and chest smashing. Most of the fighting content arranged by the training team for Wu Qingchen was skill-based and focused on his own safety.

Among these contents, some of the most vicious and dangerous actions always seemed familiar to Wu Qingchen.

However, regarding this point, the coaches of the training group denied it one after another, kept tight-lipped, and resolutely refused to tell Wu Qingchen. In fact, this is indeed the content of the program that is often broadcast on TV, that is, after further careful processing, most of the dangerous actions have been changed. of…

A weakened version of…

Women's wolf defense.

It is conceivable that this kind of fighting training is not so much for Wu Qingchen to learn to fight, but rather for the staff to worry about Wu Qingchen's health in the earth world and ask Wu Qingchen to do certain exercises after meals to exercise his body.

After half an hour like this, they received more than a dozen other messy training subjects. Around twelve o'clock, Wu Qingchen walked into the rest room, everyone backed out, and Wu Qingchen slowly closed his eyes.

Outside the door, at the same time, Jiang Fengming turned around, and a staff officer immediately handed over the summary of each subject that had just received the third training.

While walking towards his office, Jiang Fengming quickly opened the file, and the first thing he saw was the analysis of the implementation of the 17th backup plan led by Ji Mingming:

"... In summary, our department believes that through the implementation of the 17th backup plan, the target's interpersonal communication training and communication contingency training have achieved the expected results. At the same time, according to the analysis, this plan will help the target to further develop a sense of belonging and a certain Sense of responsibility, it is recommended to keep it. And Ji Mingming (police, number, temporary office number of astronomical events) continue to lead."


When Jiang Fengming saw this, he also walked back to the office.

At the same time, the Middle Ages World January 20, 0001 at 13:53.

Wu Qingchen, or Ross/William opened his eyes.

Chapter 31: The First Crisis (Part 2)

Medieval world.

Standing on a high place on a small hillside, watching the figures of his father and two elder brothers disappear at another corner, Wu Qingchen's eyes quickly swept around the deserted area, then quickly turned around and walked down the road. up the hillside highlands.

It's time to eat again.

A few minutes later, when Wu Qingchen arrived at the renovated kitchen deep in the woods, a rabbit appeared on his right hand.

This is a lucky rabbit. It has seen advanced hidden traps that are several times ahead of this world, and will soon be able to see advanced cooking techniques that are also several times far beyond this world.

Compared with these two great fortunes, the last bit of luck is hardly worth mentioning: Ten minutes later, it got into the belly of Wu Qingchen, an advanced earthling, and the ending of a brilliant life was completely out of the same category. Buried in the belly of a wolf, dying of old age naturally, hitting a big tree and other ordinary ways to die.

Two minutes later, Wu Qingchen patted his newly filled stomach, put out the fire, covered up the traces, packed up the remains of the rabbit, and put the kitchen utensils back in a hidden place.

The last item to be put back to the hiding place was a small clay pot. Wu Qingchen held it with both hands and stuffed it into the square hole very carefully.

There are two reasons for being so careful:

First of all, this clay pot is ugly in appearance and small in size, and it is not even comparable to the water cups commonly used on the earth. However, it is such a small clay pot that no one wants. The painstaking efforts of all kitchen utensils are equal;

Secondly, at this moment, the small earthenware pot Wu Qingchen held in both hands contained a piece of precious material that Wu Qingchen had worked so hard to collect in the past few days;

The amount of this precious material is very small, and even this small clay pot, which is inferior to a water cup, is only half full. Most of them have turned into light gray sediment at the bottom, and a small part was just collected by Wu Qingchen. A small layer of milky white viscous fluid that is still floating on the surface.

This material looks like the essence of life...

In fact, it is indeed the essence of life...

Using the most ancient materials - viscera, minced meat, animal leather, using the most ancient methods - burning, boiling, and simple filtration, Wu Qingchen obtained this small half-can of precious materials...

Its name is grease.

In the earth world, oil is an important food for human beings, and it is also a very important chemical raw material with a wide range of uses.

Even in the medieval world, no matter how backward and rough the craftsmanship is, Wu Qingchen can at least use the oil to make candles and soaps, so as to completely get rid of the damn darkness in all directions when sneaking out at night; Stinks, stinks, and weird smells.

Of course, the plans of the Earth Staff Group up to the implementation stage must have been carefully considered, with reference to the influence of all aspects, and most of the plans seek to achieve multiple goals at once.

To be able to allow the training team to spend two hours out of the precious training time to teach Wu Qingchen how to extract oil, the goal they want to achieve is definitely not just to solve these two troubles. For now, most of this grease, except for a small part that can really try to make candles and soaps, is for another treasure.

In the medieval world, Wu Qingchen's current body is thirteen or fourteen years old, the age that most needs to strengthen nutrition and pay attention to protection, but living in an extremely backward world, what is even more tragic is that he lives in a remote place that even this world is estimated to be. In the mountain village of Xiaoluosi/Wu Qingchen, it was difficult to even eat enough in the past. When Wu Qingchen fell from the sky, he finally ate meat, and it was often tasteless and unsatisfactory.

What's more, most of the food ingested is meat, and a small part is roughly processed beans. This kind of diet structure is definitely not healthy enough, and it will definitely cause problems in the long run.

For the health of Wu Qingchen and all human beings, the health departments of the staff and analysis team were extremely anxious. They patrolled every plant and tree in the medieval world, looking for nourishing items that could regulate Wu Qingchen's stomach and supplement trace elements.

The efforts of the health department have achieved remarkable results. In just three days, the health department found crabs, dandelions, vipers, tamarinds, sulfur, aluminum ore, Toad... etc. can be used to make not only a nourishing and health food, but also a variety of raw materials that are more than enough to directly produce brain idiots, golden fools, and killers...

Unfortunately, that is the raw material.

It is impossible to eat dandelions and sour horns directly, and Wu Qingchen can't digest sulfur and aluminum ore. As for things like toads and vipers, if any expert suggests arresting them, it is estimated that the next day will add one to the countless missing people in the near future. mantissa.

At the same time, the health department is also very clear that it is very difficult for Wu Qingchen to process the materials discovered by himself.

First of all, Wu Qingchen has never received medical education, and it is very difficult to cook and cook. He collects the ingredients by himself and adjusts the amount of each ingredient accurately. Even if these can be proficient through training, the energy and time it takes to collect these materials will have a great conflict with Wu Qingchen's usual heavy agricultural labor.

As a second-best option, the health department quickly turned to naturally occurring items.

This time, the eyes of countless experts quickly gathered on the same item.

This kind of object generally exists in the branches of various plants, most of which are round and dark in color.

Its name is Honeycomb.

Produced items of honey.

Regardless of the earth or the medieval world, honey is a pure natural healthy food that is directly absorbed by the human body without being digested, especially for teenagers.

It is suitable for thirteen or fourteen-year-old teenagers like Luo Si/Wu Qingchen to nourish their bodies, and it is even more suitable for little Luo Si/Wu Qingchen, who are perennially malnourished and eat unscientific food ingredients to recuperate their bodies.

Able to get the attention of many experts, the medieval world, near the village of Aikeli where Wu Qingchen lives, of course, honeycombs are not uncommon.

Even, at this very moment, just over ten meters away from Wu Qingchen, there is a dark beehive hanging above the branch of a tall arbor tree. Wu Qingchen can see the edge of the beehive without much effort. There are a lot of bees going around.

It's a pity that Wu Qingchen can't take the honey in this honeycomb directly.

This is not because the earth has no way for Wu Qingchen to obtain honey safely,

The aborigines of the medieval world were just backward, not fools. Wu Qingchen knew the function of honey, and so did the aborigines of the medieval world.

That's right, the medieval world did not have the technology of artificially cultivating bees and obtaining honey on a large scale. However, for honey, the natives of the medieval world naturally had their own way.

Most of the beehives on the edge of Akeli village, the tree fork next to it, and the exit of the cave all have a large fork drawn with black charcoal, which indicates that each beehive has been discovered and announced immediately Own ownership!

Among these beehives, two or three places with the largest beehives and the most outstanding bee species were simply ordered by the steward to cut off the branches of the bee nests, and then several people took turns, working day and night, painstakingly Sent to the manor directly under the lord.

It has been more than 20 days since entering the medieval world, and both the earth world and Wu Qingchen have already understood that the most precious thing in this world is all kinds of food, because conflicts caused by food are often accompanied by the sharpest and most intense conflicts in the medieval world.

Under such circumstances, it is conceivable that if Wu Qingchen is not prepared for a life-and-death struggle, it is impossible for Wu Qingchen to obtain honey from the hive that has been declared sovereign.

Fortunately, this man is from the earth, and there are millions of the most professional people on the earth behind him.

It is difficult to obtain wild beehives, so Wu Qingchen spent an hour learning how to make the simplest artificial beehives.

Artificial beehives need to be coated with wax, so Wu Qingchen spent half an hour learning the simplest way to make wax.

Making wax requires oil, so Wu Qingchen spent two hours learning the simplest way to make oil.

Now, the first materials have been collected, and wax making is not difficult. As for the wooden boards and knives needed to make artificial beehives...

Walking back to the high ground on the hillside, Wu Qingchen raised his head slightly. Even though the light was dimming slightly, the tallest building in the village, most of the churches made of stone blocks, still reflected a faint brilliance.

In the medieval world, although iron tools are precious, especially sharp iron tools are rare, according to Wu Qingchen’s recent knowledge of visiting churches every day, as a member of the ruling class, the pastor still has a few pieces of this kind that represent advanced productivity. treasure.

By the way, what did you see just now

Light dimmed a little

Wu Qingchen raised his head, and a gust of wind blew around him, Wu Qingchen suddenly felt a bit of coolness on his face.

I'll fuck it!

What if I make a fuss

What the fuck? ? ? ! ! !

It's raining

It's raining!

It's raining? ? ? ! ! !

Medieval World Time, January 24, 0001, 17:21:49.

Los Jr./William/Wu Qingchen, this man from the earth, ushered in the first rain in the medieval world.

Earth Beijing time, May 11, 2012 at 3:37:25 AM

The people of the earth ushered in the beginning of the first real panic since the astronomical event.

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