Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 41: Blades


The next day, light rain, early morning.

There was a gleam of light in the dark sky, the mountains and forests were still sleeping, and even the wind was gentle and subdued, and it took a long time to make a few whimpering sounds.

The fine raindrops are falling, covering the already gray world with another layer of veil. Among the rolling hills, the dark land is quiet everywhere, only a few small figures move slowly.

This is Wu Qingchen's family.

At this time, Wu Qingchen understood the meaning of the ferocious eyes of his father and brother.

The most profound cruelty is to be cruel to oneself.

At this time, Wu Qingchen also understood that the ancient Chinese peasants invented the words "beautiful cattle and horses", which was not an exaggeration at all, but a true portrayal of the miserable life.

Wu Qingchen is working hard.

On the side of the trail, amidst the mud, in the rotating allotment that was almost soaked into a swamp, Wu Qingchen trudged with difficulty and faltered.

Regardless of the lord's common land or the farmer's allotment, the plowing of the field is the most important farm work throughout the summer. If this major event is not done well, there is almost no need to count on the harvest in the second half of the year.

At such a critical juncture, the only cow in the family was injured, the most important labor force was unable to contribute, and it was facing heavy summer labor. It was impossible to borrow livestock from other villagers. The only way out for the old William's family was:

People live as dry animals.

How strong is a cow? Wu Qingchen didn't know, but Wu Qingchen had watched a video of eighteen adult men and an adult cattle tug-of-war, and the final result was a draw.

That is to say, except for the extremely heavy farm work in Japan, now, this adult cattle is equivalent to the workload of more than a dozen adult men, all of which are shared by Wu Qingchen's family of six.

Yes, a family of six.

The wounded cow shattered all plans of old William, and the life of the family, plowing was in dire straits, food and livelihood for the coming year were most threatened, compared to a day or two of cooking fires, chores Everything becomes trivial.

Early in the morning, mother Jacqueline and ten-year-old Nina also stood in the muddy allotment. Under the big tree next to the allotment, in a basket covered by a rag, the two of them got up in the middle of the night. Hastily prepared food, two clumps of hay were piled up next to the food, and there were two crying children who had just woken up inside.

The miserable situation and loud cries could not attract Wu Qingchen's attention at all.

At this time, Wu Qingchen's eyes were already blurred, his body was heavy, and his body was sticky, and he felt sweat even surpassing the weight of rain.

In the mud, Wu Qingchen leaned forward violently, using all his strength to move his heavy legs and keep up with the slow speed of the plow truck in front of him. At the same time, Wu Qingchen had to concentrate all her mind and try her best to control her trembling arms so that she could firmly grasp the crossbar with both hands and control the direction so that the crooked plow truck would not fall over.

This plow cart is not the property of Wu Qingchen's family either.

Last night, in order to make the progress of plowing the land as fast as possible, old William stuffed some food at random and walked out of the wooden house. Braving the rain, he got into the completely dark field without any light, and spent a lot of time. For three hours, I rolled around in the dark, covered in mud, and got several openings by thorns and stones. I found more than a dozen familiar villagers in a row, and finally borrowed another one after begging hard. plow truck.

With two plow trucks, Wu Qingchen's family was naturally divided into two groups. Old William, Idra, and Jacqueline chose the hard ground on the west side of the lot, and undertook the heaviest labor, but they were already far away. Walking to the front, Grace, Little Nina, and Wu Qingchen in the east fell far behind even though the ground under their feet was soft and they exhausted all their strength.

call... call... call...

Shaking his head vigorously, shaking off the rain and sweat that covered his eyes, Grace and Little Nina shook their bodies in front of them and took a long time to take a step. Both shoulders were strangled by a long rattan rope, which was deep Deep in his robe, Grace, who was used to doing farm work, would change the rattan rope to one shoulder from time to time, while little Nina, who also imitated, had an obvious red bloodstain on both shoulders.


Unknowingly, Wu Qingchen felt sour in his heart, and his eyes that had just shaken off the rain began to blur again, "Nina, let's change it..."

"I... I..." After only uttering one or two words, little Nina's body swayed violently, stopped for a while, and panted heavily for a while. Little Nina finally squeezed out her strength, but she continued intermittently: " I... Brother Ross, I'm fine... no... don't need to change, otherwise we will... even slower... "

This is the third time that little Nina has refused. At the very beginning, Wu Qingchen saw bloodstains on little Nina's shoulder, and Wu Qingchen immediately switched places with Nina. Just secretly added a few pieces of animal leather to the robe, and the rattan rope on the shoulders is only numb, and it will not wear out the skin and cause injury.

However, due to too little work in the field, lack of experience and strength, little Nina could not control the direction, and the plow truck fell down several times, which slowed down the already slow speed a lot.

After this one time, no matter what Wu Qingchen and Grace tried to persuade, Little Nina refused to switch places with Wu Qingchen.

This time was no exception. She frowned, shed tears, and struggled to breathe a few times. Little Nina turned around and put the rattan rope on her shoulders again. …

Looking at little Nina's trembling body, and the red marks on her shoulders that spread instantly again, as if being grabbed by an invisible big hand, Wu Qingchen's heart suddenly twitched.

Suddenly, Wu Qingchen let go of the plow cart abruptly, opened the robe with his left hand, stretched his right hand into his shoulder, and tore off the leather lining that had been sewn into the robe with great difficulty using thorns, fishbone and fine vines. .

The next moment, Wu Qingchen took a few steps forward and stood next to little Nina. As if throwing away a poisonous snake, she vigorously shook off the rattan rope on little Nina's shoulders. A piece of animal leather that was painstakingly forged, and which the staff had solemnly stated countless times, must not be exposed, was spread extremely gently on the little girl's skinned and bloodstained shoulders.

"This… "

Little Nina, who is only ten years old, can't make up a bowl of meat that she has eaten in her life. She doesn't know what is covering her shoulders. She only feels that the soft leather has just been attached to the injured part, and her shoulders are in unbearable pain. Immediately became much lighter.

"This this!… "

Grace, who was about to grow up, immediately recognized the objects in front of him. Seeing these pieces meant encroaching on the interests of the occupiers, violating the laws of the territory, and at the same time, it meant police service, fines, dungeons, beatings, slaves, eating grass, violent death, etc. Waiting for the ominous thing, the tiredness on Grace's face instantly changed to shock and disbelief, and the eyes that suddenly turned to Wu Qingchen were also full of panic and indescribable fear.

"What's up... Grace, Ross..."

From afar, upon noticing the movement here, Old William's hoarse voice came over.

As if a thunderbolt had landed beside him, Grace suddenly heard a voice in a trance, his whole body trembled, and his lips parted involuntarily, "Father... Ross..."

"Cough..." Wu Qingchen coughed hard, took a step forward, blocked Grace's sight, and stared into Grace's eyes.

Living in the simple and closed medieval world, Grace, who is only sixteen years old, certainly does not understand what is a dignified expression and what is a sharp gaze. However, Wu Qingchen, who was frowning tightly in front of her, narrowed her eyes slightly, and straightened her body, made Grace take a step back involuntarily, and her voice also subconsciously lowered.


Wu Qingchen breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and looked in the direction of Old William: "It's okay, Father, Nina got hurt a little, I wiped her off..."

Watching the plow cart start to move forward again in the distance, Wu Qingchen turned around again, touched little Nina's head, and said gently: "After plowing this field, I will return the things... This is our Let’s not tell any of our secrets, neither Idra, nor my parents, okay?”

Speaking of the last few words, Wu Qingchen's eyes slowly turned to Grace.

Involuntarily, together with the much lighter little Nina, Grace nodded slowly, with a slightly dull voice: "Okay."

"Okay... let's get on with it."

Picking up the crossbar again and straightening the plow cart, Wu Qingchen's body leaned forward again.

At this moment, with a "boom", a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, and the dark surroundings suddenly brightened.

Accompanied by the sound of thunder, the rain that fell from the sky instantly became denser, and the raindrops suddenly became larger. The torrential rain fell from the sky. In less than half a minute, Wu Qingchen felt chills on his bare skin in summer, and his eyes blurred again soon. , I can hardly see the mud under my feet.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Crack!"

Just as Wu Qingchen raised his right hand to push aside the rain curtain and wiped the rainwater off his face, another sharp thunderclap suddenly sounded.

In an instant, Wu Qingchen, who was already exhausted and faltering, happened to raise his feet and wipe the water with his hands. Under the violent shock of his mind, his body inevitably lost his balance. After staggering two steps, he finally couldn't Stand still and lean down to the ground.

In the line of sight, a cold light quickly enlarged in front of Wu Qingchen's eyes.



This is the blade of the plow truck!

Oops! Oops! Oops!

In the midst of a crisis, a cold air suddenly rushed straight from Wu Qingchen's spinal cord to his forehead, and the whole world seemed to slow down suddenly. Wu Qingchen opened his eyes desperately, staring at the cold light from the lightning on the blade.

"Los..." "Brother..."

Grace's anxious cry and Nina's mournful scream sounded in his ears.

With all his strength, Wu Qingchen swung his waist suddenly, and turned his head away with all his strength. Half a second later, Wu Qingchen's body finally fell to the ground and fell straight into the muddy lot.

The face is within a fingertip of the blade of the plow truck.





At least two minutes later, Wu Qingchen, still in shock, finally got up.

An uncontrollable fear gripped Wu Qingchen's mind tightly. Wu Qingchen was numb and cold at the same time. It took at least two minutes for Wu Qingchen to slowly touch his whole body.

After a long time, Wu Qingchen was sure that his body was not obviously injured.

He stood there blankly for a long while, looking at the pouring rainwater in the sky, looking at the brothers and sisters splashing water droplets all over their bodies, and looking at the sharp coulters reflecting the cold light.

Wu Qingchen gritted his teeth, and squeezed out the most vicious curse from the edge of his teeth: I am a cowherd of a small size, the eighteen generations of your mother's family will die badly, and they will be reborn in the medieval world forever...


Wu Qingchen looked to both sides without focus.

Wu Qingchen placed his right thumb between his middle finger and ring finger.

Wu Qingchen's head was tilted, and his left foot was propped up.

A minute later, Wu Qingchen received Wu Qingchen's top priority order to wake up urgently. Before Wu Qingchen's eyes, the world made of rain suddenly shook regularly.

Two seconds later, in the earth world, Wu Qingchen opened his eyes.

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