Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 42: National interest


Earth, 22:37 Sierra Leone time.

The Republic of Sierra Leone, the capital Freetown, a temporary prison.

The meaning of the temporary prison is that starting from 20:00 on May 11, 2012, all the cities and prisons in Sierra Leone have already been fully booked, but there is an endless stream of new guests.

In order not to disappoint the gentlemen who arrived later, the police in Sierra Leone thoughtfully expropriated hundreds of schools, dormitories, factories, and private houses.

Bang, the temporarily installed iron door opened, and a gentleman with a bruised nose and blood-stained clothes staggered and fell into the cell.

The poor guy got up from the excrement and looked around with confused eyes. This is a prison cell obviously converted from a pigsty. The air is filled with a stench. Four unfortunate gentlemen have been packed in the small cell. Three of them huddled together, and the last one huddled in a corner with his head bowed.

"Hey..." The three people who were crowded together moved at the same time, giving up a short stool under their buttocks, and a short man sitting at the farthest waved: "New here, come, sit... What's your name?" name?"

"I... I..." The newcomer wiped his nose, wiped away the blood, and walked over timidly, but did not sit down: "My name is Aruba."

"Sit down, Aruba..." The short man stretched out his hand and called Aruba to his side, "Tell me, what did you do? How did you get caught?"

"I... I don't know, I was walking on the street, and then suddenly..." While talking, Aruba secretly looked outside the cell, and on the other side of Tieshan, a black-skinned Sierra Leone local policeman , stood cautiously in the corner, and next to it were a dozen heavily armed, murderous, blond NATO soldiers.

Aruba pointed cautiously: "...a few people like this rushed over, held me down and beat me up...then I'm here..."

"What did you do then?" asked the short man.

"I... I didn't do anything! I was just walking..." Aruba started to sniff.

"You must have committed a crime." The short man shook his head: "Think about it carefully, what did you do at that time?"

"At that time... there was an iron bird flying in the sky at that time. I looked up for a while and thought it was very interesting."

"you laughed?"

"Well... it seems to be..."

"What time?"

"Just now, before I came in."

"Understood, Aruba, you got into trouble, you laughed at the wrong time, there was a cartoon animation in the sky at that time, and it was when the animation was about to finish."

"Picture! God! Pic!" Aruba grabbed his hair, pulled it hard, and began to cry: "...I have nothing to do with Pic! I don't know Pic! I don't know anyone who knows Pic! God... I'm done... I'm done... Mommy..."

"Ah..." The four people next to him sighed at the same time.


poor child.

After crying for a while, Aruba slowly raised his head, "What about you, why are you here?"

"Oh..." the short man sighed: "like you, I have something to do with the picture... I came home from the store, and the upstairs neighbor asked me if I could bring him some wine. I don't have any money with me. I just shook my hand at him, and I have a relationship with the sky like this... "

"As for me..." the person next to the short man said: "I live at home, and the mirror is placed next to the window. Maybe there is a mistake in the position, and the picture in the sky is reflected in the mirror, and then I come here."

"You guys are much better. I got drunk in a tavern and woke up here. The police said that someone next to me was talking about pictures in the sky. They asked me to come and stay here for a few days."

"What about you?" Aruba looked at the last one with his head bowed and huddled in a corner.

The last one immediately shivered, turned around, and without saying a word, lowered his head even lower.

"Don't talk to him." The short man quickly grabbed Aruba, "He just accidentally injured two people when he was robbing, it's nothing serious..."

After barely speaking a few words, there was no topic in the cell, and everyone was worried.

After a while, three soldiers came in, the local police opened the cell, and the soldiers led the gentleman on the back of the bench out.

After a while, three new soldiers came and took away another gentleman.

In this way, there were fewer and fewer people around Aruba, and the people who were taken away did not come back. In the end, there were only Aruba and the man with his head bowed in the corner left in the cell.

Not long after, there was another "bang-dang" sound in the cell. After the "bang-dang" this time, three soldiers picked up Aruba, carried him through two doors, and stuffed him into a large room.

This is an interrogation room.

There are four seats in the big room, and there is a gentleman from Sierra Leone at the farthest edge, and all the other seats are fair-skinned gentlemen with blond hair and blue eyes.

There are no seats in Aruba.

The interrogation began shortly thereafter.

The interrogator who sat in the middle began to ask questions, first of all, name, age, address, work, and Aruba answered honestly.

After confirming the basic situation, the interrogator looked at the documents in front of him, "On May 8, 2012, the Revolutionary United Front office caught fire, do you know?"

"Yeah, I'm living right next door..."

The interrogator nodded, and wrote in the interrogation record next to him: He already knew about the assassination incident.

"When did you start noticing the anomalies in the sky?"

"I saw it from the very beginning."

The interrogator wrote: Monitor developments closely.

"What were you doing when you were brought here?"

"I was walking down the street and was going to buy some wine."

The interrogator wrote: Prepare to buy weapons and supplies.

"Do you have anything to say?"

"I didn't do anything, I don't know anything, let me go... let me go... woo..."

The interrogator wrote: Possesses a certain awareness of anti-reconnaissance, and may have received certain training.

"Okay, let's sign."

"I can't write..."

"Bang!" A gun butt hit Aruba's head, and the next moment, a powerful arm grabbed Aruba's skinny right hand, dipped some fresh blood from Aruba's forehead, Fingerprints were pressed on the confession.

"Okay, take it away..."

Waving his hand, the interrogator finally wrote: Preliminary screening, serious suspicion, sent to the base for further interrogation.

Three soldiers grabbed Aruba out of the room and into a car.

"Where is this... going?" The road became more and more desolate, and Aruba felt uneasy, and finally couldn't help asking the driver in front.

Aruba answered with another butt.

Half an hour later, the car carrying Aruba appeared at the gate of an urgently built NATO temporary base.

Ten minutes later, at the gate of the base, the car appeared again.

Aruba did not appear again.


Thirty-eight national interests (below)

Earth, at 6:37 am on May 11, 2012, Beijing time.

U.S. Embassy.

"What? What did you say? China agreed?"

The US ambassador to China, Mr. Boris, couldn't believe his ears. The ambassador stood up suddenly, without looking at the pile of documents that fell from the desk in front of him.

"No, Mr. Ambassador, it's not just agreeing... you see..."

Just after entering the door, the counselor who sent good news on a special trip opened the blinds quickly: "...Mr. Ambassador, China not only agreed, but even unilaterally fulfilled our request! The astronomical phenomenon on the 11th ended early!"

It was gloomy outside the window, and even the clouds could not be seen clearly in the gray sky.

It was exactly the same as the most ordinary sky in Beijing three days ago.

"This... this is impossible..."

Boris quickly rubbed his half-stared eyes, and frantically opened his sleeves. That's right, it's 6:37.

"How is this possible?" Putting down his sleeves, the ambassador's lips trembled and he muttered to himself: " really ended is this possible? How could China agree to such a proposal..."

"Mr. Ambassador, maybe the conditions we provided are too favorable, and the Chinese side temporarily..."

"Shut up, you idiot!" Boris' voice suddenly increased several times, "Contact Washington immediately and ask about the latest changes in the celestial events!"

The Counselor hurried out of the room, as if staying another second would be incinerated by the flames from Boris' tired eyes.

The door slams.

Looking at the gray sky again, and looking at the watch on his wrist, Boris sat down again, with deep wrinkles on his forehead.

It's impossible... how is it possible...

Conditions are too favorable? *! this idiot...

It has been nearly four days since the first celestial event occurred.

In the past four days, although countries have not agreed on whether to publicly announce the matter, however, no matter whether they hide their ears or steal the bell, or simply admit that the time period of the astronomical event occurred, countries have repeatedly tried every means to fabricate all kinds of weird reasons. Through various means, urgent warnings were issued to citizens that they may be injured at any time.

It is conceivable that under such circumstances, all countries, fields and industries on the earth will inevitably begin to suffer various serious losses.

It is also conceivable that the severity of this loss must have a direct normal distribution with the distance from China.

It is even more conceivable that the United States, which is in the eastern and western hemispheres with China, has suffered the most serious losses.

Therefore, in the past four days, on behalf of the United States, Mr. Boris has proposed countless proposals to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

At the very beginning, the United States stated that the Wu Qingchen incident was not an issue of China's isolation as a single country. It needs to be resolved by the whole world and must be handled by the United Nations. China stated that as a responsible major country, China has the confidence and ability to handle all issues related to China related questions.

Next, the United States stated that whether it is the only connection between the earth and the Chinese world, Mr. Wu Qingchen is first of all a living natural person who has all the sacred human rights of a natural person. China cannot unilaterally sever the connection between Mr. Wu Qingchen and the outside world. Wu Qingchen, especially the United States, has the right to contact Mr. Wu Qingchen; China said that China has a long history of civilization, rich cultural heritage and good human rights protection, and Mr. Wu Qingchen can always contact any country and any organization. Any actions at this stage are to protect the safety and interests of Mr. Wu Qingchen just like protecting any citizen of the country.

Soon, the U.S. stated that according to the latest findings of the U.S. Immigration Service, at 13:33 on March 27, 2005, Mr. Wu Qingchen used the function of replying to topics on the Internet forums, and adopted the method of affirming the U.S. system and the U.S. sports environment to report to the U.S. He fully expressed his intention to immigrate and filed an immigration application. After strict review and detailed investigation, the USCIS believes that Mr. Wu Qingchen meets all immigration requirements, has complete immigration qualifications, complete procedures, and has legal effects. He demands that China immediately surrender the United States. Citizen Mr. Wu Qingchen;

Immediately, China stated that according to the investigation, Mr. Wu Qingchen’s remarks at the time were: “Yes, the moon in the United States is very round, and the Pacific Ocean is not covered, why don’t you swim there?”. The Chinese language is profound and profound, and the unilateral interpretation by the United States is absurd and blunt, which obviously has no legal effect. In addition, the United States, which implements the capitalist system, is backward in society, with indifferent interpersonal relationships and high living costs. It is a country that does not recommend immigration. China will advise on this;

The United States said that China's accusation seriously deviates from the facts. At the same time, Mr. Wu Qingchen does not need to worry about the living environment in the United States at all. A certain American state legislature has just passed a proposal for the "Morning City Plan", which will immediately build a large-scale city that is exactly the same according to the environment of Jiang County, China, where Wu Qingchen lived for a long time. City, while any citizen of Jiang County is welcome to file an immigration application with the USCIS;

China stated that the natural environment in the United States is harsh and the per capita happiness index is low. China advises a very small number of deceived citizens to think rationally and make prudent decisions;

The United States said that China's accusation seriously deviates from the facts. After a series of tests, the site chosen by the United States has a beautiful environment, and all environmental indicators have reached the international ideal range;

China stated that the standards used by the United States do not conform to international practice, and that Chinese standards should be used, and Chinese experts should be invited to conduct re-testing;

The United States expresses... expresses... expresses... Protest! Outcry! The strongest condemnation!

In short, the reasons for the negotiation are various, the process of the negotiation is very unpleasant, and the result of the negotiation...

Negotiations yielded no results at all.

Regardless of China or the United States, the leaders of the two countries are very clear that in response to the astronomical events, China and the United States can definitely cooperate on a large scale. As for Wu Qingchen, the most critical subject in the astronomical incident, China will absolutely not give up any rights, nor will it make any concessions.

However, in order to cope with the raging anger of domestic giants and industry associations, the U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs had to make all kinds of weird remarks time and time again, and put forward countless demands that could never be passed.

The same is true for the latest negotiation request this time.

In order to reduce the loss as much as possible, countless forces in the United States have repeatedly appealed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to make efforts to change Wu Qingchen's work and rest time.

After going from tough, gentle, to soft demands...

After going from ensuring the interests of the United States as much as possible, and balancing China and the United States as much as possible, it gradually changed to the expected goal of recovering the losses of the United States as much as possible...

On this day, the negotiation submitted by Boris has turned into a plea to the Chinese side to consider ending the astronomical phenomenon of the day at a certain time in advance, and to make Wu Qingchen go to bed a little earlier, so that the United States can avoid the 8:00 am Western time and 1:00 pm Eastern time. At the same time, the United States can compensate for the losses China has suffered through tariff adjustments, patent transfers, and large-scale project cooperation.

Whether it is based on the judgment of the White House, the Pentagon, or Boris himself, this time, China will also not agree.

That's right, from a certain point of view, the counselor's opinion is indeed correct: the several conditions proposed by the United States are indeed extremely superior, and they definitely far exceed the economic losses caused by China's small change in work and rest time.

However, this idiot looked too superficially, and did not consider at all that after the adjustment of work and rest time, the number of people who directly watch the sky simultaneously and directly face uncertain threats will have a severe impact on social stability.

The Chinese side was willing to accept such an exchange, and Boris pressed his forehead tightly, feeling an extremely ominous premonition in his heart.


The door was pushed open again, and the counselor who had just left stumbled into the room without a trace of blood on his face.

Five minutes later, after briefly reading the latest briefing on the celestial events from the Pentagon, Boris' face was also pale.

"Mr. Ambassador, the Chinese side is also forced to end this time ahead of schedule. Can the conditions we promised be cancelled..."

"Idiot! You idiot!" Boris roared like an avalanche in the room: "Don't you understand by now? I'm sure China has never looked at our conditions! From beginning to end Read it!... you fat pig, bitch, son of a bitch... Humanity is about to perish, and you still think about the conditions of a son of a bitch?"

"Fcuk lure! You bastard! Get out of my room with your conditions and your fat!"

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