Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 45: Chapter Fourth training


I see…

There was no need for Huang Xing to continue explaining, Wu Qingchen opened his mouth slightly, tilted his head slightly, and basically understood the intention of the staff group.

Seeing that Wu Qingchen started to concentrate, Huang Xing stopped talking, and at the same time patted the front seat lightly. The speed of the special car immediately slowed down and became more stable, so as not to interfere with Wu Qingchen's thoughts.

Wu Qingchen didn't notice this.

Unknowingly, Wu Qingchen's expression gradually relaxed.

At the moment of urgent awakening, Wu Qingchen thought that he and his family had undoubtedly stepped into an extremely dangerous situation due to various tragic experiences in the medieval world.

Now combined with Huang Xing, or the detailed analysis of the staff group, Wu Qingchen discovered that this "extremely dangerous situation" was actually just three things: "heavy rain", "family labor", and "summer duty burden". More troublesome difficulty.

Moreover, according to the ideas provided by the staff group, Wu Qingchen quickly understood that these three difficulties are actually not difficult to solve.

The first is "rainstorm", which can be simply avoided, hiding under a tree, or finding an excuse to go home.

The second is "household labor", which can heal the cow and speed up the restoration of family labor capacity.

As for the "summer labor burden", it could have been delayed by injuring some cattle in the village and forcing them to voluntarily avoid them.

In this way, the plowing of the allotment land will be settled, and the work of the master can be postponed, and my father, brother and myself can relax a lot...

Wu Qingchen's brows gradually relaxed.

wait a minute...

Suddenly, Wu Qingchen's eyebrows gathered together again.

"Director Huang!" Wu Qingchen couldn't wait for Huang Xing to turn his head, and Wu Qingchen's anxious voice came out, "There is a problem with the last one! If many cattle in the village are injured, the work of the master's land will indeed be delayed. However, the work of the villagers themselves will also be delayed a lot, so the village will have a big problem with food next year... Moreover, the master has suffered such a big loss, maybe he will have to increase taxes or increase labor in autumn and winter... If so... "

"no problem, no problem… "

Hearing this, Huang Xing, who was startled by Wu Qingchen's anxious tone, heaved a sigh of relief and waved his hands, "All the plans that have passed the review have been considered, and there are follow-up solutions. In addition, there are The problems caused by cattle injuries are not just troubles. From another angle, or by using them, these problems can actually become opportunities... There are even some problems that are caused, which are themselves part of the plan... "


"... there is not much time, this aspect is the subject of the afternoon, and I will explain it in detail then... well, here we are..."

While talking, the special car stopped slowly, and Huang Xing stood up: "...Wu Qingchen, get out of the car first, and prepare for the first subject of today's training."

first subject

Wu Qingchen got off the trolley, and the team of specially-made trolleys stopped beside a rough wooden bridge. Below it was a fresh stream that had been "made" in two days. The aquatic plants sprouted a little new bud.

To the right of Wu Qingchen, dozens of paces away, dozens of small soldiers, dozens of doctors in white coats, dozens of high-spirited professionals in suits and leather shoes, these people have already lined up, and they are still standing beside them Four characters from the medieval world with hoods on their heads, cloth robes and wooden shoes imitate actors.

All four actors play the same subject.

A gentleman who Wu Qingchen is very familiar with, or can't forget, he doesn't even need to use his eyes, he just needs to smell it with his nose, and he can quickly call out his nickname and name:

Nickname: "Damn".

Name: Cowherd.

Does the first subject have anything to do with this bastard

Wu Qingchen paused slightly.

At this time, bypassing the car, Huang Xing also stood next to Wu Qingchen, and the two soldiers brought instruments and a display screen for explanation from the special car.

"Okay, Mr. Wu..." Turning on the activated instrument, Huang Xing pointed to the display screen with his right hand and fixed his eyes on the team a dozen steps away: "'s still the same... Before we start, let's talk about the subject content... as you As you can see, it is the same as the title, today's first subject is assassination and attack, and the specific target is the cowherd in front of you... "

"But..." Wu Qingchen frowned immediately as he looked at the displayed content Huang Xing pointed at with his right hand.

With a wave of his right hand, Huang Xing stopped Wu Qingchen's doubts, "That's right, in the medieval world, you were only about fourteen years old, and because of malnutrition and lack of scientific exercise, your physique is very weak... such a body, Confronting an adult male is definitely not an optimistic situation. Moreover, due to the direct connection between your body and the global human beings, direct confrontation, especially violent physical conflicts, is always a situation that the staff groups of various countries try their best to avoid."

"However, avoiding it with all your strength does not mean giving up completely..." Speaking of this, Huang Xing kept staring at the four "cowherds" more than ten meters away, his eyes slightly narrowed, and his cheeks gradually turned red: "For some unpredictable sudden dangers , some dangerous elements with strong malice, Mr. Wu, you must also have proficient confrontation skills, and you must master the fighting ability with absolute superiority... "

"But..." Wu Qingchen frowned even deeper.

"Look at the following, first look at the following..." Huang Xing interrupted Wu Qingchen's thoughts again: "Of course, it takes a long time to master such an ability, and it is a long-term content... Limited to your physical condition in the medieval world, you can choose The skills are quite limited, and the current focus is on training escape ability, as well as one-hit sneak attack and concealed surprise attack... "

"But..." Wu Qingchen became impatient.

"Don't worry, the command center has been arranged, and the exercise process will not be dangerous... These exercises are certainly not a waste of time... Think about it, if the final escape route is threatened, or the process of injuring the cattle is exposed, it will be destroyed. The cowherd has discovered that these skills of escape, sneak attack, and surprise attack are definitely in your best condition. Of course, this worst situation is almost impossible to happen, but having such skills in itself helps to adjust your The physical state when implementing the plan, while establishing a psychological advantage, reducing negative emotions such as tension and hesitation... "

"But..." Rubbing his eyes, Wu Qingchen's voice became hesitant.

"What's the matter? Can't make a move? Or can't be ruthless?"

Noticing Wu Qingchen's hesitation, and staring at the cowherd a dozen steps away, Huang Xing literally gritted his teeth: "...Mr. Wu, you are wrong! You are so wrong! The murder of 7 billion human beings at the same time will cause huge damage. Property loss, miscellaneous things that cause violent social turmoil, any sympathy and hesitation are a crime! No matter what country, no matter what nationality, no matter what standard of punishment is used, this kind of beast has to be dragged to the street and shot directly for a week! Only heavy machine guns can count!"

"But..." Huang Xing's voice was too loud, and Wu Qingchen's hesitation was almost inaudible.

"No but!" Huang Xing straightened up, his fierce eyes finally left the four "cowboys" and put them in the line next to him: "Did you see the white coat and suit? The white coat is the most professional psychologist in China, and the suit is the most professional psychologist in China." Top MLM talents, if you can't make up your mind, there is still half an hour to adjust the subject schedule today... "

"But… "

Taking advantage of Huang Xing's meaningful pause, Wu Qingchen finally said "but" completely: "But, Director Huang, the subject arrangement on the display screen is to treat cows!"

Forty-one fourth training (below)


Hearing what Wu Qingchen finally said in full, Huang Xing suddenly lowered his head and looked at the display screen in front of him.

The next moment, Huang Xing suddenly burst into a strong cough, his right hand jumped rapidly, and the screens in the instrument also switched rapidly.

"Cough... ok... ok now, I'm sorry, Mr. Wu, let's continue..."

Noticing Huang Xing's brief gaffe and slightly embarrassed tone, Wu Qingchen not only didn't smile, but was slightly distracted.

To make a character like Huang Xing emotional, and even lead to mistakes, to what extent has the human beings on Earth's hatred for cowherds reached

This question was quickly answered by Wu Qingchen.

Training begins.

An hour later, Wu Qingchen gasped slightly after sitting on the chair brought by the soldiers.

During this one hour, according to the teachings of the coaches, Wu Qingchen learned seven carefully selected sneak attacks and surprise attacks.

A few steps away, the images of the four cowherd actors have undergone tremendous changes.

The one on the far left has obvious red marks on his neck, and bloodshot eyes have even appeared in some places.

The one who came over had dozens of dense pores in the robes on both sides of the waist, and these pores could be seen at a glance caused by sharp objects;

The other one had a bruised nose and a swollen face, with bumps and wounds from hard objects all over his face;

The one on the far right was drenched, and his robe was covered with mud and grass seeds;

Obviously, for an hour, these four cowherds endured the coaches' demonstration and Wu Qingchen's practice again and again.

However, even though they were injured like this, the four "cowherds" still stood upright without any special expressions on their faces.

At the same time, despite being injured like this, the "cowherds" were not the members who contributed the most, sacrificed the most, or ended up the most miserable in Wu Qingchen's one-hour training.

A dozen or so steps away, from the simple wooden bridge to the intersection of the trails, beside the dirt road, in the grass, and among the thorns, blood that has gradually become viscous is scattered everywhere.

On both sides of the bloody road made up of these red liquids, more than a dozen other "cowherds" fell in disorder along the way. There was a big hole in his chest, and there were many kinds of tragedies, but the only thing in common was that he could never get up again.

Wu Qingchen had just woken up from the medieval world, and when the sneak attack and raid training had just been confirmed, a certain staff group in a certain country immediately proposed through a certain channel:

This crisis is extremely dangerous, and this fighting training has a lot to do with it. In order to simulate the actual combat effect to the greatest extent and achieve the best training purpose, Wu Qingchen should use real people for assassination practice in this fighting training.

At the same time, a list of volunteers and a document for applying for entry after seven hours, and the prison plane that has already taken off urgently are attached.

Of course, the command center was not so frenzied, and Wu Qingchen's current physical and mental state was absolutely impossible to accept this kind of live "training". The center rejected this proposal without any hesitation.

However, although this suggestion is absurd, the idea of departure is the same as that of the staff groups of various countries.

Although it is impossible to provide a live real person for Wu Qingchen to try the assassination effect, the "corpse" scattered about a dozen steps away is indeed manufactured urgently by the logistics department according to this idea, using plastic, silicone, and other special materials processed.

The special material means that in order to simulate the actual combat effect to the greatest extent and achieve the best training purpose, the logistics department has tried every means, exhausted all means, and tried its best to create props for Wu Qingchen's training this time. The appearance is extremely realistic, The muscles and bones are extremely similar, and the human body structure is exactly the same...

In short, from the simple wooden bridge to the intersection of the trails, the sticky blood on the ground, the pungent smell in the air, the internal organs falling everywhere, and even the dead heads are indeed not far from the effect of a dozen people who actually died. .

Such realistic props are naturally difficult to manufacture. Although there are massive resources, countless manpower, and the highest priority of each department, when the logistics department delivered the props, it was already 20 minutes after the fighting training started.

As for the 20 minutes without props, Wu Qingchen and the coaches had to help the four real "cowherds" to complete the image design process.


Just as Wu Qingchen's breathing eased, another truck from the logistics department drove over and set down another batch of "cowherds" that had just been produced.

What the hell!

He looked at the new "cowherd" and then at the blood stained meat on his clothes.

Mr. Wu Qingchen, the bloody butcher, looked bitter: " you want to continue practicing?"

"Yes!" Huang Xing nodded, "The proficiency is still quite low, and there is a big distance from the training plan..."

Just as he was talking, a staff member walked over quickly and approached Huang Xing to report softly.

In this day, Wu Qingchen has seen this situation several times.

Probably because of the special training situation this time, various arrangements were relatively hasty, and many affairs needed temporary adjustments. From time to time, someone came to explain the new situation to Huang Xing and pass on new instructions.

Sure enough, after a few quick nods, Huang Xing waved his hand to signal the staff to leave.

"Okay...Mr. Wu, the simulated assassination is not going to continue for the time being, there are new adjustments to the training..."

While speaking, Huang Xing clicked on the display screen prepared next to him, "According to the latest arrangement of the command center, the next assassination training will be taken over by the United States... Look here... This is the training plan just received. Please go over it to see if there is anything there question… "

"Okay..." Wu Qingchen walked to Huang Xing's right side and got close to the display screen.

The training plan from the United States is quite straightforward, without any introduction and purposeful explanation, and the description of assassination techniques starts from the first line.

Yes, the word used in the document is "technology".

This is indeed a sophisticated technique:

Small pits on the side of the road, combined with simple traps, can jam the target's joints, making the target unable to move and let it be slaughtered;

In the remote woods, the target triggers the trap, causing the artery to be injured, causing blood loss and death in a short time;

Use the psychological inertia of the target to simply deal with the environment that the target is most familiar with, and create a kill that is only effective for the target;

Etc., etc…

so insidious...

Two minutes later, Wu Qingchen felt chills all over when he saw the section on using mental inertia.

The training program is accompanied by pictures.

In this section, the document describes in detail how to use the cowherd’s psychological inertia and refer to the cowherd’s physical habits to simply handle the thorns and vines on the sharp corners of the mountain road that the cowherd passes four times a day and is usually most familiar with. Take out a pure natural hanging ring, then adjust the angle, and concentrate on guarding. Every time the cowherd passes by the place, because of the habit of taking care of the herd, he tilts his head...

The next one is to create blind spots and make use of blind spots.

During this period of time, the village is less visited by the lord of another common land, using a small group of branches and leaves to create a blind spot for cowherds, and at the same time add a few slippery stones to the path next to the valley. Need to wait for the "bang" sound from the cowherd falling from a high altitude.

This, this, this, this, this, this...

It turns out that to kill a person, there is no need to have any contact with the target at all, or even to appear in the target's line of sight, and there is no need to consider such low-end factors as evidence, murder weapon, and bloodstains...

"This...the assassination of the Min-Zhu is really different..."

Looking at the blood stains all over his body and smelling the fishy smell in the air, Wu Qingchen couldn't help shaking his head.

"Mr. Wu..." Noticing the changes in Wu Qingchen, Huang Xing also shook his head, "These skills are indeed quite hidden, and they are safer to use... However, what you learned just now is equally important, don't forget, this training is the most important. The important purpose is to enable you to have proficient confrontation skills and master the ability to fight with absolute superiority when facing some unpredictable sudden dangers and certain dangerous factors with strong malice... "

"With such a foundation..." Speaking of this, Huang Xing clicked on the content on the screen: "You can use the techniques here more safely and eliminate possible dangerous factors in advance..."

While speaking, the sound of a truck moving was heard not far away.

This time it was a convoy. Hundreds of soldiers got out of the car first and moved out dozens of pieces of giant glass that Wu Qingchen had seen before in the Great Hall. A glass cage that Wu Qingchen enjoyed once was erected on the ground, but the area was ten times larger.

After completing this piece, the soldiers pushed open a small door on the side away from Wu Qingchen, and at the same time opened the back compartment of the last tightly sealed truck, releasing more than a dozen blond-haired men in T-shirts without any pocket metal. Blue eyes, but an extremely ordinary-looking man.

A dozen foreign men walked through the small gate, and the soldiers immediately pushed the glass back on, drilled into the ground, and the cage was fully formed.

"What... what is this for?"

"This is the coach who helps you master the skills in the file... cia overseas agents."

I know cia, the US Central Intelligence Agency, I also know overseas agents, the main business is killers...

what i don't know is

"Since you are a coach, what are you doing in a cage?"

Tell you this is because you are worried that the United States will take the opportunity to do something to you

Tell you it's because of fear of terrorists inside

Tell you this is because you are worried that someone will snatch you from China

Noticing Wu Qingchen's eyes full of doubts and thirst for knowledge, Huang Xing frowned deeply and raised his head slightly, as if he didn't know how to explain it. After a few seconds, he finally said: "This is the material shipped from the United States. - How can the Lord's cage be considered closed?"

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