Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 49: fire, pot, cold, laugh


"Sand... sand... sand..."

The sound of the rain outside the door became less and less. In the wooden house, a family sat around the dining table. There was a large bowl in the middle of the dining table, and the bowl was filled with frozen peas.

The cow was injured, and the whole family went out to plow the land. This was the food that my mother and little Nina got up in the middle of the night to prepare the night before.

Simple food, usually steaming hot is not delicious, and cold food is naturally even less tasteful.

However, no one in William's family cared about such food at the dining table, and the family members were completely unaware of the big bowl in the middle. Everyone looked to the left side of the wooden house from time to time, and almost everyone smiled with joy in their eyes.

"Loss..." Old William never took his eyes off the cow, "...doesn't it really need to thank the pastor?"

"Father, you have asked this for the third time!" There were too many things to do in the morning, and there was no time for poaching. Wu Qingchen was already hungry and had to chew the cold beans with a sad face: "I must thank you... But it is not suitable now, wait until When the cow's wound is completely healed, and when she can go to work in the field, we will go to church together."

"Oh... oh... go to church... go to church..." William nodded quickly, but the next question clearly showed that William didn't pay attention to Wu Qingchen's reply at all: "By the way, Ross, the cow is fully recovered, and it still needs to be recovered." How long?"

This is also the third time!

Wu Qingchen sighed in his heart, and swallowed the beans in his mouth: "... I don't know how long it will take to fully recover, but it should take two or three days to heal the wound..."

"Two or three days... two or three days..."

Although this is the third time I have heard this answer, just after Wu Qingchen finished speaking, Old William beside the dining table grinned involuntarily. , Little Nina, who was cleaning up the mess on the ground, also showed a smile immediately.

Just two or three days!

During the most important farming season, the most important labor force recovered half a month earlier. For a poor farmer family, how important and how lucky this is.

"Father... Father..."

Beside, Idra, whose face was full of joy, swallowed the last mouthful of mush, put down the wooden spoon, looked at the barely moving wooden bowl still full of mush in front of Old William, and whispered: "...Father, the third time The bell is about to strike... You see..."

"Oh... oh... the third bell... the third bell... the third bell!"

The next moment, the family saw that Old William sat up straight, grabbed the wooden bowl, swung the wooden spoon quickly, and opened and closed his mouth quickly. What was even more surprising was that the mush from the wooden bowl disappeared quickly. Old William His eyes never moved away from the direction of the cow.


"Okay!" In less than a minute, old William put down the empty wooden bowl, stood up, and ordered without looking back: "Jacqueline, clean up the table, Idra, Grace, lift up Thord My plow truck…”

Half a minute later, Old William, who was standing next to the cow, quickly glanced sideways into the cabin. The dining table had been cleared, and Idra and Grace lifted the plow cart.

"Okay... let's go!"

The family stepped out of the wooden house and just walked out of the wooden door when Old William suddenly heard footsteps behind him. Looking back, Wu Qingchen stood behind him, holding a wooden catalpa with both hands.

"Loss..." Old William frowned, "What are you doing?"

"Go to the field..." Noticing that William's eyes were on the ash tree, Wu Qingchen shook his hands lightly, and his voice was a little puzzled: "...Is that right? I can't use a plow by myself, I can only use this to dig Soil..."

"Dig the soil? Go to the land? No, no, no..." Old William quickly shook his head: "What kind of soil do you dig! What land do you go to! Nonsense..."

While speaking, Old William stretched out his hand to grab the catalpa Wu Qingchen was holding: "Go back, go back quickly, take good care of the cows in the afternoon, and don't worry about other things..."

"Father... wait a minute... father..." Wu Qingchen stepped back again and again to avoid William, "don't worry... the pastor taught me that the next treatment will be at night... it's still so early, there is nothing to do, and nothing to take care of... Father! Don't... wait a minute... Father! You have to go to church later! Maybe the pastor hasn't finished teaching... healing the cow!"

"Priest! Heal the wound!"

Hearing the last sentence, Old William, who was still fighting for the catalpa, stopped instantly and let go of his hands.

Wu Qingchen hurriedly stood a few steps away, "Father, I'm going first, the third bell is about to strike, you guys go too..."

With that said, Wu Qingchen grabbed the catalpa, bypassed his family, and walked quickly to the east of the village.

"Father… "

Seeing Wu Qingchen's figure getting smaller and smaller, Old William was still standing there staring at the sky, looking anxiously at the gradually brightening sky, Idra reminded in a low voice: "Father, let's go?"

"Well, let's go." Old William came back to his senses and took a step.

However, after only taking two steps, Old William quickly stood still and turned to hug his younger siblings with difficulty, preparing to go to the Lord's daughter together, "Nina, take Pavo and Karma home, you don't want to go in the afternoon After work, stay at home, keep an eye on the cows, and wait for the evening bell to start preparing dinner... "

"...dinner? Father... wait a minute..." Nina, who had just turned around, immediately turned her head and pointed to the steaming cauldron on top of the blazing fire in the wooden house: "If cooking, what should I do with the herbs in it? Do you throw it away?" ?”

"No no no!"

The others yelled at the same time, and old William grabbed little Nina's arm even harder, "Don't fall down! In addition to looking after the cattle this afternoon, you also have to see this pot of herbs... Alas, how could you forget such an important matter? Ask, Grace, go and ask Ross what to do with the herbs in the pot..."

"Okay... father... father..." With these words, Grace's voice became smaller and smaller. When Old William just ordered, Grace had already rushed out, and by the time he uttered the last syllable, he had already run into the mud On the small road in the village, my legs are moving so fast that I can't tell that I have experienced a whole morning of heavy farm work.

Of course, no one went to see it.

The eyes of the whole family are focused on the right side of the wooden house, eight eyes fixed on the boiling cauldron, the wooden house is quiet and quiet, only when the firewood bursts, or the turbid liquid rolls over, there will be a few heavy breathing sounds .

Time suddenly slowed down.

In just one or two minutes, it felt as if a long time had passed by the few people. Finally, a series of loud footsteps sounded outside the house. The footsteps approached quickly, and Grace rushed back to the house panting.

"How?" Without time to let out a long breath like the others, Old William couldn't wait to grab Grace's shoulders, "What did Ross say?"

"Loss said... said... huh... huh... huh..." Grace panted heavily, with a painful face: "It's nothing, there are still a lot of herbs for boiling water, you can put the potion in the pot when cooking. Pour it out, and boil it again when treating the cow's wound at night. If you want to use it now... If it doesn't work... Huh... Huh... you can also pour it out now... "

"No! You can't pour it! What if there are not enough herbs at that time, or if there is a problem with re-boiling at night? It must not be poured!" Old William waved his hand seriously, and turned to his daughter: "Little Nina, remember, it must be done in the afternoon. You must guard this pot and burn this fire well, and you must not feel sorry for the firewood!"

"Also... You don't have to worry about cooking at night, and you don't have to take care of it! When I get back, I will go to Richard's house to excuse the pot..."

"How about... let's just continue eating cold food..."

"No matter what, eating for a day or two is a small matter... curing the cow is the biggest thing!"

"You must remember... be careful with the ox, watch the fire..."

"Watch the pot, don't let other things fall in!"

"correct!… "

Turning back at every step and giving instructions countless times, the sky was getting brighter and brighter, and it was impossible to delay any longer. Finally, old William led his wife and two sons and ran towards the direction of the old man's land.

Inside the wooden house, for a while, he quickly turned to the cow, for a while, for the iron pot, for a while, he looked at the fire, for a while, he looked at the crying brothers and sisters on the bed, and the cautious, trembling, and even creepy little Ni Na, almost burst into tears.

I was wrong! I will never say that plowing is hard work! Father, brother, I'm going to work in the fields!


half an hour later.

To the west of the village, on a small hillside, hidden by a few bushes with dense branches and leaves, Wu Qingchen put down the catalpa and massaged the sore and numb muscles of his arms and thighs alternately according to the method taught by the coaching staff.

Both hands and feet are very hard.

The first is the legs. In just forty minutes, Wu Qingchen left the wooden house, ran to the east of the village, made a big circle, and ran to the west of the village.

And then his hands. In just forty minutes, the stream in the east of the village, the wooden bridge in the west of the village, the steep slope at the corner of the hillside, and the path in the valley of the village all left Wu Qingchen struggling to wave the catalpa and move the stone. block, struggling to pull the thorny figure of the branch.

In fact, there are still eyes. When doing all this, Wu Qingchen has been paying close attention to the surrounding situation at all times, activating all the sound traps along the way, and once he hears the wind and grass, or sees the figures of villagers from a distance, he will immediately hide and not show up. Little trace.

Now, the hard work will soon pay off.

Looking at a large herd of farm cattle approaching at the far corner, next to the bushes on the hillside, Wu Qingchen slowly closed his eyes.


five minutes later.

Looking at a large group of cattle that are getting closer, next to the display screen, Li Ziping, Jiang Fengming, Huang Xing, Ji Mingming, Xie Yang, Li Zhenxing, Chen Wenming, Huang Zhong, Boris, Abdul, Johnson, etc. …

Millions of staff officers, tens of millions of soldiers, and hundreds of millions of people held their breath in unison, and their faces showed tension, fanaticism, excitement, excitement...

as well as…

He sneered viciously.

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