Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 50: innocent


"Oh... yo yo yo... oh... yo yo yo..."

Brown/Rodriguez inhaled deeply and let out a long breath. The breath started from the abdominal cavity, passed through the throat quickly, squeezed into thin lines from the puckered lips, and turned into a series of loud and long voices. At the same time, he swung his right hand The soft stick, which was two or three people tall, drove the farm cattle back to the herd, which were attracted by the tender grass after the rain and gradually stopped.

Seeing the laggards obediently returning to the team, Brown smiled slightly. This is delicate work, just like the surname "Rodriguez", which means "the man who drives the cattle", has always been derived from his father's father's name. Passed down from the father, and then passed down from generation to generation.

Thanks to this skill, my life is so comfortable.

The same is to work for the master. Compared with the serfs in the village or the villagers with a few plots of land, my family has always had enough food and clothing, and thanks to the villagers, no matter how heavy the farm work is, my family is always The quickest and easiest way to do it.

Of course, the most important thing is that the price that must be paid for "the fastest and easiest" is often not borne by your own family.

It's just... everything is bound to be a bit unexpected.

Thinking of this, the smile on Brown's face faded a little, and he couldn't help thinking about the unhappiness of last night.

Didn't he just use the cow by the way, or accidentally get a little injury

Brown shook his head slightly. He really didn't know that Old William was so ignorant. The old guy didn't even think about it. If he hadn't worked so hard to take care of the cow from morning to night, Old William himself would have been able to take care of the cow. Raised so strong? Can you work proudly and sublimely as soon as you need it


I don't know what is good or bad!

He deserves to be running around and can't borrow a plow truck in the middle of the night!

Thinking of the plow truck... Brown suddenly frowned, and tilted his head slightly: "Baker..."

A few steps away, the young man who was concentrating on the cattle and also waving a long soft stick in his hand immediately turned his head: "Father, what's wrong?"

"...Where did old William last borrow the plow cart from last night?"

"...Look at the appearance of the plow truck..."

Baker looked up and thought for a while: "It seems to be... It seems to be Thord's house... By the way, when I passed the holy charm just now, I happened to see Thord squatting in the field and weeding, and he hadn't started plowing yet. , it should be right, it is the Thord family."

While talking, they passed a few bushes, and the two drove the cattle to the side of a wooden bridge made of several logs.

"Tolder's house?" Brown pondered for a while as he drove the cattle closer.

"Yeah... what's the matter, father?"

"It's all right... for plowing, your uncle came to me in the morning, and I was wondering which company's cattle would be better... Now it seems...Tolder's house is very good..."

"The Thord family?..." Baker showed doubts: "Father, the Thord family...doesn't seem to have any cows?"

"It's okay, his brother's family has one, you can prepare it tonight..."

"Evening? Is it a little late at night?"

Walking in the front, Baker swung his long stick, drove the cattle walking in front into a line, and drove the two front cattle onto the wooden bridge, while continuing to talk, " about preparing the rope this afternoon, and Have… "

"Be careful!" Brown yelled violently, interrupting Baker's "preparation".

That's too late…

"Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!"

… “Boom! Boom! Boom!” “Moo…” “Moo…”

Accompanied by a series of loud noises and whines, the wooden bridge suddenly collapsed, and seven or eight broken logs fell into the stream together with two poor cattle.

Beside the wooden bridge, as if wanting to grab something, Brown and Baker raised their hands in vain, and leaned forward, dumbfounded.

"What's the matter with this bridge? It's okay to walk every day. What's the matter? Suddenly..."

It took a long time for Baker to come back to his senses suddenly, his eyes wide open, fixed on the original wooden bridge, and the current air, quickly uttering a series of messy syllables.

"What are you looking at! Come down quickly!"

Regardless of looking for a path, Brown clung to the bank of the stream, directly slid down the steep slope two people high, stood knee-high in the stream, and yelled at Baker, who was still standing on the bank, muttering to himself.

Half a minute later, Baker, whose upper body was covered with mud and lower body immersed in the stream, stood beside Brown.

"How..." Beck asked cautiously.

"It's bad... Both ends are hurt..." Brown frowned deeply.

Having dealt with farm cattle for more than 20 years, when he walked over, Brown had already seen that one of the two farm cattle had injured their front legs and the other had injured their abdomen, and they were both in bad condition.

"...what to do... what to do..." Baker clenched his fists, bewildered.

"What are you panicking about! Come here, hold on here! Okay... get ready... force... turn over!"

Signaling Baker to support the back of the cattle, Brown stood on the other side, bent down, and the two raised their hands together, exhausted all their strength, their faces flushed instantly, and helped the cattle with abdominal injuries.

"Hoo... ho... It's okay, I can still move..."

After patting a few times, the two cattle walked slowly, and Brown breathed a sigh of relief.

"But... but..." Noticing the slow movement of the cattle and the twitching muscles, Baker's face was pale: "This... this... falling off such a high bridge... falling so hard... can you still work...?"

"Fall off the bridge? When did you fall off the bridge?" Brown turned his head sharply, his eyes were stern: "Did you see that you fell off the bridge? It's clear that two cows ran around and knocked over the bridge!"

Looking back at the cattle again, Brown's tone became more severe: "Avelia and Freeman, these two bastards, what did you feed the cattle last night? They went crazy for no reason! They even knocked over the bridge! Wait a minute You must tell Ifrit to take care of the affairs, and settle accounts for the neighbors! How dare you delay the summer service of the lord!"

Knock over the bridge

"This..." Baker's eyes widened.

"Didn't you hear clearly? Avilia and Freeman, these two bastards..." Brown read it again, with righteous words all over his face, "Okay... you read it again."

"Avilia and Freeman, these two bastards..." Baker, who finally understood, repeated it quickly.

"It's almost there, don't forget... okay..."

"Let's go..." Looking at the herd of cattle on the shore, and then at the steep slope that is two people high, Brown shook his head: "I can't get through here, drive the cattle down, there is a shoal below..."

"What are you looking at!"

Noticing that Baker was still staring at the two cattle, Brown gave his son a heavy slap: "Hurry up! The bell has rang twice, and you are still standing here in a daze! You also want to delay the master's work Is it?"

"Yes... yes..." With huge slap marks on his face, Baker climbed up the bank of the stream using both hands and feet.

"'s really worrying..." Looking at his son's clumsy appearance, Brown shook his head again, drove the two injured cattle, and went down the river to the shoal at the end of his sight.

At the same time, Wu Qingchen, who was hidden by a few bushes with dense branches and leaves, squinted his eyes and sneered softly.

Five minutes later, staff officers, soldiers, and the public... The crowd of onlookers, whose faces increased from hundreds of millions to billions in an instant, were tense, fanatical, excited, excited...

as well as…

sneer viciously...

It's getting thicker.

Forty-Six Innocents (Part 2)

"Snapped… "

The compressed branches bounced to the surface of the water, making ripples.

It doesn't make sense, since when are there so many trees here...

Wiping away the splash of water on his face, Brown pushed away another dense branch that was almost endless in front of him.

Waterways are difficult to navigate.

Fast running water, dense branches, entangled aquatic plants, hidden deep pits, huge stones...

It took Brown far more time and energy to drive the two injured cattle from the collapsed wooden bridge to the shallow stream than expected.


Turning a small bend, the stream became smoother, and the shallows were in sight. Brown breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Be... Baker, come... come and help me..."

"Okay, father... wait a moment, wait for me to finish this end first..."

Walking along the bank of the stream, Baker's speed was obviously much faster. When Brown finally appeared at the corner, Baker had already stood on the side of the shoal, waving the cattle driving stick, driving another cattle across the shoal, joining the other side already seven, A team of eight cattle.

"Hurry up, time is running out..." Brown panted heavily, nodded weakly, pressed his knees and watched Baker drive the cattle.

Well, it's okay... It looks quite similar, and the stick is well swung...

This is not good, raise your hand too high...

Yeah, not bad, I made it up when I switched sides... Well... The cow slowed down... Be more honest... Wait a minute... Slowed down? ... slowed down? …

The cow slowed down? …

No, something is wrong...

Brown frowned deeply, and his eyes wandered from side to side, gradually moving from the cattle that were walking through the shallows to the herd of cattle that had come ashore on the right.

Stream... branches... water plants... stones... soil... shrubs... weeds... red marks...

Red Seal

Brown straightened up suddenly, his eyes widened suddenly.

Yes, it is indeed a red seal...

Scarlet hoofprints!

Oops! Oops!

The next moment, Brown strode his legs quickly, and his fast-moving body rolled up a large splash of water, "Baker! Wait a minute!"

"What's the matter? Father..." Baker turned his head, with a doubtful expression, and continued to swing the soft stick with his right hand.

"Stop! You idiot!"

Seeing the cattle in the stream continue to move forward, and the speed was further slowed down, Brown's voice became more anxious, "I tell you to wait a moment! Are you deaf!"

Finally noticing Brown's stern voice, Baker quickly stopped, his face full of bewilderment: "What... what's wrong, father?"

"What's the matter... what's the know what's the matter!" Walking to the shallows, Brown swung his right hand heavily, and five obvious red marks were added to Baker's left face.

"You idiot! Deaf! Blind! Go ahead! Take off your shoes! Go and see what's wrong..."

Dazedly taking off his wooden shoes, Baker got a hard kick on his buttocks. Baker involuntarily rushed into the shallows and staggered a few steps. As soon as he stood still, Baker's expression changed drastically, his bare feet tingled, and he lowered his head. , a few obvious red splashes appeared on the surface of the water.

Baker instantly understood why his father was furious.

Oops! Oops!

There is a problem in the water!

"But... but, it's not a problem to cross the river from here..."

"Idiot! It rained so much yesterday and this morning, don't you know?"

heavy rain! I actually forgot this! Baker's face was pale. The heavy rain washed away the sand and sand on both sides of the bank. This is a shoal, and there will definitely be many sharp gravels... doesn't make sense! Even if it rained heavily overnight, when the rain is usually heavy, I have passed by here before. I have never encountered such a serious situation, otherwise I would not have noticed it this time...

"What are you doing standing there!" Brown's growling voice woke Baker up, "Hurry up and move the stone!"

Yes, yes, the most important thing now is to remove the stones...

Baker woke up instantly, bent down quickly, and together with his father, quickly moved the gravel with his hands and feet. There were a lot of stones and they were very sharp, and their arms were soon dripping with blood.

Finally clearing the stream, the father and son ran quickly to the side of the eight cattle that had crossed the river, regardless of the bloody wounds on their arms.

After only a few glances, Baker's face immediately changed from pale to snow white.

Almost all of the hoofs of the eight cattle that had crossed the river were injured and bled profusely.

Seeing such a serious situation, Baker stayed where he was for an instant, as if seeing the livid face of Steward Ifrit.

"Father... this... what should I do? Are the hens and geese at home enough to pay for..."

"Don't make noise!" He squatted down and carefully inspected the hooves of the cattle. Two minutes later, Brown pressed his head with an extremely ugly expression.

It's all bad.

The situation is very bad!

It's not like a cow in the old William's family had an accident, nor was it like two cattle fell off the wooden bridge just now, and a total of eight cattle were injured at the same time, no, a total of eleven cattle were injured, almost half of the village. Half of the farm cattle lose their ability to work at the same time. This is no longer a problem that hens and geese can solve.

"What to do... what to do..." Next to him, the anxious Baker was still circling around: "Will you add the goats at home... last year I added a few with great difficulty... what to do..."

"Shut up! Don't talk about chickens, ducks, geese, and sheep! It's summer service, even if you count all the cattle at home, it's not enough!"

"Ah! This... what to do... what to do..." Baker's legs instantly lost strength and fell to the ground.

"Shut up! Don't make noise! Let me think about it, there must be a way... there must be a way!"

Brown walked back and forth, muttering to himself, "Wilson's lot is nearby, and the thorns are never cleared. The thorn bushes on both sides grow very tall...Hanborn's house is in front, and there are many puddles at the door. This guy doesn't close the door often... No, no... Wolfe found a beehive from the forest a few days ago, it seems..."

"When... when... when..."

Just as Brown's head was running fast, planning to give this disaster to other villagers for free, a long bell rang from the village in the distance.

Oops! The third bell!

Too late to think about it! Summer service is about to begin!

"Get up! Get up!" Pulling Baker vigorously, Brown quickly turned around, ran to the other side of the stream, swung his soft stick, and drove the cattle across the shallows.

"Go! Fool! Get up! Go!"

Vigorously waving his right hand, Brown threw the cattle driving stick directly in the face of his stupid son, and then, together with his son who stood up in a hurry, still looking frightened, the two quickly gathered the cattle and rushed towards the direction where the bell rang.

Don't panic... don't panic... there must be a way...

There must be a way... Now is not the time to think about this... It's hard to walk here... Don't think about it... Don't think about it... Be careful and finish here...

Don't think about it... You must not think about it here... But... But... A total of eleven cattle...

Between the two valleys, there is a narrow side-slope half-mountain path. This is the most dangerous section of the road leading to the village from the public land. It also coincides with heavy rain and the road surface is even more slippery. Brown reminded himself not to be distracted, but to concentrate , You must be very careful, but the more you think about it, the more confused Brown's mind becomes, and all kinds of thoughts come flooding in.

Fortunately, the side slope path is coming to an end soon, and there are no accidents along the way, and after turning a corner, you can immediately enter the hilly and flat land.


When he finally reached the corner, Brown felt much more relaxed, and the chaotic thoughts in his mind dissipated a lot.

The spacious avenue is in front of you, Brown exhales habitually, grabs the nearby bushes with his left hand habitually, swings the soft stick habitually with his right hand, habitually turns his body slightly to one side, and habitually turns his head slightly away …

Grabbing the bushes, throwing off the soft stick, turning his body slightly, and turning his head away, halfway through this set of extremely skilled movements, a very familiar spacious avenue immediately appeared in front of Brown's eyes...

A large piece of extremely familiar forest farmland...

Several familiar babbling streams...

An equally familiar soft cane...

Rattan? Wait, where is this cane...

It seems that something is wrong!

Brown's eyes widened in an instant, and he wanted to stop the movement. Movement inertia, muscle memory, subconscious mind, body autonomy... etc. have helped Brown complete the entire process of a complete set of skilled movements.


Before he could react, for an instant, Brown's neck tightened, his eyes darkened, and his breathing stagnated...

It doesn't make sense, shouldn't this vine be a little above the head

Just after turning this thought, Brown's body has lost its balance.

With messy steps, shortness of breath, and pain in the neck, the cowherd naturally grabbed his neck with both hands, pulled out a large bush with his left hand, and slashed the soft stick with his right hand back and forth in mid-air, making sharp noises one after another.


Suddenly reacting, Brown struggled to open his blurry eyes, only to see the few cattle falling behind the steep slope in the middle of the mountain, being photographed again and again by the swiftly swinging cattle stick, the cattle accustomed to driving, the tame Instinct and self-preservation clashed fiercely in an instant, and there was a violent restlessness next to the last narrow section of the slope, and the hooves of several cattle had already stepped on the edge of the steep slope...

Oops! Worse!

Brown was extremely anxious. At the same time, he swung his right hand vigorously, and the soft stick he was grasping had fallen again, and once again swept the cattle's bodies...

Do not!

The cowherd dropped the soft bat quickly.

That's too late.

The last blow before throwing away the soft bat has already pressed the last straw to the fierce struggle between "obedience" and "nature" of the cattle.

Grasping the rattan with both hands, he finally stood firm. Brown, who was breathing heavily, saw two cattle rushing towards the steep slope. Mooing and a series of shocking noises caused countless splashes of mud and water on the side of the hillside.

At the same moment, Brown only felt his eyes go dark, and his mind went blank for an instant, and the thought that had been circling back and forth before floated up again: Oops! It seems that this time there is really no need to bother to find a reason...

"Father!" While he was in a daze, there was a rumbling loud noise and a hoarse shout in Brown's ears: "Be careful! Father!"


Brown turned his head suddenly, and the pupils that had been constricted with all their strength shrank instantly again!

Behind him, Baker also fell to the ground for some reason, and a dozen cattle suddenly went crazy and rushed towards him along the narrow mountain road!


Grasping the rattan, Brown tried his best to tear it, and the cattle quickly approached. When Brown finally freed his neck from the rattan, the cattle running at high speed were only a dozen steps away from Brown.

Too late to run away!

With many years of experience in dealing with cattle, Brown suddenly bent over, rolled over, and quickly avoided the side.

After only rolling two times, Brown's tumbling movement suddenly stopped, and two not-so-big stones happened to touch Brown's body.

It doesn't make sense! Shouldn't there be no stones here

The cattle are already close at hand, and this idea flashed through his mind. Brown tried his best to calm down. With years of experience in dealing with cattle, Brown didn't choose to get up and avoid it in no time. Instead, he moved his hands and feet hard. Press the ground, and prepare to use the power of the earth to move horizontally from above the stone.


suddenly. , Brown let out a scream, and countless small bloodstains were drawn on his hands.

It doesn't make sense! When did thorns grow here!

In the next moment, Brown felt an extremely severe, intense, intense pain on his right hand and right foot that was pressed on the ground...

Stepping on the arms and thighs that took care of him day and night, the first ranting cattle had already stepped on Mr. Cowherd's body.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!..."

With a fierce, fierce, and countless times more intense scream, the cowherd turned his head around vigorously, and what filled his vision was a series of restless cows approaching at high speed and following one after another.

When the pain became more and more severe, his consciousness became more and more blurred, and his eyes became darker and darker, Mr. Cowherd only had one last thought circling back and forth in his mind;

It doesn't make sense!

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