Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 53: lucky


"Get... get... get..."

Probably seeing the crowd beside the public land, the farm manager and his attendants reined lightly together, and the horse gradually slowed down, and slowly rushed to the crowd.

With the help of the last ray of light from the sky, the villagers could see that on the tall horses, the four guests who had just arrived all had dry lips, dusty faces, and mud and water stains on their robes. A follower was covered in muddy water, and the robe on his right arm was torn several times. The horse that had just stopped also spewed mist, and a series of drops of water continuously dripped from the head, neck, chest and abdomen.

When he ordered the messengers in the village to set off, Ifrit had already expected that the lord's castle would definitely respond very strongly immediately to the major accident in the village of Akeli, where dozens of cattle were injured at the same time. .

However, when the entourage who stumbled and fell off the horse, the sweaty horses, the dusty and frosty agricultural officer really appeared in front of him, Ifrit found that he was not really mentally prepared at all. .

Barely suppressing the fear secretly rising in his heart, barely controlling his legs that started to tremble slightly at some point, the horse had just stopped, and Ifrit had already greeted him, bowed his head, bowed his hands, and saluted deeply: " Lord John/Ackford, honorable Lord Barris, welcome to Akeley Village, you have worked hard... "

"Humph… "

He glanced at the steward from the corner of his eyes, Sir John/Ackford, the honorable Lord Barris, or relative of the Baron, the gloomy agricultural officer was silent for a long time, and it took him a long time to shake his horsewhip slightly, as if he had received an amnesty Ifrit immediately stepped aside quickly, and at the same time retracted the following flattery back to their starting position.

After driving the horses out for a short distance, they stopped by the muddy field. The agricultural officer's eyes fell on the three collapsed men on the ground. He looked from left to right, and then from right to left. Swinging the whip, Ifrit hurried up to him.

"Ifrit..." This was the first time most of the villagers heard the voice of the agricultural officer, the voice was quite gentle, even soft:

"These three people on the ground are the Brown, Baker, and Green mentioned in the letter? Mr. Rodriguez?"

"Yes, sir." Ifrit nodded quickly.

"These three on the ground are the gentlemen Rodriguez who bled and wounded thirty-seven oxen?"

"Yes... my lord..." Ifrit swallowed heavily.

"These three on the ground are Mr. Rodriguez who made the five cattle unable to stand up again?"

"Yes... my lord..." Ifrit began to wipe his sweat.

"These three on the ground are Mr. Rodriguez who made it impossible to continue the summer service?"

"Yes... my lord..." Ifrit's voice began to tremble.

When answering this series of questions, Ifrit's voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end it was almost inaudible. At the same time, the agricultural officer had long since lost his gentleness at the beginning, and his gloomy face was getting darker and darker. The voice became more and more manic, and at the end of the question, it was like spitting out thunderbolts out of thin air:

"These three on the ground are you! Me! All the villagers here! Even Mr. Rodriguez, who will not be able to fill your stomach next year, Your Excellency the Baron?"

"Yes... yes... yes... yes..." Ifrit had already started to tremble all over, unable to answer for a long time.

The agricultural officer didn't need Ifrit's answer either.

"Basser, Makur, Seema!"

"Please order, master." With the voice of the agricultural officer, the three attendants responded immediately.

"Listen!" Without looking back at all, he waved his hand again, and the whip held by the agricultural officer pointed straight at the limp Mr. Rodriguez on the ground:

"First: take back all the livestock!"

"Second: Take back all the land!"

"Third: Close the house and take back all farm tools!"

"Fourth: Hold on, look, and wait for the Manor Court!"

"No... don't..." "Master... please have mercy..." "Master... give us mercy... You can't..."

Hearing these four merciless orders, in the mud, the eldest son of the cowherd, the second son of the cowherd, and the wife of the cowherd who had also been paralyzed immediately turned pale, struggled and knelt down on the ground, begging again and again, The pleading eyes shifted from the agricultural officer, attendants, stewards, and police officers to the villagers watching, but they only got countless spittle, undisguised glaring, and vicious curses.

As for Raditz and Sika, the cowherd's brother and the nearest neighbors, the two families have already hid deeply behind the villagers, covering their mouths tightly, lest they show any trace of their existence. Can't wait to stop.

Not looking at the cowherd's family struggling in the mud at all, the agricultural officer swung his whip one last time and asked loudly, "Did you hear clearly?"

"Yes! Master!" The three attendants immediately got off their horses and bowed in response at the same time.

"Drag it!"

Immediately, three attendants, the village police officer, and a few strong villagers who were called rushed forward, and the cowherd's family quickly left the villagers' sight. Four forcibly dragged mud marks were left behind, two of which were accompanied by deep blood marks.

Sitting quietly on the horse, the agricultural officer's face was extremely ugly, and he stared blankly towards the west of the village. It was not until the cry of pleading became farther and farther away that he could not be heard, then the agricultural officer suddenly turned his head and looked at the village steward next to him. .

Accepting the stormy continuous questioning by the agricultural officer and watching the complete experience of the agricultural officer's treatment of the cowherd's family, the poor steward was almost in a coma. At this time, he would rather face two knives than face the cold gaze of the agricultural officer.

Standing in the mud, the steward's legs trembled, his head swelled, and he heard his heart beating fast. This poor little thing buried in his chest seemed to have rushed to his throat and was about to rush out. Clenched teeth tightly.

Poor Ifrit's face was full of muscle tremors, and he tried hard to control his ears, and he wanted to cover them, for fear of missing any syllables spoken by the agricultural officer, and for fear of hearing another punishment order.

This is very possible. Most of the cattle in the village were injured. This is a great dereliction of duty by the village steward. Since the agricultural officer punished the cowherd's family without hesitation, Ifrit understood the authorization obtained by the agricultural officer and also understood The level of anger from the castle barons.


"Yes..." Resisting the urge to faint directly, Ifrit replied tremblingly.

"Tell me about the specific circumstances of the cattle's injuries. The situation mentioned in the letter is relatively simple... Also, tell me what you did."

Thank goodness, thank you Lord.

While describing the specific injury of the cattle and how he dealt with the injured cattle, he pressed hard on the heart that continued to beat rapidly. Only a little bit, Ifrit shed tears of gratitude directly.

It's just... so lucky.


Half an hour later, in the east of the village, there was a simple wooden house, inside Wu Qingchen's home.

After listening to the old William's description of the wounded cows in the village, he sighed and shook his head...

After listening to Grace's majestic, decisive and fair description of the agricultural officer...

After listening to Idra's gleeful, or rather gloating description of what happened to the Cowherd's family...

Wu Qingchen let out a long breath of relief.

Fortunately... the Cowherd's family was lucky...

True, all hope had been lost for a family whose livestock, allotment, and farm implements had been seized, and the house locked up, awaiting punishment from the Manor Court.

Beggars did not exist in the medieval world, because the aborigines were all beggars, and the only way out for the cowherd's family was to become serfs. From then on, any behavior was no longer up to them.

This is also the unanimous purpose of the staff groups of all countries on the earth, to kill all possibilities for the cowherd family to regain control of the village cattle herd.

There are many reasons. Apart from the deep-rooted hatred of the 7 billion human beings on the earth, there are two more realistic reasons:

First, if a large number of cattle are injured, the cattle herd's family will definitely suffer losses, or at least their interests will be damaged. Regardless of the earth world or the medieval world, the most likely reaction of those whose interests have been harmed is to redouble their search and recover losses from the easiest way to gain benefits, and the easiest way for cowherds to gain benefits is the village cattle herd. After experiencing the thrilling scene before the emergency awakening, the earth world will never allow the cowherd to multiply the theft of cattle, causing uncontrollable dangers to happen again.

Second, the dozens of cattle in the village represent the most advanced social productive forces in the medieval world, the living standards of the people in the medieval world, and the fundamental interests of the villagers. Or to improve Wu Qingchen's living standard, among the countless plans designated by the Earth Advisory Group, these representatives have an extremely important position. With such a key and important representative position, the countless staff groups on the earth must not tolerate the interests of a certain person or family occupying it alone, and even affect the optimal and reasonable use of them.

Logically, the cowherd's family, who were severely punished by the agricultural officials and would become serfs in the future, was lucky, because they avoided countless unimaginable, inexplicable, and unimaginable accidents.

In any case, serfs were not all bad.

On the other hand, if they become serfs, their life will be monotonous, dull, and mediocre from now on, but they will no longer have to worry about tomorrow, and they will not lose their jobs suddenly--only the master whose head is caught by the door Slaves are unemployed--there will always be a roof over their heads--but no matter how light the rain will be a little leaky--food is given by the master every day, there is always something to eat, and they will not die of hunger ----Of course, if you think it's too bad to eat or you can't bite it at all, or you have to see a "rolling" doctor because the food is too dirty, of course you can't blame anyone...

Alright alright…

Alright alright!

It was so miserable and disgusting, Wu Qingchen gave up imagining and decided to give up comforting herself.

In any case, I am lucky... In any case, the result of the Cowherd's family is a foregone conclusion. Professional therapists and negotiation experts help me make such a fierce resolution.

During the second emergency training, the psychiatrists and negotiators told Wu Qingchen countless truths, but for some reason, Wu Qingchen was most impressed by two very common words:

On one side is the whole world, on the other side is a family that is not innocent...

With 7 billion lives, there is no room for mercy...

Recalling these two sentences, Wu Qingchen lay down on the hay bed, stroked her chest, and gently closed her eyes.

Go to sleep, go to bed early...

If the staff team's deduction is correct, it won't take long before I have to get up, and I have been busy for a long time...

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