Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 59: scramble


Three days later.

Medieval World 0001-02-01 07:21 AM.

It was a cloudy day, the sky was a little dark, the morning dew had not yet dissipated, and the breeze brought coolness.

This is a rare and comfortable time in summer. However, at such a comfortable moment, beside the hillside, squatting next to two bushes, Wu Qingchen raised his right hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Los..." A few steps away, next to a large canopy of leaves, a young man in his early twenties protruded.

"What's wrong?" Wu Qingchen turned around.

"Loss..." The young man's forehead was also sweating slightly. Seeing Wu Qingchen turning his head, the young man waved vigorously the few light blue seedlings he was holding in his right hand: "...I remember you seem to have said that this kind of seedlings also need ,Right?"

"Let me see..." Wu Qingchen walked over, took the seedlings for a closer look, and quickly shook his head: "That's right, I want this kind of seedlings... But these few are not enough..."

"Why? I've dug very carefully..." The young man hastily came over and quickly checked: "Look, here, and here, the grass roots are still there, the leaves are not broken, and a little bit of it is specially brought here. Soil, here is still..."

"I know, I know... these are all right, you really dug very carefully..." Wu Qingchen nodded repeatedly, and at the same time pointed to the top of the seedlings: "However, it is not because of these reasons that these seedlings are not good... this kind of seedlings When making medicine, I don’t use its roots or leaves, but its flowers... none of these branches have bloomed yet... "

"... This... This... Is this so?... Let me think about it..." The young man looked up and recalled, and soon he looked a little annoyed, and at the same time threw away the remaining few seedlings in his hand: "Oh, I remembered , you did tell me... really, how did I forget again..."

"Forget it, forget it, it's okay, anyway, this kind of seedlings are everywhere, it doesn't take much trouble..."

While talking, Wu Qingchen had squatted down again, and when he stood up again soon, there were a few more seedlings in Wu Qingchen's hands, which were almost exactly the same as the young people's, except that there were a few more small blue flowers at the top of their forks. Flower Herb: "Look, there are quite a few here..."

"Okay..." Seeing the young man also squatting down, Shuo Xun's eyes began to scan around, and his right hand quickly grabbed a seedling, Wu Qingchen waved his hand quickly, "Okay, you don't need to look for it, this kind of request Not many, a few are enough."

"Oh..." The young man stopped: "If that's the case, what else do you need now?"

"Now..." Hearing this question, Wu Qingchen couldn't help but look to his right side, and casually put it in the wooden basket next to him, which already contained a small half of various plants, "Where's your basket? Show me too..."

Soon, the two baskets were put together, and Wu Qingchen put the young man's wooden basket in front of him. While looking through it carefully, he picked out a few herbs from time to time and put them into his own wooden basket. The plants in the basket have been checked, and Wu Qingchen's own wooden basket has been completely filled.

"Now..." Wu Qingchen pondered for a while, and finally checked quickly: " seems to be almost the same..."

"That's right, it's almost there, and there are a few things that are still missing. There are also places where you can go to the west of the village to find stones and water plants at noon... It's really not possible, and you can dig in time when you go back in the afternoon... Okay, let's do it for now!" Looking at the sky, Wu Qingchen picked up the full wooden basket and stood up: "It's getting late, there are still a lot of things to do today, let's go first..."

"Let's go?" Clapping his hands, the young man also stood up, noticing that Wu Qingchen's hand was full of Mulan, the young man quickly reached out: "Come on, Ross, let me help you..."

"No, I'll do it myself."

"You have too many here, and the road is still quite far, let me mention it."

"It's really not necessary, it just looks like a lot, but in fact they are all grass and big grass, not too heavy, I can lift it myself."

"How could it not be heavy... Let me come, Master Barres asked me to come here to help you..."

"It really doesn't matter. The road ahead is very narrow. It will be inconvenient for you to carry two of them... Besides, these herbs need to be carefully taken care of. It is more appropriate for one person to take care of one."

"In this way... in this case... let's change!"

"...Okay..." Reluctantly exchanging wooden baskets, Wu Qingchen couldn't laugh or cry: "Okay now, let's go, Busse."

"Okay, Ross." The young Busser, or rather, the entourage of the agricultural officer, nodded vigorously and walked to the front.

For three days, Wu Qingchen treated the cattle in the village every day.

The roads in the medieval world were quite poor, sanitation...there was no such thing as sanitation at all, and most of these injured cattle with traumatic wounds were very unsuitable to leave the haystacks of the livestock shed or wooden house for activities. Therefore, Wu Qingchen I have to go out early in the morning every day, and go home when the sun is about to set. I have just finished dinner and go to treat the cattle that have been treated, and they are sent back to the wooden house by the grateful villagers in the middle of the night.

Due to the large number of injured cattle in the village, even if Wu Qingchen is busy day and night without touching the ground, at least half of the cattle in the village have not had time to receive real treatment, and Wu Qingchen will only distribute them to the owners. He gave some of the simplest medicines, and taught a little bit of the most basic nursing methods and the simplest measures to prevent inflammation.

Of course, these "simplest medicines", "most basic nursing methods", and "simplest measures to prevent inflammation" are all relative to the concept of the earth. For the medieval world where medicine almost did not exist, these "simplest ", "the most basic", and "the simplest", have also greatly improved the condition of these injured cattle, and the speed of recovery has been greatly improved.

Such an effect should be said to be quite satisfactory. A large number of cattle died, the possibility of a devastating blow to the village has completely disappeared, and the prospect of a full return to normal is just around the corner. The agricultural officer was already quite satisfied.

However, when the farming officer saw that some of the cattle treated by Wu Qingchen in the first night and the first day had completely recovered, and had even started to work in the fields, they were deeply shocked. The agricultural officer found Wu Qingchen again.

Knowing that Wu Qingchen had done his best and that there was no possibility of further speeding up the progress, the agricultural officer immediately sent Busser, a servant, to Wu Qingchen's side to collect medicinal herbs for Wu Qingchen, brew them, apply them, and improve farming The cattle restore the environment, and even provide all the help they can in terms of eating, washing dishes, washing clothes, laying haystacks, etc.

Wu Qingchen didn't order the young Busser as he pleased because of this.

During the training, the Earth Staff Group, Analysis Group, and Coaching Group all emphasized to Wu Qingchen again and again that in the medieval world, at the current stage, we must try our best to make friends with every native , seize every opportunity to improve the indigenous people's goodwill towards themselves and establish a good image.

The purpose of the staff group, analysis group, and coaching group is not difficult.

Living in an environment where everyone is equal, at least verbally, for more than 20 years, when Wu Qingchen got along with Busser, his gestures and tone naturally revealed kindness.

Working hard in a society with advanced information and frequent exchanges for many years, Wu Qingchen has communication skills far superior to that of the natives. When Busse picked the wrong herb, Wu Qingchen would say that the seedlings were everywhere, and did not point out that he had reminded Busse; When it comes to wooden baskets, Wu Qingchen will say that the road is very narrow and it is inconvenient to carry two baskets, but does not point out that Basser has no ability to take good care of the herbs.

Etc., etc…

The expected drudgery was so easy, and getting along so well, Busser, who followed the agricultural officer on weekdays and was always trembling all the time, for fear of any mistakes, was naturally like a spring breeze.

Fifty-Five Scrambles (Part 2)

The collection of medicinal herbs was basically over, carefully guarding the wooden basket, along the winding hilly path, Wu Qingchen and Busse crossed several hills and gradually approached the area where the villagers lived.

The two quickly approached another corner. This is a fork formed by a hillside. Both sides of the fork lead to the west of the village. After passing this hillside, there are several wooden houses of villagers in front. Walking here, Wu Qingchen The footsteps of Basser and Basser suddenly slowed down at the same time.

"Shall I go and have a look first?" Busser turned around with a look of inquiry.

"Okay, go and have a look..." Wu Qingchen nodded, saw Busser stepping forward, and added slightly uneasy: "...Be careful, don't be seen."

"I know..." As he said, Busser put down the wooden basket, walked lightly to the corner, poked his head out cautiously, glanced at it quickly, and quickly shrank back.

"How is it?" Wu Qingchen's voice was full of hope.

"No, not here."

Busse shook his head, and quickly walked lightly to another intersection, repeating the movements of cautiously poking his head and quickly shrinking his head. Before Wu Qingchen could ask, Busse had already shook his head again: "No, this way Neither."

"Both sides are not okay again?...Okay, okay, I knew it would be like this...Since it doesn't work, let's go this way, at least this way is closer... oh..."

Wu Qingchen sighed, looked at the intersection leading to both sides, and walked to the left direction with a slightly heavy footsteps, frowning.

Pushing aside the branches extending to the side of the road, bypassing a few bushes that grew wildly after the rain, Wu Qingchen turned the corner, and the hillside that blocked his view was thrown behind him. In front of him, there was an undulating hillside, two meandering streams, and a few muddy patches. fields, a few small and simple wooden houses...

And standing in front of these wooden houses, staring at the corner of the fork in the road, the moment Wu Qingchen's small figure appeared, he immediately turned around, rushed out, or jumped high. .

At the same time, Wu Qingchen's two ears immediately received a series of yelling.

"Loss! Here! Look here! Come here, hot water is boiling in the pot, hay is spread in the shed, rags are torn in the house, everything is ready, just waiting for you to come, this time it will definitely be Come on, it won't take you a little bit of effort!"

"Loss! Roses! Are you tired of the fields? Come to Aunt Akara's house soon. Auntie has prepared peas and lettuce for you, and they are heating up! They were just picked early in the morning, and put salt and oil!"

"Loss! You came just in time, I need you! Come here, come to my house! Last night, when your Uncle Avelia came home, he picked up two small shovels. I don't know whose family they belonged to. Asked everywhere, no one wanted it... Look, this is it, how is it? It looks very useful, right? Come here, there is another one in the house. I heard that your father and brothers are opening new land these two days. This one It must be useful, you can take it home!"

"Here, come! Brother Rose is here! Mother, come out, come out! Brother Rose is here!"

Amidst the noisy shouts one after another, more than a dozen figures rushed towards Wu Qingchen. These peasant women took extremely vigorous steps, running and jumping, rushing and bumping, and quickly squeezed to Wu Qingchen's side. On the enthusiastic and sincere smiling face, more than a dozen opened and closed quickly, and the most enthusiastic invitations came out from the lotus-tongued mouth.

Surrounded by such enthusiastic and sincere aunts and sisters-in-law, facing such an earnest and sincere invitation...

Wu Qingchen had a frowning brow, his tangled expression stretched his muscles, Wu Qingchen's brows wrinkled into bark, and his face wrinkled into a bitter gourd.

"Aunt Mary, don't pull me, please don't pull me... It's useless for you to pull me, really, I have seen your cattle three times! I swear to you, your baby eats The lack of pasture is definitely not due to injury... No matter whose farm cattle are replaced by pasture five times a day, they will definitely become exactly the same as your farm cattle... You are feeding too much! Also, are you going to There is also too much food! Basser and I can't finish it for three days and three nights! And we have eaten it all! Please let me go!"

"Grandma Zenia, don't squeeze me anymore, you can't squeeze me anymore, look, I've stepped into the field, you don't want Uncle Jamie to be angry, don't you... yes, yes... yes, I know you don't On purpose... no, no, I'm definitely not mad!... Definitely not for that reason... I know you have a shed, you boil hot water, you tear up rags... yes, yes, I know you have everything ready, How could I forget? You have told me thirteen times since the day before yesterday!"

"Ah... Aunt Mammy, don't... don't grab the basket... no, don't put it in my hand... and don't put the wooden shovel in the basket, don't crush the herbs... yes, yes, yes, yes, it's Avelia Uncle picked it up, definitely picked it up when Uncle Avelia came home..."

"Yes, yes, what a coincidence, how can it be an accident? Although I haven't been to your wooden house a few times, I can be sure that to pick these two small wooden shovels, I must first open Uncle Avelia's favorite I dug out a lot of clothes from the little box, and removed two wooden boards, so that I could just pick up these two little treasures in your hand from the bottom of the box!"

"Cassie, Cass, Cleo, Edmund, don't bark! Let the aunts finish turning the pasture! The sun is about to pass, and if you don't turn it over, the cattle will have nothing to eat in winter!"

"Okay, okay, aunts, aunts, grandmas, let me go, I have already cured the farm cattle in your family, and I have seen them two or three times, there is nothing wrong, just let them be well Rest, after two or three days, I will be able to work in the fields... Let me go, there are more than 20 cattle waiting for me in the village... "

"Don't chase me, everyone, go home, don't chase, look, look over there... the aunts who live in Asitacchio's side are also here, let me go, or I won't be able to go It’s gone, and there will be even less time to watch your cattle farming!”

Just like that, Wu Qingchen and Basser fled quickly, throwing off a large group of peasant women and children who were chasing and intercepting them.

This is what Wu Qingchen must have experienced every time he passed the village in the past three days...


For Wu Qingchen, the road passing through the living area of Akeli village has suddenly changed since he started to treat the wounded cattle in the village, and instantly became a bumpy road full of difficulties and obstacles.

There is no way, there are too many injured cattle in the village, there are more than 40 cattle, Wu Qingchen has tried his best to speed up the treatment of injuries, and so far only half of the cattle in the village have been treated.

Wu Qingchen is only one person, and has not yet learned the spell of doppelganger. There is inevitably a difference in treatment. Everyone hopes to heal the farm cattle at home first, so that it can recover as quickly as possible, and with the fastest speed. Go down to the ground again, and try to avoid the loss of the family as much as possible.

It is impossible for Wu Qingchen to satisfy the "top priority" wishes of the seventy or so families who use the cattle alone or jointly, and hundreds of people who all share the same "priority" wish. Factors such as urgency, location of residence, affected families, etc., comprehensively determine the order of treatment.

These are almost all unheard of factors, and of course most of the indigenous people are impossible to understand, and the scene that just happened is inevitable, happening again and again.

Along the way, regardless of whether the cattle at home have been initially treated, the cattle at home have been re-examined for the first time, the cattle at home have basically recovered, or the cattle at home have crawled into the field, almost every household has women who stay at home. Children, as soon as they see Wu Qingchen, they will run to Wu Qingchen quickly, or beg, or complain, or make preparations on their own initiative, or bribe in a clumsy and ridiculous way, try every means, and try their best to make Wu Qingchen go see more Injured cattle at home.

The same is true for these families whose cattle have already started treatment. As for the cattle that have not had time to receive the first treatment, they only receive some of the simplest herbal medicines, and they are full of care and disinfection methods. Watching other people's cattle quickly recover, the families chasing, or arresting Wu Qingchen can be imagined.

The staff team must have deduced this situation, why not let the coaching team teach me how to escape

Fighting to break through again and again, and fleeing again and again, Wu Qingchen, the mouse crossing the street, was exhausted physically and mentally and suffered unspeakably.

Fortunately, the aborigines in the medieval world were just ignorant, not stupid. When each family chased and blocked Wu Qingchen, they were always careful not to let their enthusiasm hurt Wu Qingchen. When fighting for Wu Qingchen, although there were occasional quarrels with each other , but at most they just scolded a few words without pain, and there was no fight.

Thanks to these simple blessings, the treatment plan formulated by Wu Qingchen, so far, can finally be carried out step by step.

Until this moment...

"I'll fuck it!"

Looking at the emptiness, only the rushing stream, high and steep slopes, and two deeply indented streams on both sides of the stream, Wu Qingchen was dumbfounded, and couldn't help spouting Chinese.

In the distance, four peasant women galloped away carrying two wet logs.

The one who left quickly with this former bridge was Aunt Seraka who ran at the front and shouted angrily:

"Loss, we have prepared the food, and we have also prepared all the things you used to treat the cattle these days... By the way, when you just came here, Grandma Luni led someone to tear down the bridge on your way back. How about it, if you don’t treat the cattle for our five families today, you won’t even think about going home!”

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