Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 6: Greetings out of the blue


17 minutes? There are chips inserted in the heads here

This was Wu Qingchen's first feeling when he grabbed the document, because it could no longer be called a document, but a sixteen-moment book with at least two hundred pages.

There was no time to waste, Wu Qingchen quickly turned to the first page, quickly jumped to the second page, and quickly continued to the third page...

This speed is not because Wu Qingchen has the ability to see ten lines at a glance and never forget, but because Wu Qingchen can't read at all.

After Li Ziping repeatedly emphasized the urgency in his "simple explanation" before, Wu Qingchen had already realized that the voting rules in his hand were probably the simplest version, but after turning through many pages, from dense professional vocabulary to unfamiliar abbreviations , Among the natural quotations, Wu Qingchen basically didn't find a few sentences that he could fully understand.

What's more... even if you understand it, so what

The corners of Wu Qingchen's mouth twitched bitterly. Wu Qingchen was not at all mentally prepared for why his noon dream was broadcast synchronously around the world, let alone any explanation.

I neither picked up an alien meteorite, nor found a withered old family book, nor bought a cheap unknown item. My life in the last month is almost the same as that of the last month, last month, or even half a year. no difference.

why? why me

Thinking of the military's tight seal on his room, Wu Qingchen already understood that the answer to this question probably wants to be known by the whole world.

Even though the situation was so tense along the way, Wu Qingchen never thought that he could provoke the UN Security Council, let alone that the things he committed could be compared with threatening peace, destroying peace, and aggressing other countries.

Wu Qingchen, who often reads the news, knows that although the UN Security Council is mostly a decoration, once the five permanent members reach an agreement, it is the only legal institution in the world that has the right to take coercive military action.

The tragedy is that there is no suspense about whether the five permanent members will reach an agreement for themselves—this agenda itself was jointly proposed by them.

Thinking of this, the so-called agenda and the so-called vote, even Wu Qingchen already understood the simple intentions contained in it:

Simultaneous phenomenon in the global sky is unprecedented, and the situation of global human beings being injured at the same time is of great importance;

It concerns the direct safety of all human beings in the world. In order to avoid uncontrollable panic and large-scale riots, the five permanent members have to invite the younger brothers who usually play soy sauce to participate collectively, and deal with it publicly to make them feel at ease. As for the solution, According to the implementation process, the younger brothers only need to continue their own work-in charge of soy sauce.

Knowing this, Wu Qingchen also understood the result of the final vote in advance: experimenting on himself is doomed.

What's even more frightening is that her own future is probably already doomed.

Thinking of the words "huge loss" and "tragedy" embezzled by Li Xiaoping with a frown and a calm expression...

Although Wu Qingchen has not received any interrogation or interrogation except for the confirmation of his identity at the door of his house, this poor man who is not too slow has already clearly seen his own tomorrow:

A small room covered with soft plastic boards from floor to ceiling, a soft bed covered with restraint belts without any sharp edges, a toothbrush and a rice fork that bends with a little effort, a serving of Mental patients with strong suicidal tendencies will receive hundreds or even thousands of times more alert treatment.

Wu Qingchen can directly enjoy this high-level rice bug life without applying.

Of course, it is even more impossible to refuse.

Wu Qingchen was hesitating, a few people came out quickly from the side door of the small hall, and the man walking in the front was holding several documents in both hands: "Minister Li, the fax you just received is the result of confirmation."

Li Ziping nodded and took it, took a quick look, picked up the microphone and knocked: "Misters and ladies, here are the authorized faxes just sent by twenty-five countries, which have been reviewed by the Security Council Secretariat, and the representatives present here are designated Voting on behalf of..."

Most of the gentlemen and ladies in the audience continued to bury their heads on the phone or argue fiercely with each other, only a small part of the crowd raised their heads.

"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has appointed Mr Thor Johnson to vote, Thor Johnson, do you accept it? ... The Republic of the Gambia has appointed Mr Thor Johnson, Thor Johnson, do you accept it? ... The Republic of Costa Rica has appointed Thor Voting for Mr. Johnson…”

Thirteen countries entrusted the same person to vote on their behalf. Following Li Ziping's line of sight, Wu Qingchen saw a fat, thin-haired Western man standing up and nodding repeatedly. The nameplate in front of him had two lines of text in both Chinese and English. The part is "U.S. Ambassador to China Thor Johnson".


The scene in front of him undoubtedly further confirmed Wu Qingchen's guess, and also made Wu Qingchen's heart a little heavier.

Obviously, everyone else understood what was going on. Li Ziping read out the thirteen commissions in a formulaic manner, and Thor Johnson, with thinning hair, formally accepted the commissions one by one. The two parties even gave up, or there was no time to pretend To express surprise, Thor Johnson never put down the phone on the way, and kept communicating with the other side of the phone from time to time.

After Mr. Thor Johnson, Consul of the United States, Li Ziping won several voting jobs for representatives of China, Russia, the United Kingdom, and France.

Turning to the last page of the fax in his hand, Li Ziping's complexion finally changed, his eyebrows were squeezed together, and he carefully read the document several times.

The strange situation immediately attracted the attention of the French ambassador Piersipal, who seemed to be still waiting for the last entrustment, and soon spread to more than a dozen assistant bureaucrats around Sipard. These people looked at Sipard strangely. Er, followed his gaze and looked at Li Ziping who was frowning and silent, and stopped talking with each other unknowingly.

The next few rows are filled with representatives of France. They found that there was no movement in the central area, so they stopped busy to pay attention. This kind of situation spread all the way, and I didn't know what happened in the farther position, but I found that the people around me suddenly became quiet, and I stopped half of what I said and half of what I did.

What happened

The venue was quiet for the first time. On the rostrum, the frowning Li Ziping put down the microphone and used the portable headset to talk in a low voice. It seemed that he was communicating with the backstage for confirmation, and he seemed to be reporting to the high-level for instructions.

It is quite rare for a diplomat to have such a situation. However, the representatives present have encountered countless rare things today, and no one made a fuss. They just moved their eyes from Li Ziping's face to the last piece of paper document.

After at least five minutes, the exchange finally came to a conclusion, and Li Ziping finally launched the last document that attracted everyone's attention: "The Republic of Sierra Leone appointed Mr. Wu Qingchen to vote on its behalf. Mr. Wu Qingchen, do you accept it?"


Wu Qingchen's eyes suddenly opened wide.

The audience was in an uproar, and countless people reported loudly to the phones that had already dialed in their hands, and more people got together to discuss urgently.

What kind of bird country is Sierra Leone? Is this country with its brains growing in its belly getting smashed

Wu Qingchen knows that there are some strange bird countries on the earth. Maybe they have been oppressed in history, or they have been oppressed in modern society. Their daily hobby is to fight against the great powers of the United Nations, as if the purpose of joining the United Nations is to add obstacles to the great powers.

There was one more thing that Wu Qingchen could never have imagined: In addition to provoking the Security Council, he could one day become a ladder for this bird country to realize its self-worth, and a tool for adding obstacles to big countries.

"Mr. Wu Qingchen, do you accept it?" Wu Qingchen was stunned when Li Ziping asked again formulaically.

"I accept!"

With such an unhesitating answer, the object of astonishment was replaced by Li Ziping.

accept! Why not

If there are too many lice, it doesn't itch, and if you have too many debts, you don't worry. Wu Qingchen, who is already numb, agrees.

One vote fell from the sky, no matter how small it is, it will still let me make my own voice! Wu Qingchen secretly felt ruthless, wishing that his tiny vote had the veto power, and could directly avoid the human experiment on him.

However, after only a few seconds, Wu Qingchen's face suddenly froze again: If the plan of the Five Great Powers is to let the vote fail, so that they can justify themselves in the name of safety and study for a lifetime...

Wu Qingchen shuddered when he speculated on the will of the country with the utmost malice.

No, I want to vote yes!

The result of the failure of the vote is to determine that it must and must be 100% captive for a lifetime!

There is a chance that the vote will pass... Maybe the situation at noon is just a coincidence? Maybe I won't implicate all of humanity if I get hurt again? Maybe if it is closed for ten or twenty years, this situation will disappear? Maybe I still have a chance to release it

The tragic life needs no explanation, and I firmly voted in favor of conducting human experiments on myself...

Even in such an environment and facing a miserable future, Wu Qingchen's heart is still indescribably entangled.

At this time, Li Ziping, who was beside Wu Qingchen, had long since ended his slight astonishment, and began to use the portable headset to communicate with several people.

A few minutes later, Li Ziping seemed to nod helplessly, ended another call, and turned to Wu Qingchen: "Mr. Wu Qingchen, from now on, your opinion represents the opinion of the Republic of Sierra Leone. Please vote carefully."

Without waiting for Wu Qingchen's answer, Li Ziping had already pressed a few buttons, and ordered to the headset again: "Prepare a voting device."

Soon, a young man who was probably a staff member held a small box in both hands and quickly appeared at the side door of the Great Hall of the People. Several soldiers stopped the young man. The young man opened the small box knowingly and took out the vote The voting device, several small instruments immediately moved to the side of the voting device.

"Dididi... Didi... Didi..."

The harsh and rapid siren sounded sharply.

Chapter 6 The unexpected greeting (Part 2)

The faces of a dozen soldiers in the small hall suddenly changed. Two soldiers standing by the door quickly pushed the side door open. From the last gap, the three people on the rostrum saw that the soldier standing next to the young man had quickly grabbed He grabbed the voting device and threw it to the corner of the wall, grabbed the young man's hair with both hands and slammed it to the ground, at least ten guns of various types were pointed at the young man's head in an instant.

"boom… "

Through the completely closed side door, standing behind Li Ziping and Liu Tao who stood in front of them with open arms, Wu Qingchen heard a dull explosion.

Maybe after a long time, maybe just for a while, the side door of the hall slowly opened again.

As far as the eye can see, the small hall is already a mess. The young people who were dragged to the ground disappeared, replaced by wood chips and plastic debris, with many messy footprints and a long drag mark trampled on it. A few feeble petals floated in the air, and just as the hall door was opened, a thick dust and a pungent burning smell entered the venue at the same time.

Someone is going to kill me! Who is going to kill me

Looking at the dark scorched marks in the corner of the wall, a series of events flashed through Wu Qingchen's mind like lightning.

Commissioned... Accepted... Voted... Voting device... Bomb... Assassinated...

Wu Qingchen's complexion turned pale with the simple and straightforward trap and the fierce and direct method.

Someone wants to kill Wu Qingchen! Who is going to kill Wu Qingchen? Who wants to die together with all mankind

Looking at the thick dust and smelling the pungent burning smell, the Great Hall of the People was silent, everyone's face was pale, and everyone cast suspicious eyes around.


Almost at the same time, the assassination of Wu Qingchen did not exceed half a minute, at 13:52 p.m., Moscow, Russia, Kremlin.


The phone hit the wall and shattered.

"This is war! This is a declaration of war on the 160 nations of Russia! Leonid, what are you waiting for? Didn't you hear? This is war! Go out and draw up your papers! Prepare to declare war on Sierra Leone!"

Amidst the loud roar of the Russian Prime Minister, Foreign Minister Leonid quickly exited the conference room.

"Vitalie, Bervshka, call your staff and prepare for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Boris, order the Black Sea Fleet, the Northern Fleet, and the Pacific Fleet to leave port, order the Caspian Sea Fleet, and the Second Fleet to approach the south coast of the Atlantic Ocean …”

"Prime Minister, the Second Fleet is underfunded and many ships lack maintenance..."

"It will sink wherever it can go! Whoever moves the money in the boat to his home will let the boat become his coffin!"


Five minutes after the assassination of Wu Qingchen, on the other side of the world, at 5:57 a.m. Eastern Time, Washington, USA, in an underground bunker.

The young adjutant stumbled around a few corners, the fax in his hand was still warm from the printer, at the end of the corridor, an old soldier was dressed in military uniform, with four gold emblems on his shoulders.

He literally snatched the fax from the adjutant's hand. The four-star general glanced at it hastily, then turned and pushed open the door.

The room will be full of stars, the innermost position of the long square table, the tall black man in a straight suit, staring piercingly at the old soldier who pushed the door in, the latter closed the door and immediately read out the contents of the fax: "Your Excellency, African The command replied: 133, 271 Airborne Division started to board the plane and requested the Naples Allied Forces to escort."


Another general opened the door: "Mr. Winnifield, the NATO command has been mobilized urgently, and aerial reconnaissance at bases in Egypt, Kenya, and Turkey has taken off."

The black president lowered his head on the left, Mr. Winnifield with a bald head, and the chief of staff of the US Air Force nodded: "Order the Dhahran, Mahira, and Izmir combat groups to take off, and order the Cherlik base to prepare for aerial refueling."

The door was pushed open again with a "bang", and the person who came was sweating profusely and his face was pale: "Mr. President, the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Northern Fleet, and Pacific Fleet are leaving port at the same time, and the target is temporarily unknown."

"What?" The black president suddenly got up, looked around, and focused his eyes on the fourth position from the left: "Mr. Rodriguez! How long will it take for the cia report? The whole world is waiting for you! What do you want to do? Let’s just get straight to the point, how much do you want to increase your budget next quarter?”

"Mr. President..." The fat uniform of the director of the Central Intelligence Agency was soaked with sweat, and his forehead was even brighter: "The incident happened suddenly. My colleagues have all mobilized and worked hard. I believe it will be soon..."

"Mr. Rodriguez, please make another call after working hard, and ask your colleagues how the report is, if there is still no..." The president frowned, pressing his forehead with some headaches: "I will make an impromptu Well, anyway, you guys are more proficient at this job."

"Your Excellency," the chief replied, "we have never, nor need, falsified reports. My colleagues will soon..."

"Soon! Damn it! It's damn fast again! You've said that a million times!"

The president slammed his right hand on the table: "When the astronomical event just happened, you said it was very fast. When Wu was found by China in the early morning, you said it was very fast. When Sierra Leone was inexplicably entrusted, you said it was very fast. An explosion occurred in the large conference room of China. You said soon! Now, the third world war is about to break out, and your only answer is soon... *Treat! You fat pig! Take your soon to hell!"

In the silence, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency was pale, his whole body was trembling, and his forehead was covered with sweat, as if he would faint at any moment. At this moment, the phone in front of the director finally rang for help.

Rodriguez quickly grabbed the microphone with a quickness that didn't match his stature, and seconds later a CIA agent entered the room with a report.

The content of the report was probably not rich. The president put down the report in less than half a minute and pressed his forehead. The president waved to an adjutant in the corner: "Take the hotline of the leaders of China and Russia."


Nine minutes after the assassination of Wu Qingchen, at 7:06 p.m. Beijing time, the secret city, secret location, and secret room.

It was also a conference room, with several people sitting around the round table, the teacups on the table had already cooled down, the glass jar was filled with cigarette butts in a mess, and a layer of smoke was floating in the air in the room.

The room was quiet, everyone was silent, all eyes were on the seat opposite the door, a man who was answering the phone.


"The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has confirmed..." The man with a wrinkled forehead and black hair put down the summit hotline, "Thirty minutes ago, a small-scale riot occurred in Freetown, the capital of the Republic of Sierra Leone."

"Small riots?"

"According to the current intelligence, it should be a coup." The black-haired man looked at the shorthand on the right: "Information from the US Central Intelligence Agency shows that at the beginning, the informant in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, claimed that everything in the capital was normal. Any military or police movements."

"The Central Intelligence Agency ordered many times, especially after the assassination incident, and used some special methods. The informant finally blatantly mobilized all the connections that could be mobilized in the whole city, and even went to the streets to ask people. Finally, someone claimed Several sparks were seen from the RUF office and very faint smoke was also seen in the street near the Cabinet Office."

"An extraordinary coup."

"Yes." The man put down the shorthand notebook, his expression solemn: "The action is secretive and straightforward, and the assassination is decisive and direct. This is not a trick that the warlords in Sierra Leone can play."

"Sierra Leone should not be able to arrange this assassination operation."

The man in the first place next pressed down another cigarette: "This kind of insane act of suicide is closer to the style of fanatical religious sects and extremist terrorists. Among them, they can act so decisively and quickly, especially because they can put explosives in There are not many organizations in the Great Hall of the People.”

"This matter is not a top priority. Let it be handed over to the sixth department first. The action must be fast, so as not to lag behind the United States too much, and it is easy to be passive."

"Yes..." The fourth man at the bottom picked up the microphone and hesitated for a while: "Do you want to postpone the meeting at the Great Hall..."

"No..." The chairman waved his hand decisively: "Delaying the meeting, creating panic, and looking for opportunities to stir up turmoil in the international community is the purpose of the enemy's arrangement of this operation that is almost certain to fail. Now is the most dangerous time, the meeting must continue, and The pace must be expedited, we cannot afford to waste time.

"Also..." The chairman looked to the right: "General Sun, you can arrange the security of the meeting place again, and tell Li Ziping not to be burdened, and let go of work."

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