Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 62: vaguely


"Okay, alright, Jeff, needless to say..." Being accused by neighbors, Alta didn't explain, just shook his head with a wry smile: "It's my fault... You should go there quickly, the morning prayer will start soon, The church is quite far away... Hurry up and stabilize the wooden bridge... "

"What do you want me to help? Aren't you fine by yourself?"

After saying this, Jeff quickly pulled up his trouser legs, stepped on two logs, spread his hands, staggered across the stream, and jumped to the opposite bank.

As soon as it landed, Jeff immediately bent down, held down two logs, and worked hard together with Alta who had already prepared, and the wooden bridge, which was slightly shaking, immediately came to a steady stop.

"Okay..." Across the stream, Jeff raised his head, "Sir, you can come here... Slow down... Be careful when you get on the bridge, it rained again in the morning, and the wood is a bit slippery... Don't rush when you go, go It may wobble when it is too fast... By the way... Take a smaller step, don't look down, look ahead a little bit... And... "

and also

He had already walked to the side of the wooden bridge, heard Jeff's series of instructions, and heard the concern and tension revealed in these reminders. The pastor couldn't help but stop, rubbed his eyes, and couldn't help but have been here at least Near the stream of a hundred times, I looked up, down, left, and right for a long time.

That's right, I remembered the place correctly!

The wooden bridge is still not long, only a dozen short steps;

The wooden bridge is still not high, and it is only one person high from the water surface;

Several days have passed since the torrential rain, the stream below has long since calmed down, and there is no rush at all...

…Except for the replacement of a few pieces of wood, everything else is still the same, and it has not quietly turned into a cliff, and there is no sudden magma poisonous water...

But... why do I feel that something is wrong...

Thinking of this, Praia involuntarily started to get nervous, stepping on the log cautiously, even tremblingly, stopping at every step, pausing at every step, moving slowly and concentrating on it. After a long, long time, Praia finally passed by. A wooden bridge of only a dozen steps.

Both feet finally stepped on the mud, fine beads of sweat appeared on Praia's forehead, and his legs were a little weak. He grabbed Jeff's approaching arm, and before he could stand completely, Praia couldn't wait to ask questions. : "Are these logs narrower than the original?"

"No, last time the wooden bridge was trampled down by cattle, this time I chose thicker wood."

"Is there a problem with the wood that was just cut? It is prone to accidents?"

"How could it be that the wood used to build bridges in the village is like this?"

"So... a lot of rubble piled under the bridge?"

"No way? Didn't all the stones wash up in the shallows? It's very flat here, can't they stay

That's right!

Playa looked back up and down and left and right again...

Nothing wrong! There is no danger at all!

But why is this bridge so scary... No, it's not that the bridge is scary, it's not that Jeff is scary, it's not that Jeff is scary, it's not right...

It doesn't make sense!

Praia's head began to spin rapidly.

When passing through the land, Cleo, Adcock, and Hansel's three families, more than a dozen people, listened to the teachings and recited the holy words wholeheartedly; I escorted them all the way; Praia actually felt that something was wrong with these people's attention and concern, but I could barely understand it. At any rate, Little Rose treated these people's cattle, and these people still hope that Little Rose will visit them a few more times...

But in front of Jeff...

Praia thought about it carefully, and yes, this guy is indeed a bachelor... He has no brothers, no friends, and even his neighbors are not easy to deal with, and more importantly... this guy has no cattle at all!

Could it be that this is not because of the cattle? Or, is it not entirely because of the cattle

Indistinctly, the deepest part of Praia's heart quietly gave birth to a somewhat unclear feeling...

The current Praia is no longer a boy who just arrived in the village of Akeli. He has dealt with this group of stubborn, ignorant, selfish and cunning villagers for three years. Praia can feel that this Along the way, Cleo, Adcock, Hansel's earnest attention, Alta's care along the way, and Jeff's anxious concern are simply not the appearances that can be pretended out of the psychology of gaining some benefits...

However, Praia couldn't sort out these vague thoughts for a while, and he didn't know how to ask the farmer for confirmation. Just thinking of this, the pastor noticed from the corner of his eyes that Alta had already stood beside him, watching him with Jeff who had already got up.

"Master..." Noticing that the pastor had come to his senses, Arta cautiously reminded: "Morning prayer... it's about to start..."

"What!" Looking quickly at the sky, Praia quickly stepped forward: "'s too late..."

Just a few steps away, Praia turned around when he heard two footsteps. Behind him, Alta and Jeff followed suit. The pastor waved his hands quickly: "What are you doing?"

"Master, I'll go back and look at the peas in the field..." "I'm going to borrow the cattle from my uncle's house..."

"What are you talking about, Arta, you should go to the other side of the hillside to find your uncle... Also, Jeff, when the peas were harvested at your gate, there was no accident to the cattle in the village...

"Okay, okay..." Without waiting for the two to answer, Praia, who kept walking, waved his hand again: "Just send it here, I will go back to the church by myself... The road ahead is pretty easy, go and do your own work." Get to work... go, go, get to work..."

"This… "

Looking at each other, Jeff and Arta slowly stopped.

"Jeff, your house is right in front... Is it easy to walk in front?"

"The road is easy... but the master walks so fast... I'm worried..."

"Should be all right? How about... Let's go there again?"

"This... not so good... the master said to let us go to work on our own... let's go there now... in case you make the master angry..."

When they said this, Jeff and Alta kept their voices very low. However, because of the breeze in the morning or the fact that the surrounding area was too quiet, the conversation between the two neighbors was always heard clearly. In the ear of the pastor.

Hearing that Jeff and Alta regarded themselves as weak straws and planned to continue escorting them, the pastor hurriedly walked a little faster, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

The next moment, Alta's answer continued to be clearly and clearly transmitted.

"Nonsense, why is the master angry? So many cattle in the village have been injured, is the master angry? Ross begged the master to teach such a precious method of cattle treatment, is the master angry? Everyone has not finished the summer service, is the master angry? A good man like the master...would he be angry because we chased after him!"

Such a good man, my lord!

Praia's footsteps paused slightly, and the vague feeling in his heart became a little clearer, but he thought about it carefully, but he didn't have any definite clues.

This is normal. Praia, who barely belongs to the aristocratic class, is not considered talented, persevering, and decisive. Such an ordinary apprentice priest has vision, knowledge, and experience, all of which are incomparable Like most of the natives in the medieval world, they were limited to the times and ordinary.

In the past three days, I have been immersed in getting a practical and effective cattle treatment method, my family's status has risen, and I am more sure of becoming a real priest. Praia has been agitated and excited. , taught little Ross the method, ordered little Ross to treat the cattle, and save the entire village. In the eyes of the villagers, Praia, the "lord", had already acquired the attributes of a "good guy".

Praia could only vaguely feel that the villagers listened to the teachings, Alta supported him, and when Jack came to remind him, all of this was unusual and strange.

But it never occurred to him that even a few days ago, whether he or the other "lords" were talking endlessly and were about to fall off the wooden bridge, the villagers next to them would definitely try their best to hide without a trace.

It's not that the villagers really hate the "Master", but the miserable life of generations tells the villagers that no matter when the "Master" is in a happy mood or when the "Master" is about to suffer bad luck, he will appear in the The villagers in the sight range of the "Master" are most of the time the preferred props to have fun or vent their anger.

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