Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 78: The long-lost smile


The sun was still a long way from the side of the mountain, and it was still early when it was getting dark.

Move furniture, move tools, move farm implements, move straw, move hay, move peas, move soybeans, clean rooms, break holes in walls...

With the help of dozens of uninvited "enthusiastic" villagers, Wu Qingchen's house was completely cleaned up, and the time for the complete cleaning was much earlier than William's original estimate.

However, by this time, old William had long given up the idea of rushing to reorganize the cabbage and pea fields next to the big house in his free time.

Where can I manage those now

There was too much hay delivered to the door. Although the enthusiastic "villagers" helped to the end and moved them all into a brand-new large barn—no wonder the original cowherd’s family wanted to build such a large barn—but there were so many people just now. In a chaotic situation, the hay bales piled up in a mess may collapse at any time.

However, looking at the huge barn and the huge haystack that occupies nearly half of the barn, and then looking back at the remaining half of the space, the family currently has one farm cow, one dairy cow, three goats, and five chickens. , two geese, no matter how you look at it, it is empty, and it does not make people worry that the hay will fall and hit the livestock.

With so much hay, with so few livestock, how long should we eat it? —Old William never thought that he would be troubled by such a problem.

It seems that although this trouble will definitely take a lot of time, it is not the most urgent thing at present.

The most important thing at present is the large amount of peas and soybeans received. These things are not as cute as wheat grains. Started to grow worms...

Before it’s too late, divide them into nests, put the well-preserved soybeans and peas into different clay pots and seal them, and pick out the broken soybeans and peas that have lost their pods and eat them quickly .

This is a very delicate job, and it is absolutely impossible to hand it over to the serfs-the serfs will only produce more defective products-Old William can once again foresee that, except for the rest of the day, he will be killed recently because of the borrowed cattle. It is estimated that more than half of the saved effort will have to be spent on this.

And it will bring another problem that old William has never thought of: so many broken soybeans and peas that have lost their pods, how can I finish them

Too much hay for the animals to eat, and too many beans to eat in a hurry, these are really two happy troubles.

oh! beans! Lots of spilled beans outside the house!

When Old William rushed out to pick up beans with a basket, the last bit of finishing work on the new house was over, and the last few "enthusiastic" villagers who had helped had left. Wu Qingchen counted the serfs and prepared to send them back to the master in charge.

Leading the serfs up the path, Wu Qingchen inadvertently turned her head when passing a small bend, and suddenly found little Nina squatting on the edge of the flat ground in front of her new house, helping her father pick up beans while looking at herself expectantly .

Hey, there are too many things to do today, I almost forgot one thing!

Wu Qingchen patted himself on the back of the head lightly, turned around and shouted to his father: "Father... please tell mother, everyone is too tired recently, let's put some more flour for dinner."

Little Nina smiled.

"Ah..." Old William stood up holding a handful of peas, "I've been eating them for several days... Actually, I didn't do much work today, so why not use it?"

"It's okay, it's okay..." Wu Qingchen quickly showed his father an expression of "this is definitely my wish" and "please accept it": "If I didn't have to clean the house, I could have done more work today... Everyone eat more at night, and make up for the delayed work tomorrow!"

From the perspective of the earth, on the premise that Wu Qingchen himself is full, improving the physical fitness and social status of the closest family members in the medieval world and the defenders of natural common interests is the basic strategy recommended by the staff for a long time.

From Wu Qingchen's point of view, after living together for more than a month, limited by the lack of supplies, although the family members in the medieval world cannot provide themselves with a real full meal, no matter whether the father or the brothers, when they are working He always tried his best to take care of himself, and when he did all kinds of behaviors that must be inexplicable in their eyes, he always gave the greatest tolerance.

Wu Qingchen believes that, let alone the Middle Ages world, even if it is changed to Earth, such a family is absolutely qualified!

To deal with such a family, if I can steal the old man's birds, beasts, fish and insects to supplement my nutrition, I still hide the extra flour I get, pick it up and save it...





"That's it, father! It doesn't matter if you put more..." Saying this, Wu Qingchen turned around and led the serfs down the ramp.

"But..." Old William opened his mouth again. There were many "buts" in his heart, but he couldn't say any of them.

What should I say after "but"

Could it be said that this is the flour that the baron gave to Rose as a reward by name, and that it belongs to Rose's personal valuable property? ——But Ross never cared about his "own" property. The white bread that the farmer lord last time gave him was distributed to the whole family as soon as he got home. I asked if I could have my family come and live with me.

Could it be that it is too wasteful to eat the delicacies of the upper-class people directly, and they should find opportunities to give them to the steward or the pastor, so as to make the status of the cowherd more stable? — But the steward and the pastor already liked Ross enough to give him such a big house, so why would they care about such a little flour

Could it be that flour is said to last for a long time and should be saved for really difficult times? —Having become a cowherd, will there be any difficulties in the future

Could it be that the family is now worried that some beans that are not easy to preserve can't be eaten up, so shouldn't there be more waste? — that's a good way of saying it.

It's just that even the 14-year-old Los knows how to take care of his family. Has he forgotten that his brothers and old neighbors are still having a hard time after living for so many years

Wu Qingchen/Loss had already led the serfs far away. Old William never said what he said after the "but", silently picked up half a basket of peas and soybeans, and old William slowly moved into the new residence.

The orange sunlight poured in along the several wall holes that had just been dug out, and at the same time sent in a scent of fragrance accompanied by soil.

The thoroughly cleaned wooden house is no longer dark, nor does it have the rancid smell that emanates all the time.

Near the wall, next to a specially dug "big wall hole", is the location of Moore's new kitchen.

Beside the "kitchen", the rising smoke floated out of the house along the "hole in the wall". The wife who was waiting on the firepit no longer rubbed her eyes vigorously while coughing, and the black mottled smoke marks on her face were gone.

"Well..." Walking to his wife, William handed over the basket in his hand, "Let's make these tonight."

"Um… "

"Put in some more flour."

"Huh?" The wife was a little surprised, and looked at the basket she just took, "There are already so many beans, do you still need to put flour?"

"Well, let it go... Ross must let it go, you know that kid..." Old William paused, and then said with relief, "Don't worry, you have seen the excitement in the afternoon, we will definitely not worry about food in the future... "

"All right."

The wife nodded, clapped her hands and walked to the side of the bed, lay down and pushed away several stools and wooden barrels that blocked the outside, and then dragged out a large basket from the depths.

Carefully unpacking the flour bag in the big basket, my wife scooped out half a bowl of flour carefully.

"Is this okay?"


The wife nodded again and carefully scooped up another thin layer.

After this little addition, without asking William, she refastened the flour sack, and then pushed the big basket, the wooden stool, and the round table under the bunk, and put everything back in place.

The wife's movements are still agile and smooth, just like when she was just married.

However, with the sunlight coming through the "hole in the wall", Old William could see clearly that his wife's eye sockets were sunken, her lips were dry, and her forehead was also marked with deep wrinkles. At the corner of the mouth, a relaxed and joyful smile.

How many years

How many years had it been since the wife had smiled so joyously? How many years has it been since I looked at her so peacefully without worrying about anything

When "Old William" was "William", such smiles were common.

When "William" became "Father", such a smile was much less.

When the person called "Father" changes from one to several, such a smile is hard to appear.

When "Old William" became "a bastard who couldn't take care of his own cattle and came to make trouble", that face that had been numb from the torture of life was covered with tears.

What a night it was!

Hurt, mourn, cry, pain, panic, hesitation...

What a dreadful day, then!

Strong winds, heavy rains, heavy plows, struggles, bloodstains, blades...

The destruction of a family is almost at hand.

At that time, who would have thought that the William/Moore family would have a child whom the pastor loved, who could learn the art of healing cattle, be appreciated by the baron, become a cowherd, and get a Such a spacious and strong house!

Of course, old William understood his wife's ease and joy: not to mention the food brought by Rose, the skipped summer service, the borrowed cattle...

This big house alone has eliminated the important events that have been weighing heavily on his wife's mind for the past few years: Idra, Jacqueline, and Grace have grown up one after another and are about to get married. The original wooden house was small and cramped, and it was impossible for more people to live in it. The busy farm work also made it difficult for the men in the family to spare time to build a new wooden house.

It's all right now, living in this big house and being able to hold a wedding in it, no matter which household the villagers are from, even craftsmen, they can't complain anymore. —The cowherd's family was originally the top craftsman in the village.

Of course, this big house must belong to Ross only.

William and his wife knew their sons very well, and Rose's elder brothers would only be grateful for being able to live here, and it was absolutely impossible to generate extra greed. What's more, with enough time and heavy-duty farm cattle, what's the difficulty in building a few more wooden houses

Looking at the long-lost smile on his wife's face, imagining the happy future for his sons...

Thinking about the series of ups and downs in the past dozens of days and nights, the corners of Old William's eyes felt a little sore:

"Cassie... You have worked hard all these years."

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